On 3/27/19 12:30 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
(On-list this time)

However, the actual semantics for how list items work are exclusively
defined by CSS ([css-lists], [css-pseudo]). The above mentioned HTML
elements/attributes simply maps to the relevant CSS properties, using
a built-in 'list-item' counter.

Where does [css-lists] and [css-pseudo] define this?

From CSS Lists, Introduction:
"It also defines _counters_, which are special numerical objects
often used to generate the default contents of markers."
where _counters_ links to:

Pretty much all of CSS Lists is about how these generic
counters work.  The built-in 'list-item' is such a counter.
The only thing special about it is that it's automatically
incremented for any element that has 'display:list-item'.
Other than that, it works exactly like a counter an author
can introduce themselves.

FYI, the CSS Lists spec isn't very well maintained, sadly,
so it's not up-to-date with recent resolutions.  So, some
of the finer details in there might be wrong, but I think
most of it regarding counters is correct.

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