Re: logic

2009-10-20 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Dan et al, The most recent version of Logic I've been able to investigate was 9. Off the top of my head that's still the latest version. So far as I could tell there wasn't a single accessibility improvement over the last update to version 8, which was a bit disheartening. As things stand,

Re: garageband accessibility

2009-11-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
Ben - I know the chap of whom you speak, and it's worth an ask. Something to keep in mind though folks if you're waiting on this with bated breath is that these Logic scripts haven't really been thoroughly finished or tested, and last I heard the future of development was a bit up in the air. Don

Re: garageband accessibility

2009-11-05 Thread Scott Chesworth
ation - the documentation guy's the musical one) kno this, but > at th end of the day, its better than nothing. I've heard songs that have > been produced in logic using the scripts and they seem good enough. > > I've just emailed him. > > On 04/11/2009, Scott Chesw

Re: (OT) Looking for a Hardware synthesizer

2009-11-26 Thread Scott Chesworth
Wow, this is taking off topic to a whole new level! Sorry if pointing that out treads on any moderator toes, it's just been in my email summary thing 2 days in a row now so I figured nobody in power had said so yet. Tiffany D wrote: > Thanks. I thought so but forgot to include that question. I

Re: update from Digidesign regarding Pro Tools accessibility

2009-03-03 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Jerry, Thanks for posting this man, I'd have missed it otherwise. Any chance of seeing the list of priorities? There's no doubt in my mind that you know pt deeper than me and no doubt that you've got it all covered, I'd just be curious to check it out and see what's on the horizon to be don

Re: Pro tools and what hardware is needed

2009-03-05 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Dean, Your son will need to either be running a digidesign or m-audio interface if it's pro tools LE he's after. Good news is that there's some pretty cool interfaces at the moment. Bad news is that VO and pro tools is currently a total non-starter, IE, not accessible in the slightest. Sor

Re: what the point in that

2009-03-11 Thread Scott Chesworth
hmm, nice cheery outlook you've got there Will, lol. I should imagine the main thrust of this will be the playlist selection. 4gb of songs would be quite a hefty amount to flick through to try and locate a particular album. What struck me as interesting about this though is that the shuffle has

Re: what the point in that

2009-03-11 Thread Scott Chesworth
Seconded. I want a talking classic as much as the next music junkie, but I doubt there'll ever be one, not in it's current form anyway. On 3/11/09, Jacob Schmude wrote: > > Wouldn't make sense, seeing as Apple has hinted the classic won't be > around much longer. > > > On Mar 11, 2009, at 11:02,

Re: what the point in that

2009-03-11 Thread Scott Chesworth
Could a solution to this be to have a small amount of flash memory in there to store firmware and the songs database and spoken clips etc, with the actual user added content still stored on an HDD? Now i'm typing this it seems like we'd really be the only people who'd benifit from that setup, and

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott Chesworth
True you can indeed use VO keys to do your work until this is fixed, but at the end of the day a bug is a bug is it not, it's still worth reporting. One of the things I like about OS X is that there's always more than one way to skin a cat, and this is one way that eventually needs to work. Whil

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott Chesworth
How not out of interest? Not meaning to be argumentative, I just don't really see a way that this could be by design and be useful to anyone. On 3/12/09, David Poehlman wrote: > > bug well, maybe not. > > On Mar 12, 2009, at 8:32 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote: > > > True

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott Chesworth
essibility in other areas. > > > On Mar 12, 2009, at 10:08 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote: > > > How not out of interest? > Not meaning to be argumentative, I just don't really see a way that > this could be by design and be useful to anyone. > > On 3/12/09, David Poehl

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott Chesworth
with below. > > On Mar 12, 2009, at 10:27 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote: > > > True it might've been given the chop for a reason, but at least > reporting it to apple would get an explanation if that's the case, IE > no harm done. > Agreed efficiency often takes longer

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott Chesworth
chop for a reason, but at least >> reporting it to apple would get an explanation if that's the case, IE >> no harm done. > > On Mar 12, 2009, at 11:30 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote: > > > Hmm, I've read what's below and can't see anywhere that I say i

Re: The new iTunes, accessibility issues?

