Re: DHCP and DNS

1999-07-15 Thread Craig Sanders
est of them. it's GPL-ed, so i might package it. craig -- craig sanders

Re: Cheapbytes mess-up debian [FW: Debian 2.0 CD's]

1998-08-27 Thread Craig Sanders
available from the usual sites, including and and various mirror sites. changelogs from 0.29-0.32: v0.29: 1998-08-15 (Craig Sanders) - changed all directory references from 'frozen' to 'stable' - fixed PKGS_NET problem (should ha

Re: HELP! Seriously messed up bo -> hamm

1998-09-21 Thread Craig Sanders
read on: it looks like your system is only partially upgraded from libc5 to libc6. try removing libg++27-dev and libgdbm1-dev with "dpkg -r". then you should be able to install wget, either install it with dpkg or with apt ("apt-get install wget"). if that works, you should now be able to do a dselect upgrade. craig -- craig sanders

Re: Debian from the Stampede's POV

1998-05-24 Thread Craig Sanders
f cpio. The while time I have used tgz. if you don't even know about these programs, then what makes you qualified to comment on then? having opinions is finebut please try to make them *INFORMED* opinions before spreading them around to others. Quite often, this is as simple as just reading and listening and learning something before opening your mouth - i.e. learn-by-lurking. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How can I make this done? Orig:Re: where's the 'man'?

1998-05-24 Thread Craig Sanders
tting ppp running. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian 2.0 FAQ

1998-05-24 Thread Craig Sanders
upgrading better than reinstalling? yes. that's one of the advantages of debian :-)you never have to reformat and reinstall ever again (barring hard disk failure, of course) craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe

MPPP with isdnutils

1998-05-27 Thread Craig Sanders
nel source) are incomprehensible. they don't make any sense at all to me. I'd like to get a 2nd channel going. has anyone had any luck with MPPP on debian? btw, i'm running kernel 2.1.103, isdnutils 1:2.1.beta1-21, and have a NetJet ISDN card (Hisax type=20), and the latest 'u 0.27 released

1998-05-29 Thread Craig Sanders
available from the usual sites: and remember that the vicnet site has the tarball and other stuff. The taz site doesn't. changelog: v0.26: 1998-05-29 (Craig Sa

Re: How to build Debian Linux cluster?

1998-06-01 Thread Craig Sanders
to all machines and execute it: #! /bin/bash # list of hosts to execute script on hosts='host1 host2 host3 host4 .' for i in $hosts ; do scp $i:/tmp ssh $i "/tmp/ foo bar" done these samples could easily be

Re: Accessing html forms...

1998-06-02 Thread Craig Sanders
ss) { print $res->content; } else { print "Bad luck this time\n"; } The $ua is created once when the application starts up. New request objects are normally created for each request sent. BTW, there are several man pages for LWP. Rea

key repeat in X

1998-06-10 Thread Craig Sanders
epeat if i hold them down...very irritating. interestingly, if i switch to a text VC and login then they repeat...but when i switch back to X they don'tso there must be some X setting to turn it on/off. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject

Re: key repeat in X

1998-06-11 Thread Craig Sanders
looked at it before, now that i know it's there it's easy to see. selective blindness...too much haste :-( craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Please clarify...

1998-06-18 Thread Craig Sanders
actice that will only be necessary if your hardware fails. invest in a tape backup system and a UPS. in other words, empirical evidence supports the assertion that "There is no need for a re-install" craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Please clarify...

1998-06-18 Thread Craig Sanders
n't think a buzz upgrade has been tested since then (not many people are still running 1.1) craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Please clarify...

1998-06-19 Thread Craig Sanders
mentioned yesterday, i have used this method to successfully (and painlessly) upgrade dozens of systems to hamm. it works. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hamm Release?

1998-06-19 Thread Craig Sanders
Unit Price Qty Item Total > > > > L000-039 Official Debian Rele $3.95 1 $3.95 > ase 2.0 > Weight (lbs.): 0.05 > ---------

Re: AFIO usage...

1998-06-22 Thread Craig Sanders
stigate the afbackup package. it can do full and incremental backups - it's a complete backup system, whereas this script is just a quick-and-dirty hack to get the job done. ---cut here--- /usr/local/bin/afio.backup --- cut here--- #! /bin/sh # by Craig Sanders. This script is hereby place

Re: 1.3.0 to hamm

1998-06-22 Thread Craig Sanders
or I can go directly to hamm? you don't need to upgrade to 1.3.1 first. you can upgrade from 1.3.0 directly to hamm using or by following the howto. does everything that's in the howto (and's more up-to-date) and is a lot easier :-) craig -- craig sa

ppp over ssh?

