How did you resolve the issue?
Glad to hear Apple Support was helpful. Once you're transfered to a senior
person, they're great.
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
On Jun 12, 2010, at 11:55 PM, Tammy wrote:
> Yes, I had a terrible time
> Resol
Hello Kim,
On Jun 13, 2010, at 3:57 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
> I wish there was a command shift key combination to go to the downloads
> folder.
I agree. However, I just press Command-Shift-H to go to my Home folder, then
type the letters d o w quickly and it takes me to my Downloads folder.
Hello Anna,
You can find a lot of shortcuts like these in the Go menu in the Finder.
Wherever a menu item has a shortcut, you'll find it after the item description.
Knowing shortcuts saves so much time.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 1:14 AM, Ana G wrote:
> Anne,
> You are a marvel. I
On the mac, you are able to set up multiple smtp addresses.
This means you just need to make the change in the list when sending mail
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Sarai Bucciarelli
Sent: Sunday, 13 June 20
Or virtual box. I find vm fusion is very slow virtual box is not as
accessible, but a lot faster
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Kevin Mattingly
Sent: Sunday, 13 June 2010 8:42 a.m.
To: macvisionaries@googlegro
Thanks for the help guys, I'm loveing my mac more and more each day.
On 6/13/10, Allison Manzino wrote:
> Hi Kari,
> I'm sure someone on this list has answered all your questions by now, but
> here's my little two cents :). I think to read an entire document with
> VoiceOver, you have to pres
I wonder if you have a set of eyes that can look and see if there is something
going on. My other two suggestions is to setup another account if you do not
have one, log into this account and see if you have the same problem. If not,
you may have a corrupted plist file. What you can do is track
Hi Mike,
Thanks for this suggestion. I have a question, though, that hopefully you or
someone can answer. What are stacks and fans? I've always assumed they refer
to a method of displaying information, but I'd love it if someone could clarify
what exactly those options do.
On Jun
Hi just downloaded virtualbox and the interface isn't accessible.
I'm new to the command line is there instructions for using command line.
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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Hello. I am very curious to try the 30-day trial of Iworks on the Mac.
When going to the Apple site where the download is located, the actual
download seems to be inside of an empty frame, at least this is what
Voiceover reports.
In other words, there is what sounds like a frame for the downloa
I found an article on google on the syntax of some of the command lines.
Unfortunately I forgot to google it but maybe try command
line syntax for unix.
Take care.
SOn Jun 13, 2010, at 3:08 AM, chad baker wrote:
> Hi just downloaded virtualbox and the interface isn't accessible.
> I'm new to t
A single file was buried, I was following along the techs direction
and unable to make notes. The file was a four lettered something like
mtbw and i don't remember the location. I'm sorry, we went through so
many fixes to find it, the ones I remember are those I tried myself
and with Appl
Its been a while but couldn't you just delete the device through audible and
then re-register it again using the Mac?
Just a thought,
On Jun 13, 2010, at 1:50 AM, Dan Roy wrote:
> Nope, I didn't save the key nor did I know I could. However, the next time
> I do this, I will certainly lo
It is definitely unix. What are you trying to do?
On Jun 13, 2010, at 11:46 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I found an article on google on the syntax of some of the command lines.
> Unfortunately I forgot to google it but maybe try command
> line syntax for unix.
> Take care.
> SOn Jun 13,
Even when turning off moving the cursor to the location when loading a webpage,
I still got mac reloading when I went to
On Jun 13, 2010, at 2:55 AM, Tammy wrote:
> Yes, I had a terrible time
> Resolving this issue, finally I gave trying the suggestion on the boards a
Hi, I just got the Sendspace Wizzard for my Mack. But when I go to log in and
type my username and password, nothing types in. Can someone please help?
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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I can't help you with send space. I recommend that you check out
dropbox. I find it much easer to use then send space.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 10:29 AM, Courtney Curran wrote:
Hi, I just got the Sendspace Wizzard for my Mack. But when I go to
log in and type my use
It will type in but you won't know it. type in yoru info by hand and hit log in.
