On Wed, 26 Aug 1998, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> The autoup.sh script is also broken on the Official CD, so CheapBytes
> didn't do anything different there either. They have also been
> very helpful in providing a "fixed" version of autoup.sh to their
> customers.

would be nice if they had sent me a copy of their fixed version so i could
fold their changes into my version.

(of course, they're not obligated to.  the script is public domain.)

BTW, i have a new version, 0.32. versions 0.29 to 0.31 never got
released - i had been waiting for user feedback before releasing it.

anyway, this new version fixes a few bugs and I *hope* it can work even
in cases where all the packages which have to be removed and upgraded
are on "Hold" status. i didn't know about the --force-hold argument to
dpkg until today.

the new version is available from the usual sites, including
http://debian.vicnet.net.au/autoup/ and http://taz.net.au/autoup/ and
various mirror sites.

changelogs from 0.29-0.32:

v0.29: 1998-08-15 (Craig Sanders)
 - changed all directory references from 'frozen' to 'stable'
 - fixed PKGS_NET problem (should have been $PKGS_NETBASE and $PKGS_NETSTD)
 - changed RMFILE to "/root/autoup.removed-$DATE"
 - fixed search for bo dpkg (for buzz upgrades).  dpkg lives in 
   .../debian/dists/stable/main/upgrade-i386 now.  note: still doesn't work for
   ftp upgrade.   TODO.
 - fixed $FTP_DIR_2
 - changed "^ii" search pattern to "^.i" when searching for installed -dev pkgs

v0.30: 1998-08-15 (Craig Sanders)
 - really changed "^ii" search pattern to "^.i"

v0.31: 1998-08-27 (Craig Sanders)
 - --force-hold added to $DPKG_ARGS and to the "$DPKG --remove" line

v0.32: 1998-08-27 (Craig Sanders)
 - changed the displayed packages list as noted by Rob Hilliard.  

the diff between 0.28 and 0.32 is as follows:  

