RE: Using A T & T Navigator

2009-12-08 Thread Joe Plummer
x27;t have a GPS because the ones that are reliable and accessible and user friendly to the blind is 800 bucks or more! just my thoughts. . Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionaries+ow...@googlegroup

RE: Is the navigation of items on the IPhone as efficient and speedy as everyone says?

2009-12-08 Thread Joe Plummer
at it in a month. Just my thoughts. I don't think you would be sorry about getting it. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of william lomas Sent: Tu

RE: iPhone

2009-12-08 Thread Joe Plummer
hi, do you mean put them on another screen or delete them all together? Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of John W. Carty Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009

RE: Switching Symantha to Kerin

2009-12-08 Thread Joe Plummer
yes, it is a Google group called viphone. see link below to the group. You might have to copy and paste in address bar. I also can give you a web address so you can sign up without a Google email if wanted? Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) joeplum

RE: Is the navigation of items on the IPhone as efficient and speedy as everyone says?

2009-12-08 Thread Joe Plummer
try landscape mode. It is a much larger screen with larger buttons so to speak. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of May McDonald Sent: Tuesday, December 08

RE: Is the navigation of items on the IPhone as efficient and speedy as everyone says?

2009-12-08 Thread Joe Plummer
That is true. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mark Gilland Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:47 PM To: Subject: Re

RE: Switching Symantha to Kerin

2009-12-08 Thread Joe Plummer
for the Google group. You will need to change my email address at the end to your email address. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) joeplum

RE: test

2009-12-09 Thread Joe Plummer
is getting through also. Just some thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Paul Erkens Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 6:28 AM To:

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-09 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, might want to use satogo on the Windows side also. As far as a magnifying solution you might want to try magic from Freedom Scientific you can use it and use it in conjunction with Jaws. Both of these can be ran in a Demo mode that will let you use it for ever in a 40 minute mode. Just some tho

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, using Fusion you can now run it off of Boot camp. So you can have Fusion and Boot cam n the same Mac now. Just thought I would pass this along. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [

RE: It's pointless!

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
You said a mouth full. Totally agree. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jake Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 7:31 PM To: MacVisionaries Subject: Re: It's poin

RE: It's pointless!

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
mething's better than the Mac VO does. You must be open minded and willing to try different things. This being said different strokes for different folks! Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvi

RE: It's pointless!

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
Another good mouth full! Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Lynn Schneider Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 6:45 PM To: Subject: Re

RE: It's pointless!

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
:// Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mark Gilland Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 6:15 PM To: Subject: Re: It&#

RE: downloading mp3s with Safari

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, if you paste the web site where the MP3 is located. But no if you copy from the MP3 file it will open up in the default music player. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, satogo will work on any Window's OS using IE satogo does not install anything on your PC so to speak. Just in IE temp files. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [

RE: It's pointless!

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mark Gilland Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 1:53 PM To: Subject: Re: It's pointless! Hi Joe.

RE: It's pointless!

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
email=myid Ok, the link below will tell you about the link above. I think it will also tell you how to change your email address if you already signed up. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Ori

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
better. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ryan Mann Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 11:56 AM To: Subject: Re

RE: best keyboard model and mouse combo for macminny

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, I would get the USB keyboard with the num pad. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Corey Knapp Sent: Friday, December 11, 2009 6:05 PM To: macvisionaries

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-11 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, what does this have to do with the thread of Boot camp or one of the other ways to run windows on Mac? Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Victor Tsaran Sent

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-12 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, 4 gb will do just fine with running Windows in boot camp or the other ways. I wouldn't spend the money on the ram, unless you are going to do high end gaming or high end video or audio editing. I would spend the money on something better. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) jo

RE: best keyboard model and mouse combo for macminny

2009-12-12 Thread Joe Plummer
No but will give you the link to it on apple page. See link below. Might have to copy and paste in address bar. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: macvisiona

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-12 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, I think this is bashing a blindness product and personally don't think we should be bashing blindness products of any kind especially on a list for blind users of a product for the blind. I think the Mods should step in and stop this. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) jo

RE: questions about NVDA

2009-12-12 Thread Joe Plummer
n, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2009 9:09 PM To: Subject: Re: questions about NVDA Just o

RE: alternative e-mail programm

2009-12-13 Thread Joe Plummer
Here again the only solution I know of is to just run windows on your Mac. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 5:07 PM To

RE: System access to go on a mac

2009-12-13 Thread Joe Plummer
What I understand it will not work on Mac OS. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of .dan. Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2009 2:58 PM To:

