Messages by Thread
OLE: scalc (creating data, display it in a chart)
Rony G. Flatscher
OLE: VBS "Automation_Bridge" to ooRexx
Rony G. Flatscher
How to access UNO_CONSTANTS definitions via OLE/COM? (Re: Windows version: ProgIDs and typelibs for OLE/COM ?
Rony G. Flatscher
[GitHub] [openoffice] Pilot-Pirx commented on pull request #30: Issue 128286 – Add locale file for Ligurian
PR 141 - Only addes empty lines
Peter Kovacs
[GitHub] [openoffice] leginee opened a new pull request, #153: Bz128375
[GitHub] [openoffice] cbmarcum opened a new pull request, #152: Refs i126272 - add test and test document for testing Basic comment in single-line if statements
Fwd: [Issue 114497] Mail Merge E-Mail: "Find outgoing mail server Fail" with particular mail servers
[DISCUSS] Fixes for Basic lang in 4.1 line
Carl Marcum
[GitHub] [openoffice] oooforum opened a new pull request, #151: Fix for Issue 114497
Registration problems on the Italian forum
Size limits on mwiki for uploaded files are too small
Keith N. McKenna
Linux VM
Bugzilla - two requests
Czesław Wolański
Re: How to get debug information (Java, oxt)
Peter Kovacs
Forums: BBcode for [rel] links broken
Hagar Delest
[GitHub] [openoffice] cbmarcum opened a new pull request, #150: Refs #i112383# and #i117960#. - backporting to AOO41X
[Pootle Migration] Git Connection
Peter Kovacs
[GitHub] [openoffice] cbmarcum opened a new pull request, #149: Fix test formula docs
[GitHub] [openoffice] Baciccin commented on pull request #30: Issue 128286 – Add locale file for Ligurian
translation Server move and update
Peter Kovacs
Spam on the AOO forum
AOO in Microsoft Store
Matthias Seidel
Extensions website: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Warning macro with OXT
Connection not secure on
Pedro Lino
Re: Wiki Publisher
Keith N. McKenna
MacOS and 4.1.12: connection ODB with ODS
Final reminder: ApacheCon North America call for presentations closing soon
Rich Bowen
Smart tags
Matthias Seidel
Re: OpenOffice wordmark exploration (yet without the "Apache" mention)
Re: Forums and FAQ
Re: Contribution/recruitment!
Peter Kovacs
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Damjan Jovanovic
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Damjan Jovanovic
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Damjan Jovanovic
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Damjan Jovanovic
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib
Arrigo Marchiori
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Damjan Jovanovic
Re: WebDAV module ported from serf to curl; curl using openssl and zlib (was: Re: Openssl, serf and curl)
Damjan Jovanovic