Re: Stus-List mounting sprit on the deck

2013-10-24 Thread Rick Brass
for using an A-sail, depending on which PHRF region you are in. If you are not racing, you don't need either a pole or a sprit. You actually want to use something like an ATN Tacker to control the tack of the A-sail and hold it on center near the headstay. Rick Brass Washingto


2013-10-25 Thread Rick Brass
ich is passive only (moves 600-1000 CU.Ft/hr is a 15 knot breeze) and attaches directly to the deck. FWIW, it is only $49. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Alex Giannelia Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 11:35 AM To: cnc-l

Re: Stus-List Head odors

2013-10-25 Thread Rick Brass
ray water - but who would WANT TO? Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan Plavsa Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 10:55 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Head odors Direct discharge is illegal in the

Re: Stus-List safety tethers

2013-10-25 Thread Rick Brass
p onto the jackline - which makes it a bit easier for someone else who does need to move forward and aft. Some may view my gear and practice to be an indicator that I'm pretty anal. I probably can't argue about the anal part, but I think its prudent seamanship. And s


2013-10-27 Thread Rick Brass
more available in the warehouse? Sometimes the prices WM charges is woth it because of the customer service they offer. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dennis C. Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2013 10:33 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus

Re: Stus-List To the barricades!

2013-10-30 Thread Rick Brass
lks on SA have the judgment to tell wheat from chaff, and I wonder how many would really be in the market for one of our boats. Most seem like sailing wanna-bes. But I do applaud your efforts to show them the truth about the qualities of older C&Cs. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [mailto:

Re: Stus-List New Boat

2013-10-30 Thread Rick Brass
Now that I think of it, I could've bought a real nice SWAN for what my support payments totaled. Kind of puts the cost of boat ownership in a new perspective. As the saying goes: A boat is like a mistress. You have her because you love her, she will take ALL your money, and . I guess the di

Re: Stus-List boom goose neck

2013-10-31 Thread Rick Brass
had to make that portion, not the portion on the end of the boom. Rick Brass Washington, NC -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Ryan Raber Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2013 8:00 AM To: Subject: Stus-List boom goose

Re: Stus-List Chain help (and windlass)

2013-10-31 Thread Rick Brass
Reread the middle ling of the three sent by Rich. ACCO originally used G40, but it is now a universal designator. G40 (AKA G4 or high test) is a short link chain to ISO standards used for boat anchor chains. G43 is a longer link chain of the same strength used for DOT load straps in trucking. Not

Re: Stus-List water level in head/bowl

2013-11-03 Thread Rick Brass
ould have a piece of screen inside of it to prevent spiders and wasps from getting into the fitting. You will probably find mud or a mass of spiderweb material in the opening, and blocking the vent. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Beha

Re: Stus-List NOAA Navigation Charts -- For Free

2013-11-04 Thread Rick Brass
for easy reference. Emergency information for the charted area is printed on the back cover. BookletCharts are updated every week with Notices to Mariners. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Indigo Sent: Friday, October

Re: Stus-List New boat - CS30

2013-11-04 Thread Rick Brass
If I'm not mistaken, Holland Marine used to be a Canadian Seacraft dealer. They are too far away to look at the grid in your boat, but they may be able to identify the yard in your area that was the CS dealer. They could look at the boat and give you advice before you close your deal.

Re: Stus-List water level in head/bowl

2013-11-04 Thread Rick Brass
plugged screen in the vent on the outside of the hull before you look at anything else. Unless you don't have spiders and wasps where you live. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of David Knecht Sent: Monday, November 04, 2013 10:28 AM To: Cn

Re: Stus-List bleeding fuel lines

2013-11-13 Thread Rick Brass
you can get one that is painted red. (My Universal engine is painted silver gray) There is also a pump rebuild kit available for the G908 pump, so you might not need to keep a pump assembly as a spare. Rick Brass Washington, NC -Original Message- From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@c

Re: Stus-List winterizing engine "hose rig"

2013-11-18 Thread Rick Brass
cooling water from outside. Normally the siphon break is between the raw water outlet of the heat exchanger and the exhaust elbow, and prevents raw from siphoning into the exhaust manifold when the engine is shut off. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list

Re: Stus-List Pedestal width (compass diameter) on a 37+?