Good luck.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 10:37 AM, louie wrote:
> Courtney,
> I can't help you with send space. I recommend that you check out dropbox. I
> find it much easer to use then send space.
> www.getdropbox.
Thanks, I have Dropbox, but there's something I'm doing that requires
On Jun 13, 2010, at 1:37 PM, louie wrote:
> Courtney,
> I can't help you with send space. I recommend that you check out dropbox. I
> find it much easer to use then send space.
> www.get
Thanks for that information, I fixed it.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 1:39 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> It will type in but you won't know it. type in yoru info by hand and hit log
> in.
> Good luck.
> S
> On Jun 13, 2010, at 10:37 AM, louie wrote:
>> Courtney,
>> I can't help you
Hi Courtney,
Have you tried tabbing to the fields instead of hitting VO and right arrow?
Sometimes this works.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 1:29 PM, Courtney Curran wrote:
> Hi, I just got the Sendspace Wizzard for my Mack. But when I go to log in and
> type my username and password, nothing t
When the trackpad is on, you can hold down the VO keys and rotate 2
fingers counter-clockwise to turn it off.
When you want to turn it back on, hold down the VO keys and rotate 2
fingers clockwise.
-Original Message-
As far as I know, the deice list on audible is just for reference. You have to
use the audible player or Itunes to register the device. The problem is that
Itunes doesn't recognize the stream as a device, the Mac recognizes it as an
external drive. So, unless there is something I don't know a
>From either Safari or Webkit hit command-, for preferences, then, under the
>general settings you will find a popup button to set the default browser, it
>works fine for me.
The only thing is, even though your using webkit as the default, when it opens,
VO will still say Safari, I hope this he
I'll give it some time this afternoon and test. If I can get it to work, I'll
post back. I'm new to this thing too and haven't had the chance to work through
ever issue As someone mentioned earlier, your authorization may be on your old
PC. If you knew the name of the file, you might be ablew to
Hi all,
I'm trying to add Teresa Ford's Solona's command line thingy to the Mac rahter
than going through the website. I can't figure out how to do it. I'v listened
to the audio file several times. How do you change directories? I cna't get
solona to realize it's in my documents now. What am I
I'm trying to send iCal invites; however I receive an error from iCal saying I
need to create a card for myself in the address book. I already have a card for
myself in the address book. Help?!
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"MacVisionaries" g
I don't really know what solona is but if you're in the command line for the
mac, you use cd for (change directory) like in dos. When you use the terminal
program, you're in the home directory for your user ID. In that directory are
folders or directories like downloads, documents and so on. If
Hi Kev,
Thank you so much. I will try that. Solona is the captcha solving solution for
the Mac. Teresa Ford created a little app that you can run instead of going
through the website to submit your captcha. But so far, I have had no luck in
getting the CMD to recognize the documents folder. Eve
I think this came up in a thread earlier this week but I can't remember. When
I try to download a book from my "My Library" section of audible, I receive the
message "
We're sorry, but there was a problem and your audio could not be downloaded.
Please try your download again in a few min
Hmm, I have used Audible and for some strange reason have not experienced the
problems that others have with the new Safari 5. I have used Audible somewhat
with the Mac and have downloaded two books and have never seen that message
before. Could it be the format? Or a problem with Audibl
Go to the address book, select your card in the list of contacts, go to the
menu with VO M, arrow until you find the heading titled Card, arrow down the
list of options until you find Make This my Card, and BOOM! You're on your way.
Brett C.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 2:55 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrot
Now I looked for that info in the user guide! LOL. Thank you so much.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 5:38 PM, Brett Campbell wrote:
> Go to the address book, select your card in the list of contacts, go to the
> menu with VO M, arrow until you find the heading titled Card, arrow down the
> list of options
Hi guys:
I have another iCal question. How can I tell what day a specific date falls on
using iCal, or vise versa?
