Hi there
I have it and it works great. The results, as you'd expect from
Finereader, are excellent and most definitely on par with Finereader
for Windows. The interface is considerably different and simplified,
but it's accessible. There are a few buttons that aren't labeled, such
as the scan butt
Only Apple knows the reasons Flash is not allowed, but I can
speculate. The first reason is that, on platforms other than Windows,
Flash is a resource hog and Adobe noticeably lets it lag behind. It's
a battery guzzler.
As for Java, the reason is stated in the app store policies. A java
The home/end keys on the Mac have different functions than they do on
Windows. To move to the beginning or end of a line on the Mac, use
command+left arrow and command+right arrow respectively. Also, for top
and bottom of a document or text field, it's command+up and command
Daniel Row
I've occasionally had the two-finger doubletap gesture fail to answer
a call if the phone was locked when I receive the call. Personally I
don't use that gesture to answer anyway, the answer button always
appears in the lower right so I just use my thumb to hit it as many
times I don't have two
I've not tried to download them on my phone, though I have a hunch
that wouldn't work. I have however read them on the phone in the web
browser. Note, though, that it's the HTML file you want and not the
XML. The XML will work but sometimes doesn't render properly due to
the daisy tags in it th
If you're looking for a more advanced file manager than Finder, have a
look at disk-order:
It's not free either, but it is accessible with VO and has some really
cool functions.
On Nov 16, 11:18 pm, anouk radix wrote:
> Hello, i mailed path finder support last
Well, the phone does attach via USB but it doesn't show up as a drive
as it does not use MSC for file transfers. Honestly I just emailed the
files to myself, :).
On Nov 16, 1:16 pm, "John W. Carty" wrote:
> Jake,
> If you didn't download them on the phone, how did y
I really don't think Apple would be crazy enough to actually do
something like this. Most large companies file a lot of patent
applications, some are simply concepts that never get used or are
concepts patented to prevent other companies from using them. Leaving
aside what I think about patents,
That's hardly mainstream though. Still, I think you are probably
right, the way Amazon caved to the author's guild doesn't leave much
hope for accessibility. The only hope we may have would be to change
the author's guild's attitude, but somehow I think that's even less
likely than getting through
The current version of HandBrake will do this:
Note though that avi is a dying format, and version 0.9.3 is the last
version of HandBrake that will support it. There's also some command-
line tools to do this such as mencoder, so if you feel comfortable use
mencoder whic
The ebay bug relates to a javascript applet and some interaction with
Voiceover. Using a new version of Webkit fixes the problem, this was
actually fixed before Safari 4.0.3's release. I'm quite disappointed,
actually, that this fix didn't make it into 4.0.3 as the accessibility
team essentially
I went to try it out, but I'd like to know something before
continuing. I am being prompted for this Java app to obtain full
access to my computer. Why? A MUD client would not need full access to
the system and I never allow full acces unless I know why.
KehzaFox wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I have jus
I'm confused. This reply is from Elgato systems, who make the iTV
application. What has this to do with the Apple TV device from Apple?
On Nov 26, 4:59 am, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> Huh, I had thought the latest release had VO running on it properly. I guess
> I'll need to remove it from the li
Hi Scott
Although I agree with you completely, I'd argue that this situation
exists in the US as well. Has anyone successfully gotten the
government to buy them a Mac? I've never heard of a case, and the
reasons given are similar and some are even open about dealing
exclusively with one company or
Now, here's something I've done quite a few times. The general process
of opening up the Mac Mini is as follows:
1. Get a putty knife or other flat instrament. If you don't want to
scratch the case, plastic is best although with a stronger metal knife
this is actually easier but much more likely
I don't use VueScan for the OCR, but rather to perform the scanning
function as it seems most scanner drivers are inaccessible and VueScan
has the ability to bypass them. What I've done, and it's not too hard,
is to have VueScan feed the scanned image into FineReader Express.
While actually usin
I'm a bit confused. You can always get the time by touching the status
bar in the center or when you are on the unlock screen. Do you mean
you want something that announces the time automatically every so
Pete Nalda wrote:
> Heard someone having VO anounce the time on the iphone today an
Hi Krister
Well, as for the why, think of it like the VO cursor versus the
keyboard focus. You can have one positioned somewhere while marking
out positions with the other.
As for why your cut didn't work, from your steps you did not route the
insertion point to the play head. There's two ways to d
This is not correct. The keypad is not disabled when you are using the
earpiece. Once you tilt the phone away from you and hear the speaker
come on, simply press the keypad button. It's approximately in the
center of the screen, and it's quite large and, of course, is
identified by Voiceover. Once
In theory you could remove Voiceover manually, but there's no official
way to do it and the actual core accessibility infrastructure is part
of the OS X core system libraries. It is tied into the GUI at a very
low level.
As far as Linux and Orca goes, that is more complicated than it first
I'll second Tintin++. It's still my client of choice, first on Linux
and on OS X as well. There's already an OS X version compiled on the
webpage at:
But to answer the question anyway, OS X is a POSIX-compliant UNIX os,
certified as such. Essentially you can compile most thing
But will we be able to actually read the books after the author's
guild basically said we have no right to and Amazon caved to them? It
can have all the audible menus in the world, but if I can't read the
book based on a licensing decision then it's still of no use.
