*Summary*: this allows web-developers to focus an element without scrolling
to it.

*Bug*: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1374045

*Link to standard*:

*Platform coverage*: all platforms.

*Estimated or target release*: Firefox 68.

*Preference behind which this will be implemented*: not applicable.

*Is this feature enabled by default in sandboxed iframes?* No and there's
no new sandbox flag to enable it.

*DevTools bug*: none.

*Do other browser engines implement this?* Shipped in Chrome (since version


*Is this feature restricted to secure contexts?* No.

*How stable is the spec: *it seems stable, apart from the special case of
re-focusing an element: https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/4512.

*Example:* data:text/html,<style> input { margin-top: 40cm } </style>
<input type="text" id="i1"> <script> document.getElementById("i1").focus({
preventScroll: true }); </script>

The feature is planned to be shipped with Firefox 68. Chrome has already
shipped it.

*Bug to turn on by default*:

If there are questions or suggestions, please let me know.
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