RE: Mac mini's

2009-12-16 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, you are going to have sited help with boot camp. I think there is a podcast on it maybe on the BCT ( Blind Cool Tech Web site ). Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of

RE: Mac mini's

2009-12-16 Thread Joe Plummer
; > Hi, you are going to have sited help with boot camp. I think there is a > podcast on it maybe on the BCT ( Blind Cool Tech Web site ). > > > Sign, > JP ( Joe Plummer) > > > > -Original Message- > From:

RE: vmware and key combinations

2009-12-18 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, 4gb of ram is more than enough unless you are doing very high end Video editing or high end audio editing or playing high end games. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On

RE: Vmware Fusion and Windows

2009-12-18 Thread Joe Plummer
You also can use Jaws and Windows eyes in the demo mode for 40 minutes before you have to restart the PC in this case you might just have to close Windows virtual machine to be able to get another 40 minutes. Satogo will auto cut off jaws. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer)

RE: Vmware Fusion and Windows

2009-12-18 Thread Joe Plummer
But Jaws will and so will Windows eyes and they have demos that will run in 40 minute mode and Windows eyes offer a payment plan if you choose to go that way. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar

RE: Vmware Fusion and Windows

2009-12-18 Thread Joe Plummer
Well she is out of luck. There is no screen readers that are free to do what she wants. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen Sent: Friday, December

RE: iTunes STore Web Page

2009-12-20 Thread Joe Plummer
See below. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jane Jordan (GMail) Sent: Sunday, December

RE: mouseovers and voiceover

2009-12-22 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, you are sending out multi email to this list! I got at least two of these emails. Rather it is your fault or not there is more than one going out. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar

RE: iPhone for Blind

2009-12-22 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, see link below. This is a Google group, called viphone. I will give you the address to join up at. I also can give you address that will allow you to sign up for Google groups without a Google Id if wanted? See link below. Sign, JP ( Joe

RE: multiple copies being posted

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
will have this choice. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Cara Quinn Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 10:10 PM To: Subject: Re: multiple

RE: We better keep this going!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
everyone. You need to get what you are the most comfortable with and that will meet your needs. This is a personal decision. We should just be giving info not being a Apple sales Rep. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: macvisionaries

RE: We better keep this going!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
I agree we don't need to get into being a Apple sales Rep. We just need to give info and let the person make the decision! Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of

RE: We better keep this going!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, give info but not a sale pitch. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:51 PM To:

Vo and is it what everone needs!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
will just enhance them and embrace them. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Tyler Littlefield Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 4:13 PM To:

RE: We better keep this going!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes and it meets your needs great but it might not for everyone. So here again we need to give info and stay out of the sales department, unless you want to go to work for Apple! Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From:

RE: We better keep this going!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
This is a TMI! Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Cody Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 5:00 PM To: Subject: Re: We better keep this

Is the mac for everyone!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes you can put JFW on all PC's it would cost some money or you could use a thumb drive with a dongle authorization. This is what I do at work use the JFW on a thumb drive and authorize it with a dongle. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message-

Is Vo for everyone!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
I totally agree! Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 5:20 PM To: Subject: Re: We

Is Vo and Mac for everyone!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, totally agree. You also have satogo you can use on any PC. No it is not as robust as JFW but it is pretty dog gone good. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Tyler

Is Vo or Mac for everyone!

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
! Here again I say give info not a sale pitch. Mac and Vo is great and should be applauded for their efforts. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Cara

RE: multiple copies being posted

2009-12-23 Thread Joe Plummer
Thanks, Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of M. Taylor Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 6:05 AM To: Subject: RE: multiple copies being

What works on a Mac or PC and ending thread.

2009-12-24 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, change the subject to go with conversation. Now do you all think we beat this thread to death enough? Can we move on to better stuff? Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On

Multi copies of messages.

2009-12-24 Thread Joe Plummer
ughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009 5:48 AM To: Subject: Re: We better keep this going

Face Book Light

2009-12-24 Thread Joe Plummer
w and don't forget to click on the link in Face Book called Feedback and leave a feed back ! I hopes this is helpful to some. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisiona

RE: Face Book Light

2009-12-24 Thread Joe Plummer
I don't know I don't use the chat. But give it a try and let me know . Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Jed Barton Sent: Thursday, December 24, 2009


2009-12-28 Thread Joe Plummer
This is a test. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, sen

RE: using Facebook on the Mac?

2009-12-28 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, try this link out it is much better than the Face Book mobile. It is called Face Book lite. See link below. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On

RE: dvi to video adapter?

