On Mon, 20 Jul 1998, Tomt wrote:

> At 10:44 PM 7/19/1998 -0700, you wrote:
> >It may be useful for you to assign the NIC's address to something
> >other than 0x300. A lot of different (very different even!) cards try
> >to use 0x300 (sound cards, primarily).
> Theres a sound card in the machine but its sitting on 0x330
> >Also you may want to try pinging the machine's own address on the
> >ethernet. See what that produces. Aside from that I can't help you
> >much.
> Works.  Both machines can ping themselves but not each other.

check that you don't have an irq conflict with the ethernet card.

i've had enough irq conflicts with network cards for that to be the
first thing i check when i get a system which can send but not receive


craig sanders

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