I am very interested to know more about this game. It sounds awesome!

Thanks in advance.


John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL

On Jul 5, 2014, at 17:41, Sandi Jazmin Kruse <sandi1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi, no you don't exactly use it with voiceover, you use speak, the
> reason is that speak is faster if you fly a f16 at  800 knots you will
> want a  speech that is ... fast. really fast.
> It is not where you guys are yet trust me.
> Let me try too explain how it works even it is totally late so please
> bare with me.
> We will take a good old german airplane as the example, the reason for
> this is that it is the easiest too fly and that is what y'all will
> wanna start with . It is a plane called a Storch, it flies with around
> 80 knots that is about 160 kmh, give and take.
> So here goes, all of the different instruments in the airplane are
> variables all of these at least them you need are numbers... like  if
> you fly at curse 1 that is north, 90 is east and so on, it is the same
> for the altimeter, rpm, oil temp, engine temp,, airspeed, etc, it is
> the same for the ILS if the plane or airport have it , but more about
> that later.
> For Alex, it is not everything that works, mostly because i have not
> had the time too fully mess with it .
> But what you need too get the plane going works.
> So just a few words about how it speaks, the numbers are send through
> a Perl script  too speak, it speaks it when you press a key, and i am
> going too write more about that later on. If anyone is interested they
> can join #flightgear on irc.freenode.net, i will be there for at least
> 2 hours. As i said if anyone is interested i will happily make a short
> manual however it is not what i am best at but i will sure try :)
> Lets keep it on the list k? at least till  Cara tells  us differently.
> I don't wanna write more than i absolutely have too.
> On 7/5/14, Gabriele Battaglia <gabriele.battag...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Il giorno 06/lug/2014, alle ore 00:02, Sandi Jazmin Kruse
>> <sandi1...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> hi, there is flight gear, it works 100% for mac
>> Hi Sandi.
>> You said 100% for mac, but what is matter here is if it works 100% or
>> somehow less, for VoiceOver. Is it so?
>> Thanks.
>> Gabriel.
>> --
>> Namasté!
>> Sent from my iMac27. (Gmail)
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