On Sun, 18 Jan 1998, Stan Brown wrote:

> All ths talk of libc5 to libc6 upgrades gotme thnking about upgarding.
> Since it matters at this point in time for upgradeing, how do I
> determine what version of Debian is on a given machine?

        cat /etc/debian_version

but IMO, it's worthless information. in fact, IMO the concept of a
'debian version' is essentially worthless...as soon as one package is
upgraded, the debian_version is no longer valid. it's useful as a rough
guide to tell you approximately what era a system was built in (and,
by extrapolation/guesswork how difficult it might be to upgrade to the
latest distribution release)

the only versions numbers that really matter are the version numbers
of the packages you have installed. type 'dpkg -l' to get a complete
listing. pipe the output into less because it'll be several screenfuls

type 'dpkg -l | grep "^ii"' to get a listing of only the installed

BTW, i've been running hamm for months and this is what /etc/debian_version
contains on my systems:

        $ cat /etc/debian_version

this isn't surprising, though, because debian 2.0 aka hamm hasn't been
released yet.


craig sanders

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