On Mon, 6 Jul 1998, Shaleh wrote:

> What is running / not running at the time of the crash.  The ^@ could
> indicate a daemon overflowing its buffer -- it could be a symptom or a
> cause.

sounds more like a symptom to me. i've seen that lots of times after
crashes - my guess is it's a result of fsck allocating the remainder of
a block to the logfile or something like that.

> When I run Netscape and Enlightenment 13.3 I occasionally have this
> happen.  Seems that NS does some things that eventually torque off E
> and X.

netscape does weird shit. i've had it take down my X session a few times
and occasionally (rarely) lock up the whole machine.  what do you expect
from commercial/closed-source software? :-(  

unfortunately, netscape is much better than any alternative - too bad
it's so badly written.


craig sanders

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