

At least in the stretch between Norfolk and Beaufort, NC you can sail much
of the ICW. I do it all the time, and watch circus parades of snowbirds
sailing south most every day.


You can't sail everywhere or in all wind conditions, but I'm guessing that
you an sail in 30 to 50% of the 200 mile stretch to Beaufort.


>From North Landing River across Currituck Sound to just north of Coinjock is
12-15 SM. Sailable in a west wind (a broad reach) but you would have to
watch the channel markers pretty closely if you drew over 5 ft.


North River across Albemarle Sound and down the Alligator River - about
30-35 SM - is wide, deep, and sailable in almost any wind. Except, of
course, when you pass through the Hwy 64 swing bridge across the Alligator


I once sailed down the Alligator River Cut (25 SM) when the fuel pump on my
engine failed. But I would not recommend it except when there is no other


>From just south of the Wilkerson Bridge, down the Pungo River, across the
Pamlico River, and down Goose Creek part of the way to Hobucken  (maybe 18
SM) you can sail most of the time - say 90%. These are my home waters and I
sail here all the time.


South of Hobucken (well East, actually) you sail the Bay River and then turn
right into the Neuse and sail to either Oriental or Adams Creek. Call it 24
SM to Oriental or 26 to Adams Creek. If you're going into Adams Creek you
can add 4 or 5 more miles of wide, deep water going east and then turning


When you come out into the Newport River north of Beaufort you have 6-8 SM
of open water, but it can get really shallow along the edges depending on
the tide so I usually motor or motorsail.


So in about 200 miles from Norfolk to Beaufort you have about 90 sailable
miles of ICW.


>From Beaufort west to the SC line there are a couple of 5/6/7 SM stretches
but for the most part you are limited by the prevailing SW wind (on the
nose) and by the depth of the ditch. There are 12 miles or so of deep wide
water (65 ft and 2+ miles) in the Cape Fear River. For the most part, those
that want to sail go out at Beaufort and sail about 85 miles west to come in
at Wrightsville Beach (and avoid going around the shoal guarding the Cape
Fear River.


There looked to be a few stretches of sailable water in South Carolina, but
someone else should comment on conditions there.


To paraphrase Samuel Clemons, you will regret the things you did far less
than the things you did not do. Explore. Dream. Discover.



Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Josh
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south


It is great hearing all of the encouragement to do the ICW.  Honestly I have
resisted any inclination simply because of the inability to sail.  What are
people's thoughts on the merits of sailing vs. those of the ICW?

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk

On Nov 26, 2013 10:40 AM, "Rick Brass" <> wrote:


Beaufort is only a bit over an hour drive, and it won't be raining after
tomorrow around noonish. Of course, that's if you believe NOAA.

Where do you plan to dock/anchor in the Morehead/Beaufort area?

If you're in the Pungo River and making 6.7 KT, it will probably take you
another 8 hours or so to make Beaufort. If the weather gets snotty you might
duck into Oriental and lay over there. From there to Beaufort or Morehead
would be about 5 hours after the weather clears up.

Give me a call at 252-946-2244 and we will work out the logistics.

Rick Brass
Washington, NC

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 10:08 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south

Rick, I'd love to get together for a libation. Not sure what time we'll be
in tonight; can you get away tomorrow night?


Andrew Burton
61 W Narragansett
Newport, RI
USA    02840

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