2013-11-19 Thread Rick Brass
. Painted with a matte finish paint instead of gloss white. Still looks very good after 4 years of exposure and the finish seems hard enough that there are no scratches or scuff marks – yet. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf

Re: Stus-List Go Pro Camera

2013-11-19 Thread Rick Brass
Wal; You've been living in a third world country (well, maybe second and a half) for too long and have obviously lost touch with first world economics. They are $2000 accessories. Each. Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Beha

Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south

2013-11-26 Thread Rick Brass
together for a drink? I’d offer you and your owners hospitality in Washington, but you are probably going to be south of here before you see this message. Rick Brass Washington, NC 252-946-2244 From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew Burton Sent

Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south

2013-11-26 Thread Rick Brass
ou a recreational beverage on the passage. From experience I can say you will have few problems until you get to Georgia. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jake Brodersen Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 5:54 AM To: cnc-list@cnc-list

Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south

2013-11-26 Thread Rick Brass
these bridges. Looks like you're probably stuck dealing with Cape Hatteras when you go south again. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jonathan Boocock Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 9:43 AM To: cnc-list@cnc-lis

Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south

2013-11-26 Thread Rick Brass
ake you another 8 hours or so to make Beaufort. If the weather gets snotty you might duck into Oriental and lay over there. From there to Beaufort or Morehead would be about 5 hours after the weather clears up. Give me a call at 252-946-2244 and we will work out the logistics. Rick Brass

Re: Stus-List Coinjock RE: Andrew running the ditch south

2013-11-26 Thread Rick Brass
the Active Captain notes and updates transfer to the Garmin Blue Charts. Another alternative is the Salty Southeast Cruiser’s Net. It has current information on problems like the Great Bridge Lock closure, shoaling, etc. Also fuel prices at marinas on the ICW. Rick Brass From: CnC-List

Re: Stus-List Time for the Hull Number Lesson again

2013-11-26 Thread Rick Brass
Canadian Built, 30 foot, HIN 675, 81 model with keel laid in month E, which is either December or January. (Model year starts in September, but I think they use A for August as the start of the model year production. I'm sure Bill will tell me if that's wrong. BTW, it seems strange that Lee

Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south

2013-11-26 Thread Rick Brass
conditions there. To paraphrase Samuel Clemons, you will regret the things you did far less than the things you did not do. Explore. Dream. Discover. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Josh Muckley Sent: Tuesday, November 2

Re: Stus-List Prop pitch advice needed

2013-11-27 Thread Rick Brass
corrosion from a "hot" marina it would be prudent to take a close look at all the bronze through hull fittings in addition to the prop. Rick Brass Imzadi -1976 C&C 38 mk1 la Belle Aurore -1975 C&C 25 mk1 Washington, NC At 07:53 AM 26/11/2013, you wrote: He

Re: Stus-List Wheel Wraps

2013-11-27 Thread Rick Brass
Unless you watch on EBay for one to come up. I think I paid about %60 for the gray elk skin one I bought there. Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Tim Sippel Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 8:51 AM To: cnc-list@cnc

Re: Stus-List Wheel Wraps

2013-11-27 Thread Rick Brass
Three arm gear puller. You can rent one from Auto Zone for a couple of bucks (and maybe from Canadian Tire). And if your wheel is stuck that badly, it needs to get taken off and have the shaft lubed anyway. From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan Plavsa Sen

Re: Stus-List Happy Thanksgiving

2013-11-27 Thread Rick Brass
Andrew; How did you fare in the storms last night? Any excitement? And did you get to Beaufort before the cells got to Adams Creek/Oriental? Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew Burton Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Re: Stus-List Another halyard material question.

2013-11-28 Thread Rick Brass
work with - and they are probably at work today. Rick Brass Imzadi -1976 C&C 38 mk1 la Belle Aurore -1975 C&C 25 mk1 Washington, NC -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jake Brodersen Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 6:09 PM To: c

Re: Stus-List Hull numbers for other 35 MkII boats - Call Me Anal

2013-11-28 Thread Rick Brass
discontinuity? Is Mithrandir a 74 model started in 11/73, or perhaps a 75 model built 11/74 but HIN 324? Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Eric Frank Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 11:39 AM To: Sub

