Re: Anyone Ever Use Homespun Music for Instruction?

2012-03-03 Thread CJ Daniel
Hi Teresa,

Don't know about the player in question, but I thought I'd mention 
 Bill brown runs it & creates tutorials for guitar, piano, banjo, drums & etc 
for the blind.  It's a great sight & NLS carries quite a few of his titles.  
Might want to check it out.

Best wishes,


On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Hi, all,
> It seems to me that the Instant Access app for the Mac is not accessible. 
> Does anyone know if there's another way to download the files? I saw 
> something in the app about using an alternate player, but that's probably 
> just for playing the music lessons.
> Meanwhile, I'm purchasing an old-fashioned CD from them, because I really 
> believe in what they do, and I want to learn Hawaiian slack-key guitar. :)
> TiA,
> Teresa
> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
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Re: Anyone Ever Use Homespun Music for Instruction?

2012-03-04 Thread CJ Daniel

Actually, is up & running.  And, he doesn't right books, but 
creates lessons regarding particular songs or series of lessons regarding 
particular styles on CD or digital downloads from his site.  NLS' music section 
has them for loan, on cassette, via snail mail.  If you're interested go to 
NLS' regular site, not BARD, & put Bill Brown in the author's search h field.  
It's not as quick as BARD, but well worth the outlay of effort.  I've learned a 
lot from his material.  His site, also, has quite a bit of sample links to 
listen & judge their worth to you.

Good Luck,


On Mar 3, 2012, at 4:21 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Unfortunately, the site seems to be down. I'll look at the catalog for NLS, 
> but none of his books appear to be on Bard either.
> Thanks much,
> Teresa
> "Visualize whirled peas."
> On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Hi Teresa,
>> Don't know about the player in question, but I thought I'd mention 
>>  Bill brown runs it & creates tutorials for guitar, piano, 
>> banjo, drums & etc for the blind.  It's a great sight & NLS carries quite a 
>> few of his titles.  Might want to check it out.
>> Best wishes,
>> CJ
>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> It seems to me that the Instant Access app for the Mac is not accessible. 
>>> Does anyone know if there's another way to download the files? I saw 
>>> something in the app about using an alternate player, but that's probably 
>>> just for playing the music lessons.
>>> Meanwhile, I'm purchasing an old-fashioned CD from them, because I really 
>>> believe in what they do, and I want to learn Hawaiian slack-key guitar. :)
>>> TiA,
>>> Teresa
>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>> -- 
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Re: The best Mac alternative to MS Office

2012-03-05 Thread CJ Daniel

I'm curious.  Have you tried Mesus Writer Pro @ all?  I've been considering it, 
but was wondering about accessibility, before I purchase the application.  Any 
comments about this software would be appreciated.


On Mar 5, 2012, at 9:07 AM, David Griffith wrote:

> I personally have found Open Office completely unusable under Lion. I 
> understand that there used to be some accessibility under Snow Leopard but 
> under Lion I cannot get any typing echo at all.
> If it is wordProcessing you are after I would stick to Text Edit perhaps 
> supplemented by the Free Bean Word Processor.
> I have bought Nisus Writer Pro and Pages but I must confess that I do not use 
> them much, especially Pages which is a whole learning curve I have to get 
> into. Unfortunately I do not currently have the time.
> If you are after a spreadsheet i understand Tables is a more intuitive 
> spreadsheet than Numbers. I have not really investigated this yet as I am 
> still using Excel under Fusion.
> I have heard Bento is an accessible database.
> David Griffith.
>  5 Mar 2012, at 15:36, Deamon David wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Since I myself aren't using Office suites that much, I'd like to ask
>> those of you who uses such much for the best solution for Mac?
>> Am I right that we have the options between OpenOffice, LibraOffice
>> and iWork?
>> There are two criterias here: (1) Accessibility, with VoiceOver and
>> (2) that it must handle these MS Office based format as good as
>> possible.
>> Hope there are some help out here :-)
>> Best regards David
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Re: Anyone Ever Use Homespun Music for Instruction?

2012-03-05 Thread CJ Daniel

Good luck,


On Mar 4, 2012, at 5:36 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:

> Thanks! I did find Brown's tutorials on the NLS site, but no slck-key thus 
> far. I will look at the site, too.
> The player that Homespun uses is called MOD Machine, and is completely 
> invisible to VO. I sent a nice polite inquiry off to Leaping Brains, the 
> designers of this player, and I will see what happens.
> Thanks,
> Teresa
> "Slow down; you'll get there faster."
> On Mar 4, 2012, at 12:18 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Teresa,
>> Actually, is up & running.  And, he doesn't right books, but 
>> creates lessons regarding particular songs or series of lessons regarding 
>> particular styles on CD or digital downloads from his site.  NLS' music 
>> section has them for loan, on cassette, via snail mail.  If you're 
>> interested go to NLS' regular site, not BARD, & put Bill Brown in the 
>> author's search h field.  It's not as quick as BARD, but well worth the 
>> outlay of effort.  I've learned a lot from his material.  His site, also, 
>> has quite a bit of sample links to listen & judge their worth to you.
>> Good Luck,
>> CJ
>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 4:21 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>> Unfortunately, the site seems to be down. I'll look at the catalog for NLS, 
>>> but none of his books appear to be on Bard either.
>>> Thanks much,
>>> Teresa
>>> "Visualize whirled peas."
>>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>> Hi Teresa,
>>>> Don't know about the player in question, but I thought I'd mention 
>>>>  Bill brown runs it & creates tutorials for guitar, piano, 
>>>> banjo, drums & etc for the blind.  It's a great sight & NLS carries quite 
>>>> a few of his titles.  Might want to check it out.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> CJ
>>>> On Mar 3, 2012, at 3:41 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>>>>> Hi, all,
>>>>> It seems to me that the Instant Access app for the Mac is not accessible. 
>>>>> Does anyone know if there's another way to download the files? I saw 
>>>>> something in the app about using an alternate player, but that's probably 
>>>>> just for playing the music lessons.
>>>>> Meanwhile, I'm purchasing an old-fashioned CD from them, because I really 
>>>>> believe in what they do, and I want to learn Hawaiian slack-key guitar. :)
>>>>> TiA,
>>>>> Teresa
>>>>> "The Golden Age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete Graham
>>>>> -- 
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Re: mi fi question:hello all,

2012-03-08 Thread CJ Daniel

I have the iPhone 4 & an Apple Macbook.  For the life of me, I can't figure 
outt why, if I have the iPhone, would I want the iPad as well?  As far as I 
know, they're run the same IOS &, far the most part, the same applications.  
True, you have a larger display & I guess this would help for people with low 
vision.  But, other than that I can't see enough of advantage to warrant the 
expenditure for those who already have an iPhone.  Just my two cents & I'm sure 
others will have varying opinions.  I'd be interested in hearing them.

Good luck with your decision & have fun in Dallas this summer,


On Mar 7, 2012, at 7:35 PM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> i am  going to be purchasing the latest i-pad  at the beginning of june 
> before i  head off to dallas texas for national federation of the blinds  
> national convention on  june, 3o/ july, 7/12.  i do not want to pay the 45 
> dollars that at&t  charges for teathering. i was told by apple inc that if i 
> purchased an mi fi box for my i-pad  with just wi fi and  not wi fi and 3.g. 
> added to it. that it would be much more  cheeper for me in the long run.  
> furthermore, i wanted to know  if this device is worth my  time and money? 
> also  is it  on the expensive  side? 
> thank  you so much for your time i most greatly appreciate it.
> sincerely, chenelle.
> Sent from my iPhone
> -- 
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Re: Libre and Open office

2012-03-08 Thread CJ Daniel

Same problem here.  Just downloaded & installed Libre.  Checked it out & was 
really impressed with the features & logical layout.  Then, I started 
typing…what a downer!  Hope some one else knows how to make the typing echo 
work or it's back to Pages, which really doesn't seem very intuitive. 

Here's hoping,


On Mar 7, 2012, at 7:42 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> Hi guys
> Is it normal that these two programs do not speak what you type and seem to 
> conflict with VO? I thought they were a bit more accessible than pages. Did I 
> misunderstand this? Thanks.
> Becky
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Re: Questions about switching from PC to Mac

2012-03-31 Thread CJ Daniel
Real good thought, if you ask me.


On Mar 31, 2012, at 5:42 AM, Lewis Alexander wrote:

> this has just triggered an idea and if there's anyone on list working for 
> apple, an apple developer or beta tester, here's the idea.
> so that apple is more aware of who has purchased a mac, whenever you purchase 
> a new mac, start up and register your mac, you should  be able to fill in a 
> questionnaire stating it's use, etc and if so include the option for disabled 
> users including blind users. this way, each purchased system, or operating 
> system or application supplied by apple logs details of blind users, so it 
> gives apple a greater area of support to push for changes in voiceover and 
> app support.
> just a thought on this.
> lew
> On 31 Mar 2012, at 10:53, Scott Howell wrote:
>> Ricardo,
>> True and we also must remember that Apple is not able to track each time a 
>> blind/visually impaired user purchases a Mac because they aren't ordering it 
>> from a company that sells products to that community. YOu are buying your 
>> Mac from the Apple store etc. So, although APple has a pretty good idea of 
>> the number of VoiceOver users, they probably do not know the exact to the 
>> last person number. So, Apple does listen even if you think at times they 
>> are not.
>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 11:02 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>>> I really can't argue with that.  selecting text on the web is quite a chore 
>>> on the Mac.  I think Safari, and lack of accessibility or efficiency of a 
>>> office suite for power users of such applications is the Macs greatest 
>>> weakness at this point in comparison to jaws with windows.  But progress is 
>>> being made.  If anyone has used safari with tiger or leopard, and compared 
>>> that to snow leopard or Lion, they would see what I mean. lol.  Or, even 
>>> iWorks 2008 which was completely inaccessible, to iWorks 2009 which has 
>>> some accessibility.  That's why I urge everyone to write Apple sharing some 
>>> of your thoughts in regards to topics like this.  How else can we honestly 
>>> expect Voiceover to improve without feedback.  It doesn't matter how small, 
>>> or insignificant the idea or complaint might be.  Its been my experience 
>>> that its the little things like adding a keystroke to check the time that 
>>> really can enhance the user experience of a product.  
>>> Ricardo Walker
>>> Twitter:@apple2thecore
>>> On Mar 30, 2012, at 7:59 PM, Ioana Gandrabur  wrote:
 HI there,
 I am going to create some controversy probably with my post. 
 I think the mac has some amazing features like being able to use the 
 trackpad, having easy access to many different languages, using any mac 
 you encounter on equal footing, having a  stable system, etc.
 I will say that there are enough areas where I find windows (in my case 
 with jaws) easier to use or more smooth, consistent to use
 I have not used other browsers than safari and I find that when pages 
 contain frames it is harder to find relevant information on a page, 
 especially when you do not know the page yet. When you do, it gets faster. 
 I also find selecting text on webpages much more intricate and less 
 I do not need my computer for much other than browsing and emails and from 
 time to time creating some more official letters so these differences do 
 not affect me and I can fully enjoy the cool fun sides of the mac like the 
 variety in voices. But I find sometimes I am more efficient on the  pc. It 
 might be that I am still new to the mac (about 5 months) but I guess maybe 
 this side of things is worth putting out for discussion.
 But, after all, you can still install windows on your mac and get the best 
 of both worlds. I do not have a pc and do not have a windows version to 
 install on my mac so it was swim or sink with the mac for me. I think I 
 have not drowned yet and am enjoying the swim despite  the hurdles.
 Hope this helps a bit.
 Please check out my cd on on iTunes and most online 
 On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:05 AM, Marc Rocheleau wrote:
> Hello there,
> It's funny you mention flash because one of my big questions is
> browsing the web. I use sites like facebook, gmail, etc... on a
> regular basis and was wondering how easy/difficult they are to use
> with a Mac and VO -- I know facebook is a pain to navigate through
> with jaws on my PC sometimes. What web browser do people mostly use,
> safari? Also, I use twitter but have the qwitter client on my PC... is
> there any program for the Mac that is similar?
> I'd be very grateful for any info on these topics. Thanks in advance!
> -Marc

Re: Eloquent

2012-04-02 Thread CJ Daniel

Follow the following steps.

1.  Press Command-Shift-M for the Module Manager.
2.  Interact with the first or left most table.
3.  Select which source you wish to search for new modules.
4.  Press Control-F5 to jump directly to the tool bar.
5.  VO-Right Arrow to the Refresh Button.
6.  When Eloquent is through processing your request, VO-Shift Up Arrow to 
leave the tool bar.
7.  Return to the source table & interact with it.
8.  Return to your previously selected source & VO-\ to open it.
9.  Select which findings you wish to browse.  I.E. Bible Texts, Commentaries, 
dictionaries, or General Writings.
10. After making your selection, leave the table & move right with VO-Right 
Arrow to the right most table.
11. Interact with it & move up & down with VO-Up & Down Arrows.
12. When you find a module you wish to add, select the Tasks Pop Up Button & 
select Install.
13. When you're done making your choices for installation, jump to the Tool Bar 
with Control-F5 & select the Process Tasks Button @ the right end of the Tool 

That should do it.  Funny, I just did this myself this morning before 
responding to your email.  Good luck & don't hesitate to write if you encounter 
any problems.

God bless,


On Apr 1, 2012, at 9:34 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> How do you find other versions of the Bible to download? Elequent comes with 
> the KJV only.
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Re: Eloquent

2012-04-02 Thread CJ Daniel

I'm not sure off the top of my head.  But, if you google Eloquent Bible 
software you'll find it pretty quick.

Good luck,


On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:23 AM, Walter Harper wrote:

> Where can I download this software from?
> Walter 
> On Apr 2, 2012, at 1:09 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Sarai,
>> Follow the following steps.
>> 1.  Press Command-Shift-M for the Module Manager.
>> 2.  Interact with the first or left most table.
>> 3.  Select which source you wish to search for new modules.
>> 4.  Press Control-F5 to jump directly to the tool bar.
>> 5.  VO-Right Arrow to the Refresh Button.
>> 6.  When Eloquent is through processing your request, VO-Shift Up Arrow to 
>> leave the tool bar.
>> 7.  Return to the source table & interact with it.
>> 8.  Return to your previously selected source & VO-\ to open it.
>> 9.  Select which findings you wish to browse.  I.E. Bible Texts, 
>> Commentaries, dictionaries, or General Writings.
>> 10. After making your selection, leave the table & move right with VO-Right 
>> Arrow to the right most table.
>> 11. Interact with it & move up & down with VO-Up & Down Arrows.
>> 12. When you find a module you wish to add, select the Tasks Pop Up Button & 
>> select Install.
>> 13. When you're done making your choices for installation, jump to the Tool 
>> Bar with Control-F5 & select the Process Tasks Button @ the right end of the 
>> Tool Bar.
>> That should do it.  Funny, I just did this myself this morning before 
>> responding to your email.  Good luck & don't hesitate to write if you 
>> encounter any problems.
>> God bless,
>> CJ
>> On Apr 1, 2012, at 9:34 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> How do you find other versions of the Bible to download? Elequent comes 
>>> with the KJV only.
>>> -- 
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Re: Eloquent

2012-04-02 Thread CJ Daniel

You might try closing out Voice Over & relaunching it.  If that doesn't work, 
then ditto for Safari.  Lastly, if none of the above fix's the problem, then 
bookmark the page & reboot your system.  I don't know why, but sometimes things 
just go haywire & you've got to start from zero.

