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Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Bobby Holley
Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Joel Maher
Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Botond Ballo
Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Joel Maher
Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Gijs Kruitbosch
Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Daniel Veditz
Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Gijs Kruitbosch
Re: Lack of browser mochitests in non-e10s configuration and support for turning off e10s on desktop going forward
Cameron McCormack
Intent to unship: XMLDocument.load and XMLDocument.async APIs
Ehsan Akhgari
Implementing a new tracking blocking mechanism using a separate nsIPrincipal for cookie jar access: StoragePrincipal
Andrea Marchesini
Re: Implementing a new tracking blocking mechanism using a separate nsIPrincipal for cookie jar access: StoragePrincipal
Tom Ritter
Re: Implementing a new tracking blocking mechanism using a separate nsIPrincipal for cookie jar access: StoragePrincipal
Ehsan Akhgari
Patching FF 52.9esr with v60+ Security updates possible?
Charles Robertson
Re: Patching FF 52.9esr with v60+ Security updates possible?
Masayuki Nakano
Re: Patching FF 52.9esr with v60+ Security updates possible?
Axel Hecht
Re: Patching FF 52.9esr with v60+ Security updates possible?
Frederik Braun
Please advise how run testing\xpcshell\ locally (on Windows)
Honza Bambas
Re: [SOLVED] Please advise how run testing\xpcshell\ locally (on Windows)
Honza Bambas
Automatically including add_task into SimpleTest.js
Brian Grinstead
Re: Automatically including add_task into SimpleTest.js
Brian Grinstead
PSA: web-platform-tests (dashboard | fuzzy-reftests | reftest comparisons)
James Graham
Re: PSA: web-platform-tests (dashboard | fuzzy-reftests | reftest comparisons)
Jonathan Watt
Re: PSA: web-platform-tests (dashboard | fuzzy-reftests | reftest comparisons)
Anne van Kesteren
Re: PSA: web-platform-tests (dashboard | fuzzy-reftests | reftest comparisons)
James Graham
Core : Spell checker ownership
Jim Mathies
Re: Core : Spell checker ownership
Masayuki Nakano
Re: Core : Spell checker ownership
Makoto Kato
Re: Core : Spell checker ownership
Jörg Knobloch
Announcing ./mach busted
Bobby Holley
Re: Announcing ./mach busted
Mike Conley
Re: Announcing ./mach busted
Dave Townsend
Re: Announcing ./mach busted
Randell Jesup
Re: Announcing ./mach busted
Mike Hommey
Intent to implement and ship: add `preventScroll` option to HTMLElement's, SVGElement's and XULElement's `focus` method
Mirko Brodesser
Re: Intent to implement and ship: add `preventScroll` option to HTMLElement's, SVGElement's and XULElement's `focus` method
sime . vidas
Re: Intent to implement and ship: add `preventScroll` option to HTMLElement's, SVGElement's and XULElement's `focus` method
Makoto Kato
Re: Intent to implement and ship: add `preventScroll` option to HTMLElement's, SVGElement's and XULElement's `focus` method
Intent to implement: Delegated Credentials for TLS 1.3
Thyla van der Merwe
PSA: Bot automatically assigning components to Untriaged (and some General) bugs
Marco Castelluccio
Intent to remove "-e10s" from treeherder group symbols and task labels
Andrew Halberstadt
Re: Intent to remove "-e10s" from treeherder group symbols and task labels
Sylvestre Ledru
Re: Intent to remove "-e10s" from treeherder group symbols and task labels
Andrew Halberstadt
Re: Intent to remove "-e10s" from treeherder group symbols and task labels
Jonathan Kew
Re: Intent to remove "-e10s" from treeherder group symbols and task labels
Andrew Halberstadt
Re: Intent to remove "-e10s" from treeherder group symbols and task labels
Andrew Halberstadt
Danger: `hg rebase` with format-source seems to be eating patches
Jason Orendorff
Mike Hommey
Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Brian Grinstead
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Cameron McCormack
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Cameron McCormack
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Anne van Kesteren
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
James Graham
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Gijs Kruitbosch
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Brian Grinstead
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Gijs Kruitbosch
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Boris Zbarsky
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Brian Grinstead
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Brian Grinstead
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Felipe G
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Proposal to remove unnecessary [type] attributes on script tags in mozilla-central
Brian Grinstead
[IMPORTANT] Please send feature technical documents for Firefox 68 by April 12
Tania Maity
Re: [IMPORTANT] Please send feature technical documents for Firefox 68 by April 12
Tania Maity
Proposed W3C Charters: Internationalization (i18n) Working Group and Interest Group
L. David Baron
Re: Proposed W3C Charters: Internationalization (i18n) Working Group and Interest Group
Henri Sivonen
Re: Proposed W3C Charters: Internationalization (i18n) Working Group and Interest Group
L. David Baron
Re: Proposed W3C Charters: Internationalization (i18n) Working Group and Interest Group
Henri Sivonen
Proposed W3C Charter: Media Working Group
L. David Baron
Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Media Working Group
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Media Working Group
Daniel Veditz
Proposed W3C Charter: Web & Networks Interest Group
L. David Baron
Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Web & Networks Interest Group
Henri Sivonen
Re: Proposed W3C Charter: Web & Networks Interest Group
Dragana Damjanovic
crash reporting, inline functions, and you
Nathan Froyd
Re: crash reporting, inline functions, and you
Bobby Holley
Re: crash reporting, inline functions, and you
Calixte Denizet
Re: crash reporting, inline functions, and you
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: crash reporting, inline functions, and you
Nicholas Nethercote
Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Boris Zbarsky
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Boris Zbarsky
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Jed Davis
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Bobby Holley
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Joel Maher
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Re[2]: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Henri Sivonen
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
William Lachance
Re: Intent to deprecate - linux32 tests starting with Firefox 69
Joel Maher
git-cinnabar users, please read
Mike Hommey
Re: git-cinnabar users, please read
Yaron Tausky
Re: git-cinnabar users, please read
Mike Hommey
Stop including nsIPresShell.h, include mozilla/PresShell.h instead
Masayuki Nakano
Update to "Are We Triaged Yet" for Bug Types
Emma Humphries
To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Bobby Holley
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Nicholas Alexander
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Chris M.
