Hi again Romack,

Bah, I just realised you said you hadn't gone the Apple route yet, so
my advice of telling you to grab the ableton demo and check it out was
pointless at best lol.

I'll download it later today and have a tinker with it.  Expect an
email to the list in the next couple of days, if it's a flat out no go
it'll probably be sooner than that.


On 8/19/09, Scott Chesworth <scottcheswo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Romack,
> Last I knew, you'd have no joy relying on VO with Ableton.  The
> company are kind enough to put out a very unrestricted demo though,
> and I haven't tried in some time, so it'd definitely be worth grabbing
> that and updating us all.
> A decent multitrack editor is indeed a bit of a grey area currently.
> There is Amadeus Pro, a commercial offering for $40 if memory serves,
> which technically allows you to multitrack although you do have to
> rebuild sessions from scratch to get at the multitrack functionality.
> There's also Audacity, a free open source alternative, which I guess
> would be classified more under usable than accessible from what I've
> seen.  In both cases they're geared more toward post production, radio
> jingles and the like.  If you were suggesting Ableton at a guess
> you're shooting more for actual music creation or production, so the
> best advice I can give is to grab that demo and let us know.  It's
> also worth pointing out that if your projects aren't huge, Garage Band
> might be worth a look.  Depending on how you work, it can be a
> valuable little tool.
> Cheers
> Scott
> On 8/19/09, Woody Anna Dresner <wadres...@att.net> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Amadeus Pro is a multi-track recorder that is fairly accessible.
>> HTH,
>> Anna
>> On Aug 18, 2009, at 8:57 PM, Romack wrote:
>>> Hey list,
>>> Does anyone know of the accessiblity of Ableton Live (any version) on
>>> the Mac with Voiceover? I'd be anxious to know. Haven't really heard
>>> of any multitrack recording options that *ARE* accessible with
>>> Voiceover, so feeling slightly discouraged of going the Apple route
>>> with my next machine.
>>> Any insight welcome,
>>> romack
>>> Twitter: @justinromack
>>> Web: www.justinromack.com
>>> >
>> >>

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