---cut here---
--- autoup.sh   1998/07/23 09:46:14     0.28
+++ autoup.sh   1998/08/27 05:20:40     0.32
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # upgrade a libc5 (bo) machine to libc6 (hamm).
-# $Id: autoup.sh,v 0.28 1998/07/23 09:46:14 root Exp $
+# $Id: autoup.sh,v 0.32 1998/08/27 05:20:40 root Exp $
 # based on Scott Ellis' excellent "Debian libc5 to libc6 Mini-HOWTO"
 # document at http://www.gate.net/~storm/FAQ/libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO.html
@@ -46,14 +46,14 @@
 #DPKG="echo dpkg"
 #LDCONFIG="echo ldconfig"
-DPKG_ARGS="-iBE  --force-overwrite"
+DPKG_ARGS="-iBE  --force-overwrite --force-hold"
 DATE=$(date +%m%d-%T)
 ARCH="binary-$(dpkg --print-installation-architecture)"
 # package variables
@@ -93,8 +93,10 @@
 current directory:
     ldso, libc5, libc6, timezones, locales, ncurses3.0, ncurses3.4,
-    libreadline2, libreadlineg2, bash, libg++272, dpkg, dpkg-dev,
-    dpkg-ftp, dpkg-mountable, libgdbm1, libgdbmg1, perl-base, and perl.
+    libreadline2, libreadlineg2, bash, libg++27, libg++272,
+    libstdc++2.8, dpkg, dpkg-dev, slang0.99.34, slang0.99.38, libgdbm1,
+    libgdbmg1, perl-base, perl, data-dumper, libnet-perl, dpkg-ftp,
+    dpkg-mountable, netbase, netstd.
 If you are using a mirror, press 'm'.
 If you need to download the files via FTP, press 'f'.
@@ -113,10 +115,10 @@
         # ask where the mirror is (this could do with some error checking)
         echo "enter the full path to your local mirror of debian: "
-        echo "e.g. /debian/dists/frozen/main/$ARCH/"
+        echo "e.g. /debian/dists/stable/main/$ARCH/"
-        TRY="/debian/dists/frozen/main/$ARCH 
~ftp/debian/dists/frozen/main/$ARCH ../$ARCH"
+        TRY="/debian/dists/stable/main/$ARCH 
~ftp/debian/dists/stable/main/$ARCH ../$ARCH"
         for i in $TRY ; do
             if [ -d $i ] ; then
@@ -248,7 +250,9 @@
 PKGS_PERL=$( echo "$PKGS_PERL" | sed -e "$SEDSCRIPT" )
-PKGS_NET=$( echo "$PKGS_NET" | sed -e "$SEDSCRIPT" )
+PKGS_NETSTD=$( echo "$PKGS_NETSTD" | sed -e "$SEDSCRIPT" )
 echo "checking that all needed files are available..."
 # sanity check that we can find the packages
@@ -295,10 +299,24 @@
 DPKG_VER=$(dpkg -s dpkg | grep Version: | awk '{print $2}')
 DPKG_MINOR=$(echo $DPKG_VER | awk -F"." '{print $2}')
+# uncomment for testing
+# bo dpkg is now in /debian/dists/stable/main/upgrade-i386/dpkg_1.4.0.8.deb
+# a quick hack to s=binary-i386/base=upgrade-i386= should fix it.  
+# actually, that sucks and this whole section should be rewritten. it
+# doesn't work for ftp upgrades anyway....it assumes that bo dpkg is
+# available on a local disk.   i'm tempted to just delete all this stuff.
+# maybe the best thing to do is still check for bo, but don't do
+# anything except tell the user to download and install dpkg
+# before continuing.
 if [ $DPKG_MINOR -lt 4 ] ; then
-    BO_DPKG="base/dpkg_*.deb"
+    BO_DPKG="./dpkg_1.4.0.8.deb"
     BO_SEDSCRIPT=$(echo "$SEDSCRIPT" | \
-        sed -e 's/unstable/stable/g' -e 's/frozen/stable/g' -e 's/hamm/bo/g')
+        sed -e 's/unstable/stable/g' -e 's/frozen/stable/g' \
+            -e 's/hamm/bo/g' -e 's=binary-i386=upgrade-i386=g' )
     BO_DPKG=$(echo $BO_DPKG | sed -e "$BO_SEDSCRIPT")
     if [ ! -f $BO_DPKG ] ; then
@@ -311,7 +329,7 @@
 # Now we start the install
@@ -322,7 +340,7 @@
 # required, but shouldn't really be "essential", and this was corrected
 # in bo.
-$DPKG -l timezone | grep -q "^ii" && TIMEZONE=1
+$DPKG -l timezone | grep -q "^.i" && TIMEZONE=1
 if [ "$TIMEZONE" = "1" ] ; then 
@@ -339,7 +357,7 @@
 RMGREP=$(echo "$RMPKGS" | xargs echo | sed -e 's/ /\\\|/g')
-PKGS_RM=$(dpkg -l | grep "^ii" | grep -w "$RMGREP" | awk '{print $2}')
+PKGS_RM=$(dpkg -l | grep "^.i" | grep -w "$RMGREP" | awk '{print $2}')
 # build up a list of installed -dev packages so that we can remove them.
@@ -369,7 +387,7 @@
     echo "removing incompatible and development packages."
-    $DPKG --remove -B $RM_LIST || exit 1
+    $DPKG --remove --force-hold -B $RM_LIST || exit 1
@@ -507,7 +525,7 @@
     > "databases" are different between libc5 and libc6
 [1]  Note the following from the libc5-libc6-Mini-HOWTO:
-4.5.  Upgrading to frozen by FTP
+4.5.  Upgrading to stable by FTP
   The directory structure of the ftp site has been slightly modified,
   placing the contrib and non-free sections of the archive alongside the
@@ -519,5 +537,5 @@
   o  Enter debian directory: /debian
   o  Enter space separated list of distributions to get:
-     dists/frozen/main dists/frozen/non-free dists/frozen/contrib
+     dists/stable/main dists/stable/non-free dists/stable/contrib
---cut here---


craig sanders

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