You can use windows on an M1 Mac mini. The only way I found to do this is to
download a program called UTM. You then need to get an ISO image of Windows 11,
the version of Windows that seems to run on ARM processors, and install that
into UTM. The setup was a little bit tricky, but definitely d
How did you get Surf Shark to work accessibly on your Mac?
As I recall, when I tried it back in May or June, it was not a great accessible
experience. Or maybe I'm just missing something?
Thanks in advance for any help/advice.
> On Oct 27, 2023, at 22:17, joseph hodge wrote:
> I
I suppose my first question is why would you want to? VO shift space twice
seems to add more keystrokes, even though maybe not necessarily much more time,
to opening things.
Just curious what purpose this would serve.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Feb 10, 2014
le.mkv, 01 title.mp3, 02 title.mkv, etc. How can I
select all the mkv files in one go without selecting the mp3s as well?
Thanks in advance.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Brilliant!! Thanks much, Daniel! :)
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Feb 26, 2014, at 19:15, Daniel Miller wrote:
> Yo, John,
> Press VO+Command+return. It used to be VO+command+space, but they changed in
> it 10.9.
> On Feb 26, 2014,
Hi all:
I have a few emails in my junk mail folder that aren't actually junk. I'm sure
there's a way to tell mail that they're not junk, but I can't figure out
exactly how to do it.
Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Free solutions are, of course, amazing. However, at this point I just want to
trim these things down in size considerably when they're living on my hard
drive. As long as it's not a recurring payment or an overly expensive one, I'll
take those suggestions too.
Thanks in advance,
d potentially have a CAPTCHA.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Mar 15, 2014, at 11:11, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Well, I'm not sure how much they see. I know that one day there was a field
> to put in a coupon and rumola attempted to solve it as a captcha; I
have it convert and delete.
Let me know if you have questions about this program at all.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Mar 17, 2014, at 13:54, Cameron Strife wrote:
> Hi everybody. I'm looking for a program to batch convert the audio
> from video file
If you can open it with hand brake, you can convert the file to either mkv or
m4v. Adapter will see those and work with them just find.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Mar 17, 2014, at 23:02, Deb Lewis wrote:
> I have a file ripped from a DVD with a .DVD extens
is the button I mentioned
earlier, that actually starts the conversion.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Mar 18, 2014, at 6:56, Jessica wrote:
> I downloaded adapter at one time but it wanted me to install 2 other programs
> to make it work. None of the button
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On May 5, 2014, at 11:16, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello Christina,
> If you use the Web Rotor, in Headings, you can type a number and only the
> headings of that level will be shown.
> Alternatively, with
I am very interested to know more about this game. It sounds awesome!
Thanks in advance.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Jul 5, 2014, at 17:41, Sandi Jazmin Kruse wrote:
> hi, no you don't exactly use it with voiceover, you use speak, the
> reason is
really stopping me from
upgrading. Is there a workaround for this incredibly odd behavior? I can
probably learn to live with it, and I know I could do voiceover command T to
jump to the table, but that's kind of an awkward keystroke on a laptop, for me
Thanks in advanc
don’t think I’ll reenroll this year.
Sad day.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
> On Jun 10, 2015, at 16:01, Christopher-Mark Gilland
> wrote:
> So, guys, I never like writing e-mails like this, and I know some of you are
> going to write me a
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
> On Jun 11, 2015, at 09:00, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Hi, I have one more question…
> Is this Facebook chat or Facebook messages? There is a difference, correct?
> :)
> Traci
> On Jun 10,
I like Eloquence well enough, but I would not want it on my mac or iPhone, ever
I don’t think.
For me, Eloquence is windows, Alex is Mac. Since I do boot into a virtual
machine for mudding and the like, I enjoy having my 2 environments with
different voices.
John D. Lipsey
downgrade from the
beta back to the current publically available version.
Hope that helps.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
> On Jun 14, 2015, at 17:17, Brent Harding wrote:
> The thing with the betas though, don't you have to wipe everything
Thanks in advance!
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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to macvisionarie
priced at or above $100, though I’ve come to expect reasonable prices from
Mosen Consulting, and would be shocked if they ever tried to charge that much
for this knowledge.
That’s all. Back to silently observing I go.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
> On Feb
Congratulations on that, I guess.
