FYI A list moderator has for more than a decade taken on the
responsibility of ensuring non-subscribed posters receive a redirected
copy of answers where they were not cc'd. So Heather did get a copy of
Francis's reply.

On 02/08/2022 11:49, Carl Marcum wrote:
> Hi Francis,
> Thanks for the thoughtful reply to Heather but they may not be
> subscribed to the list.
> Best regards,
> Carl
> On 8/1/22 10:34 PM, F Campos Costero wrote:
>> I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with your devices.
>> However, this mailing list is not the right place to get help fixing
>> those
>> problems. Let me explain why that is.
>> The Apache Software License is just a legal text that sets out the
>> conditions for using, copying, and modifying software. The license
>> does not
>> do anything on your device. Many pieces of software are distributed under
>> the Apache License, so it would not be surprising to find its text or a
>> reference to the license on your device.
>> This mailing list is used by the developers of Apache OpenOffice, a
>> product
>> distributed  under the Apache License. OpenOffice, as released by this
>> organnization does not do any of the evil things you have experienced.
>> Though you do not mention OpenOffice in your message, I will say that if
>> you downloaded and installed OpenOffice from an unscrupulous source,
>> it may
>> have been modified or other software might have been included in the
>> download so that malware was installed on your device. The official and
>> safe source for OpenOffice is
>> However the malware got on to your device, the people on this mailing
>> list
>> had nothing to do with it and have no realistic way to help you. You are
>> right searching for expert help but this is not the right place. I am NOT
>> an expert in malware but I suspect you need to find a local person who
>> can
>> work directly on you device to diagnose the problem.
>> Best regards,
>> Francis
>> On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 4:36 PM Heather Jordan
>> <>
>> wrote:
>>> Yes I'm writing you to inquire about distribution of said license to
>>> unknowing parties/devices. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I do believe
>>> that I read that is considered mis use of the license. This license has
>>> been installed on multiple devices of mine on  occasions usually with
>>> more
>>> attached. They are using my private information, locking me out of my
>>> internet, crashing my devices, copying my password, looking through my
>>> history, sending packages to my phone, breaching my banks, credit,
>>> getting
>>> my call and message, changing my passwords, forwaring my mail. with a
>>> lot
>>> more damage. They are using some type business because my phone says to
>>> speak to my administration I don't have one. Could you please help
>>> correcting this issue please?
>>>        Thank you for your time
>>>             Heather Jordan
>>>             7046786433
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