Good luck,


On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Walter Harper wrote:

> I am having trouble with downloading it.
> I am not sure what is going wrong  I am clicking on the name of the zip file 
> and nothing is happening.
> On Apr 2, 2012, at 1:26 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Walter,
>> I'm not sure off the top of my head.  But, if you google Eloquent Bible 
>> software you'll find it pretty quick.
>> Good luck,
>> CJ
>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:23 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Where can I download this software from?
>>> Walter 
>>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 1:09 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>> Sarai,
>>>> Follow the following steps.
>>>> 1.  Press Command-Shift-M for the Module Manager.
>>>> 2.  Interact with the first or left most table.
>>>> 3.  Select which source you wish to search for new modules.
>>>> 4.  Press Control-F5 to jump directly to the tool bar.
>>>> 5.  VO-Right Arrow to the Refresh Button.
>>>> 6.  When Eloquent is through processing your request, VO-Shift Up Arrow to 
>>>> leave the tool bar.
>>>> 7.  Return to the source table & interact with it.
>>>> 8.  Return to your previously selected source & VO-\ to open it.
>>>> 9.  Select which findings you wish to browse.  I.E. Bible Texts, 
>>>> Commentaries, dictionaries, or General Writings.
>>>> 10. After making your selection, leave the table & move right with 
>>>> VO-Right Arrow to the right most table.
>>>> 11. Interact with it & move up & down with VO-Up & Down Arrows.
>>>> 12. When you find a module you wish to add, select the Tasks Pop Up Button 
>>>> & select Install.
>>>> 13. When you're done making your choices for installation, jump to the 
>>>> Tool Bar with Control-F5 & select the Process Tasks Button @ the right end 
>>>> of the Tool Bar.
>>>> That should do it.  Funny, I just did this myself this morning before 
>>>> responding to your email.  Good luck & don't hesitate to write if you 
>>>> encounter any problems.
>>>> God bless,
>>>> CJ
>>>> On Apr 1, 2012, at 9:34 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>>> Hi:
>>>>> How do you find other versions of the Bible to download? Elequent comes 
>>>>> with the KJV only.
>>>>> -- 
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>>> -- 
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Re: Eloquent

2012-04-02 Thread CJ Daniel

Unfortunately, the NIV is not one of the free downloads.  There are many 
versions, so I haven't asked the Eloquent community about versions that must be 

Hope this helps,


On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:36 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I just finished reading through this thread.
> If I may:
> Can one download the NIV using this program?  While I'm almost positive the
> answer is yes, I do not see where this is stated in the thread.
> Thank you,
> Mark
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of CJ Daniel
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 12:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Eloquent
> Walter,
> You might try closing out Voice Over & relaunching it.  If that doesn't
> work, then ditto for Safari.  Lastly, if none of the above fix's the
> problem, then bookmark the page & reboot your system.  I don't know why, but
> sometimes things just go haywire & you've got to start from zero.
> Good luck,
> CJ
> On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>> I am having trouble with downloading it.
>> I am not sure what is going wrong  I am clicking on the name of the zip
> file and nothing is happening.
>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 1:26 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>> Walter,
>>> I'm not sure off the top of my head.  But, if you google Eloquent Bible
> software you'll find it pretty quick.
>>> Good luck,
>>> CJ
>>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:23 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>>> Where can I download this software from?
>>>> Walter 
>>>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 1:09 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>>> Sarai,
>>>>> Follow the following steps.
>>>>> 1.  Press Command-Shift-M for the Module Manager.
>>>>> 2.  Interact with the first or left most table.
>>>>> 3.  Select which source you wish to search for new modules.
>>>>> 4.  Press Control-F5 to jump directly to the tool bar.
>>>>> 5.  VO-Right Arrow to the Refresh Button.
>>>>> 6.  When Eloquent is through processing your request, VO-Shift Up Arrow
> to leave the tool bar.
>>>>> 7.  Return to the source table & interact with it.
>>>>> 8.  Return to your previously selected source & VO-\ to open it.
>>>>> 9.  Select which findings you wish to browse.  I.E. Bible Texts,
> Commentaries, dictionaries, or General Writings.
>>>>> 10. After making your selection, leave the table & move right with
> VO-Right Arrow to the right most table.
>>>>> 11. Interact with it & move up & down with VO-Up & Down Arrows.
>>>>> 12. When you find a module you wish to add, select the Tasks Pop Up
> Button & select Install.
>>>>> 13. When you're done making your choices for installation, jump to the
> Tool Bar with Control-F5 & select the Process Tasks Button @ the right end
> of the Tool Bar.
>>>>> That should do it.  Funny, I just did this myself this morning before
> responding to your email.  Good luck & don't hesitate to write if you
> encounter any problems.
>>>>> God bless,
>>>>> CJ
>>>>> On Apr 1, 2012, at 9:34 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:
>>>>>> Hi:
>>>>>> How do you find other versions of the Bible to download? Elequent
> comes with the KJV only.
>>>>>> -- 
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Re: Eloquent

2012-04-02 Thread CJ Daniel

Unfortunately, the NIV doesn't seem to be available.  Eloquent is powered by 
the Sword Project.  The Sword Project is a cross platform that is provided by 
cross for various non-profit Christian ministries to afford them the 
capability to share God's word & study it on a free basis.  Hence, while the 
versions available are extensive, some of the publishers of the more modern 
versions are not willing to make them available for this application.

Anyway, it's a great study tool & I just keep the Blue Letter Bible open in 
Safari for times when I need the NIV, NLT SE, NKJV, or The Message.  I do enjoy 
the NLT & miss having it on my system, but I'm not willing to pay the out 
rageous prices for some of the other available software. 

Hope this helps,


On Apr 2, 2012, at 3:16 PM, M. Taylor wrote:

> Hello CJ and thank you for replying.
> I will be happy to purchase the N I V if, in fact, it is available.  
> Would you be so kind as to make an inquiry on my behalf?  
> I eagerly await your reply.
> Mark 
> -Original Message-
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of CJ Daniel
> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 1:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Eloquent
> Mark,
> Unfortunately, the NIV is not one of the free downloads.  There are many
> versions, so I haven't asked the Eloquent community about versions that must
> be purchased.
> Hope this helps,
> CJ
> On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:36 PM, M. Taylor wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> I just finished reading through this thread.
>> If I may:
>> Can one download the NIV using this program?  While I'm almost 
>> positive the answer is yes, I do not see where this is stated in the
> thread.
>> Thank you,
>> Mark
>> -Original Message-
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of CJ Daniel
>> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 12:17 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Eloquent
>> Walter,
>> You might try closing out Voice Over & relaunching it.  If that 
>> doesn't work, then ditto for Safari.  Lastly, if none of the above 
>> fix's the problem, then bookmark the page & reboot your system.  I 
>> don't know why, but sometimes things just go haywire & you've got to start
> from zero.
>> Good luck,
>> CJ
>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:42 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> I am having trouble with downloading it.
>>> I am not sure what is going wrong  I am clicking on the name of the 
>>> zip
>> file and nothing is happening.
>>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 1:26 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>> Walter,
>>>> I'm not sure off the top of my head.  But, if you google Eloquent 
>>>> Bible
>> software you'll find it pretty quick.
>>>> Good luck,
>>>> CJ
>>>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 10:23 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>>>> Where can I download this software from?
>>>>> Walter
>>>>> On Apr 2, 2012, at 1:09 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>>>> Sarai,
>>>>>> Follow the following steps.
>>>>>> 1.  Press Command-Shift-M for the Module Manager.
>>>>>> 2.  Interact with the first or left most table.
>>>>>> 3.  Select which source you wish to search for new modules.
>>>>>> 4.  Press Control-F5 to jump directly to the tool bar.
>>>>>> 5.  VO-Right Arrow to the Refresh Button.
>>>>>> 6.  When Eloquent is through processing your request, VO-Shift Up 
>>>>>> Arrow
>> to leave the tool bar.
>>>>>> 7.  Return to the source table & interact with it.
>>>>>> 8.  Return to your previously selected source & VO-\ to open it.
>>>>>> 9.  Select which findings you wish to browse.  I.E. Bible Texts,
>> Commentaries, dictionaries, or General Writings.
>>>>>> 10. After making your selection, leave the table & move right with
>> VO-Right Arrow to the right most table.
>>>>>> 11. Interact with it & move up & down with VO-Up & Down Arrows.

Re: 30 great open source apps for the Mac

2012-04-13 Thread CJ Daniel
Hi All,

Just a note on one of the 30 listed apps.  I downloaded netbeans, an IDE for 
source code development, & it is only partially accessible.  Any feedback on 
the rest of the listed applications would be appreciated.


On Apr 12, 2012, at 12:07 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> This is good stuff. I have downloaded a few. This is going to make me sound 
> like in no nerd…which is true…but what is the point of a program like 
> transmission? I read the description if it and others like it and i jsut dont 
> really get it. thanks for the help!
> Mike Malarsie 
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 9:19 PM, Victor Tsaran wrote:
>> Hey guys,
>> FWIW, here is a list of 30 open source applications for the Mac: 
>> In particular, Transmission, a torrent app, is quite accessible. You will 
>> find other cools tuff there.
>> V
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Re: Guitar chords

2012-04-15 Thread CJ Daniel

Try Bill Brown's tutorials for the blind or Guitar by Ear CD's & MP3's @  He's got a ton of stuff & a lot of it is available for free 
through the Library of Congress's music division.

Let me know if I can help in any other way.  I've been playing for over 
30-years in clubs for a while & more recently in church.

Good luck,


On Apr 13, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> Happy Friday the 13th!
>   Does anyone know of a website or app or anything that has guitar chords 
> and or tabs that are accessible?
>   I have been using YouTube to learn a lot of the basic chords and scales 
> but as I advance it seems to get harder and harder to find well described  
> videos.
>   Thanks for the help!
> Mike Malarsie 
> -- 
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Re: Guitar chords

2012-04-17 Thread CJ Daniel

You have to be signed up for the NLS' program for the blind & physically 
handicapped.  After that, you're eligible to borrow from the Library of 
Congress's music program.  So, if you're receiving books from your state's 
lending library or downloading books from them, you're good to go.  Then, you 
would simply call 800-424-8567 & order to your heart's content.  If you're not 
signed up, then you need to contact your state's cooperating library & get the 
paper-work started.

Let me know if I ca help,


On Apr 15, 2012, at 6:43 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> This sounds awesome! Available for free? Who do I go about doing that? I love 
> free! Thanks a lot!
> Mike Malarsie 
> On Apr 15, 2012, at 7:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Michael,
>> Try Bill Brown's tutorials for the blind or Guitar by Ear CD's & MP3's @ 
>>  He's got a ton of stuff & a lot of it is available for 
>> free through the Library of Congress's music division.
>> Let me know if I can help in any other way.  I've been playing for over 
>> 30-years in clubs for a while & more recently in church.
>> Good luck,
>> CJ
>> On Apr 13, 2012, at 4:03 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:
>>> Happy Friday the 13th!
>>> Does anyone know of a website or app or anything that has guitar chords 
>>> and or tabs that are accessible?
>>> I have been using YouTube to learn a lot of the basic chords and scales 
>>> but as I advance it seems to get harder and harder to find well described  
>>> videos.
>>> Thanks for the help!
>>> Mike Malarsie 
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Re: Returning to a old stereo

2012-04-23 Thread CJ Daniel

Excellent reply & very informative.  It brought all my old-days of chasing the 
perfect, next best thing, in surround-sound.  Boy oh boy, when I consider all 
the money I put in to that stuff through out the late 80's & 90's, it makes me 
blush.  Anyway, again, great simplified explanation of a complex subject.


On Apr 23, 2012, at 7:47 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:

> So the Mac actually has two kinds of audio output, analog stereo and 
> optical/digital multi-channel.
> The first is probably more familiar which would be to have a mini-headphone 
> cable with standard left/right RCA connectors on the other end which you run 
> to an input on the receiver and you get nice stereo sound. There are only two 
> sound channels so if you want to get all fancy with a subwoofer you would 
> need some kind of crossover gear to send only the low sounds to a subwoofer 
> and leave everything else in your main speakers. This probably isn't done 
> much for home listening but I've known audiophiles who went to this trouble.
> The second is a new(ish) setup where up to six separate channels of audio are 
> combined into one high-speed data channel and sent via fiber optic cable from 
> your mac to your receiver. The hadphone jack on your Mac will detect when a 
> miniTOS link cable is plugged in and turn on its optical output hardware. The 
> other end goes into any rececent (last 10 years or so) home theater receiver 
> with optical inputs. The receiver will decode the optical audio signal into 
> left, right, center, subwoofer, rear left and rear right channels. Usually 
> there are built-in amps for all the channels except the subwoofer, so you 
> just connect 5 standard speakers to the 5 plugs and you get all the surround 
> sound goodness. Most consumer subwoofers come with a built in amp tuned to 
> the speaker so the receiver just gives a 'line level' output on an RCA jack 
> to run to the subwoofer. That's why they call it 5.1 for five speakers plus 
> the subwoofer.
> As far as what you actually get, for most music recordings you only get 
> stereo, so having all the other speakers doesn't do much for you. Most 
> receivers have all kinds of fancy modes to put 'something' in the other 
> speakers but in the end it's just stereo. Most receivers also will do 
> trickery if you, for example, don't have a subwoofer. All the 5.1 stuff kicks 
> in when you have a DVD with 5.1 audio tracks, which is pretty much all of 
> them. So of course if you buy a DVD of some concert you'll probably get the 
> full surround stuff, but really old movies are just stereo since that's all 
> they had back then. Sony, back in 99, tried something called a Super Audio CD 
> which had all the channels at high quality like a DVD but was just for audio. 
> It pretty much flopped but is still around and some folks really like it. I 
> haven't tried playing one of these on my Mac so I'm not sure what it would do.
> Not sure what your budget is but you can pick up a plain jane 200w receiver 
> for about $150 new, so don't spend to much on that old used unit. If you're 
> waiting for one that has true all mechanical/analog controls you might find 
> they are quite old and probably have a lot of noise in the controls from 
> years of use/dust/dirt. Another possibility is to just get a real amplifier 
> and be done. Most amps have just one pair of inputs, real physical left/right 
> volume controls and one pair of speaker inputs.  Prices on plan old amps 
> range from around $90 for a 300w cheapie to thousands for high power high end 
> stuff. I've used QSC 300w stereo rackmount amps for years which run about 
> $300. Since the mac output is line level you can run it (with the right 
> cable) right into one of these things and be done.
> Hopefully this will help wrap your head and not warp it :)
> CB
> On 4/22/12 3:55 PM, Lewis Alexander wrote:
>> if you just want surround sound and nothing else, you're using your mac as 
>> your main media source, the surround sound controllers on the market can 
>> automatically handle setup for you, as long as you send your main signal 
>> from the mac to the source, it should all go pretty well.
>> I recommend Sony for their quality and accessibility.
>> On 22 Apr 2012, at 20:51, Eric Caron wrote:
>>> Hello Listers,
>>> I'm having a lot of trouble getting my head around the new surround 
>>> sound systems.  What I think might work best for me is to find a older 
>>> powerful stereo receiver or receiver and amp that I can plug my computer 
>>> directly to and perhaps also connect a airport express or Apple TV.
>>> I don't own a TV and don't enjoy listening to TV or even movies very much.  
>>> I do love solid strong clear stereo music.
>>> So If anyone else out there can advise me here is what I've done so far.
>>> I've contacted a electronics repair center and asked them to keep a look 
>>> out for a solid older system.  I would like

Re: Upgrading a macbook pro from late 2010

2012-06-18 Thread CJ Daniel

I, recently, upgraded the RAM in my 2008 MBP by myself, with a little sighted 
assistant from my 17-year-old.  I went from 2GB to 4GB & really noticed a 
difference in VoiceOver's performance.  Mind you, it's not as if I went from a 
VolksWagon to a Formula 1 race car.  But, VO doesn't lag or stutter anymore.

I'm thinking about a SSD,now, myself.  I believe that would be about the last 
tweak I could make to this machine for any performance gain.  I wish you luck.


On Jun 17, 2012, at 8:52 PM, David Philip Martin Babula Hole wrote:

> Thanks much.
> But can I do it myself, or do I have to visit an apple store?
> -David
> Sendt fra min iPhone
> Den 18. juni 2012 kl. 05:33 skrev Ricardo Walker :
> Hi,
> Yes it is.  I upgraded the RAM, and put an SSD into my 2010 Macbook
> pro.  I also took out my optical drive and replaced it with the old
> rotating hard drive that came with my Mac.  The performance is great.
> Ricardo Walker
> Twitter:@apple2thecore
> On Jun 17, 2012, at 8:30 PM, David Hole  wrote:
>> Hi folks.
>> Is it possible to upgrade a mbp from late 2010 with more ram and maybe
>> a ssd disk?
>> If so, is it worth doing it?
>> -David
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Creative Writing Apps?

2012-06-22 Thread CJ Daniel
Hello All,

I'm considering the purchase of a creative writing application from the App 
Store.  I've had Pages for a while & find that it is not what I'm looking for.  
So, I've done some research & come up with some candidates.  I'm considering 
these three applications.  I.E. Manuscript, Scrivener, or Ulysses.  I'm 
wondering if anyone can comment on the accessibility of these or any other 
creative writing applications for use on the Mac with VoiceOver.

Many thanks in advance,


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Re: Creative Writing Apps?

2012-06-25 Thread CJ Daniel
Ester, et al,

Thanks for the replies.  I was unaware of the demo for Scrivener.  I'll be 
giving that a try.  

Again, thanks,


On Jun 24, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Esther wrote:

> Hi CJ,
> You might want to take a look at Scrivener, which has had several posts in 
> the archives from people who have used this app.  Here's a link to a review 
> that Austin Seraphin posted on his blog:
> Also, the Literature and Latte site that makes scrivener has a 30-day free 
> trial download page:
> They now have a Windows version of Scrivener, too.  And I think they also 
> offer an education discount, but you may have to supply additional 
> information.
> HTH. Cheers,
> Esther 
> On Jun 22, 2012, at 12:22 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> I'm considering the purchase of a creative writing application from the App 
>> Store.  I've had Pages for a while & find that it is not what I'm looking 
>> for.  So, I've done some research & come up with some candidates.  I'm 
>> considering these three applications.  I.E. Manuscript, Scrivener, or 
>> Ulysses.  I'm wondering if anyone can comment on the accessibility of these 
>> or any other creative writing applications for use on the Mac with VoiceOver.
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> CJ
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Re: Creative Writing Apps?

2012-07-03 Thread CJ Daniel

I had saved your original msg, for later reference.  And, low and behold, 
here's a new one.  That's so nice of you to remember my request.

Thanks again,


On Jul 3, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Esther wrote:

> Hi CJ,
> While I think Scrivener is likely to be the app you might want, I thought I'd 
> mention that Ulysses is on sale today for $1.99 at the Mac App Store, as part 
> of an indie developer promotion called "two dollar Tuesday". These special 
> prices are only good for the day, though.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Jun 25, 2012, at 8:25 AM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Ester, et al,
>> Thanks for the replies.  I was unaware of the demo for Scrivener.  I'll be 
>> giving that a try.  
>> Again, thanks,
>> CJ
>> On Jun 24, 2012, at 10:53 PM, Esther wrote:
>>> Hi CJ,
>>> You might want to take a look at Scrivener, which has had several posts in 
>>> the archives from people who have used this app.  Here's a link to a review 
>>> that Austin Seraphin posted on his blog:
>>> Also, the Literature and Latte site that makes scrivener has a 30-day free 
>>> trial download page:
>>> They now have a Windows version of Scrivener, too.  And I think they also 
>>> offer an education discount, but you may have to supply additional 
>>> information.
>>> HTH. Cheers,
>>> Esther 
>>> On Jun 22, 2012, at 12:22 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> I'm considering the purchase of a creative writing application from the 
>>>> App Store.  I've had Pages for a while & find that it is not what I'm 
>>>> looking for.  So, I've done some research & come up with some candidates.  
>>>> I'm considering these three applications.  I.E. Manuscript, Scrivener, or 
>>>> Ulysses.  I'm wondering if anyone can comment on the accessibility of 
>>>> these or any other creative writing applications for use on the Mac with 
>>>> VoiceOver.
>>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>>> CJ
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Re: Downloading books shortcuts?