Re: Stus-List Winterizing - putting oil in the intake

2013-11-29 Thread Rick Brass
with fuel cutoff, while spraying oil into the intake) as a last step in the layup process makes more sense than fogging at first startup. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Steve Thomas Sent: Friday, November 29, 2013 10

Re: Stus-List Winterizing - was oil - now raw water vs. fresh water

2013-11-29 Thread Rick Brass
n indicater. Or you might look for a heat exchanger (though I think a lot of Yanmars have the heat exchanger coils integral in the exhaust manifold, instead of in a separate unit outside the engine.). I hope this answers your question, and doesn't bore you enough that you want to drink some

Re: Stus-List Winterizing

2013-11-30 Thread Rick Brass
Ken; It's not likely that liquid lube oil poured into the intake would cause hydraulic lock because it is unlikely that any of it would actually get into the cylinders unless you used a whole lot of it. Most would end up coating the bottom of the manifold. In all probability it would eventually

Re: Stus-List Winterizing

2013-11-30 Thread Rick Brass
arting fluid is about the only application WD40 is good for.) Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of dwight veinot Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2013 11:19 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Winterizing Ken What C&C MKII do

Re: Stus-List Winterizing

2013-12-02 Thread Rick Brass
C&C 35 MKII Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 2:56 PM, Rick Brass wrote: Dwight; Diesel fuel doesn't actually have much value as a lubricant. If you are ever so unfortunate as to have to keep your hands immersed in a pan of it (as when you rebuild a rota

Re: Stus-List halyards again( 10 aloft = 1 on the rail )

2013-12-03 Thread Rick Brass
make the crew happy. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dr. Mark Bodnar Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:45 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List halyards again( 10 aloft = 1 on the rail ) Add to that the fact that as the boat

Re: Stus-List Running south

2013-12-05 Thread Rick Brass
s that her? Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Curtis Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2013 10:30 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Running south I too live in Beaufort. Look me up next time thru I buy you a drink. On Wed, Dec 4, 20

Re: Stus-List Now Stability - was List halyards again( 10 aloft = 1 on the rail )

2013-12-05 Thread Rick Brass
you originally suggested. But I gotta admit, every time I see one of those suckers leaving for the open ocean, I'm amazed that they don't just flat fall over. Isn't marine architecture fun? Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Ne

Re: Stus-List Binoculars

2013-12-05 Thread Rick Brass
Joel; A few years ago Practical Sailor did a review of binoculars. They said that Steiners were the very best you could get. But the pair they reviewed were near $600. Next was the Fujinon Poseidon MTRC-SX, which are around $450. Next was the Fujinon Mariner WPC-XL at around $250. This

Re: Stus-List Canadians - retail sales tax used boat

2013-12-05 Thread Rick Brass
John Kerry didn't try to hide his $8million sailboat in Rhode Island. He just "forgot" to pay the 8% "Use" Tax in Massachusetts. It was nice that someone in network news took the time to remind him. Or so he said while explaining the big check was in the mail. Rick

Re: Stus-List BinocularS

2013-12-10 Thread Rick Brass
the holidays. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joel Aronson Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 10:30 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List BinocularS Tom, Thanks. Nice price! BTW, I ruled out the Fuji - no center focus

Re: Stus-List Bowsprit/assym

2013-12-10 Thread Rick Brass
hose races, and took it off for the rest of the time. The symmetrical spin was lost in a garage fire this fall. I may look for another used sail in the spring, but I'm not sure. The A sail is better for all around use and for cruising. Rick Brass Imzadi -1976 C&C 38 mk1 la Belle

Re: Stus-List Bowsprit/assym

2013-12-10 Thread Rick Brass
y have had it. They will discount if up to 50% after 3 years. Joel On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Rick Brass wrote: Dwight; Like Tom, I use a cruising A sail for my regular spinnaker. It is 1.5 oz, so I use it up to about 10 knots of wind. More wind than that and I am taking a

Re: Stus-List Bowsprit/assym

2013-12-10 Thread Rick Brass] On Behalf Of Rick Brass Sent: December 10, 2013 10:02 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Bowsprit/assym Dwight; Like Tom, I use a cruising A sail for my regular spinnaker. It is 1.5 oz, so I use it up to about 10 knots of wind. More wind than that and I am