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Frederik Braun
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Kim Moir
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Jeff Muizelaar
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Miko Mynttinen
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Chris M.
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Jonathan Watt
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Christopher Manchester
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Marcos Caceres
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Jeff Gilbert
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Marcos Caceres
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Jeff Gilbert
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Marcos Caceres
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Gerald Squelart
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Simon Sapin
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Marcos Caceres
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Steve Fink
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Marcos Caceres
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Jeff Muizelaar
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Marcos Caceres
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Nicholas Alexander
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Reuben Morais
Re: To what extent is sccache's distributed compilation usable?
Gabriele Svelto
Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Jared Hirsch
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Felipe G
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Honza Bambas
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Boris Zbarsky
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Steve Fink
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
James Graham
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
James Graham
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
Brian Grinstead
Re: Creating a new mach command for adding tests
James Graham
Intent to unship: CSP “require-sri-for” Support
Sebastian Streich
SVG text coordinate systems
Alex Henrie
Re: SVG text coordinate systems
Cameron McCormack
Cameron McCormack
Dave Townsend
Dave Townsend
nsresult code lookup via IRC (mrgiggles bot)
Steve Fink
Re: nsresult code lookup via IRC (mrgiggles bot)
Kris Maglione
Intent-to-Unship: DH algorithm support for WebCrypto
J.C. Jones
PSA: .eslintrc.js files are no longer needed in test directories (in most cases)
Mark Banner
Intent to Unship: -moz-block-height value for line-height
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Shippable Builds Incoming...
Justin Wood
Re: Shippable Builds Incoming...
Kartikaya Gupta
Re: Shippable Builds Incoming...
Justin Wood
Re: Shippable Builds Incoming...
William Lachance
[ANN] In-tree helper crates for Rust XPCOM components
Lina Cambridge
Re: [ANN] In-tree helper crates for Rust XPCOM components
Joshua Cranmer 🐧
Re: sccache as ccache
Jonathan Watt
hg/git hooks for clang-format
Sylvestre Ledru
How to reliably make an ArrayBufferView wrapped?
violet . bugreport
Re: How to reliably make an ArrayBufferView wrapped?
Boris Zbarsky
Re: How to reliably make an ArrayBufferView wrapped?
violet . bugreport
Re: How to reliably make an ArrayBufferView wrapped?
Boris Zbarsky
Re: How to reliably make an ArrayBufferView wrapped?
violet . bugreport
Intent to implement and ship: CSS ::marker pseudo-element
Mats Palmgren
Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Mats Palmgren
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Domenic Denicola
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Domenic Denicola
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Emilio Cobos Álvarez
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
L. David Baron
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Domenic Denicola
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
L. David Baron
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Mats Palmgren
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Domenic Denicola
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Mats Palmgren
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
L. David Baron
Re: Intent to implement and ship: built-in CSS counter 'list-item'
Intent to implement and ship: CSS counter-set property
Mats Palmgren
[IMPORTANT] Submit your PI Requests for Firefox 68 QA feature testing by March 29
Tom Grabowski
Re: [IMPORTANT] Submit your PI Requests for Firefox 68 QA feature testing by March 29
Tom Grabowski
Building dav1d 0.2.1 - nasm error
Re: Building dav1d 0.2.1 - nasm error
Gabriele Svelto
Re: Building dav1d 0.2.1 - nasm error
Mike Hommey
Intent to implement: cryptomining and fingerprinting resource blocking
Steven Englehardt
Re: Intent to implement: cryptomining and fingerprinting resource blocking
Rik Cabanier
Re: Intent to implement: cryptomining and fingerprinting resource blocking
Ehsan Akhgari
Re: Intent to implement: cryptomining and fingerprinting resource blocking
Rik Cabanier
Re: Intent to implement: cryptomining and fingerprinting resource blocking
Ehsan Akhgari
Intent to ship: URL classifier classification by default
Dimi Lee
Proposed W3C Charter: Web Applications (WebApps) Working Group
L. David Baron
Intent to implement and experiment: Require user interaction for notification permission prompts
Johann Hofmann
Re: Intent to implement and experiment: Require user interaction for notification permission prompts
Johann Hofmann
Re: Intent to implement and experiment: Require user interaction for notification permission prompts
Henri Sivonen
Re: Intent to implement and experiment: Require user interaction for notification permission prompts
Johann Hofmann
android-em-4-3-armv7-api16 possibly falsy timeout
violet . bugreport
Re: android-em-4-3-armv7-api16 possibly falsy timeout
Jason Orendorff
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