1998-06-27 Thread Craig Sanders
ng to do this? any ideas/clues would be appreciated. thanks, craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Please help with IP Aliasing

1998-07-02 Thread Craig Sanders
crease this limit by modifying the kernel sources. or start using 2.1 series kernels. alternatively, stick another ethernet card in the machine and start using eth1:0 - eth1:255 aliases.the limit is per interface. if you've got more than 255 virtual hosts then you probably want another

Re: Debian Package Manager "Worthless Junk"???

1998-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
any major problems. you certainly would have had a better, more stable glibc system than if you had tried RH5. what did debian risk by taking the time to do it right? not a lot. a few impatient users may have chosen to install RH5 rather than wait for hamm or trial the pre-release version from

Re: Hard lock-up crashes, need some clues!

1998-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
d it take down my X session a few times and occasionally (rarely) lock up the whole machine. what do you expect from commercial/closed-source software? :-( unfortunately, netscape is much better than any alternative - too bad it's so badly written. craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe?

Re: tail and grep

1998-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders #$5 Peer IP number12.34.56.99 there's also a 6th argument for recent (hamm only, i believe) versions of pppd. i have no idea what it's for. #$6 Optional ``ipparam'' valuefoo craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Fw: Problem setting interrupt and address on network adaptor for NC2501-3 Accton Lanstation

1998-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
dea what they are like), then you can type "cat /proc/pci" to get a listing of pci cards, and what IRQ they are using. hope this helps. > > I have been getting endless request from our clients to solve this > > problem. > > > > PLEASE;PLEASE;PLEASE

Re: Firewallsetup

1998-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
st from the > subnet to the local net then traffic I forwarded out but not back > to the host on the local net. My ipfw config is set to accept all > traffic. yes, that sounds consistent with messing up the subnetting. it's not an ipfwadm or a routing problem, you have subnetted your IP space incorrectly. craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

RE: Firewallsetup

1998-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
ld apply firewall rules to filter out undesirable connections. it would simplify things even further if you could replace the cisco with an ISDN card for your linux box. that's assuming your internet connection is ISDN, of course. if it's some other connection type it may be worth your while finding out whether linux supports it. craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

RE: Firewallsetup

1998-07-08 Thread Craig Sanders
rams are available as debian packages. read the documentation for all of them to see which best suits your needs. they are all in hamm. i think only redir was available for bo. (i haven't used any of them, i only know of their existence...not the details of how to configure them)

Re: tail and grep

1998-07-09 Thread Craig Sanders
e dynamic.IP file. > > That makes good sense. I never thought about doing it that way (and don't > have the foggiest idea how. > > Craig Sanders sent me what looks like some good advice but I haven't > figured out how to implement it. I will take a moment to figure i

Re: Pine 4.00 termcap(Pine in Debian?)

1998-07-09 Thread Craig Sanders
main. most free software isn't public domain. the term "public domain" has a very specific meaning - i.e. that the work has no copyright. a very small percentage of free software is actually public domain, while most Free Software is copyright with a license (e.g. GPL, BSD, Artistic lic

Re: unsubscribe "helper line"

1998-07-10 Thread Craig Sanders
echo unsubscribe | /usr/sbin/sendmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Debian 2.0. Bind 8 works but causes dials for local domain names

1998-07-11 Thread Craig Sanders
uot; in the definition for zone 'local': > zone "local" { > type master; > file "local"; > }; > }; it could be confusing bind. craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

RE: Firewallsetup

1998-07-11 Thread Craig Sanders
27;s a good summary/intro to IP networks. and another: a set of tables which can be very useful for subnetting. you can find more by going to altavista or somewhere and searching for "CIDR and subnet". craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: fails when upgrading bo -> hamm

1998-07-23 Thread Craig Sanders
on, check or the vicnet site is preferred - and also contains a .tar.gz file containing all the files which needs. is my workstation at work, and has a much better net connection than the taz site (which v0.28 released

1998-07-23 Thread Craig Sanders
v0.28: 1998-07-23 (Craig Sanders) - libstdc++2.8 has moved from libs/ to base/ - libnet-perl has moved from interpreters/ to base/ as usual, it is available from (primary site) and

Re: Lan Tcp/ip Question

1998-07-23 Thread Craig Sanders
t not each other. check that you don't have an irq conflict with the ethernet card. i've had enough irq conflicts with network cards for that to be the first thing i check when i get a system which can send but not receive packets. craig -- craig sanders -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Re: Missing ldd? Have libc6 on hold? Get ldso from slink...

