
I have a problem that probably lies in my data and not in pspp. I have calculated a linear regression. It works. Then I want to check the stored residuals. However, no mean value is output, but the frequencies are calculated. The histogram command (via the graphics menu or not) leads to a program crash. Sometimes an error message is displayed, most recently not, stating that there is an error in a file with the end c in a line.

I have looked at everything so often to find the error that I no longer have any idea. I would therefore be grateful for any suggestions.

Thank you.


Andreas Hammer

│Version                 │GNU pspp 2.0.1-gff8d3d            │
│Hostsystem              │x86_64-w64-mingw32                │
│Build System            │x86_64-pc-linux-gnu               │
│Compilerversion         │10-win32 20210110                 │


The values in the frequency tables are inconspicuous to me.


Andreas Hammer M. A.
Beratung  & Evaluation
Eppinger Str. 62
D-76684 Östringen

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