This is the second of a total of four postings with the intention to demonstrate how to realize the same functionality of the posted OLE samples without OLE and in a portable way (running unchanged on Windows, Linux and Apple).

These are samples in the ooRexx scripting language, which usually can be easily adapted to other languages by replacing the tilde (~), the ooRexx message operator, with a dot (.).

Also, these solutions will use queryInterface() such that one can see for other programming languages that need to employ queryInterface() what the interface names are. The ooRexx solution (actually the ooRexx-Java bridge BSF4ooRexx) takes advantage of the available message paradigm and allows one to merely send the (unqualified) interface name to an UNO object (instead of coding the entire queryInterface() statement). The fully qualified interface name can always be looked up quickly from the AOO index for the letter "X": <>.

Here the portable, OLE-less solution as a follow-up to the matching posting 
(see underneath):

     simpress_present.rxo: using UNO.CLS (i.e. Java UNO under the hood) with 


     Using UNO.CLS create a new simpress presentation about REXX and ooRexx and 
     display it as a presentation. Demonstrates how to use enumeration to
     enumerate paragraphs of a text and query their 'NumberingLevel' property.

   /* create a presentation, then start it */
   xDesktop=uno.createDesktop()        -- bootstrap & get access to XDesktop
   xcl=xDesktop~XComponentLoader       -- get XComponentLoader interface

   uri="private:factory/simpress"      -- new simpress document

   xDrawPages = document~XDrawPagesSupplier~getDrawPages   -- get DrawPages
       -- first page
   drawPage=xDrawPages~getByIndex(0)  -- get first (empty) page

   drawPage~XPropertySet~setPropertyValue("Layout", box("short",0))  -- "Title 
   xShapes=drawPage~XShapes           -- get access to its shapes

   title = "ooRexx"

   shape = xShapes~getByIndex(1)~XText
   cursor = shape~createTextCursor~XTextCursor  -- create cursor, get 
   shape~insertString(cursor,"Open Object Rexx (ooRexx)"cr, .false)

   textRange=shape~getEnd                 -- get a XTextRange
   textRange~XPropertySet~setPropertyValue("CharHeight", box('short',15))  -- 
use 15 pixel height
   info="(Presentation created:" .dateTime~new")"
   textRange~setString(info)              -- set it to this string

       -- add a second page
   drawPage=xDrawPages~~insertNewByIndex(1)~getByIndex(1) -- insert at end, get 

   -- drawPage=drawPages~~insertNewByIndex(1)~getByIndex(1) -- insert at end, 
get access
   drawPage~XPropertySet~setPropertyValue("Layout", box('short',1))  -- "Title 
   xShapes = drawPage~XShapes
   xshapes~getByIndex(0)~XText~setString("Open Object Rexx (ooRexx)")  -- first 

   text=xShapes~getByIndex(1)~XText             -- get second shape (listing)
   -- add string, supply level
   call addItem text, "REXX (IBM)",                                   0
   call addItem text, "First released in 1979 for IBM mainframes",    1
   call addItem text, "Object REXX (IBM)",                            0
   call addItem text, "Object-oriented successor to REXX",            1
   call addItem text, "First released in 1994 with IBM's OS/2 Warp",  1
   call addItem text, "Negotiations about open-sourcing with RexxLA", 1
   call addItem text, "Rexx Language Association (",   2
   call addItem text, "Source code handed over to RexxLA in 2003",    2
   call addItem text, "Open Object Rexx (ooRexx by RexxLA)",          0
   call addItem text, "First released in 2004 by RexxLA",             1, .false

   document~XModifiable~setModified(.false)     -- inhibit save-as popup
   /* "start" would be found in the ooRexx root class .Object, hence forcing
       the message to be dispatched to the Java object             */
   document~XPresentationSupplier~getPresentation~~bsf.dispatch("start")  -- 
start presentation

   say "double-check: dump NumberingLevel of each text paragraph:"
   call dumpItems text                    -- demonstrates enumerating listing 

   ::requires UNO.CLS      -- get UNO support, will require BSF.CLS 
(ooRexx-Java bridge)

   ::routine addItem                -- adds string at the given (0-based 
outline) level
      use arg xText, string, level, bNewParagraph=.true

      xTR=xText~getEnd               -- get XTextRange
      xTR~XPropertySet~setPropertyValue("NumberingLevel",level) -- set 
XTextRange level
      xTR~setString(string)          -- set string

      if bNewParagraph=.true then    -- add new paragraph
         xTR~getEnd~setString("0a"x) -- add linefeed character -> new paragraph

   ::routine dumpItems              -- show level and string from XText
      use arg xText

      enum=xText~XEnumerationAccess~createEnumeration  -- enumerate paragraphs
      do i=1 while enum~hasMoreElements
        xtr=enum~nextElement         -- we need XTextRange's string & properties
        say "     item #" i": NumberingLevel="pp(nl) 
   pp: -- "pretty print", internal routine: return argument enclosed in square 
      return "["arg(1)"]"

If there are any questions, please ask them.