1999-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
i'm willing to test it but not if my machine is going to be die) craig -- craig sanders

dbackup (was: Re: Beta-testing and the glibc 2.1 (Was: Missing ldd? Have libc6 on hold? Get ldso from slink...)

1999-03-18 Thread Craig Sanders
nobody else is interested, i may adopt this package myself. i think it's a shame that it vanished from debian. but i probably don't have time. btw, simply backing up a system's conffiles can be done by feeding the output of 'cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.conffiles' into tar/cpio/afio etc. craig -- craig sanders

how can i find out a netbios name from an IP address.

1998-12-15 Thread Craig Sanders
ommand line tools which would be useful to a unix geek would be very much appreciated. thanks, craig -- craig sanders

Re: how can i find out a netbios name from an IP address.

1998-12-15 Thread Craig Sanders
est stuff. $ dpkg -l egcc g++ libstdc++2.9 ||/ NameVersionDescription +++-===-==- ii egcc2.91.60-1 The GNU (egcs) C compiler. ii g++ 2.91.60-1 The GNU (egcs) C++ compiler. ii libstdc++2.9

Re: Adding users from a list or database?

1998-12-21 Thread Craig Sanders
gin, $passwd, $realname) = split /:/ ; print SHELL "$useradd -s '$shell' -m $login\n" ; $users{$login} = $passwd ; } ; print SHELL "\n\n\n$chpasswd <<__EOF__\n" ; foreach (keys %users) { print SHELL "$_:$users{$_}\n" ; } print SHELL "__EOF__\n" ; close(SHELL) ; ---cut here--- craig -- craig sanders

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-22 Thread Craig Sanders
ly. users are not developers, but they might be one day. one of the good things about debian is that users who are willing to put in some work CAN join up as developers. i started that way a few years ago, and i'll bet that most debian developers did too. craig -- craig sanders

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-23 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 10:38:54AM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen wrote: > On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 20:26:12 +1100, Craig Sanders wrote: > > i mostly agree but wouldn't put it anywhere near that strongly. > > I would. Ben's phrasing strongly reminds me of Robert A. Heinlein; >

Re: dhcp-dns problems

1999-09-29 Thread Craig Sanders
aig (package maintainer for dhcp-dns) -- craig sanders

intent to orphan: spamdb

1999-05-21 Thread Craig Sanders
e cron-job downloads of SpamDomains and Spammers and SpamNets from my home web server makes my internet connection very slow for most of every Sunday) comments?? craig -- craig sanders

Re: setting up a news server

1999-05-24 Thread Craig Sanders
- to mark a newsgroup as "always interesting", i just add it to the file /var/spool/news/always.interesting. leafnode still fetches it even when i don't read any news for a few days or a few weeks. craig -- craig sanders

Re: Squid (suddenly) does not resolv local hostnames

1999-10-13 Thread Craig Sanders
names without any dots in # them. append_domain must begin with a period. # #append_domain craig -- craig sanders

login time limits in slink???

1998-10-14 Thread Craig Sanders
ant time limits. craig -- craig sanders

Re: login time limits in slink???

1998-10-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On 15 Oct 1998, Paul Crowley wrote: > Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > anyone know what it is in slink which is enforcing idle-timeout and daily > > time limits on serial lines? > > I don't have this problem, and I haven't installed idled

Re: Swap disk size

1998-02-25 Thread Craig Sanders
an to dedicate a drive to swapping. News is something that really benefits from memory... craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: root access and dselect | ftp

1998-02-26 Thread Craig Sanders
they don't have the permissions required to modify files. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .


1998-02-26 Thread Craig Sanders
compiling SSH on my own. sometimes they mention debian, sometimes they don't. ditto for redhat and slackware and other distributions. ditto for other unixes too. quite often, security problems on other unixes or other distributions aren't a problem on debian - either because we already

Re: Modifying Routing Tables on the fly

1998-03-02 Thread Craig Sanders
rface goes down. These files are often shell scripts, but they don't have to bewrite them in perl or C or whatever you like. the debian ppp package comes with a sample script (similar to the example above) which doesn't do anything. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Modifying Routing Tables on the fly

1998-03-02 Thread Craig Sanders
ou specify a different ip-up for each user ? no, there's one /etc/ppp/ip-up script. you can use if/then/else or case statements (or equivalent if you use another language) to decide what to do. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Modifying Routing Tables on the fly

1998-03-03 Thread Craig Sanders
e of this message is not to give you a magic spell that solves your problem but to illustrate a method which you can use to solve it yourself. play with it and find out.enjoy! craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: [off-topic] not only a server, what hardware?