2009-03-12 Thread Scott Chesworth
In this case, we are > not dealing with a bug. a bug can also be an unattended consequence. > I'm also not saying that does not provide a disadvantage at least > initially but that all of the functionality of ITunes that is > available is available and even more than before

transfering to the iPod Shuffle 3g

2009-04-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi All, Just picked myself up a shiny new shuffle. My old iPod loaded with Rockbox finally gave up the ghost, and I figured this would be a cheap way of finding out whether it'll annoy me being tied totally to iTunes etc. What I can't figure out is, how do I copy content to the shuffle in iTunes

Re: transfering to the iPod Shuffle 3g

2009-04-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi All, Ok, so thanks to Ryan and Esther, I'm now at the point where I've got a few albums transfered over to the new shuffle. What I'm trying to work out now is the most productive and speedy way to accomplish transfers every time I fancy switching up the content. To give you an idea, I have a

Re: oldschool mac nostalgia

2009-04-18 Thread Scott Chesworth
For anyone who's into all the old Apple stuff or just a bit of a retro geek in general, Steve Wozniak's biography is worth a read. All quite light hearted and easy to digest, but it'll be a fun few hours of your time. For anyone who doesn't know, Wozniak or iWoz as he's affectionately refered to

Re: Anyone see System Profile or Skype 2.8 beta crashes?

2009-04-21 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Doug, 2.8 has the same behaviour here too on a Macbook Pro, and as you say, 2.7 seems not too, so that's what I've gone back too. I have no idea what causes it, but thought it might be helpful to know that it's not specific to your system. Scott On 4/21/09, Doug Lee wrote: > > Two question

Re: mac protection plan

2009-05-24 Thread Scott Chesworth
Any chance of backing up posts like this with some depth, maybe an example, a link or two, anything really. A rellivant subject line would've been a treat too. That aside I'm curious to know more. Hope you can post some background on it for us. On 5/24/09, Jude DaShiell wrote: > > Take it off

Re: Skype Contacts

2009-06-07 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Robert, As far as I know, the best way to tell which contacts are online is to add the skype test call service to your contact list. Anybody who is available to chat will be above that in the table, with offline users below. I'm not running the most recent version, so hopefully this is somet

Re: Apple is shrugging off Responsibility for Accessibility

2009-06-10 Thread Scott Chesworth
Woo, subject line dramatic enough? Panic stations!! Seems to me that this is a far call from a scripting language. Also seems that elements would have to expose themselves to VO in some capacity for it to work at all, all be it unlabeled ones, so developers themselves might use this as a quick

Re: Podcast about VO in Snow Leopard

2009-06-14 Thread Scott Chesworth
Just seen that the download limit has been reached for the file now. I haven't grabbed a copy yet, so if anybody could sort out a resend or email it to me off list that would be awesome. cheers chaps and chapettes Scott On 6/14/09, ben mustill-rose wrote: > > Dave, your contribution would have

Re: IPod Nano 4th G, probly the most ridiculous question you've ever heard

2009-06-19 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Chris, If it's reassuring at all, I don't think you're insane. There are always subtle differences between units with most products, even when they're manufactured to crazily accurate standards in crazy numbers like iPods no doubt are. I've experienced similar with one cheapo guitar for exam

Re: trackpad

2009-06-25 Thread Scott Chesworth
dumb question perhaps, but I'm assuming the multitouch trackpads are quite a recent thing? I've got a 2.4 ghz mbp here from a few years back, assuming that won't be supported? On 6/25/09, Simon Cavendish wrote: > > I think you have to have the trackpad. Simon > On 25 Jun 2009, at 12:36, william

Re: Typing on the IPhone and using its GPS

2009-07-18 Thread Scott Chesworth
Might be worth you taking a read of the thread entitled iPhone accessibility James. There's been 19 messages in the last day or so all around these same questions. There's also been more than a few podcasts and demos and suchlike, might be worth having a quick poke in the list archives for those

