On Wed, 14 Jan 1998, IBMackey wrote:

> > try reinstalling the dpkg-ftp package is the only thing i can think
> > of.
> >
> > are you behind a firewall of any kind? check your configuration of
> > dpkg-ftp too...
> >
> > BTW, which version of the upgrade script did you run?

> Craig, I tried reinstalling, the dpkg -iBE just skips it saying all is
> well. 

i didn't mean run the autoupgrade script again (fortunately, it's not
dangerous to run more than once on a system...it doesn't re-do stuff
that it's already done).

i meant reinstall just the dpkg-ftp package with 'dpkg -i ...'

> I'm not behind a firewall. I used v0.5 of your script. I'm intrigued

if version 0.5 ran through without any errors, then the script has done
it's job. it stops as soon as it encounters an error.

> by your suggestion to configure the dpkg-ftp. What kind of configuration
> does it need ???

i don't use the ftp method, but i recall that it has a passive option.  try
yes and try no.  see if it makes any difference.  it's been some time since
i even looked at dpkg-ftp so there may be other options you can try.

you get to reconfigure an install method - e.g. ftp - by selecting it
again from the Access methods menu in dselect.


craig sanders

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