Re: Stus-List Wanted: Cabin lights for CNC 30mkII

2013-12-14 Thread Rick Brass
x27;ll dig them out of the storage locker and let you know what the shipping charges are. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Kevin Driscoll Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 3:36 PM To: Subject: Stus-List Wan

Re: Stus-List : new boat, 1985 C&C 37 (Now: pedestal info)

2013-12-15 Thread Rick Brass
;m not even sure I'd do that. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Fred Hazzard Sent: Sunday, December 15, 2013 1:43 AM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List : new boat, 1985 C&C 37 (Now: pedestal info) I have the same shi


2013-12-16 Thread Rick Brass
e requirements because of the temperature/wavelength of the output of the LEDs) and was able to supply the requested bulbs for everything except those little red and green "eyeball" fixtures in the stem of the boat, and even there he was able to supply bulbs to meet the 2 mile requirem

Re: Stus-List Battery charger recommendations?

2013-12-17 Thread Rick Brass
id you had an "OEM" battery charger installed. Probably not really OEM, but the question is: is it still working? If it is, spend your money on the other systems you will be installing, and the additional batteries, and worry about a new (probably more efficient) charger in 2017 or s

Re: Stus-List Crack where keel meets hull

2013-12-17 Thread Rick Brass
r so. Good luck, and I'm sure you will enjoy the boat. Rick Brass Imzadi -1976 C&C 38 mk1 la Belle Aurore -1975 C&C 25 mk1 Washington, NC -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Peter Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 10:42 AM


2013-12-17 Thread Rick Brass
en there he was able to supply bulbs to meet the 2 mile requirement. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dennis C. Sent: Monday, December 16, 2013 1:14 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List LED BULBS IN GENERAL Go che

Re: Stus-List Old Sails Suck

2013-12-17 Thread Rick Brass
of the luff of the genoa. Flattening the main is done with outhaul and vang. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 8:48 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Old Sails Suck

Re: Stus-List Battery charger recommendations?

2013-12-18 Thread Rick Brass
to 50 next week. I wish it would just even out to a nice steady 60-65. Then I could take down the Christmas lights on the boat and go sailing. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rich Knowles Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 7:38 AM To: cnc-list

Re: Stus-List Battery charger recommendations? comment about alternators

2013-12-18 Thread Rick Brass
Dwight; Rich and I were addressing the power systems for a boat used for long term live aboard cruising. IIRC you are on a dock and use your boat for daysails and the occasional weekend or vacation cruise. For than situation, the OEM alternator is just fine. Starting your engine draws somew

Re: Stus-List Battery charger recommendations? comment about alternators

2013-12-18 Thread Rick Brass
13v or more, the battery charger is powering your DC system (up to the maximum current that the 1.5 amp or the "OEM" charger can supply). If it is 12.5v or less, then it is not. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Curtis Sent: Wednesday

Re: Stus-List Battery charger recommendations?

2013-12-18 Thread Rick Brass
o remember that Curtis has a 30. He couldn't have near the needs you do on your 38 or he would be all batteries in that smaller boat. Gary - Original Message - From: Rick Brass <> To: Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Re: Stus-List Mexico... [was Crack where keel meets hull]

2013-12-18 Thread Rick Brass
Fred, I feel for you. I lived for 7 years in Bismarck, ND - where a good warm day in January is about 5 below. But any tears I shed would be crocodile tears. I love Minneapolis/St. Paul but I'm not sure that even last night's lottery winners would have enough money to get me to move back to the

Re: Stus-List Raised floor boards [was Crack where keel meets hull]

2013-12-18 Thread Rick Brass
than appropriate. Can you tighten the jack stands to put more weight on the hull? And does that correct the situation? Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Peter Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2013 12:46 PM To: Subjec

Re: Stus-List Battery Charger (was Battery charger recommendations?)

2013-12-18 Thread Rick Brass
Peter; I'm planning a rewiring of my AC system before long, and that might include updating my old Xantrex 40 amp charger. Let me know off list how much you want for the ProMariner charger? Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Beha

Re: Stus-List C&Cco MK 1 Half Hull wall madel

2013-12-19 Thread Rick Brass
paint the half hull to match a photo of the boat? Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Stevan Plavsa Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 1:34 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List C&Cco MK 1 Half Hull wall m

Re: Stus-List In hull transducer location

2013-12-20 Thread Rick Brass
tight enough to seal the hole where the wire comes out. Or, as I said, use a transducer that comes with a collar that you epoxy to the hull. Good luck. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Curtis Sent: Friday, December 20, 2013 8:29 AM To: CnC-L

Re: Stus-List Needing the brain trust-new winch installation, old hole filling, etc.

