Hello, I'm having some trouble with the UHD API. I'm trying to build a
simple receiver code by following the examples in the 'rx_samples_to_file'
and 'rx_timed_samples'. When I'm using the rx_samples_to_file example and
try to set the gain settings through the command line, (/rx_samples_to_file
--freq 98e6 --rate 5e6 --gain 20 --channels 0,1 --duration 10

I get an error saying " RX channel 18446744073709551615 out of range for
configured RX frontends".
Basically I want to be able to use both received channels simultaneously
and set the gain for both, like you can in GNU Radio Companion. If I don't
set the gain then it runs as expected. I've tried adding more parameters
such as 'ant' and 'subdev' but it doesn't seem to work.
Thank you
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