2010-01-20 Thread Joe Plummer
a display hooked to it but you do need the display adapter hooked to it. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Matt Roberts Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 2:09 PM To: macv

RE: apple tablet

2010-01-20 Thread Joe Plummer
ially since they are doing a tablet PC. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of william lomas Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:28 PM To: macvision

RE: -- RE: dvi to video adapter?

2010-01-20 Thread Joe Plummer
Ok, did not know they changed it. I know this use to not be true. Oh well you just have to get a old one. Or hook it to your HD LDC TV. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On

RE: Tidbits on tablet leaked by McGraw Hill chairman

2010-01-27 Thread Joe Plummer
. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill-Rose Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:53 AM To: Subject: Re: Tidbits on tablet leaked

RE: creating ringtones from my own mp3's

2010-02-06 Thread Joe Plummer
give that to you also. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Simon Fogarty Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 4:55 AM To: Subject: RE

RE: creating ringtones from my own mp3's

2010-02-06 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, you are correct. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Thuy Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 10:41 AM To: Subject: Re: creating

RE: creating ringtones from my own mp3's

2010-02-06 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, but you can create your own ring tones and put on it. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Carolyn Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 1:38 PM To: macvisionaries

RE: creating ringtones from my own mp3's

2010-02-06 Thread Joe Plummer
list with out a Google account if wanted?: Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Dean Adams Sent: Saturday, February 06

RE: deleting an app from an iPhone using vo

2010-02-12 Thread Joe Plummer
emove this app from the phone. Now this will not un install it from the computer. Hopes this helps. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus Sent: Friday, Februa

RE: deleting an app from an iPhone using vo

2010-02-12 Thread Joe Plummer
/viphone?hl=en Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Charlie Doremus Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 5:00 PM To: Subject: Re: deleting an

RE: deleting an app from an iPhone using vo

2010-02-13 Thread Joe Plummer
leave it on the pC or Mac or what ever computer so you will have it later if you want to put it back on the phone. This is just my way and my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar

RE: question about mail and IMAP

2010-02-14 Thread Joe Plummer
ms to be what it is for me. So I don't never worry about the other folders just my inbox. Unless I need to look up something I deleted or sent. Hope this helps some. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:m

RE: o t help with jaws and fusion

2010-02-16 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, I would recommend a dongle. This might fix the problem. Or just use boot camp, instead. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of tim Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 4

RE: interesting article on bionic sight

2010-02-20 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, I agree for the optical nerve I don't see any hope in the near future. Maybe 100 years from now if we are lucky. I have optical nerve damage also. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvis

RE: windows 7 list

2010-02-24 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, see link below might have to copy and paste in address bar. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of May McDonald Sent

RE: Persistent firewall

2010-03-04 Thread Joe Plummer
Are you sign on as full administrator? Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 4:24 AM To:

RE: Persistent firewall

2010-03-04 Thread Joe Plummer
and sent it to let it run at all times. I have notice in some of the windows firewall dialog boxes and settings you have to use the JFW cursor. Hopes this helps some. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar

RE: Persistent firewall

2010-03-04 Thread Joe Plummer
Well sounds like you have a Corrupted OS. Might have to do a install on your OS. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Nicolai Svendsen Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 11

I Pad!

2010-03-23 Thread Joe Plummer
. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to macv

RE: I Pad!

2010-03-24 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, going to wait till they come out and get input from the blind community. I if bought one would be towards the end of the year. Just getting input of opinions and thoughts on it. Doing some investigating. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From

FW: [Mac-cessibility News] Adobe Announces Flash and Flex Accessibility for Mac

2010-03-25 Thread Joe Plummer
FYI, thought this might be of interest to some of you all. Don't know if this will included the iPhone, iPod and ipad or not. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: Maccessibility [] Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2010 5:

RE: [Mac-accessibility News] Adobe Announces Flash and Flex Accessibility for Mac

2010-03-25 Thread Joe Plummer
well, anything is better than nothing at all. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris Hofstader Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:39 AM To

FW: [Mac-accessibility News] iBooks to Include Project Gutenberg Catalog

2010-03-25 Thread Joe Plummer
FYI, according to this below Ibooks on the Ipad will be VO accessible! See and read below. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: Maccessibility [] Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 2:37 PM To:

RE: IPhone accessibility

2010-03-28 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, but I would buy one out of contract and get the lowest end of the section I could. That way in a few months you could upgrade. Just some thoughts. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar

RE: IPhone accessibility

2010-03-28 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, this is all just opinions. We have no facts to go on yet. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Scott Howell Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 1:34 PM To

