Does this software work if you have screen curtain enabled? I always have my 
screen curtain on, because i don't want people peering at my screen when I'm 
out in public and all. I'm just wondering if this is something I'll have to 
turn off every time I go to a page that could potentially have a CAPTCHA.


John D. Lipsey
Twitter: @J_TGL

On Mar 15, 2014, at 11:11, Cheryl Homiak <> wrote:

> Well, I'm not sure how much they see. I know that one day there was a field 
> to put in a coupon and rumola attempted to solve it as a captcha; I would 
> think that if they saw everything is would have been obvious that this wasn't 
> a captcha. We each have to draw our own lines when it comes to privacy risks; 
> I suspect that if we were totally aware of all the possible risks many of us 
> would consider whether we should be online at all. That doesn't mean we 
> should be fatalistic and take any and all risks without thought or 
> preparation, but I think it does mean we always need to keep in mind that we 
> are taking risks just by being connected to the Internet and then we have to 
> decide how best to protect ourselves and which risks are acceptable and/or 
> necessary.
>> -- 
>> Cheryl
>> May the words of my mouth
>> and the meditation of my heart
>> be acceptable to You, Lord,
>> my rock and my Redeemer.
>> (Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
> On Mar 15, 2014, at 1:48 AM, Nicholas Parsons <> 
> wrote:
>> Rumola is fantastic, but I'm a little bit worried about the privacy issues. 
>> What I didn't realise when I first started using it is that it uses real 
>> life people to solve the CAPTCHAs for us. I'm not sure if it sends each 
>> webpage you open to someone to determine whether there is a CAPTCHA or not, 
>> or whether it electronically detects whether or not there is a CAPTCHA and 
>> then, if there is one, sends a picture of the webpage to a person to be 
>> solved. I suspect the latter. Either way, however, I'm a little concerned 
>> about the privacy implications. Those CAPTCHAs usually show up on pages 
>> where I am entering lots of personal details, including name, address, and 
>> often credit card details. Do the people solving the CAPTCHAs also get to 
>> see that info? If not, how does it make sure that only the CAPTCHA info, and 
>> not other info on the webpage, is sent to the person?
>> -- 
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