On 24.06.2022 13:07, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
This ooRexx program creates a simpress presentation and then runs/starts it.

     AOO_simpress_present.rex using OLE (object linking and embedding) with 

     Links: <>

     Using OLE create a new simpress presentation about REXX and ooRexx and then
     display it as a presentation. Demonstrates how to use enumeration to
     enumerate paragraphs of a text and query their 'NumberingLevel' property.

   /* create a presentation, then start it */
   serviceManager = .OLEObject~new('')
   desktop  = serviceManager~createInstance('')
   noProps  = .array~new   /* empty array (no properties)   */
   document = desktop~loadComponentFromURL('private:factory/simpress', 
'_blank', 0, noProps)

   drawPages = document~getDrawPages      -- get DrawPages
       -- first page
   drawPage=drawPages~getByIndex(0)       -- get first (empty) page
   drawPage~setPropertyValue("Layout", 0) -- "Title Slide"

   title = "ooRexx"
   shape = drawPage~getByIndex(0)         -- get first shape (title)

   shape = drawPage~getByIndex(1)         -- get second shape (subtitle)
   cursor = shape~createTextCursor        -- get XTextCursor
   shape~insertString(cursor,"Open Object Rexx (ooRexx)"cr, .false)

   textRange=shape~getEnd                 -- get a XTextRange
   textRange~setPropertyValue("CharHeight", 15)    -- use 15 pixel height
   info="(Presentation created:" .dateTime~new")"
   textRange~setString(info)              -- set it to this string

       -- add a second page
   drawPage=drawPages~~insertNewByIndex(1)~getByIndex(1) -- insert at end, get 
   drawPage~setPropertyValue("Layout", 1) -- "Title Content"
   drawPage~getByIndex(0)~setString("Open Object Rexx (ooRexx)") -- first shape

   text=drawPage~getByIndex(1)            -- get second shape (listing)
   -- add string, supply level
   call addItem text, "REXX (IBM)",                                   0
   call addItem text, "First released in 1979 for IBM mainframes",    1
   call addItem text, "Object REXX (IBM)",                            0
   call addItem text, "Object-oriented successor to REXX",            1
   call addItem text, "First released in 1994 with IBM's OS/2 Warp",  1
   call addItem text, "Negotiations about open-sourcing with RexxLA", 1
   call addItem text, "Rexx Language Association (",   2
   call addItem text, "Source code handed over to RexxLA in 2003",    2
   call addItem text, "Open Object Rexx (ooRexx by RexxLA)",          0
   call addItem text, "First released in 2004 by RexxLA",             1, .false

   document~setModified(.false)                 -- inhibit save-as popup
   /* OOo OLE interface does not answer hasOleMethod('start') with .true
       therefore forcing "start" to be dispatched to Windows */
   document~getPresentation~dispatch("start")   -- start presentation

   say "double-check: dump NumberingLevel of each text paragraph:"
   call dumpItems text                    -- demonstrates enumerating listing 

   ::routine addItem                -- adds string at the given (0-based 
outline) level
      use arg xText, string, level, bNewParagraph=.true

      xTR=xText~getEnd               -- get XTextRange
      xTR~setPropertyValue("NumberingLevel",level) -- set XTextRange level
      xTR~setString(string)          -- set string

      if bNewParagraph=.true then    -- add new paragraph
         xTR~getEnd~setString("0a"x) -- add linefeed character -> new paragraph

   ::routine dumpItems              -- show level and string from XText
      use arg xText

      enum=xText~createEnumeration   -- enumerate paragraphs
      do i=1 while enum~hasMoreElements
        xtr=enum~nextElement         -- we need XTextRange's string & properties
        say "     item #" i": NumberingLevel="pp(nl) pp(xtr~getString)
   pp: -- "pretty print", internal routine: return argument enclosed in square 
      return "["arg(1)"]"



P.S.: The short paper at <> introduces ooRexx briefly in ten pages, home of Rexx based technologies is the non-profit SIG "Rexx Language Association" at <>.

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