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-19 Thread Scott Chesworth
Will said: i think that most people are jumping to the iphone as it new but the n eighty two does everything that does Real world says: apart from out of the box accessibility to the entire User interface, a far broader scope for additional apps, and a UI that can only increase a VI user's often

Re: IPhone accessibility

2009-07-19 Thread Scott Chesworth
> literal take on the phrase "accessible out of the box", but then the phrase > lends itself to that way of thinking. > > Take care > > > - Original Message - > From: "Scott Chesworth" > To: > Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:11 PM >

Re: NFB Newsline files and the mac

2009-07-20 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Robert, Not got a sollution, more of a question. I think I've seen the same behaviour you described. Next time it happens, can you check the file sizes of both copies you get? For me, it was always that one was the full size of the file, the other would be tiny like 32kb or something. Far

Re: Is it possible to do Audio Editing on Mac OS X with VO?

2009-07-20 Thread Scott Chesworth
James, There are a miriad of options for audio editing on mac, with many of them being superior to Sound Forge. Finding a stable powerful and accessible one seems to be the catch. Since you mentioned Sound Forge my guess is you're after 2 track editing over the ability to multitrack. Fission f

Re: NFB Newsline files and the mac

2009-07-20 Thread Scott Chesworth
Yup, having checked, mine are prefixed with a period here. I seem to recall an explanation of this way back, though couldn't easily find it in the archives. The general jist was that these smaller files are something that mac os uses to keep track of something or other (s technical haha), an

Re: Virtualizing on MacBook Pro

2009-07-22 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi James, Virtualising does the job for most things, although once the novelty wore off I started to find the slight lag in performance irritating. If I was doing something where I needed both OS's to be available to use simultaneously I used to split the ram right down the middle. For more inte

Re: vodafone have the i phone

2009-07-22 Thread Scott Chesworth
I haven't heard the review yet, but it seems unlikely. Are you sure matey in Ireland didn't jail break the iPhone and shove his Vodafone sim in there? On 7/22/09, william lomas wrote: > > hi on blind cool tech an irish guy has the iphone review. why do > vodafone have it in irelan

Re: vodafone have the i phone

2009-07-22 Thread Scott Chesworth
Blake is right on the money. Listen at 4:13 and you'll hear Cydia announced, just after Fring and Facebook on page 2 of the apps. So there's your answer Will, they don't have it any easier in Ireland than we do lol. On 7/22/09, Blake Sinnett wrote: > > In the review, I could've sworn I heard C

Re: Format Utility

2009-07-30 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Keith, Macdrive from can do this. It's a paid for product, but if you only need to do this once the trial version should do the job. There's usually about 1000 different ways of skinning each cat, so if it's not urgent wait a while and see what else the list comes back with

Re: Format Utility

2009-07-31 Thread Scott Chesworth
Keith asked for Mac OS X format though, which I'm guessing means HFS, which as far as I know can't do. Fat32 would probably be the best bet though if you need both OS's to be able to have read/write access from any mac. On 7/31/09, Simon Fogarty wrote: > > Yeah it's called

Re: mobile me and Iweb

2009-08-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
At the risk of coming across as slightly standoff-ish, does anybody else think that this situation and reply is a bit of a sham? There wasn't even a mention of iWeb, and both products have been updated recently enough for improvements to be made surely. It's not like these are old smalltime prod

Re: mobile me and Iweb

2009-08-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
e > Apple an excuse or let them off the hook, I'm just saying. > On Aug 4, 2009, at 6:13 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote: > >> >> At the risk of coming across as slightly standoff-ish, does anybody >> else think that this situation and reply is a bit of a sham? There

Re: subject change music looping?