As much as I enjoy free information, I’m going to go buy a copy of the book
sometime before this week is out. Finding the time to sit down and delve into
it is going to be the tricky part.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
Hi all:
Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, and could possibly know what's
causing it.
I installed the latest IOS7 update last night on my iPhone 5. Since the update,
I've noticed that Voiceover now gives me to "Screen locked." messages. One is,
as expected, almost immediately afte
Hey all:
I'm considering upgrading my 2010 Macbook from Lion to Mavericks. Various
people have told me my little old macbook should support the upgrade well
enough, and it may run the new OS better than Lion.
If this is not the case, or if I'm just ridiculously dissatisfied with mail and
Hi all:
This is my second day running Mavericks on a brand new 13 inch MacBook air. So
far, with the exception I'm about to mention, I'm enjoying Mavericks!
Every time I go into messages and try to start an iMessage conversation, I get
the following message: " is not registered
with iMessage.
Which mac are you using? On my 13 inch MacBook Air I don't notice any lag.
On Dec 13, 2013, at 5:15 PM, Jim Gatteys wrote:
> Hi all!
> Does anyone here use skype on the mac and if so have you noticed it taking a
> really long time to load and being sluggish? I have Mavericks and recently
> upg
Hey guys:
Every time I come across an emogee item, unless it's at the end of a
message/tweet etc, voiceover seems to just pass right over the item in
question. By item in question, I mean the entire message/tweet etc.
Is there a way to fix this issue? I'm running Mavericks on a brand new 13 inc
Hi guys:
I checked my mail on my iPhone yesterday. I saved a message with some content
that I would prefer to access on my mac. I came home last night, hopped on my
mac, and no message. A bunch of new message came in, but the one I left in my
inbox never pulled into my mac. My gmail is set up
I second Jonathan's opinion, at least with regards to the mail messages in
conversation issue. Also, I was hoping they would fix this VO not speaking
when you wake up the mac issue. Sadly, this remains for me.
Unfortunately, all of those messages about dealing with that were posted before
I g
Hi guys:
This just started today, and it's most frustrating!! I'm going to make a genius
bar appointment Saturday, but if anyone has a fix before then I'll gladly take
I noticed, starting this afternoon for seemingly no reason, strange audio
artifacts popping up in my headphones. This onl
p when possible. That's it.
Curious to know if this works for others, and even more curious to know why
this seems to solve the problem.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
Slide to set up on any of the languages. It will default to english at that
point and you can then confirm your language selection on the screen that
follows after you slide.
Hope that helps.
John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL
On Dec 22, 2013, at 17:44, Agent086b
I'm having the same issue. The check for new nail command doesn't seem to help.
Only restarting mail fixes the issue.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 14, 2014, at 12:05, Matt Dierckens wrote:
> Theresa I am having the same problem. Glad it's not just me.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 1
Hi all:
Thanks to Twitter, I just discovered this wonderful little app for my mac. It
is accessible, however some of the buttons are weirdly labeled. Just remember,
if you don't like the label the app has assigned a button you can use VO slash
to rename it.
Here's the link to the page for He
I, too, am having no issues with my gmail on my Mac. Even back in the first
version of Mavericks, I only had very minor issues with gmail and mail on my
I'm puzzled as to why it works well for some and not hardly at all for others.
On Aug 17, 2014, at 13:39, David Griffith wro
This hot key to know how many characters are left in a tweet when in
YoruFukurou sounds like a dead useful feature. Having never created a hot key
for this, or any other purpose come to think of it, could you give me some
instructions on how I might accomplish this task?
Thanks in a
Hi all:
Now that I'm using activities more, I'm loving the value they have in
increasing my productivity in certain things. This got me to thinking. It's
easy enough for me to tell somebody how to create an activity if i find one
particularly useful, but it would be nice if I could just give
I have no idea what's going on here, exactly. I've never seen an issue like
this before. However, I'd suspect the issue is primarily an iPhone issue.