2012-07-06 Thread CJ Daniel

Once your DownLoad folder is opened, you can unarchive the BARD book in 
question by clicking or VO-SpaceBar on the file.  After it is expanded, copy or 
Command-C the file to your clipboard.  rotor through the Finder's open windows 
by pressing Command-Tilda--the key under the Escape key.  Your Victor Stream 
should appear in your DeskTop  Click on it to open.  After that, you should be 
able to rotar back & forth & press Command-Option-V to move the previously 
copied file in to the desired folder.  That's how I do it anyway.

Hope this helps,


On Jul 6, 2012, at 7:52 AM, Mary Scott wrote:

> Hi all, I download books from BARD and Bookshare to my Victer Stream.  I am 
> hoping there is a more streamline way.  I go to the downloads foulder with 
> command option L, copy the file, than press VO J to go to the sidebar, then 
> navigate to Victer Card,then VO J again to get to the Talking Book folder, 
> and then paste it into the folder.  This works fine but it seems like I 
> should be able to cut out some of the back and forth and up and down.  Is 
> there a way to jump directly from Downloads to the Talking book folder on the 
> Stream?  I hope this is clear.  Mel
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Re: chess?

2012-07-07 Thread CJ Daniel

As far as I know, having been trounced soundly by my Macbook Pro on multiple 
occasions, the Chess app works just fine with VO.  I'm, actually, planning to 
set up a board next to the laptop & pay more attention next time, by echoing 
the moves in the real & tactile world.

Good luck,


On Jul 7, 2012, at 8:37 AM, Alex Hall wrote:

> Hi all,
> How well does the chess app on the mac work with vo? If not well, are
> there any apps that do work? I am new to the game, but it would be
> good practice if I could use the mac to play against the computer. I
> have the Shredder app on my iPod, but the screen is quite small and
> flicking does not always work.
> -- 
> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from GMail website)
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Re: Unable to determine people's answers to my questions on EHarmony

2012-07-08 Thread CJ Daniel

I met my wife Kathi on Eharmony in December of '04 & we were married on Easter 
Sunday a little over 3-months later.  While we have had our ups & downs, mostly 
because of our kids, I don't believe either of us would change a thing.  That's 
over 7-years now & still cooking.  

Anyway, good luck Eric,


On Jul 8, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Frank Tom wrote:

> I don't know about accessibility now, but it's worth the effort. I met Janet 
> on E Harmony seven years ago. In August we celebrate our fifth anniversary. 
> With her four children and my two, we now have eleven gran children between 
> us.
> Keep trying; it's worth the effort.
> Tom 
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
>> Many thanks, Erik!  I figured I was going to have to call them
>> tomorrow about this.  Do you know what the "com"/"no thanks" buttons
>> on the site do exactly?  I know there is some sort of facebook
>> integration that is supposed to tell you whether you have any
>> connections with your matches, but I'm not sure whether those buttons
>> are for that or for something else.
>> Eric
>> On 7/8/12, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>>> It's actually control option command B, only the EHarmony people have even
>>> managed to thwart that somehow.  So, the way I do it is command A on the
>>> answer page and command C to copy.
>>> Then go to text edit.
>>> Press command shift R to make it rich text.
>>> Press command v to paste.
>>> Trim out the page headers and foters.
>>> Then control option command B will work.
>>> Honestly I'm not sure why I keep paying the jackasses.  There universal
>>> access policy isn't worth the paper it's printed on.  When I emailed support
>>> about this I got such a load of bullshit you wouldn't believe.  It's a good
>>> system though once you get the hang of it's eccentricities.
>>> By the way,  In jaws and most other windows screen readers, insert F tells
>>> you the font info.  So unless it's broken under windows too, you can read
>>> down the answers and just press insert F til you find the bold one.  Then to
>>> be honest I'd write them down in a separate text file for each contact and
>>> keep track of them that way.  Much easier to read back.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Introducing Ebony Consulting business card transcription service, starting
>>> at $0.45 per card or $35 per hundred cards.
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2012-07-08, at 4:16 PM, Harry Hogue wrote:
 The answers are in bold, if I remember right, but I'm not sure how to set
 VO to automatically tell you that.  Would love to know how to do this
 without a keystroke, if anyone does know.
 On Jul 8, 2012, at 2:09 PM, Eric Brinkman wrote:
> I decided to take the plunge and join EHarmony, but I have become
> quite frustrated with their "guided communication" feature.  I sent a
> match several multiple choice questions, and she responded, but when I
> try to read her answers, I just hear the choices.  I can't tell which
> ones she has selected.  I sent an email to their support department
> last week, but have not gotten a response.  Has anyone on here used
> the service and, if so, do you have a solution to this?  I have tried
> VO, Jaws and Window-Eyes and none of them seems to tell me what her
> responses were.
> Thanks in advance.
> Eric
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Re: safari question re heading navigation

2012-07-08 Thread CJ Daniel

As previously mentioned, the solution seems to lay in restarting VO &/or 
occasionally Safari as well.  This would seem to indicate a problem with VO 
loosing track of the big picture.  It is annoying, as well as a few other bugs 
in Apple's accessible approach.  But, it is cool to walk in to Best Buy & start 
playing with the Macs, just like anyone else.  So, for now, I'll go along, to 
get along.  Try Command-F5 On & off to let VO re-initialize it's little brain & 
see how that works,

Hope this helps,


On Jul 8, 2012, at 2:31 AM, Lisette Wesseling wrote:

> Hi 
> I wonder if anybody can explain why, very often, safari reports there are no 
> next headings to be found, but when I continue to arrow right using quick 
> nav, I hear all sorts of headings listed. I thought that by pressing h, or 
> the number, it would jump to the next heading. 
> Sometimes, it works fine, and other times it doesn't. I presume it is 
> something to do with the way a website is coded, but I don't understand why 
> Safari does report them as you arrow along the page, but not when trying to 
> jump to them. As I say, in some sites it works fine, and in others it 
> doesn't. 
> I don't know what mode I am in, or how to change this. Would this make a 
> difference? I still have so much to learn.
> Lisette
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Re: some basic questions about a mac

2012-07-08 Thread CJ Daniel

Glad some one took the time to answer a lot of Scott's questions.  I can add 
that I use my PAC Mate's 40 character display with VoiceOver all the time.  The 
routing buttons don't seem to work as I believe they should, but I can live 
with that.  As for trying to sync the actual PAC Mate, I don't think that's 
possible.  But honestly, I'm trying to sell mine anyway, as I think the iPhone 
can meet most of those needs now.

As for Symantec's virus protection, do they even make that for the OSX 
platform?  I don't think they do, but I'm not sure.  Also, be aware that 
Apple's Pages can be quite a tough application to learn to use with VO.

Good luck with your other questions,


On Jul 8, 2012, at 8:54 PM, Rachel Feinberg wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> I can answer some of your questions. The Mac comes with TextEdit which is 
> like Notepad in Windows, but a bit fancier. you can do some simple formatting 
> in TextEdit, and save your documents in different formats like .RTF and .docx.
> However, a more full-fledged word processor for the  mac is Pages and it's 
> available from the  Mac app store.
> AppleVis has both mac and iOS apps that you may find useful, as well as some 
> podcasts about a variety of things:
> there's also:
> If you check those sites, there should be a few podcasts you'll be able to 
> find about Macs with Voiceover and how to do that. Also something you can 
> subscribe to, (i'm a new subscriber thanks to this list) is the mac power 
> user's podcast.
> I can't speak to your Anti-virus software question, but I'm sure someone more 
> knowledgeable would be glad to.
> Rachel
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 8:38 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> I am thinking about changing over to a Mac exclusively for school work.  but 
>> I have a few questions.
>> 1.  Will Microsoft Office work with VoiceOver?  If not, what would be 
>> another good word processing program for school work?
>> 2.  I do remember a while ago that there was a site with Mac apps on it that 
>> worked well for the blind could I get that site again please
>> 3.  I have a Pacmate braille display will that work on the Mac?
>> 4.  I also have a Enabling Technologies Romeo 25 braille embosser will that 
>> work on the Mac?
>> 5.  Due to restrictions at college they force me to install Symantec 
>> Antivirus will there be any problems with that?
>> 6.  Are there any good podcasts, blogs, or any other pages about Voiceover 
>> and how to use a Mac as a blind person?
>> -- 
>> Scott Berry
>> Msn:
>> Skype me at:  scottbb1973
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Re: Mac mini for sale.

2012-07-13 Thread CJ Daniel

Congrats!  That was a heck of a deal.  I was thinking about it myself.  Hope 
you enjoy.

Again, congrats,


On Jul 12, 2012, at 5:30 PM, Eric Caron wrote:

> OK listers,
>   I just confirmed this purchase with Allison so I hope you folks can 
> help me with mac mini questions.  this will be my first Mini.
> eRic Caron 
> On Jul 12, 2012, at 3:15 PM, Allison Mervis wrote:
>> Hi Corey.
>> Sorry I didn't realize you had written me off list. I would be happy to sell 
>> you the Mac mini if you can pay via paypal. If you definitely want it, 
>> please send me the money and your shipping details, and I'll send it out 
>> tomorrow. Thanks!
>> Allison
>> On Jul 12, 2012, at 11:02 AM, Corey Knapp wrote:
>>> Hi Allison,
>>> I will buy it do you take paypal?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Corey
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Allison Mervis
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2012 11:29 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Mac mini for sale.
>>> Hi everyone!
>>> I have a July 2011 model Mac Mini for sale. It's in excellent condition. I'm
>>> selling it because it hasn't been getting much use since I received my
>>> macbook pro. The package will include the mac mini, the power cord, 2 4 gig
>>> sticks of ram, a USB Apple keyboard, and a Magic Trackpad. The mac has a 2.3
>>> GHZ dual core I5 processor, 2 gigs of ram, (upgradable to 8 gigs with the
>>> included memory kits) and a 500 gig hard drive. It is running OSX Lion, and
>>> will easily run Mountain Lion when it is released. I am asking for $400 or
>>> best offer. This includes shipping. Please email me off list if you are
>>> interested, or if you have any questions. Thanks!
>>> Allison
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Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-23 Thread CJ Daniel
Second that.  When my Windows machine crashed & it just wasn't worth repairing 
the component that fried, all of a sudden the Mac got a lot more 
friendly…*grin*  And after 6 or so months, I realized it was feeling pretty 
natural &, while occasionally I'm frustrated by some of Mac's quirky little 
anomalies, I'm good to go.

Anyway, good luck & happy Thanksgiving, as for me I'm off to get a new guide 
dog with my Mac in hand this Sunday,


On Nov 23, 2011, at 11:10 AM, Sarai Bucciarelli wrote:

> Hi:
> You need to stop using your PC. It is a crutch to learning how to use the 
> Mac. Just use it. That is what I did.
> On Nov 23, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Traci wrote:
>> *Grin,* I thought that might be the popular response.  I should put the old 
>> laptop upstairs or something and force myself to use the Mac.  The funny 
>> thing is, every time I use the Mac, I enjoy the experience, it just doesn't 
>> feel like second nature yet.
>> Thanks,
>> Traci
>> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
>> On Nov 23, 2011, at 9:26 AM, Paul Mimms wrote:
>>> Most of us are more comfortable with what we have become familiar with 
>>> using, therefore what is easier.  You may find you just need to stop making 
>>> the decision whether to use the MacBook or the PC and remove the PC from 
>>> consideration.  Make the MacBook the only computer you use and make it work 
>>> for you just as you did with the PC at one time.
>>> On 11/23/2011 10:19 AM, Traci wrote:
 Hi all,
 What is your advice on making the Mac experience feel natural?  I'm loving 
 my Macbook Air, but I'm noticing I don't naturally go to it.  I'm still 
 using my ancient windows laptop most of the time.  It can be 3 or 4 days, 
 and I think I really should go on my Mac.
 :) I guess I want to get to the point, where it is odd to pick up the 
 windows laptop.  Any good suggestions?  How long did it take you before 
 the Mac felt second nature?
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>>> -- 
>>> Yes, the glass is half full, but I'm not finished filling it!
>>> -- 
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Re: Mac feel natural

2011-11-23 Thread CJ Daniel

Thanks for the sentiments.  I'm looking forward to the new pup, but this 
Sunday, when I go to GDA, will be tough.  When I get to LAX, I'm meeting my 
current guide's puppy raiser to retire him.  Not looking forward to that or to 
being away from my wife & family.  
However, when I get that new furry Golden Retriever bundle in my hands, I'm 
pretty sure I'll get glad again.  As I explained to my wife, who is sighted & 
pretty distraught over the Shepherds retirement too, it's just part of the deal 
for a blind person who chooses to work with a guide.  It's been tough, because 
the shepherd is retiring early due to Dry Eye Disease.  Anyway, I digress & 
this is way off topic.  I guess I'm just excited.

Happy Thanksgiving to all,


On Nov 23, 2011, at 12:15 PM, Traci wrote:

> *Smile,* and maybe I need to be patient.  I used windows and window eyes for 
> 10 years.  I've been using the Mac for 3 Months.
> I was just on petfinders website, and boy, Mac and VO didn't seem to like 
> that site at all!
> Missy, do you mean you like iTunes on windows better, or you aren't really 
> into iTunes as a whole?
> Have you tried Bean as a text editor?
> And as a side note: CJ, congratulations on the new guide dog, what a 
> brilliant way to bring in the holidays!
> Traci
> - Original Message -
> From: Missy Hoppe
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 11:02 AM
> Subject: RE: Mac feel natural
> I'd love for the mac to some day feel natural, but so far, most of the stuff 
> I like doing just works better on the PC. I'm still not entirely impressed 
> with text edit or pages for word processing; don't like that my fonts get 
> changed, etc. I've tried atlantis, but unless I'm missing something, it's not 
> a realistic mudding environment, so that's another reason the mac just isn't 
> my primary goto computer. However, I do find myself using it a few times a 
> week, if for no other reason than to ensure that its software is fully 
> up-to-date. Itunes is starting to grow on me a little, which I suppose is a 
> good thing, but I'm not sure I'll ever become a complete apple-head. On the 
> bright side, I think I'm to the point where if, God forbid, something 
> catastrophic happened to my PC, I could at least function with the mac until 
> finances permitted for me to get the pc fixed. I think that using VM fusion 
> or bootcamp would make me spend a lot more time on my macbook, but since I 
> can't afford to buy windows for it, I'm just not to that point yet.
> So, I don't know if/when the mac will feel natural for me, but I have to say 
> that I think I'vecome pretty far with it since buying it in May; am just 
> not in love with it, if that makes sense.
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Chad King
> Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 1:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Mac feel natural
> Traci,
> Indeed! It is an amazing experience. I'll put it this way. Use windows. But 
> only if you *have* to.
> That's what I meant by its ok to use both. Because there were a couple of 
> times where i just, 'didn't quite get it."
> Of course, i was also running Mac OS X Leopard at the time. Much has improved 
> since then.
> Sent from my MBP
> On Nov 23, 2011, at 12:40 PM, Traci wrote:
>> Thanks for the replies.
>> I think my biggest thing is surfing the net.  Reading and researching is a 
>> huge part of the computer experience for me, and it is slow going getting 
>> use to surfing with VO and Mac.
>> Maybe like you guys say, it'll take time.  Hopefully it'll all feel natural 
>> soon.  There is so much I'm loving about the Mac.  It is the best you tube 
>> experience hands down!
>> I'm prefering iTunes on the Mac as well.  Lol, and so much more.
>> Traci
>> Sent by Macbook Air Mail
>> On Nov 23, 2011, at 10:20 AM, Maxwell Ivey Jr. wrote:
>>> if it makes you feel any better, my friends that use windows tell me it is 
>>> getting more and more like apple all the time.  take care, max 
>>> On Nov 23, 2011, at 11:58 AM, Traci wrote:
 *Grin,* I thought that might be the popular response.  I should put the 
 old laptop upstairs or something and force myself to use the Mac.  The 
 funny thing is, every time I use the Mac, I enjoy the experience, it just 
 doesn't feel like second nature yet.
 Sent by Macbook Air Mail
 On Nov 23, 2011, at 9:26 AM, Paul Mimms wrote:
> Most of us are more comfortable with what we have become familiar with 
> using, therefore what is easier.  You may find you just need to stop 
> making the decision whether to use the MacBook or the PC and remove the 
> PC from consideration.  Make the MacBook the only computer you use and 
> make it work for you just as you did with the PC at one time.

Re: Merry Christmas

2011-12-24 Thread CJ Daniel

Thank you very much & the same to you.  I hope the Lord blesses you & that 
Santa stops by…LOL.  

Merry Christmas,


On Dec 24, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Gavin wrote:

> Hi guys
> Just writing to wish you all a very merry Christmas all the way from sunny 
> South Africa. It's about half past midnight on Christmas morning here. Hope 
> you all have a good one!
> Regards,
> Gavin
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Re: selling on Ebay?

