On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Clement wrote: > When I set a swap partition of 256MB, in fact anything > 128MB, > and install Linux, Linux reset it to 128MB. Is 128MB the limit of > swap disk for Linux? Software like dnews says 256MB swap disk is > recommended.
swap partitions are limited to 128MB each. You can have up to 16 of them. if dnews is really going to use all that swap, spread the swap partitions across multiple drives to improve performance. don't put swap on the same drive as your news spool or performance will suffer. for maximum performance, you want something like: - system/boot drive - OS & kernel, maybe a swap partition - one or more swap drives (optional)....small and fast is best. - one or more news spool drives. use raid if you have more than one drive. - i don't know how dnews works, but if it's anything like inn you'll want to keep its history file on a separate drive from the main news spool....or just rely on raid to spread the disk i/o load. with the price of memory these days, you may find it's better value for your money to just get 256MB or 512MB of ram than to dedicate a drive to swapping. News is something that really benefits from memory... craig -- craig sanders -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .