From: Vinnie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 15:03
Subject: Re: [issues] ESR's Sex Tips for Geeks (sp: semi-coherent rant)
> On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Rick Scott wrote:
> > [1] I don't think anyone here seriously thinks this, but I'd like
> > to point it out for the record: lesbian != man-hater, eh?
Alix Dobkin, who is (as far as I know) a lesbian separatist and
rather famous (to lesbians ...) musician says she is not a "man
hater", in that she does like some men. Rather she is a "men
hater" in that she finds them rather difficult to handle when they
start getting together in groups. I tend to agree. Mary Daly,
who is the inventor (I suppose) of radical feminism[1] (and
whose love child I would like to have, except that she is old
enough to be my mother and lives in another state ...) and a lesbian
separatist also has kind things to say about some men.
> but just to clarify, lesbian separatism is an actual philosophy and
> practice
I don't know about "philosophy" and "practice". I think lesbian
separatism is only noticible because men believe they have the
right to women's energy. Remove that belief from the male
belief system (and from the belief systems men internalize into
women) and suddenly lesbian separatism evaporates into
thin air.
> but most lesbians are not separatists
> some separatists are not lesbians by mainstream definitions.
Could you ellaborate on that?!? I'm friends with a number of
seps (as well as an ex-lover of one) and can't think of any
definition by which a lesbian separatist isn't a lesbian.
-- Julie.
[1] Of radical feminism and Ms. Daly's work "Gyn/Ecology: The
Meta-Ethics of Radical Feminism", the ultimate conclusion of
radical feminism is lesbian separatism. Or as others have put it,
"feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice."
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