That's where I'd start with for repairs, at least. I would take the mac with
you to the appointment, just so if they need to test
Hi all:
Quite recently, today in fact, I had opportunity to DFU my phone. As you may
be aware, this resets the phone to factory defaults, installs the current
public version of iOS, and makes you restore the phone from a backup. No
problem, I backed up today before this became an issue, so all
Hi all:
I had to take my mac in recently for a genius bar appointment. It was
necessary to erase my computer and start from scratch. I had a time machine
backup, so I thought all was good. I was wrong!! Most things came over
perfectly fine, except some random voiceover settings.
Whenever I ar
Hi all:
I've poked around, and if this option is available, I can't see it. I want to
follow a hash tag, specifically #ACB11, so I can see whenever anyone tweets
using this hash tag. I would think this option would be available, but I can't
seem to find it. Any suggestions/help would be appr
I often find that VO and YoruFukurou don't always work in perfect sync. It is,
therefore, sometimes necessary to command tab out of and back into YoruFukurou
in order for the drawer contents to accurately reflect what you should be
If anyone knows a way around this oddity, that
I now have my MacBook. Am getting comfortable with it, but I'm confused about
something in mail. I know how to interact with the table and delete one
message at a time, but if I want to select and delete more than one message at
a time, how do I accomplish this without selecting all me
Hi again.
Mail set up my gmail account to be imap. However, I think, as I've used it as a
pop3 account before, I'd like to change this accordingly. I fiddled around
with preferences a bit, but still haven't seen a way to do this.
You received this message because you are subscribed
I enable my screen curtain because A: I don't like people being able to look
over my shoulder while I'm using my computer, and B: I assume that it saves a
bit of battery power. However, I was under the impression that the screen
curtain would behave like it does on the IPhone and reacti
I was trying to sign up for a website in Safari, and I came across a captcha.
It had an audio link, but pressing the link, both with VOSpace and down-up in
quicknav yielded no results. Trying to download the file gave me an HTML file.
Advice? Tips/tricks for dealing with CAPTCHAs?
>>> S
>>> On Jul 25, 2010, at 8:22 PM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
>>>> For saving the battery, rather than using the screen curtain, I would turn
>>> the display brightness all the way down to 0, that will totally turn off the
>>> screen l
Hi list.
I recently installed VMWare fusion on my MacBook so I can run Windows XP if I
ever need to. Installing VMWare was easy enough. I then located an XP install
CD in my basement. I'm not sure how long we've had it kicking around here, but
from all I could tell the disk was in working orde
> could be your issue right there, as a full instalation disc is required.
> On Jul 30, 2010, at 3:00 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list.
>> I recently installed VMWare fusion on my MacBook so I can run Windows XP if
>> I ever need to. Installin
I'm confused!
I want to add someone who sent me an email to my address book, but I've brought
up the context menu for the message and looked in all of the menus on the menu
bar, and I can't seem to find an option to do this. So I thought, maybe
replying to a message will create a new contact i
Hi all,
I'm running VMWare fusion 3.1.1, I believe it is, but this problem was
occurring even with my older version of Fusion. I'm running Windows XP on the
virtual machine, if that matters.
I've tested several hypotheses, and have reached the conclusion that Skype is
my culprit. Here's the
I'm volunteering at a highschool that uses macs. However, they're running OS
10.5.8, I think.
Using Snow Leopard has spoiled me, because I love using quicknav. Some
websites I use at work are more efficient to navigate via headers. This is
easy as pie with quicknav, but I can't for t
Hi all,
I just tried to grab a book from using webkit. The zip file
downloaded just fine, but I can't seem to get a password prompt when I go to
unzip the file. It just tells me that it failed to extract.
Also, when I used windows I would just open the .xml file from daisy books
I figured it out. I had to extract the book using stuffit expander. All is
good, now.
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It works on my end. I'd check to make sure quicknav wasn't on. As long as
quicknav is off, it should work just fine. Or maybe mine just works because
it's odd, like me. :)
On Sep 5, 2010, at 5:32 AM, Bob Hill wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just received a MacBook 13 inch computer, and am getting u
Hi guys,
I know this was discussed ages ago, but I seem to have lost my copy of the
message and Google groups archives aren't playing so nicely.
In lion, how does one delete a space or desktop from mission control?
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my iPhone
You received this message be
Kindly disregard my last message. I was able to find an answer, though I'll
probably forget that particular keystroke again quite shortly.
