On 07/09/2023 21:26, 1920swap...@gmail.com wrote:

Maybe I didn’t clarify properly, the standard example ‘rx_samples_to_file’ example works correctly if I don’t provide any gain argument, but fails when I do. I understand my own examples would require me to debug, but I would like to understand why the standard examples don’t work for my specific set of arguments, whether that’s because my arguments are incomplete/incorrect or if that’s because that’s the expected result for a b210.

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Then we're back to mis-matched libraries almost certainly.

What version of UHD *libraries* do you have installed--how did you install them?   Did you then install Gnu Radio, which may
  have pulled in a different version of UHD.

I just tried that example on my Ubuntu 22.04 system, with UHD, and it worked just fine.

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