2012-01-05 Thread CJ Daniel

I've got upwards of 300 transactions on ebay.  Half selling & half buying.  I 
did met of them on my Windows machine.  But, since the switch about a year ago 
I haven't had any problems.  Not sure if I'm just so familiar with the listing 
setup that I did most of it from memory &/or I was listing some of the same old 
stuff & didn't have to change much.  In my case, guitars mostly.


On Jan 5, 2012, at 4:36 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:

> Okay,
> Have any of y'all here sold anything on Ebay using Voice Over on the Mac?  I 
> just took a look at the simle seller form and found some issues.  For one 
> thing, you cannot work with what is labeled as a catigory combo box but must 
> use the search catigory button to bring up the check boxes of catigory.  
> Also, on the simple form, there appears to be poor labeling of the places 
> where you need to select certain things about how to pay you and so on.  I'm 
> not now looking to sell anything, but, I did take a look just in case and 
> wanted to hear back from other Mac users about their experiences.  thanks.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> Facebook:
> -- 
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Re: Sent from my iPhone… looks cool?

2012-01-12 Thread CJ Daniel
Maybe you're over thinking this one?  


On Jan 12, 2012, at 2:38 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Well I got so fed up with my I phone saying sent from my I phone so I turned 
> it off altogether.  Now I hate it saying 'sent from my I phone'!
> On 12 Jan 2012, at 18:30, Emrah wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Lew: To the best of my knowledge, the signature setting on the iPhone Mail 
>> App is not synchronized through iTunes. Also, unless you jailbreak your 
>> phone, I am not aware of any proxy that would emulate the email as being 
>> sent from Ms Outlook or Apple Mail (Desktop version).
>> Kaleb, the reason why I spotted this is because I also have a console based 
>> client and one of the field I chose to see in my email headers is the user 
>> agent.
>> Now, I can say with a rather high certitude that some of the emails with 
>> signatures like Sent from my iPhone, or sent from my super cool iPhone, or 
>> sent from my super super cool iPhone… where in fact sent from a computer 
>> rather than a phone.
>> And Nancy, I totally approve your idea. I kept my signature on my iPhone for 
>> the exact same reason. The question here is why people add "Sent from my 
>> iPhone" while the email is actually sent from their computer?
>> Anyhow, I think we should disregard this thread. It did not meant to be 
>> offensive at all, but I am not sure this is leading anywhere good. :) 
>> All the best,
>> E
>> On Jan 12, 2012, at 6:39 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote:
>>> Mail interacts with the iphone through itunes and syncs to the account 
>>> used. so the signatures can also be populated.
>>> also mail on the iphone can work through proxies.
>>> lew
>>> On 12 Jan 2012, at 17:36, Kaleb Ballzac wrote:
 It's both strange that people do this, and that you'd have the time to 
 verify such things.
 On Jan 12, 2012, at 12:25 PM, Emrah wrote:
 People, I have a rather startling discovery to share, and I share it 
 because I do not understand it.
 Why do people add "Sent from my iPhone" or similar weird signatures that 
 make it sound like the email was sent through a mobile device, while the 
 user agent shows that they have been using Microsoft Outlook or Apple Mail 
 on a computer?
 I might be missing something… But does this make a message look cooler?
 Sorry if this post offends anyone, I am just curious to understand this. 
 One possibility may be that the email somehow goes through a proxy and 
 leaves the outbox through a computer… But I kind of doubt it.
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>>> Mr. L. Alexander.
>>> Free Macs For The Blind.
>>> E-Mail:
>>> Direct line: 07936 877500
>>> Twitter: @macsfortheblind
>>> Free Macs For The blind is a charity project supplying older but working 
>>> apple macs for blind and visually impaired people throughout the UK FOR 
>>> FREE!
>>> Do you have an old unwanted mac, any hardware, software, old PC's, etc or a 
>>> copy of outspoken 9.2 you would be willing to donate? please get in touch.
>>> Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network, we're here to 
>>> help anybody disabled with anything Apple!
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Re: bible application

2012-01-16 Thread CJ Daniel

I use the shareware program Eloquence, formerly known as MacSword.  It is very 
good & very comprehensive.  Unfortunately, it doesn't have some of the modern 
mainstream bible versions, such as NLT, NIV, etc.  If you're interested, you 
can google Eloquence bible software for the Mac and that you should get you 
moving in the right direction.

Hope this helps,


On Jan 16, 2012, at 3:18 AM, Walter Harper wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone know of a good bible application for the mac?
> Walter 
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Re: bible application

2012-01-16 Thread CJ Daniel

There are some others out there, but I'm not familiar enough with them to speak 
knowledgeably about them.  So that being said, I'll back out & hope that 
someone with more experience with programs other than Eloquent will chime in.  
Lastly, the Blue Letter Bible web site is quite good and has a very 
comprehensive bible collection.  I have considered becoming more acquainted 
with it and creating some web spots to enhance the site's navigation.  But 
alas, so many projects…so little time is the way it usually goes around here.

Good luck,


On Jan 16, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Hank Smith wrote:

> Hello
> where can you get bible software that does have the current translations, as 
> well as the cathlic bible at?
> thanks Hank
> On 1/16/2012 12:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Walter,
>> I use the shareware program Eloquence, formerly known as MacSword.  It is 
>> very good&  very comprehensive.  Unfortunately, it doesn't have some of the 
>> modern mainstream bible versions, such as NLT, NIV, etc.  If you're 
>> interested, you can google Eloquence bible software for the Mac and that you 
>> should get you moving in the right direction.
>> Hope this helps,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 16, 2012, at 3:18 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Does anyone know of a good bible application for the mac?
>>> Walter
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> -- 
> website:
> personal email:
> facebook:
> Klango:
> hanksmith
> Skype:
> hank.smith966
> Amateur radio call sign:
> ke7ief
> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
> also you can find my youtube channel at:
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Re: bible application

2012-01-17 Thread CJ Daniel

You have to add the libraries to the app, once you install it.  I can't 
remember, off-hand, how to do that.  However, if you'll email me off list, I'll 
launch Eloquence, refresh my memory, & then reply with the directions for that 
process.  My email address is as follows …

Hope this helps,


On Jan 17, 2012, at 3:38 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> I tried the eloquence ap, and i can move around the sources, but can't make 
> any books open, or find where I canread the text.
> Maybe I'm doing something wro
> On Jan 16, 2012, at 6:26 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Hank,
>> There are some others out there, but I'm not familiar enough with them to 
>> speak knowledgeably about them.  So that being said, I'll back out & hope 
>> that someone with more experience with programs other than Eloquent will 
>> chime in.  Lastly, the Blue Letter Bible web site is quite good and has a 
>> very comprehensive bible collection.  I have considered becoming more 
>> acquainted with it and creating some web spots to enhance the site's 
>> navigation.  But alas, so many projects…so little time is the way it usually 
>> goes around here.
>> Good luck,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 16, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> where can you get bible software that does have the current translations, 
>>> as well as the cathlic bible at?
>>> thanks Hank
>>> On 1/16/2012 12:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>> Walter,
>>>> I use the shareware program Eloquence, formerly known as MacSword.  It is 
>>>> very good&  very comprehensive.  Unfortunately, it doesn't have some of 
>>>> the modern mainstream bible versions, such as NLT, NIV, etc.  If you're 
>>>> interested, you can google Eloquence bible software for the Mac and that 
>>>> you should get you moving in the right direction.
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> CJ
>>>> On Jan 16, 2012, at 3:18 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Does anyone know of a good bible application for the mac?
>>>>> Walter
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>>> website:
>>> personal email:
>>> facebook:
>>> Klango:
>>> hanksmith
>>> Skype:
>>> hank.smith966
>>> Amateur radio call sign:
>>> ke7ief
>>> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
>>> also you can find my youtube channel at:
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Re: Creating a distribution or Group mailing list in Address Book?

2012-01-18 Thread CJ Daniel

Did this just the other day.  Once you've created a new group, make sure you on 
that particular "Untitled Group" in the appropriate table.  Then, under the 
edit option on the menu bar, you will find a "Rename Group" option.  Select it 
& you are magically transported to an edit box for your previously selected 
"Untitled Group," where you can change the group's name to anything you choose. 

Hope this helps,


On Jan 18, 2012, at 4:49 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> I added the address two weeks ago.
> The address book seems rather "finicky" with VO, and I wish that it weren't … 
> or maybe it's just me.
> Mike
> On 18,Jan,2012, at 12:31 PM, David Griffith wrote:
>> When did you add it? Sometimes I find I have to close mail or address book 
>> or bvice versa for then to catch up lwith each other on re-opening.
>> You can, of course, add a new contact manually. Lots  of  interaction   
>> needed but you can get to the necessary email field where you could 
>> petepaste  in the address.
>> On 18 Jan 2012, at 11:07, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> Thanks for your input, David and yes, it was helpful.  Unfortunately, the 
>>> next problem I have is that an address, which I thought I had added to my 
>>> address book through the Command Y in mail, wasn't in the address book and 
>>> so, I could not add it.  Do I need to do something else?
>>> Best regards and thanks,
>>> Mike
>>> On 18,Jan,2012, at 10:44 AM, David Griffith wrote:
 Have you tried just pressing return on the untitled group?
 I have achieved this and it was eventually fairly easy.
 Start with your all contact group.
 Interact with this and work down the list and press VO command spacebar on 
 all the contact you want to put into the new group.  This will select non 
 contiguously your entries which cn hen be copied with command C.(This may 
 only work in Lion)  
 Then go to your new group table an and press command V 
 The only other thing I remember is that you have to restart Mail for the 
 group to be recognised.
 In mail when you type the group name into the address area mail will then 
 populate the address field with all the individual email addresses from 
 the group.
 Hope tha helpsPOPULATE  
 18 Jan 2012, at 09:30, Michael Busboom wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I am managing the translation of a book from German into English, and I 
> will need to regularly send mail to the translators and editors who are 
> involved in the project.
> I want to give the distribution list a name and then insert (either 
> manually or from my contacts in my Address Book) the names of the mail 
> recipients.
> When I went to the address Book and selected "New Group" from the File 
> Menu, I got a confusing table.  In the table, several entries on the left 
> side were called "Untitled," and I assume that here is where I would 
> insert the name of the distribution list or group.  However, VO never 
> said that this was an edit field.  
> I guess that what I'd really like to know is whether there is a good 
> tutorial on how to manage the address book.
> Kindest regards to all of you, and thanks for all the help I've received 
> from you throughout my Mac journey,
> Mike
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Re: bible application

2012-01-18 Thread CJ Daniel

Can you describe the process you went through to add the libraries?  If so, 
then maybe I can pin-point the problem.


On Jan 17, 2012, at 7:05 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> I have the librarys added, and I can see the the bibles and other reference 
> materials, I just can't get any of them to open so I can read them  
> On Jan 17, 2012, at 3:50 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Angie,
>> You have to add the libraries to the app, once you install it.  I can't 
>> remember, off-hand, how to do that.  However, if you'll email me off list, 
>> I'll launch Eloquence, refresh my memory, & then reply with the directions 
>> for that process.  My email address is as follows …
>> Hope this helps,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 17, 2012, at 3:38 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>>> I tried the eloquence ap, and i can move around the sources, but can't make 
>>> any books open, or find where I canread the text.
>>> Maybe I'm doing something wro
>>> On Jan 16, 2012, at 6:26 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>> Hank,
>>>> There are some others out there, but I'm not familiar enough with them to 
>>>> speak knowledgeably about them.  So that being said, I'll back out & hope 
>>>> that someone with more experience with programs other than Eloquent will 
>>>> chime in.  Lastly, the Blue Letter Bible web site is quite good and has a 
>>>> very comprehensive bible collection.  I have considered becoming more 
>>>> acquainted with it and creating some web spots to enhance the site's 
>>>> navigation.  But alas, so many projects…so little time is the way it 
>>>> usually goes around here.
>>>> Good luck,
>>>> CJ
>>>> On Jan 16, 2012, at 12:47 PM, Hank Smith wrote:
>>>>> Hello
>>>>> where can you get bible software that does have the current translations, 
>>>>> as well as the cathlic bible at?
>>>>> thanks Hank
>>>>> On 1/16/2012 12:07 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>>>> Walter,
>>>>>> I use the shareware program Eloquence, formerly known as MacSword.  It 
>>>>>> is very good&  very comprehensive.  Unfortunately, it doesn't have some 
>>>>>> of the modern mainstream bible versions, such as NLT, NIV, etc.  If 
>>>>>> you're interested, you can google Eloquence bible software for the Mac 
>>>>>> and that you should get you moving in the right direction.
>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>> CJ
>>>>>> On Jan 16, 2012, at 3:18 AM, Walter Harper wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> Does anyone know of a good bible application for the mac?
>>>>>>> Walter
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>>>>> Klango:
>>>>> hanksmith
>>>>> Skype:
>>>>> hank.smith966
>>>>> Amateur radio call sign:
>>>>> ke7ief
>>>>> check out my Youtube video of a song I recorded in Nashville Tennessee!
>>>>> also you can find my youtube channel at:
>>>>> -- 
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Re: eloquence

2012-01-20 Thread CJ Daniel

Just covering the basics, but did you open a host?  I.E. did you go to the File 
Menu, VO_Down Arrow to 
New Single--which is a sub menu--Right arrow to open, & VO-Down Arrow to Open 
Bible Host & select it with VO-Space Bar?  You can, also, accomplish this with 
Command-Shift-N for Bibles.  You have to open the various types of books, such 
as bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, & etc in their various windows, before 
you can see them.

Hope this helps,


On Jan 20, 2012, at 10:20 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> All, I installed this app, then used the module installer to get modules from 
> crosswire,
> I can see the modules I downloaded, but I can't see any text from any of the 
> modules.
> Help!
> Thanks
> -- 
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Re: eloquence

2012-01-23 Thread CJ Daniel

Glad to help.  I gather that you can open all the various books for a study 
session & then save them in that work space.  Then, @ a later date, you can 
just reopen that saved work space with all of your previously opened material 
in front of you.  Very cool for the serious bible scholar.

Have a great day,


On Jan 22, 2012, at 6:31 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> Thanks, that helped allot!
> I thought you just selected the content from the table, and it appeared!
> I  couldn't find much documentation on actually reading the bible, or using 
> one of the commentaries.
> I think this app might work out after all! 
> On Jan 20, 2012, at 1:06 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Angie,
>> Just covering the basics, but did you open a host?  I.E. did you go to the 
>> File Menu, VO_Down Arrow to 
>> New Single--which is a sub menu--Right arrow to open, & VO-Down Arrow to 
>> Open Bible Host & select it with VO-Space Bar?  You can, also, accomplish 
>> this with Command-Shift-N for Bibles.  You have to open the various types of 
>> books, such as bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, & etc in their various 
>> windows, before you can see them.
>> Hope this helps,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 20, 2012, at 10:20 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>>> All, I installed this app, then used the module installer to get modules 
>>> from crosswire,
>>> I can see the modules I downloaded, but I can't see any text from any of 
>>> the modules.
>>> Help!
>>> Thanks
>>> -- 
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Re: River Bible

2012-01-27 Thread CJ Daniel

How much was the River Bible?



On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> Hi all,
> In my quest to find a good bible app that I felt comfortable with, I have 
> found River Bible. 
> It has a simple interface, that allows you to search, read a selected book, 
> or write journal entries.
> I'm still playing with it and learning, but it seems nice.
> I got it from the app store.
> -- 
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Re: River Bible

2012-01-29 Thread CJ Daniel

Thanks for the info.  Actually, I'm looking for an app that allows for more 


On Jan 28, 2012, at 6:46 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote:

> Hi, If you go to the app store, search for river, it wil be the second or 
> third choice.
> I would tell you how much it cost, but when I went to look to see,  of course 
> it wouldn't tell me, as I'd already bought it.
> It might have been free, but a quick peek in the app store will soon answer 
> your question.
> I'm still getting used to it, but it is pretty good, 
> The only thing I don't like about it is that you can only use a few 
> translations.
> I wish I could even buy more or something.
> Enjoy!
> Angie 
> On Jan 27, 2012, at 8:22 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>> Angie,
>> How much was the River Bible?
>> Thanks,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 27, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Angie Giltinan wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In my quest to find a good bible app that I felt comfortable with, I have 
>>> found River Bible. 
>>> It has a simple interface, that allows you to search, read a selected book, 
>>> or write journal entries.
>>> I'm still playing with it and learning, but it seems nice.
>>> I got it from the app store.
>>> -- 
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Re: efficiently selecting multiple cells in numbers

2012-01-30 Thread CJ Daniel

I've watched your posts on the various Apple related lists & heard you on 
different podcasts.  I'd just like to comment on your in-depth knowledge of 
apple products & your willingness to share that knowledge with others.  Your 
familiarity with pages is particularly impressive.  I wish you'd produce a 
tutorial for that package.  Never the less, thank you for your willingness to 
share your hard won skills with the rest of us.