1998-03-05 Thread Craig Sanders
but I recall something with 100Mbps > or so). PCI NE-2000 clones work well in my experience. they're not the fastest card around, but they're dirt cheap and easy to set up. > Other things (as CD-ROM, Monitor, etc) I do not expect problems > with. Should I? i've had

Re: [off-topic] not only a server, what hardware?

1998-03-05 Thread Craig Sanders
64mb or so, and use IP masquerading on the would probably have to run ipmasq anyway. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: routing daemons for debian

1998-03-15 Thread Craig Sanders
rosoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals. why? do you think MS are the only evil technologically-incompetent mega-corporation pushing crappy, inferior product on an unsuspecting populace? the pharmaceuticals industry makes MS look like a mere schoolyard bully. craig -- craig sanders -- E-mai

Re: is this the end of debian?

1998-03-20 Thread Craig Sanders
h. i'll work on debian for free, but i won't do it for $5/hour. any donations received should be used to pay for any debian expenses, and the remainder used to support free other software projects. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: I am leaving Debian

1998-03-20 Thread Craig Sanders
skill they can contribute if they have the time or inclination. -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Autoup script is dangerous?

1998-03-25 Thread Craig Sanders
unstable/main dists/unstable/contrib dists/unstable/non-free craig (author of -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

autoup v0.22 released (finally)

1998-03-26 Thread Craig Sanders
D. Hilliard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) - Robert fixed the ftp stuff, including the PKGS_LIBC5 problem. (rob's version was never released AFAIK, but it's what i based v0.22 on.) v0.22: 1998-03-26 (Craig Sanders) there were still problems with ncftp. probably caused by the fact that

/etc/hosts and using make for system admin tasks (was Re: Reverse DNS lookup at telnet)

1998-04-13 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sun, 12 Apr 1998, Scott D. Killen wrote: > I run a server with Debian 1.3.1 installed. This machine is set up > as an internet gateway to a 3 bit subnet. Diald is installed for > automatic dialup internet connections. My machine runs a caching > name server that the machines on the subnet us

Re: upgrade to libc6 script?

1998-04-22 Thread Craig Sanders or craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] v0.24 released (was Re: bug)

1998-04-20 Thread Craig Sanders
oblem - not installing dpkg > > > which suggests to me that the libstdc++ needs to be added to the list of > things that are installed before dpkg. I've just released version 0.24 which fixes this (and a few minor problems too). v0.24: 1998-04-21 (Craig Sanders) - ad

Re: v0.25 released

1998-04-21 Thread Craig Sanders
they should already have in their local mirror. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: v0.25 released

1998-04-21 Thread Craig Sanders
> I've just released version 0.24 which fixes this (and a few minor problems > too). > > v0.24: 1998-04-21 (Craig Sanders) > - added libstdc++, libslang0.99.34 (libc5), libslang0.99.38 (libc6), >netbase, and netstd to the list of packages to install. > - changed

Re: What's the storywith 2.0?

1998-05-04 Thread Craig Sanders
om hamm then you have to do a complete upgrade to hammit's all or nothing. once we get hamm out the door, then we'll be back to where we used to be: upgrading individual packages from 'unstable' will be safe. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What's the storywith 2.0?

1998-05-04 Thread Craig Sanders
hamm disks. i've used my debian 1.3 cd to install the base system, quit out of dselect *before* installing anything, get the box on the network, ftp autoup, run autoup, and then run dselect to install hamm. works for me. YMMV. craig -- craig sanders -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Making a debian CD

1997-12-15 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Carlos Barros wrote: > And Other thing is that by default 'less' use as editor other than > 'vi' (I think that 'vi' is the standart editor in unix), may be 'ae'( > don't remember). yes, this is very annoying, isn't it. because of some debian policies (which do make some sens

Re: Making a debian CD

1997-12-16 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, 15 Dec 1997, Nathan E Norman wrote: > : export MANOPT=-Pless > > Is there an advantage to this way, as opposed to setting PAGER to > /usr/bin/less ? no, not really. i do this only because if i set PAGER, then elm will use $PAGER instead of it's built-in viewer. since i don't use el

pppd dialing in to cisco 5200?

