On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

> Hi, Craig!
> I updated libc5 to libc6 on 2 computers (Debian 1.3 was installed in
> Nov-97 and Feb-97) using your script.  Worked fine for me.

glad to hear it.

> Updating the rest of the packages with dselect is still quite painful.

worse than ever now :-). there are over 1700 packages in hamm (counting
main, contrib, non-free, and non-US)...several hundred more than in bo.

> Thank you,

you're welcome. upgrading to hamm isn't for everyone yet (not for the
faint of heart), but i'm glad my script helps those who chose to take
the plunge.

if you ran into any problems at all, please report them to

i would recommend to anyone who does choose to upgrade to hamm that they
take notes and report any problems to that address.


craig sanders

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