I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with your devices. However, this mailing list is not the right place to get help fixing those problems. Let me explain why that is.
The Apache Software License is just a legal text that sets out the conditions for using, copying, and modifying software. The license does not do anything on your device. Many pieces of software are distributed under the Apache License, so it would not be surprising to find its text or a reference to the license on your device. This mailing list is used by the developers of Apache OpenOffice, a product distributed under the Apache License. OpenOffice, as released by this organnization does not do any of the evil things you have experienced. Though you do not mention OpenOffice in your message, I will say that if you downloaded and installed OpenOffice from an unscrupulous source, it may have been modified or other software might have been included in the download so that malware was installed on your device. The official and safe source for OpenOffice is https://www.openoffice.org/download/. However the malware got on to your device, the people on this mailing list had nothing to do with it and have no realistic way to help you. You are right searching for expert help but this is not the right place. I am NOT an expert in malware but I suspect you need to find a local person who can work directly on you device to diagnose the problem. Best regards, Francis On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 4:36 PM Heather Jordan <bradleyheather...@gmail.com> wrote: > Yes I'm writing you to inquire about distribution of said license to > unknowing parties/devices. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I do believe > that I read that is considered mis use of the license. This license has > been installed on multiple devices of mine on occasions usually with more > attached. They are using my private information, locking me out of my > internet, crashing my devices, copying my password, looking through my > history, sending packages to my phone, breaching my banks, credit, getting > my call and message, changing my passwords, forwaring my mail. with a lot > more damage. They are using some type business because my phone says to > speak to my administration I don't have one. Could you please help > correcting this issue please? > > Thank you for your time > Heather Jordan > 7046786433 >