I like Eloquence well enough, but I would not want it on my mac or iPhone, ever 
I don’t think.

For me, Eloquence is windows, Alex is Mac.  Since I do boot into a virtual 
machine for mudding and the like, I enjoy having my 2 environments with 
different voices.


John D. Lipsey

mail: johnl1...@gmail.com

Twitter: @J_TGL

> On Jun 11, 2015, at 23:38, Sadam Ahmed <sadamahmed1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Like others on list I've played around with the solution that brings the 
> Eloquence TTS to the Mac.
> As pointed out it's horribly unstable.
> If Apple can figure out a way of incorporating Eloquence in the next version 
> of OS X I'd certainly be interested.
> Alex has a very hard time announcing some names in Arabic and Somali my 
> native languages.
> Hope the Siri voices available in iOS 9 make  it into VoiceOver.
> To be honest a lot of those voices need to go.
> Not a lot has changed in terms of TTS since I got the Mac way back in 2010.
> Sadam Ahmed
> On 6/12/2015 6:32 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I agree with Shawn.  I've not been a fan of Eloquence ever primarily due to 
>> how it sounds.  But, to each their own.
>> Later...
>> Tim Kilburn
>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jun 11, 2015, at 14:11, Shawn Krasniuk <bbssh...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> Hi. The thing I have against Eloquence and even ESpeak is because they are 
>> too robotic sounding. Actually, one of the reasons why I moved to the Mac 
>> back in 2010 is because of Alex. When a friend of mine showed me how he took 
>> breaths when he reads and when watching Youtube videos with him on them, I 
>> was impressed with the way he sounded. Bottom line is, I moved to the Mac to 
>> get away from all robotic voices. Now I'm using Sharon from Acapela who I 
>> think is the best US English voice they made. In my opinion, like it or not, 
>> human natural voices are the future for us so I don't think Eloquence or 
>> eSpeak will ever come on to the Mac, especially if what that other poster 
>> said is true that Eloquence is discontinued.
>> Shawn
>> Sent from my White MacBook
>>> On Jun 11, 2015, at 2:25 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>> <clgillan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Jonathan,
>>> I totally totally agree with you!  If we could get Eloquence on the mac, 
>>> that would probably be the happiest day of my life!  I am one of those who 
>>> falls into the category you mentioned regarding Alex.  I can use him, but I 
>>> have to keep it at the default speaking rate, and even then, with my 
>>> hearing loss, I have to pay fairly close attention.  Especially if I'm 
>>> reading say, an entire paragraph or whatever in one chunk.  Again, I can do 
>>> it, but it's not easy.
>>> I don't honestly know what so many people have against Eloquence.  Even the 
>>> Vocalizer voices I can't seem to really understand terribly well.  I can do 
>>> it, as I said, but not easily.  I can't ramp Eloquence up very fast, but I 
>>> definitely have it slightly faster than the default both on my JAWS and my 
>>> Window-eyes.
>>> I know that Eloquence is also available for NVDA, but not legally, so there 
>>> went that idea.
>>> I know there is a port for Eloquence done by Tylor Spivy of Eloquence that 
>>> works on the mac, but it's a bit tricky to get it working, and is 
>>> incredibly incredibly unstable.  I used it just long enough to see if it 
>>> really actually worked, but obviously took it off, 1, when I saw how 
>>> unstable it was, and 2, due to the fact it's also illegal.  Even had it 
>>> worked flawlessly, I couldn't have kept it in good concience.
>>> I agree though, if there was a way to buy a mac ported stable mind you, 
>>> license for Eloquence, for OSX, I'd do it faster than a blink of an eye! 
>>> Darn straight I would!  It's really about the only synth I can not only 
>>> understand, but comfortably can listen to on and on for hours at a time.
>>> Chris.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "'Kevin Cussick' via MacVisionaries" 
>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2015 2:17 PM
>>> Subject: Re: time for Apple to get a new default voice
>>> Well I use Fiona Compact and have it as fast as I can and love it. but
>>> each to there own.
>>> On 10/06/2015 20:16, Jonathan Mosen wrote:
>>>> Hi Christopher. I think it depends on the hearing loss. I've worked with 
>>>> people for example with a hearing loss who find Alex unintelligible once 
>>>> you go a little above the default rate, but who can have compact Daniel 
>>>> cranked up remarkably fast.
>>>> Personally I'd be delighted to have Eloquence on my Mac because Alex 
>>>> mispronounces far too much for my liking. The moral of the story is the 
>>>> more choice of TTS a screen reader company can offer, the better. Speech 
>>>> is extremely subjective.
>>>> Jonathan Mosen
>>>> Mosen Consulting
>>>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>>>> http://Mosen.org
>>>>> On 11/06/2015, at 6:28 am, christopher hallsworth 
>>>>> <challswor...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>>> Might be coming next year <grin>. Seriously though, I don't ever want 
>>>>> Apple to remove Alex. He's fantastic for someone with moderately severe 
>>>>> to profound hearing loss which I have. The other voices included are 
>>>>> fine, but doesn't cut it like Alex.
>>>>>> On 10 Jun 2015, at 18:46, Shawn Krasniuk <bbssh...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ray. I don't really want Apple to get rid of Alex. I lve the fact 
>>>>>> that he takes breaths and everything. I am with you on one thing though, 
>>>>>> I hope Apple considers making the Siri voices available in El Capitan. 
>>>>>> After all, you can get them for NVDA in Windows so why can't it be done 
>>>>>> on the Mac?
>>>>>> Shawn
>>>>>> Sent from my White MacBook
>>>>>>> On Jun 10, 2015, at 12:07 PM, Ray Foret Jr <rforet7...@comcast.net> 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Subject line pretty much says it all.  Nothing against Alex mind you: 
>>>>>>> but, frankly, I reckon it's high time Apple adopted a new and much more 
>>>>>>> updated default voice.  The new Siri male US English voice might 
>>>>>>> perhaps be a good choice.  Here's hoping we see this one in Elcapitan.
>>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>>>>> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
>>>>>>> Sent from my Mac,
>>>>>>> the only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in
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