On Jan 30, 2012, at 12:53 PM, Anne Robertson wrote:

> Hello Yuma,
> Sorry for the delay in answering you but I've been out teaching VO all day.
> To select multiple cells in Numbers, place a hotspot on the first and last 
> cells to be selected. If the first cell is the actual first cell, this is not 
> necessary.
> Go to the last cell to be selected, turn cursor tracking off, bring the mouse 
> and do a physical mouse click. Jump to the first hotspot, or go to first item 
> if the cell is the first, bring the mouse and shift-click.
> VoiceOver will announce the number of cells selected.
> This sounds messy but it's easy when you get used to it. I use the Trackpad 
> Commander to find the cell I want, then I turn it off to perform the action.
> Cheers,
> Anne
> On 29 Jan 2012, at 22:57, Yuma Decaux wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got a numbers document with 365 cells to paste the atrribute of one 
>> cell to. I've tried the shit and arrow method but the more cells are 
>> selected the less responsive voice over is. I hate doing repetitive and 
>> idiotic hand gestures and before i get on trying a script to do just that 
>> and more, does anyone know whether one can select a range of cells, say from 
>> current cell to the last cell of that row or column?
>> Any help greatly appreciated 
>> Best regards 
>> Yuma 
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Re: instructions on how to use pages with voice over?

2012-02-07 Thread CJ Daniel

I'm just embarking upon my Pages adventure, as I've recently decided to become 
familiar with the program using VO.  As I discovered in the past, while using 
MS Word with Windows & JAWS, one of the tricks to using any feature-packed 
application with adaptive software is to learn about that applications shortcut 
keys.  Often times, these hot-keys can accomplish your goals, with a minimum of 
fuss & much less effort than the work-arounds that the adaptive software tries 
to piggy-back on to the original processing needs of the software in question.  
To whit, I have begun my adventure by selecting the short-cut keys option under 
the Help menu in pages.  This will provide you with a list of nearly 250 
various key combinations in Pages for accomplishing all sorts of tasks.  
Daunting?  I'll say, but it's a start.

I wish you luck & invite you to share any of your findings as well,


On Feb 7, 2012, at 7:40 AM, Chenelle Hancock wrote:

> hi everyone:
> i have had my mb pro for about sixteen months now and  for the life of me!. i 
>  am still having problems using page correctly with voice over etc... i 
> wanted to know if there were a list of key board commands that i could use to 
> navigate pages?.
> thank you so much for your time i really appreciate it.
> sincerely, chenelle.
> Sent from my iPhone
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Re: Question about Mountain Lion

2012-02-18 Thread CJ Daniel

I feel compelled to jump in here.  I returned from GDA in December with a 
successor guide.  Because of this, I'm pretty sure that a better choice than 
"Black Lab" or "German Shepherd" would be the ever popular & oh so lovable 
"Golden Retriever."  Just imagine that silly, grinning, fluffy face on every 
opening screen.  Oh well, works for me.  There could even be an Apple in his 
mouth with a bite missing.


On Feb 17, 2012, at 8:23 AM, Becky Knaub wrote:

> The second version should be called Black Lab. Grin. Nope no bias here. LOL
> On Feb 17, 2012, at 5:35 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I personally have asked that they consider switching to large breed dogs. 
>> They are starting to run out of large cats and mountain lions are not 
>> exactly large cats. :)
>> I have asked for German Shepherd not that I am biased or anything. :)
>> On Feb 17, 2012, at 3:42 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
>>> Why call it Mountain Lion?  Are we to climb a mountain?
>>> On 17 Feb 2012, at 06:19 AM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:
 Now now, just a second here.  You must remember that we were plainly told 
 this was just a  glimps.  the details always come out eventually.
 The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
 Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
 Skype name:
 On Feb 16, 2012, at 10:31 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi guys.
> Maybe somebody covered this already, and so maybe I missed something 
> somewhere. I watched the video on the Apple website concerning Mountain 
> Lion. Since VoiceOver is so far not mentioned in these things ever, how 
> do we know what's changed for it? It looks like that the Notification 
> Center is going to be wonderful for us, especially if it works like it 
> does on the iPhone. 
> When I first got my Mac and knew practically nothing, I asked 
> how I was going to know about VoiceOver changes. 
> The answer I got back was that I could read articles on it and that they 
> would be published with everything else. I am not finding this to be the 
> case. So, how do we find out or do we just wait and see? 
> Regards,
> Gigi
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Re: Office Productivity on the Mac

2012-02-23 Thread CJ Daniel

Just a mention, but for a little while now, it's been possible to buy the 
separate components of iWork separately @ reduced prices from the Apple App 
Store.  I.E. Pages for word processing, Numbers for spread sheet activities, & 
Presentation for power point applications.  I believe I purchased Pages for 
$19..or $29, can't remember exactly.  But, it's a great marketing strategy that 
really helps a user find out on the cheap if an app works for him or her.

Hope this helps,


On Feb 23, 2012, at 6:40 AM, Steve Holmes wrote:

> Thanks for your responses, Backy and Anne.  Hot spots are one area I
> haven't dealt with in Voice Over yet.  I've only been using this for
> about a month so far.  I've used Open / Libre Office quite a bit in
> Linux and I have had Office experience over on that other platform
> .  I just haven't heard really good feedback about office work
> on the Mac.  I thought Open Office was supposed to be a strong
> contender at one time; did that die off? I hear the price for iWork is
> not too bad though.
> Any more ideas?
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 10:39:45AM +0100, Anne Robertson wrote:
>> Hello Steve,
>> I'm about to have a firestorm land on my head for saying this, but Pages 
>> works just fine for me, except for tracking changes, which I never have to 
>> do anyway.
>> To use Pages efficiently, you need a thorough knowledge of VoiceOver. Make 
>> sure that the mouse cursor is set to ignore the other cursors or you'll have 
>> stability problems.
>> It's necessary to be familiar with Hotspots so that you can keep track of 
>> styles.
>> Pages is for word processing, not for reading for pleasure. TextEdit works 
>> much better for that.
>> I can't compare Pages to Word on a PC because I've never used a PC.
>> Cheers,
>> Anne
>> On 23 Feb 2012, at 01:58, Steve Holmes wrote:
>>> What are people using these days for office productivity like word
>>> processing, spreadsheets, etc.? I am aware of iWork but I thought Open
>>> Office or probably now, Libreoffice would be even better.  Which of
>>> these solutions ore most accessible now days.  I heard some old
>>> podcasts recently where Open Office was supposed to be really good but
>>> then Oracle came along and who knows now.
>>> Any ideas?
>>> -- 
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Re: YouTube Tutorials

2012-02-25 Thread CJ Daniel
Hey Mike,

First, thanks for your service in the Stan.  If after only two years, you're 
already trying your hand @ youtube tutorials, I'd say you're getting on with 
the job.  I hope all goes well for you.


On Feb 25, 2012, at 2:33 PM, Michael Malarsie wrote:

> Greetings all.
>   I am new to this mailing list and just wanted to say hello. I was blown 
> up two years ago in Afghanistan so that is how I came to be blind.
>   I have taken up making YouTube tutorials that are accessible for the 
> blind. 
>   I have been making how to videos on Mac and iPhone functions and 
> answering requests that users have. I have been making all of my tutorials 
> fully understanable with teh audio only. I do use a screen recorder for those 
> who have limited sight.
>   I am just throwing this out there so you all are aware of it. Feel free 
> to check it out and if you want me to make a video for you on any topic I 
> will do what I can. 
>   Search Hello my name is Michael or HTB2, which stands for How to Be 
> Blind. Take care everyone!
> P.S. I have written this email three times now but I sent it off the wrong 
> account to lets hope the third time is the charm. Cheers.
> Mike Malarsie 
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Re: Deleting an app

2014-01-21 Thread CJ Daniel

It’s so much easier than Windows that @ first you’re sure you’re missing 
something.  Anyway,  go to the applications folder, by pressing 
Command-Shift-A.  Interact with the list view or whichever display mode you 
have chosen.  Arrow to the app in question.  Press Command-Delete & answer any 
prompts as desired.  You may or may not have to enter your password, depending 
on your system preferences.  You may wish to check for any app specific folders 
on your system & delete them.  It’s, also, a good idea to repair disk 
permissions, after deleting an application.  Programs like “CCleaner” do a good 
job  of cleaning up after app deletions & its free.

Hope this helps,


On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Scott B.  wrote:

> How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?
> ---
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Re: Deleting an app

2014-01-21 Thread CJ Daniel


Yes, of course.  I should have mentioned the packages uninstaller.  But 
honestly, it seems as if I hardly ever have the luxury of using one.  I.E. they 
never seem to be available when I need one.  H’mmm, kind of like a cop on the 


On Jan 21, 2014, at 4:55 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> You don't need to interact, at least I never do. Deleting works normally, 
> especially for .app files. Some applications, mostly the ones that come with 
> a .pkg installer, will include uninstall tools you should use. These will 
> clear up any folders or files the app created when it was installed. Again, 
> though, the more common .app files can simply be deleted to uninstall them.
> On Jan 21, 2014, at 6:39 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Scott,
>> It’s so much easier than Windows that @ first you’re sure you’re missing 
>> something.  Anyway,  go to the applications folder, by pressing 
>> Command-Shift-A.  Interact with the list view or whichever display mode you 
>> have chosen.  Arrow to the app in question.  Press Command-Delete & answer 
>> any prompts as desired.  You may or may not have to enter your password, 
>> depending on your system preferences.  You may wish to check for any app 
>> specific folders on your system & delete them.  It’s, also, a good idea to 
>> repair disk permissions, after deleting an application.  Programs like 
>> “CCleaner” do a good job  of cleaning up after app deletions & its free.
>> Hope this helps,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 21, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Scott B.  wrote:
>>> How does one delete an app on the Mac if you don't like it?
>>> ---
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: playing and rewinding on youtube

2014-01-29 Thread CJ Daniel

Turn off "Quick Nav" & use J to rewind, K to play/pause, & L to fast-forward.



On Jan 29, 2014, at 4:42 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  

> is there any trick to play and pause on the youtube site? and i cant even see 
> the replay menu when the video is finish, the only thing i have to do is to 
> refresh the site. thanks!
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Re: playing and rewinding on youtube

2014-01-31 Thread CJ Daniel

I'm not sure about either one of these question.  If there's a way to skip 
youtube's commercial's, I'd love to know, also.  Lastly, I'm not a Facebook 
user & wouldn't know.

Good luck with these questions,


On Jan 31, 2014, at 12:10 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  

> how about skiping the ads?
> and i want to insert this also how about viewing videos on facebook? i can 
> see the play on it.
> On 29 Jan 2014, at 09:29 pm, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Turn off "Quick Nav" & use J to rewind, K to play/pause, & L to fast-forward.
>> Cheers,
>> CJ
>> On Jan 29, 2014, at 4:42 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  
>> wrote:
>>> is there any trick to play and pause on the youtube site? and i cant even 
>>> see the replay menu when the video is finish, the only thing i have to do 
>>> is to refresh the site. thanks!
>>> -- 
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Re: how to get loops from Main Stage in to Garage Band

2014-02-10 Thread CJ Daniel

In MainStage, you add additional loops from with in the program itself.  I'm 
sorry, but I can't remember the exact process.  You could probably google it.  
As I recall, it worked with VoiceOver, no problem.  I know that doesn't help 
much & I, typically, dislike those responses that offer some dribble without 
much actual help.  

However, I'm actually writing to say that once you've done the loops additions 
in MainStage, they automatically show up in your GarageBand loops.  I suppose 
they share a file type or something along those lines.  Well, @ least that's 
the way it worked for me & my setup is nothing special.

Good luck,


On Feb 10, 2014, at 6:09 PM, Scott Berry  wrote:

> Hi there,
> Can someone tell me how to get the loops from Main Stage 3 to go in to garage 
> band and also how to download the loops from Main Stage?  I remember a 
> discussion but I didn't have a Mac then sorry for a repeat.
> Scott
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Re: Intro

2014-02-11 Thread CJ Daniel

It's CJ of CJ & Surnow fame from many moons ago @ GDD.  I'm glad to see you on 
the list.  I hope you & Kent are well.  Also, glad to see another fellow 
traveler on the Macbook trail.  I've been pretty happy with mine, since my wife 
gifted me with one back in 2010.  Actually, got a new one for my birthday this 
year, so I guess I'm pretty committed.  

Anyway, glad to hear you're still kick'n,

CJ & Gibbs, The Great Golden Teddy Bear

On Feb 11, 2014, at 7:13 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:

> Hello List, 
> I'm Jenine Stanley from Columbus, Ohio. I've been using adaptive computer 
> equipment since 1988 but got my first Mac, an MBP, about a month ago. 
> I'm doing some word processing and want to resume audio editing and 
> production with this machine. My husband is also getting an iMac this week. 
> He is a combination large print and speech user and I am totally blind. 
> Looking forward to tons of good info here. Thanks all.
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Re: Go Apple

2014-03-01 Thread CJ Daniel

Thanks for posting that one.  If I had Mr. Cook's email address, I write him a 
heart-felt "@-a-boy."

Again, thanks,


On Mar 1, 2014, at 7:15 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Thought you all would like this article.  go Tim Cook!
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Re: Still Some Pretty Severe Bugs in Mavericks

2014-03-06 Thread CJ Daniel

Ditto on the arrow-keys to open a conversation & the somewhat mixed results for 
their usage, upon occasion.  Also, the problem has been around for the last 
couple of versions of OSX for me as well.  In fact, I've just decided, 
that--like it or not--VoiceOver can vary in it's response from time to time.  
But, it's still the best game in town, where built-in screen readers are 
concerned.  Oh wait, it's the only game in town where built-in screen readers 
are concerned.  *Grin*

On a more serious note, couldn't Brian delete the mail application's plist 
file, which would induce  the creation of a new one upon Mail's next start up?  
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting this action, rather I'm suggesting 
researching this approach.  I know in the past, that I've been able to clear up 
various issues with different applications by examining the program's plist 
file &, in some cases, deleting them for regeneration.  

Just a thought,


On Mar 6, 2014, at 5:22 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> I haven't had these problems either.
> I use right arrow to expand conversations, and left arrow to collapse, as I 
> find vo-backslash to be unnecessarily complicated when a single key will 
> work. The problem with the arrows sometimes not doing anything except playing 
> an error sound is not new to Mavericks. I encounter it every so often, and I 
> find if I turn off vo, hit the arrow I wanted once or twice, then turn vo 
> back on, everything works again.
> As to your gmail file, if it is on your computer and not part of your 
> account, why not back it up, do the clean install, then copy the saved mail 
> file back over and keep sorting? That way you can see if the clean install 
> will work, without needing to wait until you have the time to go through 
> those thousands of messages.
> On Mar 6, 2014, at 6:35 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>> Thanks Teresa. Agreed, and was really glad you didn't take that the wrong as 
>> you have been very helpful. Again, sorry if it came across to strong, ah the 
>> power of the word, and dealing with a lot of stuff here. Thanks again.
>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 6:26 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
>>> No offense taken, Brian. I'm simply used to associating "bug" with a 
>>> widespread problem in the operating system, and to me, a bug is something 
>>> that can be reproduced by some number of users. Perhaps I'm picking nits, 
>>> and I apologize. Let's just move on, as it is a point I don't think worth 
>>> arguing over. :) I sure hope your issues are resolved soonest.
>>> Teresa
>>> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
>>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 3:05 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
 While I can appreciate your point of view if it is something that I have 
 been experiencing for several days should I just call it a royal pain in 
 the ass instead of a bug? Yes, I get that computers aren't perfect, and 
 this is not an issue that a lot of people are having but there are several 
 issues that many people aren't having but some people are and this is not 
 specific to voiceover just do a google search of mac mail, so I don't know 
 why calling it a bug is wrong. I'm not attacking you personally, and I 
 hope this doesn't come across like that as I know people can't hear tone 
 in an email, it's just very frustrating when you constantly have to spend 
 large parts of your day dealing with issues that worked completely fine 
 only days ago.
 On Mar 6, 2014, at 5:19 PM, Teresa Cochran  wrote:
> I'd like to make a suggestion. before declaring something a "bug", it 
> might be a good idea to find out if other users are experiencing the same 
> problems. For example, I haven't experienced any of these, and I haven't 
> heard of it happening. Sometimes there are individual glitches that 
> happen. A few years back, my Mac kept cutting out audio on me, then I 
> realized it was cutting out disc activity as well. I thought it was my 
> torrent program, but as it turned out, it was my hard disc. I once had a 
> problem with a braille display and it turned out the drivers needed to be 
> updated. So it might be wise to check out the problem first to see if 
> there are individual idiosyncrasies before crying "bug."
> HtH, and just my $0.02,
> Teresa
> "The golden age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete graham
> On Mar 6, 2014, at 2:12 PM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>> I have not had any of those problems.
>> Hope they get straightened out for you.
>> gJim
>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Curious if anyone else is having this issue. All of the sudden you lose 
>>> all sounds in Mavericks 10.9.2 meaning when you go to the end box and 
>>> normally get your error sound like a bonk letting you know you are at 
>>> the newes

Re: cant buy additiona practice and loops on the garage band. how can i do this?

2014-03-28 Thread CJ Daniel

In GB10, it's under the Garageband option on the menu bar.  I think its 
"Purchase additional..."  I had trouble with it, so I resorted to having my 
wife click in the dialog box w/ VoiceOver off.  After that, I was able to use 
VoiceOver with out further problems.  

Good luck,

P.S.  For $4.95, it was quite a bit of additional content & very well worth it.

On Mar 28, 2014, at 4:05 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  

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Re: keeping old GarageBand version after Upgrading to V10

2014-03-29 Thread CJ Daniel

Just pull the trigger &, just like iMovie, the old version will be placed in a 
separate folder.