2013-12-28 Thread Rick Brass
nded are intended for a boat on a casual day sail and not for racing or for heavy weather. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Antoine Rose Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 11:19 PM To: Barbara L. Hickson; cnc-list

Re: Stus-List PFD/life vest

2013-12-28 Thread Rick Brass
bought cost a buck or two each, and I keep a small stash double sealed in plastic bags to keep out the humidity. I also have a rearming kit (with the CO2 cartridge and a bobbin) or an appropriate CO2 cartridge for each type of PFD on board. Maintenance is no biggy. Rick Brass Washington, NC

Re: Stus-List PFD/life vest

2013-12-29 Thread Rick Brass
e boat. I find the carabineers fairly easy to use with one hand, and a whole lot easier to use than the ones on the Wichard and WM tethers I have. Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew Burton Sent: Sunday, December 29,

Stus-List Marina Information in Savannah Area

2013-12-29 Thread Rick Brass
ut every weekend for most of the year. I know. It sounds really good (which it is) and Jim probably won't find anything comparable near Savannah, but he can hope. Any recommendations for marinas/clubs to look into? Rick Brass W

Re: Stus-List C&C (1990) gelcoat epoxy adhesion & V40

2013-12-31 Thread Rick Brass
tions. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Steve Thomas Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 1:15 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C (1990) gelcoat epoxy adhesion & V40 Yeah I noticed the things Jim mentioned, and more

Re: Stus-List Scouting report on old C&C 38s

2013-12-31 Thread Rick Brass
I’d have to think about it for a bit first. Guess I am a zealot. Rick Brass Imzadi -1976 C&C 38 mk1 la Belle Aurore -1975 C&C 25 mk1 Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Sent: Monday, December 30, 20

Re: Stus-List ; institutional memory request; 1985 C&C Rendezvous at Block Island

2014-01-01 Thread Rick Brass
ntact information. If Starfire is documented, check the USCG documentation database using the documentation number. That will show information on the previous owners and any previous names for the boat. And maybe Bill Hall can give you information on the owner from who he bought the boat.

Re: Stus-List single handing a C&C 38

2014-01-02 Thread Rick Brass
handling and trim when sailing. Anyone who saw me trying to grind the big primary winches while steering with my knee, during the CRYC Rendezvous last summer can testify that having self tailing winches within reach of the wheel is also a good idea. Rick Brass Imzadi -1976 C&C 38 mk1

Re: Stus-List So New England retirement/harbor perspectives

2014-01-02 Thread Rick Brass
Damn! There are eleven three bedroom places here in Washington, NC in the $40s. In fact, I’ll sell you my 1400 square foot 3 bedroom on ½ acre of land for $65, such is the local market. And I’ll even set you up with a slip for your boat at the local country club – about 1 mile away – where you can

Re: Stus-List Single handed docking

2014-01-03 Thread Rick Brass
e close but not exactly where you should be coming into the slip, 2) if you get the hull too close to a piling you will likely tear the fender off the boat or bend a stanchion whne the fender gets trapped, and 3) it just looks ugly. Rick Brass Washington, NC

Re: Stus-List Fwd: Fwd: a good read

2014-01-04 Thread Rick Brass
used the Pahn, Pahn correctly, since it was sent out by the USCG SAR controller on the radio. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Patrick H. Wesley Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2014 5:47 PM To: cnc-list Subject: Stus-List Fwd: Fwd: a good read I me

Re: Stus-List 'My team talks Bluetooth headsets

2014-01-05 Thread Rick Brass
retrieving the anchor. One advantage of the FRS radios is, with range of a mile or more, crew on shore, or in the dinghy, can talk to the boat and vice versa. Also, I think the radios cost something like $69 a pair when I bought them about 4 years ago.. Rick Brass From: CnC-List

Re: Stus-List Near-shore tide what to expect. "Need some Guidance"

2014-01-06 Thread Rick Brass
where between 6:30 and 7:30 PM. Sunset, for you, on March 1st is about 6:34 PM. Hope the trip works out well for you. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Curtis Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 1:23 PM To:

