The corruption can manifest itself in different forms. The most obvious one is when you get an error while pulling. The less obvious one is when some file looks weird when you look at it.
The specifics of the corruption is that it involves files that were renamed/moved/copied and marked as such in mercurial, and that metadata about the rename/move/copy was not preserved in git-cinnabar for some reason. In that case, subsequent updates to the file may be broken. Pushing modifications to those files might be broken too. If you see any kind of corruption, please keep a copy of your broken clone, open an issue against git-cinnabar, make sure you're up-to-date wrt git-cinnabar and reclone. I'm not able to address issues that aren't reported. Mike On Mon, Apr 08, 2019 at 01:25:40PM +0200, Yaron Tausky wrote: > Could you perhaps tell us more about the corruption? I recently had the > contents of a file corrupted, and after several attempts to fix it myself I > just recloned the repository. I suppose I'm not the only one who > encountered the problem, and most people probably didn't report it. > > Yaron > > On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 11:20 AM Mike Hommey <> wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > If you are using git-cinnabar to access the Mozilla mercurial > > repositories, I need your help. > > > > Please take a minute to download the following file: > > > > > > > > Then, from within your git clone of a Mozilla repository, please > > run the command: > > > > git cinnabar python > > > > (replace with the location of the file downloaded above) > > > > The script will download a list of sha1s and check whether your > > repository is affected by a corruption. It doesn't send data, and > > doesn't write anything to disk. Please follow the instructions > > if the script finds something wrong. > > > > Thank you for your cooperation, and sorry for the inconvenience if you > > happen to be a victim. With luck, the corruption only happened to the > > person who reported it (because I have no clue how it happened, although > > I understand what the corruption is) > > > > Cheers, > > > > Mike > > _______________________________________________ > > dev-platform mailing list > > > > > > _______________________________________________ dev-platform mailing list