The advantage of the MC4 connector is that it is waterproof and impervious
to corrosion, which the cigarette lighter plug will not be. Since you have a
removable panel you will be disconnecting and storing below, why not use the
MC4 pigtail and leave the end of the wiring inside the cockpit lazarette?
That way you can run the wire from the panel into the lazarette and have a
connection not exposed to the elements, and avoid drilling any more holes in
the boat.


Rick Brass


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of David
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2014 9:01 AM
To: CnC CnC discussion list
Subject: Re: Stus-List mounting solar panels


Speaking of mounting panels, my new panel came with MC4 + and - connectors.
I have never seen these before and am not sure what to do with them.  I had
planned on mounting a 12V receptacle (cigarette lighter type) in the cockpit
to run wire through to the charge controller.  Now I am not sure what to do.
I guess I can remove or cut the MC4 and wire the ends to a 12V plug, but I
am wondering if there is some kind of MC4 connector I should look for.  Dave



David Knecht


1990 C&C 34+

New London, CT



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