On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 6:05 PM Gian-Carlo Pascutto <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On top of that, we know that not all distros have telemetry enabled and
> so we won't be counting those either (Debian is the largest).

We get telemetry from Ubuntu, Fedora, and Arch (subject to choices
made by the user). I'm not particularly worried about Debian, because
x86_64 (as amd64) has had prominent (unlike Ubuntu; see below)
availability from Debian pretty much for as long as x86_64 hardware
has been available. But in any case, not enabling telemetry means not
having representation in data-driven decision making.

> At least current Ubuntu and Ubuntu LTS are still available in 32-bit:
> https://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads
> Ubuntu is our largest userbase (with telemetry...)

The latest and the latest LTS are offered for 32-bit x86 only as
netboot installers, and the latest LTS also as an upgrade from an
earlier version, so Ubuntu now positions 32-bit x86 as more obscure
than s390x, ppc64el, aarch64, and armv7hf. Ubuntu has already disabled
automatic updates to 18.10 for 32-bit x86, because the expectation is
that 18.04 will be the longest-supported release for 32-bit x86.

I think the main problem with Ubuntu is that Ubuntu promoted 32-bit
x86 downloads to users who didn't have the expertise to seek the
x86_64 version for way longer than they, in my opinion, should have
(though, in fairness, at that time, Mozilla also was promoting 32-bit
x86 downloads over 64-bit). Users who installed Ubuntu at that time
may have gotten a 32-bit distro even if the hardware would work just
fine with the 64-bit version, and there are no upgrades from 32-bit to
64-bit other than reinstall. Probably more Canonical's job than ours
to communicate to those users that they should do a 64-bit reinstall.

(In terms of security support from the Ubuntu repos, I find the
situation for architectures that aren't tier-1 for us a bit
concerning. Compare
. Despite 32-bit x86 having been demoted below s390x, ppc64el,
aarch64, and armv7hf in terms of distribution images, 32-bit x86 gets
better security support in the Ubuntu repos than s390x, ppc64el,
aarch64, and armv7hf. So does security support in Ubuntu repos depend
on our tier positioning or to Ubuntu's own positioning?)

Henri Sivonen
dev-platform mailing list

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