Good luck,


On Mar 29, 2014, at 4:23 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> How do you go about doing it Matt. I get a prompt to upgrade from within the 
> old version, but I'm afraid if I do that it'll overwrite the old version and 
> I won't build to get it back. So, how exactly do I do this and not lose the 
> old version?
> Thanks for any help.
> Sent from my IPhone
> On Mar 29, 2014, at 2:00 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:
>> Yes you can do that. That's what I did with my garageband.
>> It will still work just fine.
>> Matt Dierckens
>> Macintosh Trainer
>> Blind Access Training
>> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 4
>> On Mar 29, 2014, at 1:51 PM, Phil Halton  wrote:
>>> Is it possible to upgrade to GB V10 from V6.0.5 and still be able to use 
>>> V6.0.5? I ask because I see that upgrading to Mavericks automatically 
>>> upgraded iMovie, while putting the older version in a folder of its own, 
>>> presumably for using both versions.
>>> GB did not get the same treatment and I still have the older, more 
>>> accessible version on my system. When I open it up, I am asked to upgrade 
>>> to V10.
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Re: how to hear the sound loops on the garage band

2014-03-30 Thread CJ Daniel

If I understand your question about hearing the loops correctly, in GB10 you 
Shift-VO-Spacebar--perform a hardware type mouse click with VoiceOver, on the 
loop to listen to it.  You, then, perform the same action again to stop 
listening.  While a loop is playing, you can move up & down through loops with 
the arrow keys & continue listening to each new loop.  I'm afraid I can't help 
with your second question.

Good luck,


On Mar 30, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  

> how to listen the loops with voice over on the garage band, please help., and 
> can i record audio at the same time with video?
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Re: how to hear the sound loops on the garage band

2014-03-31 Thread CJ Daniel

Press on the name of the loop.  At least that's the way I do it.


On Mar 31, 2014, at 1:43 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  

> thank you very much, i should press the real loop instead of the name of the 
> loop
> On 31 Mar 2014, at 12:41 am, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> If I understand your question about hearing the loops correctly, in GB10 you 
>> Shift-VO-Spacebar--perform a hardware type mouse click with VoiceOver, on 
>> the loop to listen to it.  You, then, perform the same action again to stop 
>> listening.  While a loop is playing, you can move up & down through loops 
>> with the arrow keys & continue listening to each new loop.  I'm afraid I 
>> can't help with your second question.
>> Good luck,
>> CJ
>> On Mar 30, 2014, at 9:25 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  
>> wrote:
>>> how to listen the loops with voice over on the garage band, please help., 
>>> and can i record audio at the same time with video?
>>> -- 
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Re: New to the List

2014-04-01 Thread CJ Daniel
Hey Scott,

Welcome & don't feel alone.  The reasons you stated & the, basically, yearly 
upgrade fees for JAWS were what led me to switch to a mac several years ago.  
I'm on my second one now, as my first was a hand-me-down from my wife.  While 
nothing's perfect, it's, still, quite a thrill to walk into the Apple Store or 
Best Buy & start playing with the demo Macs, just like everyone else.  When 
you're ready to purchase, be sure to check out the refurbs that Apple offers.  
Also, you can occasionally find a great deal on an open-in-box @ Best Buy.  But 
again, welcome to the list.


On Apr 1, 2014, at 6:43 AM, Scott Duck  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just joined the list.  I do not have a Mac.  I have been a JAWS user for 
> about 17 years.  I am getting tired of the increasing instability of JAWS and 
> Windows in general.  I am thinking about getting a mac but, before I put down 
> that kind of money, I want to find out a little more about what I would be 
> getting into.  I am familiar with the IOS version of VoiceOver.  I have a 
> iPhone, a iPad, and two Apple TVs.  I have been very impressed with the 
> performance and stability of those devices and it is mostly this that has 
> gotten me interested in the possibility of switching to the Mac.  As I do not 
> have a Mac, I may ask some questions that seem rather obvious to all you Mac 
> users but please bear with me.  I have a feeling that, eventually, I will be 
> a Mac user too.
> Thanks,
> Scott Duck
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Re: how to hear the sound loops on the garage band

2014-04-01 Thread CJ Daniel

I can click the name of the loop.  Another foible comes to light.  Oh well, @ 
least you're hearing the loops.

Good luck,


On Apr 1, 2014, at 3:36 PM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  

> nope, i already tried it, i have to click the real loop instead of the name 
> of the loop, but thanks any way
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Re: Understanding Garageband 10.0.2

2014-04-05 Thread CJ Daniel

Email me off-list, @ my gmail address contained in the header, & I'll send you 
a set of notes compiled by several guys on another list.  They're a little 
rough, but they should help with GB 10 quite a bit.


On Apr 4, 2014, at 11:39 PM, Gabriele Battaglia  wrote:

> Hi all.
> Could someone help me to understand a basic concept in the New Garageband, 
> please?
> It regards the handles of regions, in tracks.
> First of all, I apologize if the terminology I'm use is not the right one: my 
> GB is localized in italian and I'm just imaging how the terms were translated.
> Anyway, let's have a track lasting 1 minute. This track were recorded in 2 
> different times and so it has 2 regions, 30 seconds each one.
> Now, I'd like to make them shorter: the first region must be from 0 to 20 
> seconds and the second region should be from 40 to 59 second.
> What I guess to do is to interact with the region 1, then with its right 
> handle, and, by VO+left harrow, bring the cursor downward.
> After that, I should move over the region 2, interact with it, then with its 
> left handle and drag it toward right: from the second number 30, to 40.
> That's my theory. But the real is very different.
> Could you please explain to me how you would do this exercise, please?
> Thank you so much for help.
> Gabriel.
> --
> Namasté!
> Sent from my iMac27. (Libero)
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Re: getting started with garageband

2014-04-06 Thread CJ Daniel

Hit return, Carriage Return, to move to bar 1, beat 1, tic 1; before you paste 
your loop.

Good luck,


On Apr 6, 2014, at 9:51 AM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:

> Hi list.
> I am very happy about the fact that the new garage band is accessible.
> I am getting started with garageband. I wish to know the list of
> things that can and can not be done with garageband and VO. For
> starters, I tried to drag a loop into one of the tracks and the loop
> got inserted after a few bars in the track. That is, the first few
> bars are empty. How do i fix this? How do I go about creating new
> loops? Is there any podcast or tutorial that explains using garageband
> with VO?  These are just a few questions.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
> Cheers
> Venkatesh Potluri
> -- 
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Re: getting started with garageband

2014-04-07 Thread CJ Daniel

You're right, in that its a problem.  However, I, simply created a hot spot for 
that area of the new control bar in the tool bar & either jump to that group to 
change it or monitor it to know where I'm at.  An extra key press, but it works 
& hot spots seem very stable in this version.

Hope this helps,


On Apr 7, 2014, at 8:08 AM, Phil Halton  wrote:

> Is it still the case thatVO doesn't announce  the beat/bar information like 
> it did  in V6.0.5? How are people getting around this problem? That seems to 
> me to be a major setback when trying to edit or work with   regions in GB.
> On Apr 7, 2014, at 1:28 AM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hit return, Carriage Return, to move to bar 1, beat 1, tic 1; before you 
>> paste your loop.
>> Good luck,
>> CJ
>> On Apr 6, 2014, at 9:51 AM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:
>>> Hi list.
>>> I am very happy about the fact that the new garage band is accessible.
>>> I am getting started with garageband. I wish to know the list of
>>> things that can and can not be done with garageband and VO. For
>>> starters, I tried to drag a loop into one of the tracks and the loop
>>> got inserted after a few bars in the track. That is, the first few
>>> bars are empty. How do i fix this? How do I go about creating new
>>> loops? Is there any podcast or tutorial that explains using garageband
>>> with VO?  These are just a few questions.
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
>>> Cheers
>>> Venkatesh Potluri
>>> -- 
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Re: getting started with garageband

2014-04-07 Thread CJ Daniel

If you press VO-HH & arrow down to the Hot Spots option, you can VO-Spacebar & 
read all about it.  After reading about it, if you need help, then email me & 
I'll see what I can do.

Good luck,


On Apr 7, 2014, at 2:30 PM, Gabriele Battaglia  

> Hi Daniel, as I'm very new to the Mac, could you please summarize the steps 
> to put, call and delete an hotspot with VoiceOver?
> Thanks so much.
> Gabriel.
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Re: getting started with garageband

2014-04-10 Thread CJ Daniel

Try this.  Navigate to the tool bar & interact with it.  VO-Right-arrow to the 
Control bar & interact with it.  I believe you'll land right on the BPM group.  
Interact with it & VO-Arrow to & fro between the Bar, Beats, & Tics.  Set each 
one, as desired, by arrowing up & down.  Remember, if you play the track again, 
you change all of this.  I've made this easier by setting some hot spots, which 
are very stable in this version of VoiceOver & GarageBand.

With your loops, just find the one you want, copy it to the clipboard with 
Command-C, move to the Regions area, & paste with Command-V.  No need for all 
that dragging & dropping.  It works, for me, every time.

Hope this helps,


On Apr 10, 2014, at 12:18 AM, Venkatesh Potluri  wrote:

> Hi.
> Thanks for all your help. Im making my self familiar with garage band.
> I have another problem.
> I am unable to insert loops at specific positions   in tracks. I am
> playing the arrangement until I reach the point where I wish to insert
> the new loop in a new track. I am navigating to the loops, selecting
> the desired loop, performing a mouse down(VO+command+shift+space). I
> am releasing the mouse curser after i interact with the tracks
> contents and VO says area below tracks. This does the job in most
> cases but inserts the loop at the wrong place at times. What is the
> correct way to do this?
> Thanks in advance.
> Cheers
> Venkatesh
> On 4/9/14, Kjsc Radio  wrote:
>> Since we're talking about GarageBand, I have a question. Does anybody know
>> how to add effects, to an existing synthesizer?
>> Jonnyboy! Iphones rock!
>>> On 7 Apr 2014, at 21:27, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>>> Gabriel,
>>> If you press VO-HH & arrow down to the Hot Spots option, you can
>>> VO-Spacebar & read all about it.  After reading about it, if you need
>>> help, then email me & I'll see what I can do.
>>> Good luck,
>>> CJ
>>>> On Apr 7, 2014, at 2:30 PM, Gabriele Battaglia
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> Hi Daniel, as I'm very new to the Mac, could you please summarize the
>>>> steps to put, call and delete an hotspot with VoiceOver?
>>>> Thanks so much.
>>>> Gabriel.
>>>> --
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Re: how to play on Itunes by album

2014-04-12 Thread CJ Daniel

If I understand your question a-right, in album view you bring up a context 
menu--VO-Shift-m--& press play "album title" with VO-SpaceBar.  If that's not 
what you're asking, could be more specific about the problem in your next post?



On Apr 12, 2014, at 2:45 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera  

> why cant i play an album with different artist continuosly, can you guide me 
> with this one, thanks in advance 
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Re: applescript

2014-04-16 Thread CJ Daniel

There's a book or two specifically addressing Apple Scripting on 
 I know I downloaded one @ some point in the past.

Good luck,


On Apr 16, 2014, at 9:18 AM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:

> Cool, thanks, Alex.  I just have some tasks that I'd like to do and looking 
> at automator or scripting to do these tasks.
> Thanks,
> jg
> On Apr 16, 2014, at 10:14 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> I learned by googling it. It is really simple, as close to a plain English 
>> programming language as I've ever seen...
>> Tell application "Finder" to set the clipboard to the path of the selected 
>> file
>> stuff like that. Basically, identify a task you want to do in Aplescript, 
>> then google that particular task. You'll learn as you go along. At least, 
>> that's what worked for me.
>> On Apr 16, 2014, at 10:23 AM, Jim Gatteys  wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> Are there good resources for learning AppleScript?  It doesn't look all 
>>> that difficult but a nice book or resource would be helpful.
>>> Thanks,
>>> jg
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>> --
>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
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Fwd: Update from Voice Dream

2014-05-07 Thread CJ Daniel

I thought this might be of interest to IOS & DAISY book readers.  Keep in mind 
that the app works well with BookShare.


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Winston Chen 
> Subject: Update from Voice Dream
> Date: May 7, 2014 at 1:59:43 AM MST
> To: 
> Reply-To: Winston Chen 
> Hi,
> Voice Dream Reader 3.0 was released recently after many months in the making. 
> We went from 2.X to 3.X, because the new version represents a big change in 
> the app's evolution.
> The biggest change is support for graphics, starting with PDF. This required 
> a rewrite of the guts. Before 3.0, Voice Dream Reader threw away all original 
> files after extracting text from them. Now, you can read PDF files in the 
> original layout with voice and text synchronization. Try swiping right from 
> the left edge of the screen: you can switch between text-only view and 
> original layout view effortlessly. 
> Secondly, the highly regarded Ivona voices are available. Now, with Acapela, 
> NeoSpeech, Ivona, and iOS's built-in Nuance voices, Voice Dream Reader offers 
> more voices -- and at lower prices -- than any other text-to-speech product 
> in the market.
> Finally, we now support almost every major variant of DAISY around the world: 
> DAISY 3.0 and 2.02 in full-text or full-audio mode. Expensive dedicated DAISY 
> reading devices can be hauled to museums.
> Our work continues. Right now, we're busy working on supporting graphics for 
> eBooks, so that EPUB and DAISY books with images can be displayed in Voice 
> Dream. The built-in Web Browser will be rewritten so that you can listen to 
> web pages in it directly.
> Since Voice Dream Reader came out 2 years ago, we have never charged for 
> upgrades. We want to continue adding substantial new features and release 
> them to everyone for free. You can help us continue this journey, and benefit 
> everyone around the world who reads differently.
> How?
> Spread the word. This is the single most important thing you can do to help 
> us. Tell your friends and colleagues about Voice Dream Reader. The app will 
> be half-priced from Wednesday May 7 to Sunday May 11. So take advantage of 
> this opportunity!
> Many people in the past asked if they can donate to Voice Dream to fund 
> development. I wasn't comfortable with that. Now, on the verge of hiring a 
> developer to help build new features faster, I had a change of heart. I 
> created a Paypal page to accept donations:
> Please, do it only if you can afford it. And donate based on the value you're 
> getting from the app, whether it is 1 dollar or 10 dollars a month. The 
> donated funds will be set aside and used only for developing features and 
> enhancements that will be released for free. 
> Thanks for your support and feedback over these past 2 years. Reading is for 
> everyone, no matter how you read. We have a long way to go before we get 
> there. You're a part of that journey.
> Thank you.
> Winston Chen
> Founder, Voice Dream
> ==
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Re: escape key working under fusion but not under OSX?

2014-06-02 Thread CJ Daniel

Under Mavericks, the escape key's functionality changed.  You can press 
Option-Escape key to actuate a standard escape key function.  Also, VO has a 
general escape key, when VO-Escape key is pressed.  However, the VO sequence 
doesn't always work for me, while the Option-Escape key, pretty much, does the 
trick all the time.

Hope this helps,


On Jun 2, 2014, at 7:41 PM, Scott Erichsen  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a really strange problem with a macbook air running Mavericks.
> The escape key is working under VMWare fusion on Windows 7 64bit, but will 
> not work on OSX at all. I can't get out of menues, or use the escape key in 
> any way.
> It's as if it's broken and just does nothing.
> Short of reinstalling the entire OS and everything else, does anyone have any 
> suggestions?
> Thanks.
> Scott
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Re: [New post] Apple removing music downloading apps from App Store

2014-06-10 Thread CJ Daniel

It is Apple related & saves me the time of going to look for it.  So, I vote 
yes.  Anyway, is it so hard to see the MSG header & deleting it, if you don't 
won't to read it?  Seriously?  Let's police everything, cause it might be 
inconvenient for me.

Again, seriously?


On Jun 10, 2014, at 9:10 AM, Yuma Antoine Decaux  wrote:

> Whoever is doing this, stop sending me news I don't need to know about.
> Yuma Antoine Decaux
> "Light has no value without darkness"
> Mob: +642102277190
> Skype: Shainobi1
> twitter:
> On 11/06/2014, at 2:03 am, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
>> Please stop all this spam. If I want news I'll go read a website.
>> On 6/10/2014 11:16 AM, Christopher Hallsworth wrote:
>>> Christopher Hallsworth
>>> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
>>>  Original Message 
>>> Subject: [New post] Apple removing music downloading apps from App Store
>>> Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:53:42 +
>>> From: MacDailyNews 
>>> Reply-To: MacDailyNews
>>> To:
>>> MacDailyNews posted: "[cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]"Apple appears to be
>>> removing many of the popular music downloading apps from the iOS App
>>> Store, including those that allowed users to obtain files from
>>> third-party file sharing sites," Richard Padilla reports for MacRumors. "T"
>>> Respond to this post by replying above this line
>>>New post on *MacDailyNews*
>>>Apple removing music downloading apps from App Store
>>> by MacDailyNews 
>>> [cfsp key="adsense_336x280"]"Apple appears to be removing many of the
>>> popular music downloading apps from the iOS App Store, including those
>>> that allowed users to obtain files from third-party file sharing sites,"
>>> Richard Padilla reports for MacRumors. "The move is likely in an attempt
>>> to push the iTunes Store and iTunes Radio, as well as to clean up the
>>> App Store ahead of an overhaul in iOS 8."
>>> "A search for the term 'music download' in the App Store displays a
>>> message inviting users to try out iTunes Radio," Padilla reports.
>>> "Previously, the same search would show results for a number of apps
>>> that could download music and audio files from websites such as
>>> Soundcloud and YouTube, with many appearing on the App Store's 'Top
>>> Charts' section."
>>> Padilla reports, "Some developers have also noted that Apple has asked
>>> them to remove audio downloading functionalities from their app, perhaps
>>> to prevent potential piracy."
>>> *Read more in the full article here
>>> .*
>>> [Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader "Lynn Weiler" for the heads up.]
>>> *MacDailyNews * | Tuesday,
>>> June 10, 2014 at 10:53 am | Tags: App Store
>>> , Apple
>>> , iTunes radio
>>> , itunes store
>>> , music
>>> , music apps
>>> , music downloading apps
>>> , music piracy
>>> , SoundCloud
>>> , YouTube
>>>  | Categories: News
>>>  | URL:
>>> Comment
>>>See all comments
>>> Unsubscribe
>>> to no longer receive posts from MacDailyNews.
>>> Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions
>>> .
>>> *Trouble clicking?* Copy and paste this URL into your browser:
>>> Thanks for flying with 
>> -- 
>> Take care,
>> Ty
>> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
>> dare

Re: Mac Daily News

2014-06-10 Thread CJ Daniel

I was actually enjoying the updates.  I found them timely, after last weeks 
WWDC.  Sorry some folks got on you like that.  Just goes to show, like they 
say, "you can't please everyone."


