On Thursday, April 11, 2019 at 10:08:27 AM UTC-4, William Lachance wrote:
> On 2019-04-09 11:00 a.m., Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
> > On 5/04/19 15:35,jma...@mozilla.com  wrote:
> >> Currently linux32 makes up about .77% of our total users.  This is
> >> still 1M+ users on any given week.
> > I asked jmaher what percentage of our Linux users this is. It's 21%.
> > This doesn't seem small.
> > 
> > On top of that, we know that not all distros have telemetry enabled and
> > so we won't be counting those either (Debian is the largest).
> > 
> > I don't know how many users we need to keep supporting a platform, but
> > this seems like quite a few people to throw under the bus.
> I'm not sure where :jmaher got his original figure, but I just did up a 
> crude analysis counting the number of clients_daily entries on Linux 
> day-by-day over the past year reporting x86 (32-bit) vs. x86-64 (64-bit):
> https://sql.telemetry.mozilla.org/queries/62267
> The 21% number looks like it was accurate about a year ago. At this 
> point, we're hovering around 15% of reported usage day-to-day.
> Obviously this isn't a complete analysis and doesn't validate that each 
> client ping represents a real user (or the distinction between e.g. a 
> ping representing a user who uses Firefox once a week vs. once a day), 
> but it does suggest (as intuition would tell us) that linux32 is of 
> diminishing interest. If you want a more scientific answer here, I'd 
> recommend engaging Firefox data science:
> https://mana.mozilla.org/wiki/display/PM/Firefox+Data+Science#FirefoxDataScience-initiatingaproject
> Will

Thanks everyone for your responses, It sounds like making a decision to 
deprecate linux32 builds and tests need to happen at the same time and that 
decision will need to come from a variety of people who are higher up in the 
decision making process of the Firefox products.

Until we get that, I propose when trunk switches to Firefox 69 (May 13th - and 
68 is on track to be the new ESR), we make these changes on trunk for linux32:
* demote the builds/tests to tier-2 (only on mozilla-central/try)
* stop building/testing linux32-debug (we don't ship it and it hasn't found any 
unique regressions resulting in a product fix in 9+ months of data I have 
* reduce the tests we run to be web-platform-tests; this ensures we maintain 
compatibility with web standards.

Based on all the feedback on this thread, I don't see any concerns with this 
path forward.
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