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Hi list.
Said I’d have more questions. (Smile)
Can anyone tell me how or if it’s possible to read text only DAISY
files on the Mac?
Also, What twitter client works best on the Mac? And, are there any
other programs I should get as a new user?
Thanks for all the help hear,
It makes the switch from
I'm new as well. Let's see, I'd get Syrinx for the Mac. It's an awesome Twitter
client. I'd get Dropbox, flip for mac, and Carbon Copy cloner.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 6:54 PM, kary johns wrote:
> Hi list.
> Said I’d have more questions. (Smile)
> Can anyone tell me how or if it’s possible to rea
You might have to have a windows user help you get your audible
authorization up and running. I read this at the FAQ link below. the page
includes instructions on how to authorize in Windows, using audible Manager.
Q. Can the Stream connect to a MAC computer?
A. At present, HumanWare does not p
MessageThanks to both of you for these instructions.
Allison writes:
Here's how to disable the Trackpad commander. Press VO F8 which will open
VoiceOver utilities. VoiceOver keys are control option. Then arrow down to
where it says commanders. VO space on that and you will come across three tab
or you could press your VO keys and do a left or right 2-fingered-twist on your
track pad. lol. that's the easy way.
Twist is like turning a knob on a radio or something.
Hope that helped.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 8:35 PM, Ana G wrote:
> Thanks to both of you for these instructions.
> Alliso
I am a new mac user, and while I really enjoy my mac, I am slightly concerned
about Apple's release of Safari five with apparently little regard to
accessibility. I guess I took this somewhat for granted, since Microsoft
generally makes sure that the major assistive technology vendors are worki
Works ok here. If you are coming from jaws I can understand why you
are having troubles.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 6:02 PM, Chris Westbrook wrote:
I am a new mac user, and while I really enjoy my mac, I am slightly
concerned about Apple's release of Safari five with apparently
little regard to a
No, I'm referring to the bug and the ichat bug. Even if going to
audible from a google search works, that shouldn't be necessary, and a browser
upgrade shouldn't effect an unrelated chat application. There is no way a
webpage or a chat application should randomly restart your scree
I had a similar problem when I had the mouse cursor tracking set to follow the
Voiceover cursor. You should try setting your mouse cursor to ignore Voiceover
cursor by doing the following:
1. Press F8 to bring up the Voiceover utility.
2 Press Shift VO downarrow to interact with the Utility
Hi Allison. So I assume you unzipped the file and moved the resulting solona
folder to your documents folder?
If so, open up the terminal and type the following line.
cd Documents/solona
That will put you in the solona folder, and you should be able to follow the
rest of the instructions in the
Hi Anna,
The simplest way to disable the trackpad is to plug in a USB mouse and then go
to the Universal Access pane in System Preferences, click on the Mouse &
Trackpad tab and then check the "Ignore Trackpad when Mouse is present"
On Jun 12, 2010, at 3:25 PM, Ana G wrot
Lots of people have had issues with Safari 5. It has exactly nothing to do with
whether one has used jaws or not. There are issues on lots of macs running this
app, both in the browser and with the IChat app. Lots of us have written to
apple accessibility, and I seem to recall that some have rec
I really don't think that was the problem, as I use quick nav quite a
bit. The strange behavior seems to have subsided though. I
reinstalled OSx and thus went back to Safari 4 for the time being. I
kept all my files and settings though. My Macbook seems slightly
quirky at times, but is
I got a response, and have forwarded my crash logs for review.
Microsoft might work with third party venders, but they do nothing about built
in accessibility themselves, as far as I can tell.
Just my two cents, but even though I've had a few issues with safari five, I'd
never go back to Jaws a
Scott, I did as you suggested and deleted the plist files in the
library and preferences. This seems to have fixed my issues. It has
definitely fixed the problem where menus are not reading correctly.