Sent from my iPhone
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Hi list:
Just wanted to get some thoughts on this. I have, and use, both Apple's
built-in Maps and Navigon. I'm not really leaning towards one over the other
at present, so thought I'd get some additional input.
Which do you prefer, and why? Is one better in certain situations, IE driving,
On miranda in windows, and Adium on Mac, both only see a couple of contacts
online on FB chat for me. I know there should be more, but can't see them.
Also, I don't have Skype link to Facebook, as I turned down that option when
Skype presented to me initially. Is there a way to get it back?
Hi all:
I got Skype connected to my facebook account, but it still only shows 1 person
online from facebook if I'm lucky. Consulting the mobile site tells me I should
have at least 50 people online. I'm not sure what facebook broke, but my
Skype, Adium and Miranda are now all unable to accurat
I've updated Adium, and I still have no better luck with facebook chat than
I've been having all week. I'm about ready to give up on this, but I refuse to
bow to Facebook and just use the website for chatting when adium presents a
much cleaner, simpler interface.
If anyone did anything before
e reason
> mine worked.
> Also, I think SSL has to be disabled. Not sure what the case is for you.
> Brandon
> On Apr 27, 2013, at 7:03 PM, "John D. Lipsey" wrote:
>> I've updated Adium, and I still have no better luck with facebook chat than
Hi list:
I've been nomail on the list for absolute ages, and so if the topic came up in
a recent thread I apologize.
I want to put some antivirus software on my mac. Some would say that viruses
are less likely to infect my mac, but I say I'd rather be prepared. I want
something that's awesome
Hi all:
Back in the days of windows, I used goldwave for all my audio editing needs.
Now I'm plunging into Amadeus pro. One of the things I loved about goldwave
was how easy it was to select part of a track for copying/pasting, deleting,
etc. I could just use my left and right brackets and b
Hi all:
I want to burn several audio CD's. What is the best way to go about actually
accomplishing this task? Someone suggested ITunes, but even if this is an
option I don't really want to do that. I don't want to have to import the
songs into my ITunes library, burn them, and then have to r
Silly question ahead!!
How does one rout the VO cursor to a particular area? I think I knew this at
one point, but have forgotten it as I don't tend to use it very often.
On Oct 10, 2010, at 2:27 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> response below your question.
> On Oct 9, 2010, at 11
Quicknav allows you to use one hand. I almost never turn quicknav off, unless
I'm working in a program where I need my arrow keys to function as arrow keys,
such as Amadeus Pro. Quicknav is kind of like locking the VO keys, but it only
applies to the arrow keys, enabling you to still enter tex
Hi all:
I have several avi files that I'd like to convert to ogg, hence my question
earlier about batch processing. However, it appears that Amadeus won't open
avi files. Therefore, I'd like some recommendations of alternatives.
Preferably something that will do batch processing, but that's
Hi all:
I'm not particularly following many threads on the list at present, but the
issue of skype accessibility seems to have cropped up a bit here and there.
This has me curious. I am, to my knowledge, running the latest version of
skype, and not having any issues with it. What accessibili
Hi list:
I was just wondering if anyone's used the greyhound website to buy tickets with
webkit and voiceover? I tried it last night. It's useable, but I also found
the process mildly frustrating. Part of that could have been due to the fact
it was after midnight and I was tired, however. :
Hi list:
I want to break into the world of youtube videos. I have no idea what I'm
doing, though. If anyone's done any podcasts on the subject, particularly
discussing any issues VO users may encounter, that would be great. Here's
hoping someone can nudge me in a direction.
You r
Hi list:
As of last night, Adium refuses to work properly with facebook chat. It says
I'm connected to facebook chat, but none of my contacts show up in my online
list. However, if someone writes me a message, they'll show up. They show up
forever, though. Even if I know they're no longer o
Some thoughtful person sent me this link in a facebook message. The solution
seems to work, and I think it will be how they'll implement facebook chat
connectivity in future versions of Adium. Hope it works for everyone.
You received this message bec
Hi list:
i'm in a mode again where i'm full of questions. I know it's possible to
select an entire document, and it's possible to select a document line by line.
However, is it possible to select from a certain point of a document to the
end without going line by line? Or, from the same poin
Hi all:
I have some information in my windows side that I'd like to copy to a webpage.