Personally, I'd rather have an a
They must have the content in a customized control that isn't exposed
to Voiceover. Given that Chrome uses Webkit under the hood just as
Safari does, and Webkit has integration with the OS X accessibility
frameworks already, it is rather surprising they didn't test it
especially since they do have
As far as I know, you can't remove any of the built-in apps and thus
you can't remove their icons, as the home screen is where all apps
appear. What you can do, however, is drag them to another page and
make a page for icons you don't use. That way they won't be in your
way. To drag an icon, dou
+ow...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Esther
> Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:29 PM
> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Text-to-Speech Support on Kindle coming for Vision Impaired
> users
> Hi Jacob,
> Jake wrote:
> > But will we be able to actually rea
e to the menus we will enjoy some of what is available.
> > -Original Message-
> > From: macvisionaries+ow...@googlegroups.com
> > [mailto:macvisionaries+ow...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Esther
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 1:29 PM
> > To: macvisio
Built-in programs cannot be removed at all, that's why I suggested
dragging them out of the way. However, any app you can install can be
removed on the phone as well as through iTunes. Double tap hold on the
icon for the app you wish to remove. Instead of saying "moving" app
name it will say "movin
MP4 is a container format, not a vieo format. Mov and MP4 are actually
identical, they're the same file format though they often contain
different codecs. If your videos are being cut off when you create
them with quicktime and not when you do so on the netbook, check your
export settings on eac
I don't think "convert" is the right idea here. It makes it sound like
a religion, and I don't like religions let alone making one out of
something like a computer. The important thing is for people to know
their options, that they have options, and to try and keep their minds
open. Those who li
This is true to an extent, but some of the unknowns are not containers
but lists and interacting with them will yield nothing. This is
largely due to the use of QT as the GUI toolkit which has no
accessibility hooks for the OS X platform despite the QT docs
statement otherwise. Version 3.1 is actua
Hi Matt
Amadeus Pro is a rather complex beast, though powerful once you master
it. It's not like any other audio editor I'm familiar with in the way
it handles some of the concepts and editing functions. I'll try to
answer your questions as clear as I can, though I've used Amadeus for
a while so if
mbination works identically.
On Dec 17, 8:09 am, Søren Jensen wrote:
> Jake: you are just awesome to explain how things works.
> Here is how I make a selection:
> If it's more than 30 seconds of audio I wanna select, I use markers, but if
> it's a few seconds, I use shift righ
You can have VueScan automatically feed its image into Finereader so
the two programs in effect work together. I wrote a little guide on
how to do this a little while back, do a search in this group for
"FineReader" and you'll find the thread "Abbyy Fine Express Problem"
which is the thread in w
Does Garageband now support VST? It didn't as of iLife 08 which is
what I'm still using. If the newest version does support VST I think
I've just found a very compelling reason to upgrade it.
There was, at one time, a VST adapter for Garageband that would make
VST instruments appear as Audio Uni
Is this available to non-Canadians? I don't know about the Canadian
Sirius radio site, but the US one requires the windows media codecs
from flip4mac to be installed in order to add support for them into
Quicktime. Once you do that, it plays fine. If the Canadian site does
need ActiveX that is a re
Hi John
How are you telling disk utility to create the images? There's a few
ways to do it and even more options. I've easily made master images of
a hybrid CD in disk utility, in my case to make sure I have a backup
of my OS X installation disks should I ever lose them. I've confirmed
that it did
Adobe digital editions uses Flash to display content, so it's not
accessible as you've probably guessed. For Kobo, though, you're in
luck as its iPod Touch/iPhone app is quite useable. You can't seem to
load up 3rd party epubs to it but you can search, browse, download and
read in the app all ac
Very true, but also the iMacs were updated at the same time and so
were the MacPros, so all the desktop lines were recently refreshed.
Apple does not seem very eager to adopt blue ray in any of their
products, not that I blame them. The media licensing, and the DRM the
movie studios want for Blue R
I've not jailbroken mine but I helped set up a friend's iPhone that
came jailbroken and unlocked. My observation is that, unless you want
to unlock your iPhone (i.e. enable it to take sim cards from any
carrier) then it's not worth doing. A good majority of the apps,
including the jailbroken app
Wow, I just tried this and I'd definitely call this a bug. It's not
just with 320 kbps either, but any time I try to use a custom MP3
encoder preset. I didn't notice this before because I use AAC, but I
just tried setting up a custom mp3 preset and it will not do anything
except 160. It's not VO
A bit inaccurate. FineReader can be configured to open saved documents
with a specific application, I have mine set to open them with
Textedit. Also, it is possible to link VueScan and FineReader together
so that you need not scan then save then open then save again. I
posted a message on how to
Nope, and I'm not personally convinced that Mozilla really cares.
There was a blog post a while back from Mozilla essentially saying it
was Apple's responsibility. Since then there've been a few vague sort
of promises that we'll get Mac accessibility to Firefox but nothing
actually has been done to
Hi all.
I am using os x 10.8.3. I have been trying to figure out how to get to the
Manage Dashboard Widgets, but all I can find is some information about clicking
a plus button which I can't find anywhere. Does anyone know the trick to this?
Thanks in advance,
You received
I guess I'm missing something, because all I see in that menu are my open
widgets, the list of installed widgets, and a "widget menu bar". I thought it
might be the widget menu bar, but the various things I've tried on that item
don't have the desired results. Are you saying I'm supposed to se
k for each to show or not show. This
button is what I can't find, I'm beginning to believe that it is inaccessible.
In any case, what I really want is a way to show/hide widgets that appear on
the menu.
On Apr 16, 2013, at 11:59 AM, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:
> On the W
them. But
they aren't hiding using this method.
Thanks to everyone for your attempts to help on this.
On Apr 18, 2013, at 9:51 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> There explanations are providing the answer you're looking for. This process
> is accessed differentl
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