1997-12-17 Thread Craig Sanders
i'm experimenting with another dialup connection at the moment, this time to the new dialin servers at my new job. they're cisco 5200 boxes, which get their authentication details from a radius server. i've tried crypted and plaintext secrets but keep on getting an "Authentication Failure" messa

Re: disturbing problem rears its ugly head again

1997-12-18 Thread Craig Sanders
On Thu, 18 Dec 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I've had this problem before after I unwisely used vi to read a core file. try using less to view files rather than vi/view. it makes a much better pager and doesn't have to read the entire file into memory to view it. > vi (i.e. elvis) prints out "

scsi problems, ncr53x8xx and 2+ devices resets bus

1997-12-19 Thread Craig Sanders
I've just added a SONY SDT-5000 DDS-2 tape drive to my system, and am getting a lot of scsi bus resets whenever two or more scsi devices are accessed simultaneously. At first i thought it was just the tape drive, but i tested various combinations of hardware and can reproduce the error by using A

Re: scsi problems, ncr53x8xx and 2+ devices resets bus

1997-12-19 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, 19 Dec 1997, Gerard Roudier wrote: > Here are 2 driver messages from your report and what they let me think: > > > Dec 19 12:24:24 siva kernel: ncr53c810-0:0: ERROR (a0:0) (47-67-80) (8/33) > > @ script (628:0f00). > > Dec 19 12:24:24 siva kernel: ncr53c810-0: script cmd = 6040

Re: unremoveable file

1997-12-20 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sat, 20 Dec 1997, Tim Ferrell wrote: > I am in the process of upgrading to libc6 *sigh* which is proving to be > somewhat of a challenge... anyhow, in the process I have found > something rather strange. Somehow /etc/mail has been changed from a > directory to a block device that I cannot get r

Re: scsi problems, ncr53x8xx and 2+ devices resets bus

1998-01-05 Thread Craig Sanders
troller: NCR 53c810 (rev 18). Medium devsel. IRQ 15. Master Capable. Latency=64. Min Gnt=8.Max Lat=64. I/O at 0x6100. Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xe080. thanks for your help. it would never have occurred to me that an old PCI card might be incompatible with

Re: libc5 to libc6 auto-upgrade script

1998-01-09 Thread Craig Sanders
for perl_base failure. either renumber all the exit codes or just use 100. this check should probably be done even before the script removes the -dev and -dbg packages. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Debian 2.0?

1998-01-09 Thread Craig Sanders
to unstable, remember to take notes and post your experiences to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re:libc5 to libc6 auto-upgrade script

1998-01-11 Thread Craig Sanders
`which ldconfig` # uncomment for debugging #set -x #DPKG="echo dpkg" #LDCONFIG="echo LDCONFIG" # upgrade a libc5 (bo) machine to libc6 (hamm). # based on Scott Ellis' excellent "Debian libc5 to libc6 Mini-HOWTO" # document at

Re:libc5 to libc6 auto-upgrade script

1998-01-11 Thread Craig Sanders
Ellis' excellent "Debian libc5 to libc6 Mini-HOWTO" # document at # Author: Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # # Copyright Status: This script is hereby placed in the public domain # # Revision History: # v0.0: 1998-

version 0.8 of libc5 to libc6 auto-upgrade script

1998-01-11 Thread Craig Sanders
ment at # Author: Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # # Copyright Status: This script is hereby placed in the public domain # # Revision History: # v0.0: 1998-01-08 (morning) # - a rough transcript of scott's doc and my own exper

Re: where is killall? (hamm)

1998-01-11 Thread Craig Sanders
illall -HUP named pstreeshows the currently running processes as a tree craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

version 0.10 of autoupgrade script

1998-01-13 Thread Craig Sanders
ine to libc6 (hamm). # based on Scott Ellis' excellent "Debian libc5 to libc6 Mini-HOWTO" # document at # Author: Craig Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> # # Copyright Status: This script is hereby placed in the public doma

sgrep dependancy checker

1998-01-13 Thread Craig Sanders
CH or \"$PACKAGE\" " done echo cat $PACKAGE_FILES | \ sgrep "DEB_PKG containing (DEB_DEPENDS containing ($SG_SEARCH))" | \ sgrep "DEB_PKG containing (DEB_PACKAGE not containing ($SG_SEARCH))" | \ grep "Package: \|Depends: \|^$" ---cut here--- -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: libc5 - libc6 Upgrade Roadmap?

