Ok, understand now. I for sure they will. This would be a short fall in it
if it did not. Just my thoughts.

JP ( Joe Plummer)

-----Original Message-----
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Esther
Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 3:09 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: iPad bluetooth keyboard


Sorry if this was not clear, I have an iPod Touch and navigate with  
the rotor to links.  My main point was that I thought it was likely  
that some extension of the VO capabilities for the iPhone and iPod  
Touch might make it into the keyboard shortcut set of commands for the  
iPad, given the support of both the dockable keyboard and the BT  
<begin quote>
I can't imagine that the iPad would make you alternate between typing on
a keyboard and then moving over to touch the screen just to handle
some of the navigation you would carry out with gestures on the touch
screen.  That would really be clunky!
<end quote>
On the touch screen of the hand-held iPod Touch or iPhone, the  
continuity of gesture with flicks, use of rotor and entry of text with  
the virtual keyboard is fairly well integrated.  On the current  
generation Macs, we work largely with keyboard shortcuts and the  
newest machines incorporate some of the gestures used on the iPhone  
and iPod Touch.  My speculation was that Apple might introduce VO  
extensions for the iPad that function like the keyboard shortcuts to  
make it easier to work from the keyboard alone for simple functions,  
rather than have you type on your keyboard, put this down to pick up  
your iPad, perform a few touch screen gestures and then put the iPad  
down again to return to your keyboard.

I was not saying that the current iPhone or iPod Touch did not let you  
navigate by links headings, etc.  Some of the limitations in the range  
of navigation options on web pages on the iPhone and iPod Touch  
resemble the restrictions in VO performance in its first release under  
Tiger.  Since Chris was wondering about support for the VO keyboard  
shortcuts that we use under the full Mac system, and since I don't  
believe he uses either an iPhone or iPod Touch, I was trying to  
address his questions about the likelihood for a hybrid version of the  
VO on an iPad that uses some of the keyboard shortcuts on the regular  
Mac keyboards, just as the iPhone and iPod Touch gestures have made  
their way into the expanded usage of Mac computers under recent OS and  
model updates.

I don't usually speculate like this, and since we will all soon know,  
I'll end all my comments on this thread to save bandwidth.



Joe Plummer wrote:

> That is not correct. You can navigate by links heading and so on.  
> You in
> like safari use two fingers red apart like you are going to turn a  
> nob and
> do this jester on the screen and it will change from heading, links  
> and so
> on. I know I have the iPhone and do it all the time. Now if this is  
> not what
> you are talking about then accept my apology.
> Sign,
> JP ( Joe Plummer)
> joeplum...@tds.net
> -----Original Message-----
> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> [mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 1:19 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: iPad bluetooth keyboard
> Hi Chris,
> My guess is that you may be able to use a restricted set of the VO
> keyboard commands with the iPad.  On the iPhone and the iPod Touch you
> have VO gestures for the rotor to change modes for input and also to
> use for navigation.  Although you do your typing on the virtual
> keyboard, and use gestures for the other touch screen functions, I
> can't imagine that the iPad would make you alternate between typing on
> a keyboard and then moving over to touch the screen just to handle
> some of the navigation you would carry out with gestures on the touch
> screen.  That would really be clunky!  On the other hand, one of the
> current limitations with using VoiceOver on the iPhone or iPod Touch
> is that you can't use find or move to an arbitrary position in a
> document or a web page, You can flick through links etc. but you can't
> move to an arbitrary position based on a context search. It would
> really be nice if features like these could be added.  One of the
> things that would make reading eBooks more convenient with VO would be
> general bookmarking of specific locations within pages on the device.
> Cheers,
> Esther
> Chris Blouch wrote:
>> Now that the reviews have been released it turns out the iPad's
>> bluetooth supports using Apple's real wireless keyboard. I think in
>> past posts there were some questions about using an external
>> keyboard. I wonder if this means VO keyboard commands will work or
>> is it only for typing in text?
>> CB

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