That is true.


JP ( Joe Plummer)

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Mark Gilland
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: Is the navigation of items on the IPhone as efficient and
speedy as everyone says?

yeah but not everything will work in landscape.


? ????? t?? Te?? ? sa?.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Plummer" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:38 PM
Subject: RE: Is the navigation of items on the IPhone as efficient and
speedy as everyone says?

> try landscape mode. It is a much larger screen with larger buttons so 
> to speak.
> Sign,
> JP ( Joe Plummer)
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of May 
> McDonald
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:33 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Is the navigation of items on the IPhone as efficient and 
> speedy as everyone says?
> Smile, now that one is something you'll have to find that's 
> comfortable for you if you get use to this method. For me I've gotten 
> very good at this so I can hold the IPhone and split tap with the same 
> hand, took practice though.
> I use my middle for the split tap and search with my pointer.
> Good luck.
> On 2009-12-08, at 10:24 AM, Mark Gilland wrote:
>> it did.  my issue is I have big fingers so sometimes it's a little 
>> hard to
>> put one finger down on the screen kplus another.  maybe that is how 
>> I'm holding the thing though.  I basicly hold it by it's left and 
>> right side edges.  I kind a grab the left and right sides with my 
>> thumb pon the left metal edge and my index, middle and ring on the 
>> right side edge.  By edge
> I
>> mean like the edge where on the left edge you have the two volume 
>> keys and
>> on the right edge is nothing.  I do this holding it with my opened 
>> palm faced up to the ceiling.  I kind a slant the top of the unit 
>> away and up a
>> bit and kind a rest it on the side of my left index finger, so my 
>> left
> hand
>> is absically holding it palm up, with thumb middle and ring then my 
>> index tip on the right edge too, with more the side of my index kind 
>> of acting
> as
>> a rest to lay the backside of the ipod against to support it.  then 
>> with
> my
>> right index, being that is the only real sensitive finger I have
> regretfully
>> are my two indexes, so I'm taking the tip pad of my index on my right
> hand,
>> and moving around then lifting off the screen, going about center 
>> screen, then doing my double tap.  Sometimes I do hear that loud 
>> click which I
> think
>> may be the pass through.  I then obviously if I touch something 
>> insert it,
>> which is throwing me.  I think the split tap, will take some getitng 
>> used
> to
>> as I don't have that much room on the screen with my big oal fingers 
>> to work, but playing with it, there has to be a way.  so if I use my 
>> index,
> to
>> slide, what finger would you say you'd use then, to tap?
>> Chris.
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