Hi Marcus,

Am 31.08.22 um 00:33 schrieb Marcus:
> I've now published a new blog post about the 333 mio. downloads:
> https://blogs.apache.org/OOo/entry/more-than-333-million-downloads

Do we want to link it frome our webpage (News Section)?

> PS:
> I've haven't found any setting to show a sharp graphic. So, when
> someone knows how to do that ...

I think Andrea posted instructions last time.



> Marcus
> Am 06.07.22 um 20:21 schrieb Marcus:
>> Am 06.07.22 um 15:29 schrieb Czesław Wolański:
>>> Definitely +1 for a blog post - ganz bestimmt keine Schnapsidee ;‑)
>> :-D
>>> Is information about the origin of the "Schnapszahl" given on the Duden
>>> website reliable?
>>> https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Schnapszahl
>> Yes, their decription of the term is right.
>> Marcus
>>> Am Mi., 6. Juli 2022 um 14:35 Uhr schrieb Keith N. McKenna <
>>> keith.mcke...@comcast.net>:
>>>> Marcus wrote:
>>>>> In a few weeks we will see 333,333,333 Mio. downloads.
>>>>> In Germany this kind of number is known as "Schapszahl" (English:
>>>>> repdigit) and is in the most cases a lucky event. Is this also
>>>>> seen in
>>>>> other countries?
>>>>> I would honor this with a blog post. What do you think?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Marcus
>>>> Marcus;
>>>> +1 I think it is a wonderful Idea.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Keith
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