Greetings Hao,
On 8/12/22 6:53 PM, Hao Wang wrote:
Looks like I need to provide location for dmake source code. How can I fix this
problem ?
checking for gcc... /usr/bin/gcc
checking the GNU gcc compiler version... checked (gcc 11)
checking for -Bsymbolic-functions linker support ... found
checking whether to enable pch feature... no
checking for GNU make... make
checking the GNU make version... make 4.3
checking for dmake... checking for dmake... no
configure: no system or user-provided dmake found
configure: error: no URL for dmake source code specified, either. Use
--with-dmake-url to supply an URL; run configure with the --help option for a
list of possible URLs.
From: Hao Wang
Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 5:04 AM
To: Matthias Seidel <>;
Subject: Re: Can't find boostrap when building
I did not give any configuration switches. Do I have to ?
The official build scripts are a good reference [1].
Since I build 4.1.x and and trunk on the same VM's I usually use config
switches for these.
For trunk I use:
for 4.1.13 the Linux 64-bit build script has:
Best regards,
Bravo !
Hao Wang
From: Matthias Seidel
Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 4:21 AM
To:; Hao Wang
Subject: Re: Can't find boostrap when building
Am 06.08.22 um 02:24 schrieb Hao Wang:
I'm following the installation guide on the following page :
GitHub - apache/openoffice: Apache
Apache OpenOffice ®. The Apache OpenOffice project (AOO) provides a full
featured office productivity suite based on open standards. It is the
continuation of the project.
and I ran the following commands
cd aoo/main
Actually it is:
cd aoo/main
./configure <configure_switches>
source *
cd instsetoo_native
build --all
Can you please post your configure switches?
Also, which OS are you trying to build AOO?
But then I discovered there was no bootstrap file - there was only a
bootstrap.1 file, which after removal of .1 extension, still not working.
Can anyone help me fix this problem ?
Best Regards,
Hao Wang
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