On Jun 10, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Christopher Hallsworth  

> Hi all
> Just want to apologize for the unnecessary clutter. I just thought the news I 
> forward was ideal to share with the list. Will not do so from this point. No 
> offence or hard feelings by the way.
> -- 
> Christopher Hallsworth
> Student at the Hadley School for the Blind
> -- 
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Re: Mac Daily News

2014-06-10 Thread CJ Daniel
So, because you didn't see the point, someone else is supposed to modify their 
behavior?  In case you didn't catch that, the emphasis was on the pronoun 



On Jun 10, 2014, at 2:12 PM, Dave O.  wrote:

> If people are interested in the types of things he was posting, they can be 
> found on the web.
> I didn't really see the point, since it didn't really fit into the purpose 
> of this list.
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Re: audio question

2014-06-24 Thread CJ Daniel

You might look in to the M-Audio Fast Track or Fast Track Pro.  Those work 
pretty well with Mac.  But, I believe they're only 2 channel for the XLR's.  
On-the-other-hand, they're are more expensive models by the same manufacturer 
with 4-channels.  Also, depending on your Mac, your not limited to USB.  There 
are firewire models as well with much less latency issues.  You can use a 
firewire to Thunder Bolt adapter, from Apple, for later Macs.


On Jun 24, 2014, at 5:55 AM, Jenine Stanley  wrote:

> This is possibly not a question specifically for this list but maybe someone 
> here can help. 
> I am looking at acquiring a small mixer with 4 outputs and one line in input. 
> I want to use this to record interviews, podcasts and to mix things like the 
> computer sound, i-phone and other things with a mic. 
> Can I then also have say a pair of Aftershokz Blues headphones connected to 
> the Mac to hear what I'm doing as my one and only line-in jack will be taken 
> up by the mixer? Or am I making this too hard? :) 
> Jenine Stanley
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Re: question about Mac book Air

2014-07-02 Thread CJ Daniel

Always a good idea to buy as much storage & processing power as possible.  
Although, I admit that future development of the cloud may change the need for 
on-board storage capacity.  But, upgraded RAM & processors may have an effect 
on your Mac's ability to keep up with OSX releases down the road.  I.E. you may 
be able to keep up with future operating system upgrades just that little bit 
longer for a little more investment now.  Whatever you decide, I wish you luck 
& happiness with your new Mac.


On Jul 2, 2014, at 1:54 PM, Juliette  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am looking at purchasing a Mac book Air 13-inch model with 256 GB haed 
> drive. I am planning to run windows via VMware fusion. Would it be necessary 
> in this case to do any or all of the following:
> 1. Upgrade the hard drive to 512 GB?
> 2. Upgrade the RAM from 4 GB to 8 GB?
> 3. Upgrade the processor from 1.4 to 1.7 GHZ?
> I also have one more question. Is the Apple wireless keyboard that we use 
> with iOS devices the same one that Apple sells as a full-sized alternative to 
> using the laptop keyboard on the Mac Book?
> Thanks in advance for any help with this.
> Juliette
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Re: garage band keyboard shortcuts: expanding loops and note editing

2014-07-07 Thread CJ Daniel

You could try interacting with the Bar, beat, & tic within the tool bar & just 
cursor left or right in the correct one & there you go.  Personally, I have a 
hot spot set to just jump there.  As for resizing a loop, just use 
VO-Command-Accent to access the resize menu with the loop in question &, again, 
there you go.  But, instead of my two cents, how about I just insert a link @ 
the bottom of this MSG for the most recent GB notes @ I Can Work This Thing?  

Hope it helps,


On Jul 6, 2014, at 8:50 AM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:

> Hello:
> I have a few issues with this. I had two loops I wanted to use. when I place 
> a loop, however I can't control where that loop will begin. interacting with 
> the move left edge move right edge or loop bit sometimes will say bar 4 or 
> whatever, but it doesn't actually say it all the time. I also can't move the 
> left/right edge very well. I presume the loop is how long it is and the left 
> edge is where it starts, but interacting and using arrows does not actually 
> move either of those. Any other advice here would be awesome. I don't really 
> know what else to try with this.
> On 7/5/2014 10:18 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera wrote:
>> hello i don't know about note editing.
>> expanding the loop is you have to go to the tacks contents then interact 
>> with it > interact again with the loop you selected > then interact again 
>> with the name called loop. then you have to press right arrow that's it.
>> On 04 Jul 2014, at 06:43 pm, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
>>> Hello all:
>>> I've been a bit delayed in playing with this. While the list provided was 
>>> indeed useful, It's not really telling me how to stretch loops/edit notes. 
>>> Any help here would be awesome. I'll post my specific questions:
>>> 1) Is there an accessible way to work with the note editor?
>>> 2) How would one stretch a track (so I can play a loop and then stretch it 
>>> out), as well as move tracks around so that they don't always start at the 
>>> beginning of the song?
>>> Thanks,
>>> On 5/28/2014 1:02 PM, isaac wrote:
 Here  is a list of keyboard shortcuts for garage band.
  Skype gold_wildcat
 On May 28, 2014, at 11:19 AM, Littlefield, Tyler  
> Hello all:
> I'm looking to do some minor production with GB and was curious if 
> there's keyboard commands listed somewhere. Most importantly, I'm 
> interested in shifting pieces of tracks around, expanding/shrinking them 
> (so I can just play one set once and expand it), and editing notes. I 
> need to do a really fast highhat and I need to be able to somehow edit 
> that so I can play what I want and speed it up.
> Thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Take care,
> Ty
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he 
> that dares not reason is a slave.
> -- 
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>>> -- 
>>> Take care,
>>> Ty
>>> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he 
>>> that dares not reason is a slave.
>>> -- 
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> -- 
> Take care,
> Ty
> He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that 
> dares not reason is a slave.
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Re: To the NFB haters on this list: was; Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-12 Thread CJ Daniel
Hey Ray,

Don't think anyone is hating, especially on you.  You're a pretty positive 
contributor & have been since before I was on the list.  i think what you're 
hearing is people saying, "don't represent yourself...NFB I the voice 
of all or even most of the blind people in the world.  In all honesty, they do 
seem to have a tendency to do that & always have.

As a guide dog user & someone who used to work for a guide dog school, I know I 
was treated pretty roughly @ some of their conventions.  I mean there was some 
real unnecessary stuff that went down when I was representing the organization 
I worked for.  But, whatever, no hard feelings.  Just saying some of those 
folks can get pretty intense.

All that said, I think the simple truth is that, like Dylan sang, "the times 
they are a changing."  Some of the consumer organizations & companies 
dedicating their activities towards blind users are loosing their power base.  
I.E. blind people have access to the internet without them & they can make 
their voices heard in that arena, as well as with their dollars through 
purchasing devices available to the general public that are already accessible. 
 Like it or don't, most people would rather speak for themselves.  It's a lot 
like government today.  Can of worms, but do we really need representatives 
anymore?  I mean shouldn't we just sign in, validate our identity, & vote our 

Oh well, just my 25 cents or so worth of opinion.  But, really don't think you 
need to feel personally under the gun.  After all, who of us hasn't read that 
barefoot Ray thing & grinned, knowing that you are a true Mac person,


On Jul 12, 2014, at 8:15 PM, Ray Foret Jr  wrote:

> Okay.
> I am changing the subject because I think it's high time I said something.  I 
> well remember how many Mac users strongly criticized the NFB for their June 
> 2009 Braille Monitor article on Voice Over.  That criticism was fully 
> justified:  let there be no doubt about that.  On the other hand, how many 
> Mac users gave the NFB credit for the retraction printed in the December 2009 
> Monitor article?  Not many I seem to recall.  Look, it's your business 
> whether or not you hate the NFB and I cannot change your minds about that.  
> I'm not even going to try.  But, frankly, I think it's very shallow minded to 
> have this kind of hatred controlling the issue when what we need to do is 
> have a balanced and mature conversation.  Hate us all you want:  but, 
> remember, there are NFB members who use Macs and iPHones and other Apple 
> products too.  For what it may be worth, I do not hate anyone in the ACB.  
> Why should I?  They've never done anything to me to merit such hatred.  I 
> would add this.  My own state, Louisiana, voted against the resolution at the 
> convention this year.  This somewhat took me by surprise.  I did not expect 
> that to happen, but it did.  Look, we who are NFB members and who use our 
> Apple products love them as much as you do.  I know that, for myself, I will 
> never touch windows again.  I'd sooner be without a computer totally than to 
> do that.  I do not believe it is at all reasonable to ask the current 
> generation to bear the hatreds of the past.  1961 is long gone:  as the 
> hatred of those days should also be.  Condemn what I say if you wish:  
> (That's your right.):  but, just bear in mind that the only one being 
> effected by your hatred of people like me is yourself.  I don't hate you.  
> You see, it's frightfully simple.  Those who hate you don't win unless you 
> hate them.  Have what ever feelings you choose towards me and what I say:  
> but, bear in mind that we really need to rise above such things and continue 
> to help each other with Apple product issues.  After all, is that not the 
> principal purpose of this list?  When I first joined, I received much good 
> help from the members of this list.  I would hate to depart from this list 
> over feelings of bitterness and hatred with respect either to the ACB or NFB. 
>  No.  I cannot change how you feel:  but, frankly, I'd prefer a gentler tone. 
> Sincerely,
> the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone user!
> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
> built-in!
> On Jul 12, 2014, at 9:57 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> It is probably more like, NFB attempted to dialogue with Apple. Apple 
>> rebuffed NFB, like Apple rebuffs any organization doing something similar. 
>> NFB passes a resolution which they can then take back to Apple and say, See, 
>> the blind are behind us because we are the blind and this resolution was 
>> passed at our convention, so you really need to dialogue with us. 
>> What will be the result? Apple will again rebuff NFB, just like Apple 
>> rebuffs any organization attempting such an approach. NFB may well become 
>> in-sensed again and we will see some form of tantrum from NFB. As I recall, 

Re: To the NFB haters on this list: was; Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread CJ Daniel

Have you ever been a programmer?  I was years ago & the idea of making every 
program accessible to the blind, who will not buy every program just because it 
is accessible, is a nightmare.  The amount of unrecoverable man-hours, which is 
recovered through net gain in revenue, just boggles the mind.  I think there 
are a lot of people here fishing in waters that they don't really know how to 
navigate.  Seriously, when is the NFB going to understand that blind folks, 
like their sighted counterparts, can express their endorsement for products 
through the use of their purchasing dollars.  Apple doesn't care about NFB's 
bluster.  They care about the bottom line.  And, even though it does cost them 
to research, develop, & maintain Voiceover; they recognize that blind people 
are purchasing iPhones, iPods, iPads, & Macs in record numbers.  Their approach 
is one of the reasons that Apple had more money than the federal government in 
the summer of 2012.  

Anyway, Go Apple!


On Jul 13, 2014, at 8:01 PM, Marianne Denning  wrote:

> David, I am not sure why you hate NFB so much.  I believe both NFB and
> ACB have accomplished good things and there are things I do not agree
> with.  NFB now has a new president and instead of immediately
> condemning him why not see how things work out?  I believe all apps
> can be accessible.  Now may not be the right time but so much can
> change in the future.  Why not find areas where you have common ground
> with NFB and support those areas.  As I said before, I have read many
> complaints about accessible apps and programs that are no longer
> accessible once they are updated.  This is not only true for Apple.
> That may be an area where Apple, NFB and you can agree.  NFB is not
> making any threats toward Apple.
> On 7/13/14, David Chittenden  wrote:
>> Yes, the NFB president really wants to become "in" with Apple so he can
>> attempt to influence Apple's policies around VoiceOver access to apps
>> written by third party developers.
>> So, let's consider what would most likely happen if Apple should be stupid
>> enough to do what the NFB resolution is demanding, only from Apple. Apple
>> creates a policy in their App Store which says all apps must be VO
>> accessible. Considering that this will not be possible with the vast
>> majority of purely visual graphical games, game developers will leave and go
>> to the platforms which appreciate them. So, we have already alienated a
>> large majority of money-making apps. Kids, teens, and adults, all with
>> vision who enjoy those games will leave and go to where the fun games are.
>> This will significantly decrease iOS popularity, and as has been stated,
>> Google, with its not-so-strong focus on accessibility, and probably
>> Microsoft, with its non-accessibility in its mobile phones, will become much
>> more popular.
>> Shall we also look at other app categories? I challenge you to find one app
>> category where developers will not vacate to either of the other two mobile
>> platforms where they would not need to focus on accessibility. Oh, and be
>> painfully honest and realistic here; not thinking the way you wish it would
>> be.
>> At the time NFB went after Microsoft in the late 90's to convince MS not to
>> build a robust screen reader into Windows, Freedom Scientific made a
>> substantial financial contribution to NFB. I find such coincidences to be
>> quite interesting. Follow the money and many possibilities look fascinating.
>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>> Email:
>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 14 Jul 2014, at 14:20, Marianne Denning 
>>> wrote:
>>> According to what I read from the president, it is because Apple has
>>> gone above and beyond the requirements to make things accessible. He
>>> has nothing but praise for Apple and their response.  There is no
>>> threat in the resolution that was passed.  It is an effort to work
>>> with Apple.  Microsoft and, to some degree, Google and Amazon just
>>> refuse to seriously work on accessibility. Where do you spend your
>>> efforts?  I am also a TVI and when I am asked which tablet a school
>>> should purchase for a student my response, without hesitation, is
>>> Apple.  There are still some apps that are used in schools that are
>>> not accessible so my students cannot fully participate in the
>>> classroom when this happens.  NFB supports full inclusion in
>>> education, employment and life.
>>> NFB does not receive any money from Microsoft or Freedom Scientific to
>>> the best of my knowledge.  Android is accessible and many blind people
>>> choose Android over Apple and say bad things about Apple.  Android is
>>> not used as much in education and employment in the U.S. as Apple
>>> products.  There has been a real push for schools to use Apple
>>> products because of Apple's commitment to accessibility.  So, NFB is
>>> asking them to continue to improve.
>>> As I sta

Re: To the NFB haters on this list: was; Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread CJ Daniel

I think you're exactly on target.  NFB set blind-tech back, @ least 10-years, 
by moving to block the addition of a robust screen reader into Window's 
products after Non-Freedom Scientific's considerable contribution to the 
organization.  Now, between development's like Apple's Voiceover, NVDA's 
shareware approach, & GW Micro's bow to the inevitable by offering a free copy 
to purchasers of MS Office; I believe that the NFB is sensing a shift in the 
winds that they don't like.  The sheep are supposed to be led by the NFB & they 
are supposed to cooperate in their own sheering by vendors who grow fat with 
over-priced products that only government agencies can afford to buy for their 
rehab clients.  Wait!  some of the sheep are breaking away!  They're jumping 
the fence & purchasing machines with built-in accessibility with their own 
money!  Oh no!  The purchases aren't being made from "approved" companies.  
Government agencies aren't involved in the purchases!  Oh God, the blind 

Seriously, when are some of these people going to wakeup?

On Jul 13, 2014, at 8:25 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:

> What an interesting way of completely avoiding the very real points I raise.
> My answer is: follow the money. You will find the answers there.
> In this particular case, I find it very coincidental that Kirtus Chung wrote 
> an article in June which very nicely attacked iOS accessibility. There was 
> quite a large amount of email challenging his assertions. Within a month, NFB 
> gets a resolution passed that appears to continue the concept. Again, very 
> coincidental, and extremely reflective of how the NFB operated 15 years ago 
> when I was a very active member. Back then, financial dealings and 
> contributions painted a very interesting picture of the NFB's negative stance 
> on described video service. It looks like more of the same from the NFB.
> That said, my points are specifically about this particular resolution and 
> the real harm it could cause which some appear not to wish to consider. 
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email:
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 14 Jul 2014, at 15:01, Marianne Denning  wrote:
>> David, I am not sure why you hate NFB so much.  I believe both NFB and
>> ACB have accomplished good things and there are things I do not agree
>> with.  NFB now has a new president and instead of immediately
>> condemning him why not see how things work out?  I believe all apps
>> can be accessible.  Now may not be the right time but so much can
>> change in the future.  Why not find areas where you have common ground
>> with NFB and support those areas.  As I said before, I have read many
>> complaints about accessible apps and programs that are no longer
>> accessible once they are updated.  This is not only true for Apple.
>> That may be an area where Apple, NFB and you can agree.  NFB is not
>> making any threats toward Apple.
>>> On 7/13/14, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Yes, the NFB president really wants to become "in" with Apple so he can
>>> attempt to influence Apple's policies around VoiceOver access to apps
>>> written by third party developers.
>>> So, let's consider what would most likely happen if Apple should be stupid
>>> enough to do what the NFB resolution is demanding, only from Apple. Apple
>>> creates a policy in their App Store which says all apps must be VO
>>> accessible. Considering that this will not be possible with the vast
>>> majority of purely visual graphical games, game developers will leave and go
>>> to the platforms which appreciate them. So, we have already alienated a
>>> large majority of money-making apps. Kids, teens, and adults, all with
>>> vision who enjoy those games will leave and go to where the fun games are.
>>> This will significantly decrease iOS popularity, and as has been stated,
>>> Google, with its not-so-strong focus on accessibility, and probably
>>> Microsoft, with its non-accessibility in its mobile phones, will become much
>>> more popular.
>>> Shall we also look at other app categories? I challenge you to find one app
>>> category where developers will not vacate to either of the other two mobile
>>> platforms where they would not need to focus on accessibility. Oh, and be
>>> painfully honest and realistic here; not thinking the way you wish it would
>>> be.
>>> At the time NFB went after Microsoft in the late 90's to convince MS not to
>>> build a robust screen reader into Windows, Freedom Scientific made a
>>> substantial financial contribution to NFB. I find such coincidences to be
>>> quite interesting. Follow the money and many possibilities look fascinating.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 14 Jul 2014, at 14:20, Marianne Denning 
 According to what I read from the president, it is becau

Re: To the NFB haters on this list: was; Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread CJ Daniel

Possibly, some folks, who love their Apple products, might wake up & tell NFB 
to shut up & go away.  I already have congress making decisions that don't 
reflect my values.  I certainly don't need the NFB, an organization that I have 
never supported, representing itself as representing me.  