Trying to copy with control c and paste with command v in safari doesn't work.
I can't paste into text edit or anywhere else, either. Does the mac clipboard
only remember stuff copied into it from the mac
I had this same issue the other day. Someone on Facebook saw my issue thanks
to a status post on the subject and directed me to the following link.
Apparently, the former implementation of facebook chat in ADium is causing
problems, so they're recommending we use this work around. In
Adium and facebook are currently broken. Unless you set up your facebook
account under jabber rather than facebook, and use as the
server. I posted an article from adium about this to the list a couple of
times. I'll see if I can dig up the link again, if you want it.
On N
Hi list:
Firstly, this is part of a long-term plan to go into broadcasting. It's just
going to be easier, as far as I can tell, to broadcast on a virtual machine.
My macbook has just the base 2 gigs of RAM. I want 4, as I believe that'ss the
most it can support. So, firstly, is it worth payi
Hi list:
I just installed the amazon mp3 downloader, and tried to download an album.
The website says "complete purchase'. Clicking this link brought me to the
downloads window where it downloaded a tiny file, but that's all. The table in
the mp3 downloader stays empty, and the amazon mp3 fold
Hi list:
I just tonight took the plunge and upgraded to lion. Under SL, I was able to
write to my eternal HD that was using NTFS. Now after the update, my computer
refuses to even recognize my external drive, and gives me an error message.
Thoughts? Can I still write to my external in Lion?
ng I don't remember, but I
think that was the one I used.
On Oct 12, 2011, at 10:56 PM, Gavin wrote:
> I thought writing to NTFS partitions was impossible under any Mac OS version.
> How did you manage it in Snow Leopard?
> Regards,
> Gavin
> On 13 Oct 2011, at
Hi guys:
I think this may have been discussed once before, but I don't recall what the
answer is. How exactly can you follow people using YoruFukurou. Is it eve
possible? I'm confused.
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Hi list:
I've now had this happen twice. For reasons I can't figure out, ITunes all of
a sudden stops updating my podcasts. The only reason I know this is because I
have one hourly news and one or two daily podcasts that haven't updated in the
last several days. The only way I've found to fi
This is what I'm trying to do. If there's a way to do it while in a call, it's
sure not obvious to me. Any help would be great.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups
To read someone's profile, you perform the following steps.
Interact with the table that shows your contacts. Then, arrow to the contact
you want. While still interacting with the table, bring up the context menu
for the contact you're interested in with VO-Shift-M. Then, arrow to the i
Hi guys:
I've been using Adium forever, well since I got my mac, and am over all happy
with it. Recently, I've tried to add three people to MSN messenger. One with
a hotmail, and two with non-SN addresses. That is they're not associated with
hotmail,, etc. In all three cases, I was
On Feb 6, 2011, at 6:15 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hello. did you go to add contact then choose msn and put int he address and
> just hit add? what error messages do you get if any?
> S
> On Feb 6, 2011, at 2:53 PM, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi guys:
Hi all:
I just purchased navigon. I want to explore the app for myself, and have no
specific questions at the moment. But if anyone has any generally useful
tips/tricks, or a basic kind of getting started guide, VO specific would be
nice but not mandatory, that'd be awesome.
I plan on taking
Hi list:
Has anyone ever used Blinkx Remote? I find the majority of its interface
fairly self-explanatory, but I'm about to bang my head into a wall in
frustration at one thing in particular.
Selecting a TV show, season and episode is very straight forward. Then,
Blinkxs asks me where I want
Hi guys!
I was having issues with click to flash today. Ever since I got home, I would
click on flash videos, then interact with the thing adn click play on click to
flash, and there was no audio. I checked for an update, sure enough there was
one. The update, however, broke click to flash.
Stupid question!
I've installed and labeled the buttons, but... once you interact with stations
table while a station is playing, how the heck do you switch stations?
This is my perplexed face.
On Mar 26, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Rose Morales wrote:
> For an accessible Pandora app, use Pianopub and l
Using the track pad doesn't even seem to work for me. This is potentially bad.
On Mar 26, 2011, at 5:56 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> Hi John,
> So far, the only way I've been able to change stations is to use my track pad
> with vo trackpad commander off. In other words, move the mouse
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