Hi Dave and all,

On 7/25/22 9:14 AM, Dave wrote:

On 25/07/2022 13:52, Carl Marcum wrote:
Hi All,

I tried going through https://openoffice.apache.org/downloads.html to
download Linux x86-64 rpm binaries and follow the binary link to SF and
the download download doesn't start and it redirects me to the files
page and 4.1.13 isn't listed but there is another download button that
doesn't work and then I'm back to the files page.

When I try to login I get a 404 that it says the website is temporarily
in static offline mode.
But it shows a tweet that says its back to full capacity.

Anybody else get this?

Going through the route you describe I get the same, but since I have my
browser set to block almost everything on SurceForge that doesn't surprise.

I suggest the "Alternative download link #2" in the right hand column of

I had already grabbed them from

I wonder if we should change that alternate link to use the cdn?



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