

Remember where he lives. Port Royal Sound is adjacent to Hilton Head, and 
almost to the Georgia state line. The current offshore water temperature at the 
buoy nearest Port Royal Sound is 54 degrees – warmer than Lake Superior ever 
gets. By the 1st of March, air temperatures will be as high as anything Fred is 
likely to see in Minnesota all summer and the flowers will be in bloom. 


Heck, the flowers will be in bloom all the way up here in North Carolina, and 
the ICW will be full of snowbirds heading north.


Oops. Forget I said anything. As Dennis pointed out, if we talk about great 
weather, great sailing, and low cost of living all you folks in the frozen 
North (which, unfortunately, looks like it includes Atlanta and New Orleans 
tomorrow evening) will want to move here.




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Near-shore tide what to expect. "Need some Guidance"


Normally I would encourage anyone to set and do what they're planning.  In this 
case however - why in the world would you pick March to try your first near 
shore sail?


Everyone's thinking it - I'm just saying.




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