Thanks so much! You folks rock! :)
On Jun 13, 2010, at 5:43 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
Now why didn't I think of that? :)
On Jun 13, 2010, at 2:30 AM, Anne Robertson wrote:
Hello Kim,
On Jun 13, 2010, at 3:57 AM, Kimberly thurman wrote:
I wish there was a command shift key combination to go to the
downloads folder.
I agree. However, I just press Command-Shift-H to go to my Ho
Hi Chris. The reason I suspect that iChat broke when upgrading to Safari 5, is
that it's not just the browser that gets updated. The html rendering engine is
also updated. Many Mac apps use this engine, including iChat.
As for the bugs themselves, I will be surprised if they're not fixed in sh
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Well, I listened to the entire keynote and had no problems. They want vo users
to click on a link that appears to be flash. It's much easier to use the
quicktime link.
On Jun 8, 2010, at 9:02 AM, Olivia Norman wrote:
> Here's one of the links I've experienced the issue where VO constantly
There are 2 different authorizations, 1 for the pc or Mac and another for each
device you want to use. I have no problems playing audible files on the mac,
but, I can find no way to transfer the authorization to the stream by using
itunes. It's not Apple that's the problem, the victor ju
how can that be simple if you need a device that isn't even connected to the
computer? I don't have an apple mouse. so I found that the easier way is to
again. press VO and while holding that down, take 2 fingers and twist to the
left on the track pad, like turning a knob. I am not trying to be
I have no problems connecting the victor, but, it's much easier and faster to
use a card reader anyway. This is true on both the Mac and the PC. However,
authorizing the stream for audible, well, it seems as though it has to be done
in windows.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Ana G wrote:
> Y
Uh, what if one doesn't have access to windows?
Is there any way to do this with a mac or the device itself?
I don't have any windows machines anywhere, so I guess I'm out of luck, right?
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
On Jun 13, 2010, at 7:33 PM, Da
It looks like all the VR stream FAQ's are based on a windows platform and
having access to the windows-based audible software. Is there a way to
transfer audible content or really work with the stream with out windows?
I'm going to buy one tomorrow, but wanted to check before I made the final
Yes, use a card reader with the SD card and you will be much better off.
Once you have the Victor authorized for audible content, you will simply be
able to copy the audible book from your mac over to the SD card. This will be
a simple cut and paste from finder. the problem is authorizing the
Yeah and I won't even talk about problems I've had with ZoomText! Not being
compatible every time Windows was updated. And Windows itself, Well, bleh!
I'm happy here. Hey, I'm sure Apple is working on this. I'll admit I don't
use iChat or, so I'm not as affected, but rest assur
Thanks so much! I don't own a PC, nor do my parents, does anyone have any
suggestions as to how I might get the computer authorized?
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower" Steve Jobs
On Jun 13, 2010, at 8:30 PM, Dan Roy wrote:
> Yes, use a card reader with the SD card
I hate to say this, and it is only my opinion, but I got a chance to use and
play with a VRstream back in November of this last year. While it offers easy
accessibility for Blind users, I too found I was concerned about full
compatibility to my Macbook Pro. I thought about what the device can
I'm kind of wondering the same thing. I've got an iPad, and am just wondering
if the stream's worth the investment. I'm concerned about it's lack of
compatibility with macs, for things like authorizing audible. So, what can the
stream do taht an iPad or iPod can't besides playing daisy books?
The stream can play NLS books.
On Jun 13, 2010, at 9:59 PM, Olivia Norman wrote:
I'm kind of wondering the same thing. I've got an iPad, and am just
wondering if the stream's worth the investment. I'm concerned about
it's lack of compatibility with macs, for things like authorizing
Hi Everyone,
I'm looking at the Q and A's that someone sent earlier today (Thank you, who
ever sent these! :) I have a few more questions, as all of the material I've
seen works on the assumption that people are using windows.
1. How do you formatt the stream's card? The material discusses vario
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