RE: My Mac Mini

2010-04-01 Thread Joe Plummer
No, I dis agree with this. They made it small and portable just so you could move it around easily. Now for the monitor part you can get real small monitor like a 7 or 9 inch monitor to do what you want that is very portable and some even runs off a battery. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) joeplum

RE: My Mac Mini

2010-04-01 Thread Joe Plummer
ing it was not made especially for us the blind community but I don't think there is many if any at all doing video editing and graphic design here. Just more thoughts. Especially the high end one. I know other will disagree with me and that is ok also. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe P

RE: iPad bluetooth keyboard

2010-04-01 Thread Joe Plummer
what you are talking about then accept my apology. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Esther Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 1:19 PM To:

RE: iPad bluetooth keyboard

2010-04-01 Thread Joe Plummer
Ok, understand now. I for sure they will. This would be a short fall in it if it did not. Just my thoughts. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Esther Sent: Thursday

RE: Used an iPad today

2010-04-06 Thread Joe Plummer
also think you could just put your sim card out of one of your other devices in it and trade it back and forth between the devices. The last part is a thought in this message. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From:

RE: Ipad and Bluetooth Keyboard

2010-04-08 Thread Joe Plummer
You cannot currently use on the iPhone a external keyboard without jail breaking. The ipad has not been out enough for me to know other than you can use Apple external keyboard. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From:

RE: transfering documents through iTunes?

2010-04-10 Thread Joe Plummer
You suppose to be able to use notes on your iphone and sync them. I don't remember right where in iTunes but notes are in there and all you have to do is check the note box. I don't know about ipad but willing to say there is and probley better than in the iphone. Sign, Joe Pl

RE: transfering documents through iTunes?

2010-04-11 Thread Joe Plummer
Well I presume you are talking about a mobile me account. I not going to pay 100 bucks a year for syncing notes. Now it might be different if I was doing a whole spread sheet or sheets. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: macvisionaries

RE: ITunes won't start

2010-04-13 Thread Joe Plummer
hi, uninstall it and reinstall it. if not on your main pc make sure you deauthorize it and then reauthorize it when you get it reinstall. I also would backup any apps and songs you have bought thru iTunes. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From

RE: ITunes won't start

2010-04-14 Thread Joe Plummer
ve in backing up, no matter what platform you use. But you did answer the question very good. Sign, JP ( Joe Plummer) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Esther Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:55

RE: new member

2010-04-15 Thread Joe Plummer
For other A T you can run boot camp or virtual windows to use them. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Anne Robertson Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 5:46 PM To

Mac mini

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
Hi, have anyone heard any rumors about a new Mac Mini any time soon? I was hoping they would update it with the more ram like to 8gb and larger processer like maybe the new quad processer like they are putting in laptop now. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -- You received this

RE: Mac Mini and idea for MacBooks

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
bit bigger but that would be ok as long as they say did not add more than 2 inches each way. Just my thoughts and wishes. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ben Mustill

RE: Mac Mini and idea for MacBooks

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, the Mac mini has a totally different place in the line up. It is a small computer. But I will say it doesn't have to be a low end PC. With proper upgrade it can be a power house of a pc, but still be small desk top that could be some what portable. Just my thoughts. Sign, Joe Plummer

RE: Mac mini

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, but there is all ways leaks. There is no way to stop it. Now this being said you might not be able to put a lot of faith in it but it is their. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [mailto:macvisionar

RE: Mac Mini and idea for MacBooks

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ricardo Walker Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 6:09 AM To: Subject: Re: Mac Mini and idea for MacBooks Hi

RE: Mac mini

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
or so on the laptop. I think maybe 3 or less in the desk top. Of course this is just my thoughts and dream. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Bryan Smart Sent

RE: Mac Mini and idea for MacBooks

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, but I don't think that is the way he was talking about it. Might be wrong but this is my thought. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Bryan Smart Sent: F

RE: Mac Mini and idea for MacBooks

2010-04-16 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes. But it is not small. It is a huge tower. But if I had plenty of money I would get one just to say I had one. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Bryan Smart

RE: mac book pro

2010-04-17 Thread Joe Plummer
s les than 7200 this might help to. But this would be the last thing I would do. I would look at the ram first. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Mark BurningHawk B

RE: Mac Mini and idea for MacBooks

2010-04-17 Thread Joe Plummer
Yes, I agree. Sign, Joe Plummer ( JP ) -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Chris G Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 12:03 PM To: Subject: Re: Mac Mini and idea

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