Dear all,

A PhD position is available in the Mehrabi lab at the University of Hamburg. My 
group is seeking an exceptional candidate to help build on time-resolved 
Cryo-EM methods to address the challenges in understanding allosteric 
mechanisms that underpin key enzymological mechanisms. The projects will 
encompass all aspects of a time-resolved experiments, including method 
development/characterization, as well as sample purification, data acquisition 
and analysis.

Our laboratory is located at the Hamburg Advanced Research Centre for 
Bioorganic Chemistry (HARBOR) on the Science Campus Bahrenfeld in Hamburg. We 
are in part of an interdisciplinary team from the University of Hamburg, Max 
Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, and EMBL. HARBOR is 
sited adjacent to the PETRA-III synchrotron, which houses several EMBL-operated 
beamlines, including P14, a microfocus beamline and the P14.EH2 'T-REXX' hutch, 
an endstation dedicated to time-resolved crystallography, where the Mehrabi 
group are one of the primary developers/users.

Further details about the position, and how to apply are posted on the 
University website:

PhD position:

If you have questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch 
( <> ).

Best regards,


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