On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, JonesMB wrote:

> I am trying to upgrade from bo to hamm so I can run the new bash and
> try wine.
> I run autoup.sh and it ftp'ed the files needed for the upgrade.  It
> failed to get me the file libstdc++2.8_*.deb
> [...deleted...]

autoup.sh is expecting to find it in libs/, but it's not there anymore.
it has been moved to base/. it must have happened recently because i
haven't had any other complaints about it yet.

download it from base, install it with dpkg and then run autoup.sh

> The autoup.sh I have is "v 0.27 1998/05/29".  I got it from
> http://www.debian.org/2.0/autoup/ Is this too old a version to be
> using or what?

nope. that's the latest version. i'll put out a new version soon which
corrects this libstdc++ problem.

if you want to be certain you have the latest version, check
http://debian.vicnet.net.au/autoup or http://taz.net.au/autoup/

the vicnet site is preferred - and also contains a .tar.gz file
containing all the files which autoup.sh needs. debian.vicnet.net.au is
my workstation at work, and has a much better net connection than the
taz site (which is my home network).


craig sanders

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