On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Scott Ellis wrote:

> On 20 Jan 1998, Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
> For the most part, shadow aware libc6 programs should recognise md5
> passwords, since libc6 includes a transparent crypt function that
> recognises a md5 salt and does the crypt accordingly.  Programs that
> don't function should have bugs files against them.  The way to make a
> program md5crypt aware is to pass the entire encrypted password as the
> salt to crypt() instead of just the first two characters.

how do you convert a passwd/shadow file to md5 passwords? 

say i've got a shadow file full of old-style crypted passwords, how do i
convert them all to md5crypt (without having to know what the plaintext
password is)? 


craig sanders

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