Re: Stus-List Instrument Panel Advice

2014-01-06 Thread Rick Brass
into the teak panel. I can send you a photo off list if you are interested. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Edd Schillay Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 5:23 PM To: Subject: Stus-List Instrument Panel Advice Listers

Re: Stus-List Near-shore tide what to expect. "Need some Guidance"

2014-01-06 Thread Rick Brass
Whoa, Dwight. Lighten up. I realize Curtis is less experienced than some others on the list. I've already suggested he take a Power Squadron course or two to increase his knowledge, and others have suggested he sign on to help with a few offshore and/or ICW deliveries to gain experience. I pers

Re: Stus-List Near-shore tide what to expect. "Need some Guidance"

2014-01-06 Thread Rick Brass
John, Remember where he lives. Port Royal Sound is adjacent to Hilton Head, and almost to the Georgia state line. The current offshore water temperature at the buoy nearest Port Royal Sound is 54 degrees – warmer than Lake Superior ever gets. By the 1st of March, air temperatures will be as

Re: Stus-List Near-shore tide what to expect. "Need some Guidance"

2014-01-06 Thread Rick Brass
. I’ve not been able to go sailing since I put up the Christmas lights the first weekend in December. This is only the fourth time I’ve missed out on a New Year’s Day sail in 15 years. This weather sucks! Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dennis

Re: Stus-List Which is my boat?

2014-01-07 Thread Rick Brass
he metal plate, instead of the 3 digits in the HIN. Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Peter Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 10:45 PM To: Subject: Stus-List Which is my boat? I am trying to ensure that my p

Re: Stus-List friggin COLD

2014-01-08 Thread Rick Brass
propane tank in about 8 hours. Bought it at Wal-Mart 3 or 4 winters ago for under $50. I see there are also a few on EBay right now. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew Burton Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 9:27 AM To

Re: Stus-List 'My team talks Bluetooth headsets

2014-01-08 Thread Rick Brass
The elevator version of the phone call is: Your phone sends a signal to the tower. The signal gets carried to the cell phone company’s server farm (where the NSA listens to it). The server farm resends the message to the cell tower nearest the phone you are calling. The tower sends a signal

Re: Stus-List Which is my boat?

2014-01-08 Thread Rick Brass
construction started and the model year. And yes, Rick, the subject does seem to get covered every 5 or 6 months on the list. Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rick Taillieu Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2014 3:35 PM To: cnc

Re: Stus-List unstepping mast

2014-01-09 Thread Rick Brass
crane to lift the mast, and have someone on the bottom to help swing horizontally and move it to the sawhorses on shore I also found it to be a good practice to have a long line attached to the sling, so someone on shore can help to move the mast and to help position if. Rick Brass From

Re: Stus-List mounting solar panels

2014-01-11 Thread Rick Brass
ut in a 50 watt panel, which basically is for trickle charging your battery bank when you are not on the boat, and not a source of power when cruising, mounted flat is by far the easiest sort of installation. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of d

Re: Stus-List Cockpit Drains to Thru-Hulls

2014-01-11 Thread Rick Brass
haul out. BTW, when was the last time you changed the scupper hoses? Rick Brass -Original Message- From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of John Charlesworth Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2014 4:09 PM To: Subject: Stus-List Cockpit Drains t

Re: Stus-List Cockpit Drains to Thru-Hulls

2014-01-12 Thread Rick Brass
ent, you need to have access to the through hulls from inside the boat. I suppose it's gratuitous of me to say that I see the project as being a lot of work and expense that really does not significantly improve the situation you have now. Rick Brass Washington, NC -Original Message- Fro

Re: Stus-List mounting solar panels

2014-01-12 Thread Rick Brass
lazarette? That way you can run the wire from the panel into the lazarette and have a connection not exposed to the elements, and avoid drilling any more holes in the boat. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of David Knecht Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 9

Re: Stus-List Cockpit Drains to Thru-Hulls

2014-01-12 Thread Rick Brass
C Landfall 38) -- on the hard in Bayfield, WI :^( On Jan 12, 2014, at 8:47 AM, Rick Brass wrote: If the lee scupper will be at or below the waterline when sailing at 25 degrees of heel, it might be a good idea to run the hose from the port scupper to the starboard side of the boat (an

