This was discussed when Windows 7 reached end of life (EOL) and you
could search the mailing list archives and find those emails.
And I have bad news. As I recall, there are components that PSPP (or
PSPPIRE) uses that no longer support Windows 7. By "no longer support" I
mean a long time ago, after Windows 7 EOL, it was decided to change the
code to only work with more modern features of Windows 10.
By "component" (and I'm sorry, I don't recall which one) I mean a
library _written by other authors_ that PSPP _uses_ on Windows. This
library does something vital and PSPP (or PSPPIRE) cannot operate
without it.
Because this was a decision by those component authors, the PSPP
developers cannot do anything about it. _So, no one on this mailing list
can help fix this issue._ This may well happen again with Windows 10 (it
will depend on what those component authors do after Windows 10 EOL).
If you are a Windows dev, you may be able to find a solution and
recompile PSPP (but in that case, probably you wouldn't be asking about
You know that Windows 7 is very old and probably vulnerable, right? You
might consider switching to Linux or replacing the computer. I am a
long-time Linux user but I recently switched my desktop from Windows to
Linux (I chose Fedora because of prior experience, but Ubuntu or Debian
may be a better choice) and it takes some getting used to Gnome but I've
been pretty happy with it. The Linux support for PSPP is stronger
because the devs use Linux themselves.
On 11/5/24 1:12 AM, Nidhi Shah wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Nidhi Shah, writing this email to you because I am unable to
operate PSPP on my computer.
After installing PSPP-DEBUG on my computer, the file is unable to open
as it is not compatible with my version of windows, i.e, windows 7.
Hence I request you to help me with this issue.
Thanking you.
Yours sincerely,
Nidhi Shah.
Alan D. Mead, Ph.D.
President, Talent Algorithms Inc.
science + technology = better workers
He who confuses political liberty with freedom and political equality
with similarity has never thought for five minutes about either.
-- Shaw, from "Maxims for Revolutionists"