1998-01-14 Thread Craig Sanders
lect to minimise NFS downtime. 1. run the auto upgrade script to get safely to a libc6 system 2. run "dpkg -i" on netbase and netstd 3. run dselect and upgrade everything. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: SEUL distribution?

1998-01-14 Thread Craig Sanders
any .deb package out of the debian archive in addition to .deb packages from the seul dist. in effect, the debian ftp site would become a 'contrib' section for your dist. debian has always been intended to be a good base from which other distributions can be built... craig -- craig sanders

Re: Upgrade script, bo to hamm

1998-01-14 Thread Craig Sanders
only thing i can think of. are you behind a firewall of any kind? check your configuration of dpkg-ftp too... BTW, which version of the upgrade script did you run? craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: Upgrade script, bo to hamm

1998-01-15 Thread Craig Sanders
ptions you can try. you get to reconfigure an install method - e.g. ftp - by selecting it again from the Access methods menu in dselect. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: BIND question

1998-01-15 Thread Craig Sanders
ent > satisfied by my zone database are forwarded. Is there any way around > this? Any help is appreciated. simplest way is to make it primary for, and in that zone file delegate to itself. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS

version 0.11 of auto upgrade script

1998-01-17 Thread Craig Sanders
this fixes all of the bugs reported by users in the last few days. if i've missed forgotten or forgotten anything, remind me. changes in this version: # v0.11: 1998-01-11 (Craig Sanders) # - a user reported that localebin conflicted with libc6. added to remove # list. # -

Re: *-* auto-upgrade from rex to hamm

1998-01-17 Thread Craig Sanders
REX=0 or REX=1 variable. Then test for it before you do anything that should only be done on a rex system. OTOH, i don't think there will be many more changes to the script. nobody has reported any new problems for a day or so now. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MA

Re: *-* auto-upgrade from rex to hamm

1998-01-17 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sat, 17 Jan 1998, Hamish Moffatt wrote: > On Sat, Jan 17, 1998 at 02:30:37PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote: > > i released v0.11 of the script a few hours ago, so you'll probably > > want to update your rex version to that. > > buzz, too, anyone? is anyone still runnin

Re: *-* auto-upgrade from rex to hamm

1998-01-18 Thread Craig Sanders
ifically for C and perl development. it also had X installed (but no longer needed - it got moved off someone's desk and into the server room where it belonged) craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: *-* auto-upgrade from rex to hamm

1998-01-18 Thread Craig Sanders
ince I have various revisions > of it on CD here. But it won't be for a few weeks due to other time > constraints. ok, when (if) you do that, take over the script and update it for a buzz upgrade. Wait and see what Robert H does with the rex version, or co-ordinate it with him. craig

Re: How do I find out what version of ebian is on a machine?

1998-01-18 Thread Craig Sanders
enfuls long. type 'dpkg -l | grep "^ii"' to get a listing of only the installed packages. BTW, i've been running hamm for months and this is what /etc/debian_version contains on my systems: $ cat /etc/debian_version 1.3 this isn't surprising, thoug

Re: Problems with 80386 and 4 MB of RAM

1998-01-18 Thread Craig Sanders
dev/hda3 root=/dev/hda3 linear # compact install=/boot/boot.b map=/boot/map vga=normal delay=100 read-only image=/vmlinuz label=Linux ---cut here--- > Could this be caused by a geometry mismatch? (I don't know what it > means...) the linear option should fix that. see /usr/doc/lilo f

Re: How do I find out what version of ebian is on a machine?

1998-01-19 Thread Craig Sanders
en thoroughly tested(*) by then and will be a lot easier to get through. (*) from bo, at least. maybe not as an upgrade from rex. but you could always upgrade from rex to bo (which has been tested) and then immediately upgrade to hamm. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: version 0.8 of libc5 to libc6 auto-upgrade script

1998-01-20 Thread Craig Sanders
helps those who chose to take the plunge. if you ran into any problems at all, please report them to i would recommend to anyone who does choose to upgrade to hamm that they take notes and report any problems to that address. craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRI

Re: Newbie --Adding Programs To My Debian Base

1998-01-20 Thread Craig Sanders
load the sources and make your own package. check the debian docs (/usr/doc/debian and /usr/doc/debian-policy in particular) for info on developer packaging standards. Look at the sources for other debian packages for examples of how to do it. The "hello" package's sole purpose is to be

Re: Password encryption with md5, ... in libc6

1998-01-20 Thread Craig Sanders
've got a shadow file full of old-style crypted passwords, how do i convert them all to md5crypt (without having to know what the plaintext password is)? craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

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