Messages by Thread
[USRP-users] Set the gain settings in C++ API for B210
swapnil srivastava
[USRP-users] [UHD] Announcing Release Candidate 1
Aki Tomita
[USRP-users] ettus x410, Device is in bad state error
[USRP-users] Re: B210 Channel B control for GPIO
[USRP-users] B210 Channel B control for GPIO
[USRP-users] Re: RFNoC: strange behavior of FFT block
Bachmaier, Luca
[USRP-users] Pulse distortion of N320
[USRP-users] Re: Component fpga is too new for X410
[USRP-users] Run-time configurable arguments for HLS in RFNoC
Hanhijärvi Kalle
[USRP-users] GNU Radio and E310 Network Mode Questions
[USRP-users] X310 problem with LLLLL
Andrea De Jesus Torres via USRP-users
[USRP-users] Re: Specifications of host computer for 100 Gb/s streaming with x410
[USRP-users] Specifications of host computer for 100 Gb/s streaming with x410
[USRP-users] Error LNK1104 cannot open file 'boost_unit_test_framework-vc143-mt-x64-1_82.lib' cal_data_gain_pwr_test C:\Users\mushtaq.syed\Downloads\uhd-master\host\build\tests\LINK
Mushtaq A. Syed, Ph.D. via USRP-users
[USRP-users] Powering an active antenna from B205mini-i
Steven Murdoch
[USRP-users] LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'boost_unit_test_framework-vc143-mt-x64-1_82.lib'
Mushtaq A. Syed, Ph.D. via USRP-users
[USRP-users] Re: X410 FPGA build failure with UHD-4.4
[USRP-users] X410 FPGA build failure with UHD-4.4
ryan . seal
[USRP-users] gnuradio 3.10 and rfnoc
Dario Pennisi
[USRP-users] How to stream large data packet using X410
[USRP-users] UHD4 segmentation fault on creating rx_streamer
Andrew Fountain via USRP-users
[USRP-users] timing error UHD
[USRP-users] Component fpga is too new for X410
Zacharias M Komodromos
[USRP-users] Fatal: Timeout: Test "Test passing through samples" time limit exceeded
[USRP-users] why $diplay function is not work in my custom rfnoc block but
[USRP-users] RFNoC: strange behavior of FFT block
Bachmaier, Luca
[USRP-users] USRP X410 and PCIe connection
[USRP-users] Accessing GPS from FPGA in x410
[USRP-users] Support materials for USRP-E312
Mushtaq A. Syed, Ph.D. via USRP-users
[USRP-users] [ERROR] [DPDK] Could not find route to destination address
Junfeng Guan
[USRP-users] Help with FPGA update and running GNU Radio
Michelle Salehi
[USRP-users] Re: Overflows with CHDR_W = 128 on x410
[USRP-users] Overflows with CHDR_W = 128 on x410
[USRP-users] How to use Questa for simulation
Austin, LauraLee (US) via USRP-users
[USRP-users] phase maintenance in a USRP loop
Ali G. Dezfuli
[USRP-users] Re: USRP B210 not found and power cycle needed
[USRP-users] USRP B210 not found and power cycle needed
Francisco Gallardo lópez
[USRP-users] Xilinx Zynq 7020 SoC
Mushtaq A. Syed, Ph.D. via USRP-users
[USRP-users] RFNoC 4: RFNoC FFT Block in GNU Radio companion
Bachmaier, Luca
[USRP-users] Re: How can add some verilog dir file to rfnoc block make file
[USRP-users] How can add some verilog dir file to rfnoc block make file
[USRP-users] Streaming Timeout after two continuous send and receives.
[USRP-users] VCO can not operate for high sample rate
[USRP-users] RF vector signal generator for triangular FMCW waveform
[USRP-users] USRPX410 transmitter issue underrun for higher sample rate
[USRP-users] Re: Advice on transmitting trigger signal before pulse frequency on ettus x310 and GNU radio
[USRP-users] Advice on transmitting trigger signal before pulse frequency on ettus x310 and GNU radio
Michelle Salehi
[USRP-users] N310 uhd_image_loader: two errors
Bachmaier, Luca
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Re: Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] UHD 4.3: RFNoC image builder "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'uhd'"
Bachmaier, Luca
[USRP-users] Device Serial, Name and Product ID Corruption Issue on Misusage of b2xx_fx3_utils for B210
[USRP-users] Driver for E312
Mushtaq A. Syed, Ph.D. via USRP-users
[USRP-users] X410 device no longer found when using use_dpdk=1
Victor Levin via USRP-users
[USRP-users] Unsubscribe
[USRP-users] Re: What is the power socket on an Octoclock CDA-2990?
Marcus D. Leech
[USRP-users] MPM major compat number mismatch even after updating FW to latest on X410
Victor Levin via USRP-users
[USRP-users] Questions about using B200 mini-i with Windows apps (Windows 11)
Maxim Belotserkovsky
[USRP-users] Re: How to have 10MHz on REF OUT with a master clock of 184.32 MHz
evan . laurans2