2009-08-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
sk for quite a while > what can i use to replace garage band? > I am in to music looping, remixing tunes with loops and also making my > own stuff with loops > Îany suggestions > On Aug 4, 2009, at 6:36 AM, Scott Chesworth wrote: > >> >> And for the most part Scott I

Re: Anyone tried Pro Tools or Propellerhead's Reason

2009-08-05 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Romack, There is no usable access to either app with VO currently. Digidesign have shown some good intentions (you can read a fairly recent message from David Gibbons at Digi if you visit but those wheels are slow turning. Hth, and sorry to be the bringer of bad new

Re: copy and paste IPhone

2009-08-08 Thread Scott Chesworth
Anybody know if the accessibility of copy and paste functions will be addressed in the next firmware update? I heard from a friend who owns the iPhone a few days ago that apparently Apple have incorporated a tripple hit of the home button to launch VO from anywhere, so thought that perhaps it migh

Re: logic studio 9 accsessablity?

2009-08-08 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi, >From what I can tell, there's been no noticeable improvements in accessibility in version 9. You may be able to scrape by with it depending on the type of stuff you're trying to do. Some kind of hardware control surface would go a long ways toward efficiency as it'd allow you to overlook s

Re: mac veils

2009-08-11 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi, They do indeed. Apple call it a screen curtain. To enable it, hit VO-Shift-F11, and the same keystroke will disable it whenever you need too. It's worth knowing that the screen curtain doesn't as far as I know save battery life. For that you'd need to use FN-F1 to dim the brightness to 0%

Re: Listening to Podcasts in iTunes

2009-08-13 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Robert, Hold down command-option and hit either left or right arrows to skip backward or forward respectively. The same commands should work on any audio content iTunes will open excluding radio streams. hth Scott On 8/14/09, Robert Carter wrote: > > Hi, > > I am finally getting around to

iPod Shuffle 3rd gen headphones

2009-08-14 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi folks, I own a 3rd gen shuffle. Come Monday when I can make a trip to an Apple store, I'll be on my 3rd set of headphones since buying it a few months ago. The first pair stopped working on one side with no obvious external damage, and the 2nd pair have pretty much just fallen to pieces with

Re: determining people's status on skype

2009-08-14 Thread Scott Chesworth
This might not still work, but I recall a while ago someone posting a tip for this. If you add the skype test call facility to your contacts, one mac user claimed everything online would be above them, and everything below was either offline or not contactable. Bit of a stab in the dark because I

Re: messenger sounds

2009-08-14 Thread Scott Chesworth
Do you mean the sounds for nudges and the little animated imoticon thingies? If so, nope, I don't think Adium plays ball yet. Whether you get any indication as text I'm not sure, but that's more likely. On 8/14/09, william lomas wrote: > > hi can adium users hear the messenger sounds peopl

Re: iplayer

2009-08-17 Thread Scott Chesworth
And I'll be surprised if you do manage to get much to play. Could be wrong, but I was under the impression the actual stream is flash content. On 8/17/09, william lomas wrote: > > hi has anyone gotten the bbc IPlayer to work on the mac with safari? > I can't get programs to paly? > > > >

Re: I just did it, bought my first macbook pro

2009-08-18 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Anouk, welcome abord buddy! Just a quick message to second what Esther was saying about student discounts. Here in the UK Apple care is amazingly cheap if you're a student, it's probably a similar reduction where you are. No rush, but sometime within your first year's warranty, if you get a

Re: I just did it, bought my first macbook pro

2009-08-18 Thread Scott Chesworth
I dont buy it together with the laptop? I am a girl > btw not a guy, or does buddy refer to both genders? > Thanks for the welcome, I am really looking forward to receiving my laptop > and checking it all out. > Greetings, Anouk, > - Original Message - > From: "Sco

Re: Accessibility of Ableton

2009-08-19 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Romack, Last I knew, you'd have no joy relying on VO with Ableton. The company are kind enough to put out a very unrestricted demo though, and I haven't tried in some time, so it'd definitely be worth grabbing that and updating us all. A decent multitrack editor is indeed a bit of a grey are

Re: Accessibility of Ableton

2009-08-19 Thread Scott Chesworth
le of days, if it's a flat out no go it'll probably be sooner than that. cheers Scott On 8/19/09, Scott Chesworth wrote: > Hi Romack, > > Last I knew, you'd have no joy relying on VO with Ableton. The > company are kind enough to put out a very unrestricted demo though, &

Re: apple os x and braille displays

2009-08-19 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Anouk, Seeing as it's on the list of supported displays, you should be good to go. Don't worry too much about what the guy at Optelec said for now, at a guess he's just another case of people thinking every OS needs a ton of drivers and instalations etc to get anything to work like Windows d

Re: Has anyone ever booted from tdm?