Re: Stus-List Fenderboards

2014-01-12 Thread Rick Brass
, or when the boat will be in one place for only a day or two. Other than that, I use the fender board. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of David Knecht Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 5:41 PM To: CnC CnC discussion list Subject: Stus-List Fende

Re: Stus-List Solar panel wiring

2014-01-13 Thread Rick Brass
bang up job of powering the stereo and the various instruments I tend to leave on like the GPS and the wind instrument. Someday I have GOT to get around to putting 300-500 watts of solar panels on the boat to be a source of power when cruising. Another project. Rick Brass From: CnC-L

Re: Stus-List Solar panel wiring

2014-01-13 Thread Rick Brass
BTW, if you decide to splice the Blue Sea connector onto your solar panel wire, save the MC4 connectors and let me know. I'll have you send them to me and I can use them on wiring the 30 watt panel I've never gotten around to installing to trickle charge the batteries on my 25.

Re: Stus-List Prop Question

2014-01-13 Thread Rick Brass
excellent performance in reverse. I’m sure others on the list will kick in with their experience. Rick Brass Washington, NC From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Brian Morrison Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 10:45 PM To: Subject: Stus-List

Stus-List FW: Autohelm St4000 how it should work with the GPS

2014-01-14 Thread Rick Brass
First post snagged because it was too big. Forgot to delete the string of previous posts. From: Rick Brass [] Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 8:17 AM To: '' Subject: RE: Stus-List Autohelm St4000 how it should work with the GPS

Re: Stus-List folding prop for C&C 40

2014-01-14 Thread Rick Brass
e of their prop, and will be a different diameter and pitch that what is recommended by another manufacturer. For my 38, with a 36 HP engine turning 3000 RPM, I had recommended diameters of 15 and 16 inches, in combination with pitch from 10 to 12 inches depending on the manufacturer. Rick

Re: Stus-List folding prop for C&C 40

2014-01-14 Thread Rick Brass
that is too close to the tip. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 4:53 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List folding prop for C&C 40 Most 2 bladed props will be larger in diam

Re: Stus-List FW: Autohelm St4000 how it should work with the GPS

2014-01-14 Thread Rick Brass
I stand corrected. I was thinking about the Northstar speed log on my boat, which contains the temperature sensor. My Garmin plotter/sounder also shows temperature (not reliably, since the transducer is on the inside of the hull), so on my Garmin the thermister is in the depth transducer. Not

Re: Stus-List Prop Size C&C 29-2

2014-01-15 Thread Rick Brass
.5:1 reduction. IIRC there are more than 1 reduction gears available on the Yanmar engines. I would also contact Campbell, MaxProp, and Gori to see what they recommend. Rick Brass From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Martin Kane Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1

Re: Stus-List Setting GPS Waypoints (long)

2014-01-15 Thread Rick Brass
About 15-20 years ago, when GPS started to become ubiquitous, it was not uncommon to hear about GPS assisted groundings where a skipper set a waypoint here, and a waypoint over there a few miles, and forgot to look at the shoal or headland between the two waypoints. So much so that the Power Squadr

Re: Stus-List Chartplotter Question

2014-01-19 Thread Rick Brass
crowd sourced info on hazards, marinas, fuel prices, etc come up on the plotter display. Rick brass Sent from my iPad > On Jan 18, 2014, at 12:40, Jim Watts wrote: > > David, check out page 22-23 in the manual. There is a file transfer thingie > buried in the Utilities menu. You

Re: Stus-List Electronics - was Re: Setting GPS Waypoints

2014-01-19 Thread Rick Brass
It's probably moot to say it at this point (I've been away for the past few days and not doing e mail) but it's not really and "Apple" thing, it's a regulation thing. A few years ago a regulation kicked in that any device/phone capable of connecting with cell phone service had to have a GPS bui

Re: Stus-List Adjustable genoa car system for C&C 38

2014-01-20 Thread Rick Brass
arken, but costs half as much and is just a functional. And of what consequence is a couple of ounces on a boat that weighs in at close to 15,000 pounds anyway? Rick Brass Imzadi -1976 C&C 38 mk1 la Belle Aurore -1975 C&C 25 mk1 Washington, NC From: CnC-List [mailto:cnc-lis

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