I had about 5 independent suggestions of "-sp" and I agree that it is much
better than "-fc". But another idea that came out of these conversations
was "1proc" which also ticks all the boxes (only being a tiny bit longer
than "e10s") and being even clearer than "-sp". I think I'll go with that
one. Thanks to everyone for all the feedback!


On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 4:36 AM Jonathan Kew <jfkth...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 09/04/2019 20:44, Andrew Halberstadt wrote:
> > Yeah, I did consider "non-e10s" for awhile and maybe it is the better
> > choice. But here are my counter arguments:
> >
> > 1) One of the goals of this change is to de-clutter the treeherder UI.
> > Using an 8 character symbol suffix runs counter to that goal (even if it
> is
> > still less cluttered overall).
> > 2) People who use "e10s" in their |mach try fuzzy| queries out of muscle
> > memory (or in saved presets) will accidentally select the exact opposite
> of
> > what they want.
> > 3) For new contributors "e10s" is a code word anyway. It's just now they
> > need to learn "fc" instead of "e10s".
> >
> > None of those are terribly compelling, but it's still enough to make me
> > prefer "-fc".
> I think (1) and (2) here are good points; I'm less convinced by (3).
> Yes, e10s is a code word, but it's one that is pretty long-established
> and pervasive in the project and surrounding documentation (it even
> shows up in the names of about:config settings). It appeared in
> treeherder UI *because* it was a well-established term within the project.
> The proposed -fc suffix, on the other hand, seems gratuitously cryptic.
> If it had suddenly appeared in treeherder, I'd have been totally
> clueless as to its meaning; and even after seeing the announcement here,
> it feels like an artificial label that's trying a bit too hard to come
> up with a "clever" code where none is needed. It's not like we're
> starting with a standard multi-process configuration, and launching a
> grand "Fuel Cell" project that aims to merge the processes together.
> How about suffixing these jobs with -sp for "Single Process"? That would
> be a lot more transparent, IMO.
> JK
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