2009-08-21 Thread Scott Chesworth
No need to be so warey Daniel. If you can find your way around inside a pc, you'd be fine taking a poke about in a mac should your curiosity ever get the better of you. The first time I opened up one of those big old beast G4's I was pleasantly surprised, it's like the tidiest of pc interior desi

Re: Voice Over and reading IM messages.

2009-08-22 Thread Scott Chesworth
Or, if you don't want cursor wrapping to be enabled for some reason, you could use VO-shift-end to jump right to the bottom of the list of messages once you've interacted. On a laptop that keystroke is a bit of a handful, but it's there if you need it. hth Scott On 8/22/09, Brett Campbell wrot

Re: Installing the new cat

2009-08-24 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Marie, Well I guess not many people can say for sure right now what the instalation process will be like in detail, seeing as the only people who will have seen it firsthand so far are beta testers and people who grabbed it off torrent sites, and neither will talk about it publically in case

Re: Installing the new cat

2009-08-24 Thread Scott Chesworth
dred gig here as my music stuff is on an external. > :) thanks for any answers. > > On Aug 24, 2009, at 9:41 PM, Scott Chesworth wrote: > >> >> Hey Marie, >> >> Well I guess not many people can say for sure right now what the >> instalation process will be lik

Re: RNIB streaming service?

2009-08-26 Thread Scott Chesworth
I asked about that, hmm maybe 6 months ago now. The answer was a slightly puzzled no, as in they were slightly puzzled why I was using a mac lol. Might be worth a quick phonecall or email to them to show some more mac interest. >From what I've seen, it might also be worth having a tinker with a

Re: pre-orders of snowleopard

2009-08-26 Thread Scott Chesworth
Have you tried calling Apple to ask? They'd probably know. On 8/26/09, william lomas wrote: > > if one pays for the courier service on the UK apple store though I > wonder if they get priority next day receivement of the product? > > On 26 Aug 2009, at 15:09, Chris Blouch wrote: > >> >> I'm gues

Re: New Os or not?

2009-08-26 Thread Scott Chesworth
Fonzie et al, Are you certain it will be a full copy that ships? I mean, if the user were to choose erase and install, would it not require an actual Leopard DVD anywhere in the instalation process? I ask because a friend of mine is still running Tiger, but has recently had to rely on VO way mo

Re: Fw: The Orbitcast Daily Update

2009-08-28 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hank, Matthew, Just in case you didn't realise, this thread is currently going out to the whole macvisionaries list! As wonderfully descriptive as those metaphors were, they're probably not too appropriate here. Please, if you're going to continue the thread, be careful which messages you quote!

Re: [Mac-cessibility News] Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard With VoiceOver

2009-08-28 Thread Scott Chesworth
Cheers Josh, really well written review, seems to be pretty thorough. I must, must, must make it to an Apple store today. This is the excuse I've needed to buy a book on Apple Script and actually learn something. Scott On 8/28/09, Maccessibility wrote: > > Review - Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard

Re: anyone tried quicknav?

2009-08-28 Thread Scott Chesworth
Haven't tried it myself yet, but according to the review I just read: hit left and right arrows together to enable or disable quick nav, once enabled, arrow keys alone act as if VO keys are being held down, Hit down and right arrows together to interact, Hit down and left arrows together to end in

Re: anyone tried quicknav?

