On 18/08/2022 17:33, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> Dave wrote:
>> We are getting more and more complainants about Template and Extension
>> authors being unable to access these sites.
> I'm catching up with mail and indeed I see this is a recurrent issue.
>> To check the issue I tried register at the Templates site and received a
>> totally garbage response. First it claims to be unable to send an email,
>> then falsely claims to have sent an email to may address.
> The issue is of course with the first part, i.e., it doesn't send out
> mail. It is a rather ordinary failure, it is simply unable to send
> mail since SourceForge disabled the feature (if I recall correctly; I
> looked into this in early 2021). And the solution is rather ordinary
> too: we just need to configure outgoing mail properly.
>> Can you please provide me the contact details of the project member who
>> has admin privileges for the Templates & Extensions website, or give me
>> admin privileges and I will try to fix these issues and maintain the
>> sites.
> Several of us have admin privileges, including Matthias, Pedro and me.
> I had started fixing the issue long ago but that got stuck in JIRA
> mostly due to misunderstandings. See
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-21334
> But I would suggest a simpler approach now: we can try and configure
> an account to be used for sending mail (even a GMail account will do)
> and update the site configuration to use GMail as SMTP. And then, if
> it works, we replace it with a more reasonable sender, like an
> apache.org address.
> Honestly I haven't connected to the sites in several months, but if
> you are up for testing I can find some time in the next couple days so
> that we can fix the issue. It is 100% reproducible and 100% broken so
> whatever comes out of this attempt won't make the situation worse!
> Regards,
> Andrea.
Hi Andrea,
Configuring a sending account seems like a reasonable idea.
Yes, I am more than happy to help out with any necessary testing.
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