2009-08-28 Thread Scott Chesworth
Just finished installing our snowy buddy here, quick nav has been the first thing I've toyed with, and Josh is so right to be as enthusiastic as he is in the review. This is probably the neatest peace of usability I've seen from Apple so far! Totally simple to learn, and faster to navigate and e

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Chesworth
Also just my oppinion, but I disagree about points 1 and 2. Can't say I ever have used feature numero uno in any OS as there are so few webpages I'd actually want to read 100% of their content, but someone somewhere will find it useful. You could argue that the reading webpages automatically is

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Chesworth
not a default and that is why it's a feature not worth >> removing. My point is you have to think beyond what you have stated >> and I don't entirely disagree with your point of what is or is not a >> standard way of editing etc. At the same time, it obviously didn'

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-29 Thread Scott Chesworth
Anna, that's a great example of why the feature isn't all bad that I hadn't considered. Consistancy can be key sometimes. Not even I can be grouchy about that lol. On 8/30/09, Woody Anna Dresner wrote: > > Hi, > > I'm pretty much used to editing on a Mac now, but I'll have to say I'm > glad th

Re: 3 features that hmm?

2009-08-30 Thread Scott Chesworth
Well whadda ya know, we were agreeing all along lol! The original paragraph I wrote about asking Apple to remove the feature was only really there to help explain why as much as I'd like it to not exist, I'd find it impossible to explain to Apple why that's the case, because no matter how well so

Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Mark, You'll be wanting to give Vmware Fusion a try I think. Virtual Box is free, and fairly usable true, but Vmware Fusion is by far the most accessible and well rounded product out of these 3. With your email address being what it is it's safe for me to assume you're in education of some s

Re: Question: V M Ware Fusion or Parallels Desktop

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Anna, Hmmm, well it used to be the case that command-g grabbed keyboard input, stopped it from controlling Mac OS and started it controlling Windows in other words. This could be redundant now, from what you just described it sounds to me like Fusion is grabbing input automatically when you co

Re: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Anouk, you should find the key you're looking for to the left of z. Might be different on your keyboard layout, but try command with that first and let us know how you get on. hth Scott On 8/31/09, a radix wrote: > Hello, i know this is dumb but where is this key located on my keyboard? >

Re: going quickly between windows in a program

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth
Anouk, I don't have text edit in front of me, but from memory it'd be worth you having a look through the view menu. I'm pretty sure you'll find the ruler as an option in there you can uncheck if you don't use it. hth Scott On 8/31/09, a radix wrote: > Hey, it was indeed the one left of the z

Re: going back a page

2009-08-31 Thread Scott Chesworth
Should you find yourself with only one hand free to navigate, backspace works for this too. hth Scott On 8/31/09, Chantel Cuddemi wrote: > Command left bracket will bring you back a page. > Hth, > Chantel. > On Aug 31, 2009, at 4:56 PM, a radix wrote: > >> Hello, i havent found this command on

Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Anouk, The keyboard shortcut to empty the trash is command-shift-delete. Works from anywhere you happen to be in the OS as far as I can tell. hth Scott On 9/4/09, anouk radix wrote: > > Hello, i know i can put stuff in trash with cmd-del but if i am in > the thrash and i press that i

Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
Actually to clarify somewhat, command-shift-backspace definitely works. I don't have the mac in front of me now to varify whether the same shortcut works for backspace and forward delete, but try it and let us know. Scott On 9/4/09, Scott Chesworth wrote: > Hey Anouk, > >

Re: emptying thrash

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
Not that I know of... Adding option to the shortcut performs the opperation without bringing up the confirmation box, but I don't think that changes whether it's a secure erase. If the shortcut you want exists, you won't have long to wait before someone smarter than me chimes in though lol. Scot

Re: how to empty trash folder

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
reason does not work here, i >> always get an error message when rying it and it takes hours. >> Greetings, Anouk >> On Sep 4, 2009, at 2:41 PM, Jeffrey Shockley wrote: >> >>> >>> >>> Hi, >>> Cool. Didn't know it works anywhe

Re: [Mac-cessibility News] FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes

2009-09-04 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi, I don't mean to come over as unsupportive Josh, because I'm 110% behind what you do with lioncourt and maccessibility, to the point where soon after Christmas when my schedule will have changed significantly I'd love to start contributing myself or at least figure out some way of supporting m

Re: [Mac-cessibility News] FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes

2009-09-05 Thread Scott Chesworth
> Hello; I get a lot of email daily from the several lists I'm >>> subscribed to. I don't personally have a problem with the news >>> updates as long as they are really news. I think the more important >>> question with this one is does this me

Re: [Mac-cessibility News] FaceBook iPhone Application Updated With Accessibility Fixes

2009-09-05 Thread Scott Chesworth
d the updates from the Mac site but would rather get the >>> full posting rather than just a half paragraph. I know that one >>> reason >>> updates come in this way is to encourage people to visit the actual >>> site. But, I think its an extra and unnecessary step

Re: music applications on the mac

2009-09-07 Thread Scott Chesworth
Anouk, The answer to this is yes, there are plenty of applications on mac comparable to Sonar, the big 3 probably being Pro Tools Logic and Digital Performer, with many more options beyond that. Unfortunately though, none of these are currently accessible with VO. Logic is probably the leader of

Re: A Recommendation from Mark regarding an outstanding Portable Fire Wire Drive

2009-09-08 Thread Scott Chesworth
Just as a sidenote, anyone wanting to restore their boot camp partition in an accessible fashion should google and check out an app called Winclone. It's the type of thing you'd have needed to know about on first instalation to clone at the right point I guess, IE a point you'd want to revert too

Re: Spaces keyboard shortcuts

2009-09-09 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hmm, imho it makes no sense, but perhaps there's something that I, you, and every other list veteran I can think of has overlooked lol. Seeing as you've got the convo rolling with them this time, perhaps it's worth an email back asking them how you're supposed to efficiently cycle through applica

Recording capabilities of the new iPod Nanos and Touches

2009-09-09 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi all, These iPod releases come at an interesting time for me, as my field recorder has popped it's cloggs and I'm due a new toy. So far I'm not having much luck turning up specifics of the new recording functionality, but I'm wondering whether this new line of iPods might be a quick and dirty

Re: EFI Mac Mini Firmware update

2009-09-09 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi Rich, The simplest comparrison to make as a new switcher is to think of it as a bios update, efi is pretty much the mac's equivillent. Downloading them usually means good news. Just be sure to take care to read the update instructions that come up before it restarts, because they usually requ

VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-09 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hi all, Just went to take a peak at the new iPod line on the UK Apple site, and found this on the Nano page that got me curious: "It all begins with iTunes and its seamless integration with iPod nano. First, iTunes reads your song information, then uses the VoiceOver Kit to generate the announce

Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-09 Thread Scott Chesworth
It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page that said something along the lines of "spoken thingies read almost all menu items" blah blah blah. Between the two of those I'm 99% sure we're not dealing with a TTS Nano just yet. Scott On 9/10/09, Blake Sinnett wrote: > > Soun

Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-09 Thread Scott Chesworth
no and the current Shuffles, but TTS for spoken menues. That's good news peeps, thought I'd pass it along! Scott On 9/10/09, Scott Chesworth wrote: > It does indeed Blake. I also found a line on the tech specs page that > said something along the lines of "spoken thingies rea

Re: VoiceOver on the Nano: TTS or not?

2009-09-10 Thread Scott Chesworth
tts for part of the ipod and not all of it. > > On 10/09/2009, Scott Howell wrote: >> >> So I am assuming this means the new Nano will then speak all the >> menus? THink I'll have to go to the local Apple store or Best Buy and >> play a bit. >> On Sep 9, 200

Re: iPhone VO home button oddity

2009-09-11 Thread Scott Chesworth
It's very much that hard though if you don't happen to have a copy of iTunes handy, I'm thinking people who want to test run the iPhone in a shop or borrow their buddy's iPhone to demonstrate an app or perhaps just show off. You might say it's an unlikely scenario and you'd probably be right, but

Re: note editor in garage band 6

2010-12-21 Thread Scott Chesworth
Hey Uma, For your first question, I can't say with certainty, but my gut feeling was that you're stuck with the default mapping in GB. Could very well be wrong though. For your second question, I'm afraid the answer is that the note editor still isn't 100% accessible. VO users can get to most of