On Jul 13, 2014, at 8:50 PM, Robert C  wrote:

> Ray,
>   No one is listening. They are hellbound to make their positions known and 
> they will defend their opinions to the end. In the end, this is nothing more 
> than a political debate and as such, will never reach a consensus until 
> everyone gets too damn tired to go on. Congress is afflicted with the exact 
> same sickness.
>   This debate is pointless, no winners, only rhetoric that resolves not a 
> damn thing except waste everyone's time.
> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
> What do you get when you cross a dog with a phone?
> --A golden receiver.
> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
> E-mail-
> On 7/13/2014 8:30 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> David, your message does not help any.  It represents the kind of NFB hatred 
>> of which I spoke last night.  Your right, of course:  still, I do not 
>> believe personally that there is any place for that here.
>> Sincerely,
>> the Constantly Barefooted Ray, Still a very happy Mac and iphone user!
>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the blind 
>> built-in!
>> On Jul 13, 2014, at 9:41 PM, David Chittenden  wrote:
>>> Yes, the NFB president really wants to become "in" with Apple so he can 
>>> attempt to influence Apple's policies around VoiceOver access to apps 
>>> written by third party developers.
>>> So, let's consider what would most likely happen if Apple should be stupid 
>>> enough to do what the NFB resolution is demanding, only from Apple. Apple 
>>> creates a policy in their App Store which says all apps must be VO 
>>> accessible. Considering that this will not be possible with the vast 
>>> majority of purely visual graphical games, game developers will leave and 
>>> go to the platforms which appreciate them. So, we have already alienated a 
>>> large majority of money-making apps. Kids, teens, and adults, all with 
>>> vision who enjoy those games will leave and go to where the fun games are. 
>>> This will significantly decrease iOS popularity, and as has been stated, 
>>> Google, with its not-so-strong focus on accessibility, and probably 
>>> Microsoft, with its non-accessibility in its mobile phones, will become 
>>> much more popular.
>>> Shall we also look at other app categories? I challenge you to find one app 
>>> category where developers will not vacate to either of the other two mobile 
>>> platforms where they would not need to focus on accessibility. Oh, and be 
>>> painfully honest and realistic here; not thinking the way you wish it would 
>>> be.
>>> At the time NFB went after Microsoft in the late 90's to convince MS not to 
>>> build a robust screen reader into Windows, Freedom Scientific made a 
>>> substantial financial contribution to NFB. I find such coincidences to be 
>>> quite interesting. Follow the money and many possibilities look fascinating.
>>> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
>>> Email:
>>> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On 14 Jul 2014, at 14:20, Marianne Denning  wrote:
 According to what I read from the president, it is because Apple has
 gone above and beyond the requirements to make things accessible. He
 has nothing but praise for Apple and their response.  There is no
 threat in the resolution that was passed.  It is an effort to work
 with Apple.  Microsoft and, to some degree, Google and Amazon just
 refuse to seriously work on accessibility. Where do you spend your
 efforts?  I am also a TVI and when I am asked which tablet a school
 should purchase for a student my response, without hesitation, is
 Apple.  There are still some apps that are used in schools that are
 not accessible so my students cannot fully participate in the
 classroom when this happens.  NFB supports full inclusion in
 education, employment and life.
 NFB does not receive any money from Microsoft or Freedom Scientific to
 the best of my knowledge.  Android is accessible and many blind people
 choose Android over Apple and say bad things about Apple.  Android is
 not used as much in education and employment in the U.S. as Apple
 products.  There has been a real push for schools to use Apple
 products because of Apple's commitment to accessibility.  So, NFB is
 asking them to continue to improve.
 As I stated before, this was a resolution passed by the recent
 national convention held in Florida.  I did not attend but if that is
 what the membership who were present believed was important then so be
 it.  I will continue to use and support Apple and

Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread CJ Daniel

It seems to me that regulation is a bit like law enforcement these days.  Sure, 
they can catch the average citizen.  But, they never seem to catch the big 
fish.  In other words, just as NFB is trying to police a company that is 
already doing a pretty good job of doing what they define as morally right & 
socially responsible; the law & regulations can really only police those who 
choose to be governed by them.  The others will always find a way around laws 
that get in the way.  


On Jul 13, 2014, at 11:24 PM, Jason White  wrote:

> David Taylor  wrote:
>> I wonder how anybody thinks national legislation can have any serious impact
>> on the internet given that the internet is global, and most corporations can
>> site their sites wherever they like? 
> What matters is not the jurisdiction in which the site is hosted, but the
> jurisdiction in which the corporation operates; and the latter cannot be
> changed so easily in most cases. Regulation works.
> -- 
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Re: NFB Resolution

2014-07-14 Thread CJ Daniel



On Jul 14, 2014, at 4:01 PM, Matt Dierckens  wrote:

> Simple solution then, no? Don't like, don't read!
> Stop complaining.
> Matt Dierckens
> Macintosh Trainer
> Blind Access Training
> 1-877-774-7670 ext. 3
> Introduction to the Macintosh Operating system and voiceover course available 
> now.
> Spots are limited, sign up here
> On Jul 14, 2014, at 6:42 PM, Robert C  wrote:
>> Pam,
>>   I could have weighed in too but at the end of the day, no one and I mean, 
>> no one, scores any points. All I have seen is repeats of repeats on top of 
>> repeats. I am all for debates but this is not the right place, and yes there 
>> are hundreds of better choices to take these things to. But some people are 
>> just too damn lazy and too damn inconsiderate to bother, they just fling the 
>> mud around and we all get plastered.
>>   Over 100 posts just this week alone. Who knows how many last week.
>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>> A solid home base builds a sense of self.
>> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
>> E-mail-
>> On 7/14/2014 2:48 PM, Pamela Francis wrote:
>>> Amen to that!!
>>> This type of crap is what Terrace lists and people apart even though the 
>>> mission is to help people.
>>> I pray I did not open a can of worms when I initially responded to the 
>>> original post. If in fact I  did to the list,  I deeply apologize. This is 
>>> a forum used to help people. Those who are experts, those who are 
>>> beginners; gladly give of their time to be a resource. Maybe these types of 
>>> issues within our Mac community need to have a forum of their own. Does 
>>> anyone know if there is a group that can be used to debate these types of 
>>> issues? I want to continue to learn from anyone and everyone willing to 
>>> participate on this list. However if it turns political, I'm going to have 
>>> to unsubscribe. That would be a shame.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Jul 14, 2014, at 4:25 PM, Robert C  wrote:
>>>   Enough already! Give it a rest. This is NOT the place to bring up 
>>> political issues.
>>> Quote of the nanosecond . . .
>>> When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of 
>>> Algebra.
>>> --Will Rogers
>>> Robert & Annie Yanni ke7nwn
>>> E-mail-
>>>> On 7/14/2014 2:16 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
>>>> Really?
>>>> It seems to me that regulation is a bit like law enforcement these days.  
>>>> Sure, they can catch the average citizen.  But, they never seem to catch 
>>>> the big fish.  In other words, just as NFB is trying to police a company 
>>>> that is already doing a pretty good job of doing what they define as 
>>>> morally right & socially responsible; the law & regulations can really 
>>>> only police those who choose to be governed by them.  The others will 
>>>> always find a way around laws that get in the way.
>>>> CJ
>>>>> On Jul 13, 2014, at 11:24 PM, Jason White  wrote:
>>>>> David Taylor  wrote:
>>>>>> I wonder how anybody thinks national legislation can have any serious 
>>>>>> impact
>>>>>> on the internet given that the internet is global, and most corporations 
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> site their sites wherever they like?
>>>>> What matters is not the jurisdiction in which the site is hosted, but the
>>>>> jurisdiction in which the corporation operates; and the latter cannot be
>>>>> changed so easily in most cases. Regulation works.
>>>>> --
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>>>>> Visit this group at
>>>>> For more options, visit https:

Re: Moderators

2015-03-28 Thread CJ Daniel

You seem to have a fixation with fecal matter & the orifice from which it 
proceeds.  Possibly some counseling would help with the issues you seem to be 
exhibiting.  Or, possibly you’re already under a physician’s care & just need 
to modify your pharmaceutical regiment.  Lastly, I suppose, you could be in 
need of an exorcist’s professional attention.  

But, never-the-less, you might want to consider the concept that even if you 
don’t agree with some of the views expressed in response to your original 
posts, you are probably alienating people who—sooner or later—might be in a 
position to help you with a Apple product related problems.  Or, you might 
consider the idea that your offensiveness is just juvenile & tiresome.  Lastly, 
while a moderator seems to be absent, I believe that everyone would just be 
better off to ignore any of your posts.  I sincerely hope that you will come to 
the realization that your not funny, just sad & annoying.


P.S. Don’t bother replying, as I won’t be reading it.

> On Mar 28, 2015, at 11:21 AM, mário navarro  wrote:
> yes, i know.
> put a microphone in the ass, and connect to your   mouth, and call the 
> moderators.
> fuck you, piece of shit ...
> Em 28/03/2015 17:53, David Griffith escreveu:
>> Does anybody know how to contact moderators  on this list?
>> David Griffith
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Re: Logos Bible Software

2015-03-29 Thread CJ Daniel

As previously stated, Logos is not accessible.  Also, the afore mentioned 
Eloquent—the bible software previously known as MacSword—has not been 
accessible since the introduction of Mavericks.  Well, @ least not in my 
experience.  And, I did try to contact the developer, twice, with no joy.

So, as disappointed as I was not to have bible software on the Mac, I contacted 
Optasia Ministries & had a huge collection of bibles, commentaries, 
dictionaries, etc, etc sent to me.  It can be a bit cumbersome using HTML, 
text, & various other formats of files; but it works & just reminds me of 
having a bunch of books on my real desktop.  I, also, have had great success 
using online.  Lastly, a mod on another list has noted—on 
several occasions— how happy he is with the BlueLetterBible software for IOS, 
that he uses with VoiceOver.

Anyway, I hope this helps,


> On Mar 29, 2015, at 3:23 AM, Emilio Hernandez  
> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Has anyone downloaded Logos, a Bible software program for the Macintosh?
> If so, has anyone found it to be voiceover accessible?
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
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Re: Proposal to create an alternate MacVisionaries list

2015-03-29 Thread CJ Daniel

Don’t blame you one bit.  You were pretty vilely used by this person.  Your 
reaction seems pretty understandable.  But, I don’t think we need to throw the 
baby out with the bathwater yet.  

In fact, if your ready to take on the responsibility of being a mod, perhaps 
you could volunteer to take up some of the apparent slack on this list?  I’m 
sure there’s a reason that this particular incident has been allowed to go un 
addressed.  But, I’m pretty sure it’ll be taken care of.  Anyway, just a 
thought about modding this list.

Seriously, I’m sorry that you were so badly abused,


> On Mar 29, 2015, at 12:04 PM, Donna Goodin  wrote:
> OK, since there does not seem to be clear consensus to start a new list--and 
> there are good reasons not to--I will not move forward with that for now.  If 
> in the future the group decides they want a moded list, we can reopen the 
> discussion then.
> Best,
> Donna
>> On Mar 29, 2015, at 11:41 AM, Gabe Vega Commtech LLC > > wrote:
>> we also have a apple support list.
>> send email to 
>> its a great list, very well managed by our staff, and the great John P. from 
>> Mac for the blind.
>> check it out!
>> Gabe Vega
>> CEO
>> Commtech LLC
>> Web: 
>> FaceBook: 
>> Twitter: 
>> Email: 
>> Phone: (888) 351-5289 ext. 710
>>> On Mar 29, 2015, at 3:17 AM, Devin Prater >> > wrote:
>>> I think that'd be a good idea.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
 On Mar 29, 2015, at 5:11 AM, Donna Goodin >>> > wrote:
 Hello all,
 One thing that yesterday's events have made abundantly clear, is that this 
 list is no longer being moderated.  This surprises me quite a bit, because 
 in the early days of MacVisionaries, Cara was an extremely diligent 
 moderator.  I know she took on at least one co-mod a while back, but I 
 don't remember who that was, and that person doesn't seem to be around 
 either.  While I'm not a big believer in heavy moderation, I do think that 
 there at least needs to be someone paying some attention so that when 
 morons like Mario get loose, they can be removed from the list.  I will 
 therefore offer to create an alternate list, which I--and hopefully one 
 co-mod will moderate, at least to the extent of managing subscriptions and 
 dealing with bad behavior.  However, I don't want to do this unless it is 
 something that the majority of the community wants.  Please let me know if 
 you would like an alternate moderated list, and also if you have any wish 
 to co-mod with me.  Please note that even a low level of modding is a fair 
 amount of work, so please don't offer unless you're willing and able to 
 put in the time.  My hope is that if there are two of us, we can set 
 things up so the work isn't too much for either one of us.
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Re: Giving away a MBP Non-Retina

2015-05-04 Thread CJ Daniel

That’s a very nice thing you’re doing.  I hope it goes to a deserving 
individual.  Anyway, I applaud your generosity.



> On May 4, 2015, at 4:24 AM, Shaf  wrote:
> As the subject states
> We're giving away a MBP non-retina mid 2012 for free excluding delivery 
> costs. It's still in excellent condition, it's just kind of slow. But it'll 
> work for the light user who doesn't care about overclocking the processor or 
> using high-processing apps. The power adapter will of course be provided with 
> either a North American or UK plug.
> If you're interested, send me an email with a completely different subject 
> line (do not reply to this email!)
> We want this mac to go to somebody who actually needs it and will put it to 
> good use, so please tell us why you want it, how you'll use it and if it'll 
> be of value to you.
> -Shaf
> -- 
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Re: robobraille

2015-05-25 Thread CJ Daniel

As Henry stated, the web based interface is usable.  However, in my experience, 
its a pain in the anatomy…;-)  So, I do try to stick to the email based option.

Just send a MSG to with your document attached.  Be 
sure to put the type of conversion you wish in the subject line.  Such as, 
braille, HTML, PDF, doc, text,etc.  Depending on the size of your document & 
the system’s current usage load, you should see your converted document emailed 
back to you within minutes or a few hours.

Hope this helps,


> On May 24, 2015, at 9:23 PM, Joe Quinn  wrote:
> anyone know how to use this? when I go to the site and click on convert file, 
> i get no form. all i get is the copyright thing at the end of the web page. 
> thanks! or ,$ it better to use email? 
> -- 
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Re: question about garage band

2015-07-11 Thread CJ Daniel

Can you clarify as to whether you’re trying to input MIDI from your keyboard or 
actual audio?  



> On Jul 11, 2015, at 7:20 PM, Ted Phillips  wrote:
> Hi all.  I have been trying to do some recording in Garage Band 10.1.  I can 
> open a project and set up the tracks, but seem to find controls for my midi 
> in and out for the keyboard.  No matter what I do, I can’t get input from the 
> keyboard back through the mac via my quad capture.  I am using a macbook pro 
> with a quad capture sound card and a Korg Kross.  Can someone please help?
> Thanks
> Ted Phillips
> -- 
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Re: apple beta discussion group created!

2015-08-02 Thread CJ Daniel

I can’t even say how much I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one.  I hear 
“Christopher Mark” & I just delete.  Again, I’m so glad that it’s not just me.  
In fact, since he’s become so much more active…”Christopher Mark” tags on darn 
near every email header…I’ve considered dropping this list.  Is this list 


> On Aug 2, 2015, at 2:17 PM, Littlefield, Tyler  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Honestly Chris, I do delete most of the crap you send. If it's not
> totally unreadable due to a really bad abuse of punctuation, it's just
> rude, childish and I've not really seen you be all that helpful. So
> here's a thought. Rather than telling the masses of people that are
> tired of your attitude to ignore you, why not figure out why so many
> have a problem with you? Everything I've seen you post has been rude
> at best (I don't even like snarky because that's an understatement).
> Now I'm sure you're going to respond cursing and screaming with a
> bunch of bad punctuation, which is totally fine, I'm just hoping this
> has a possibility of getting through to you. Also, if you're going to
> criticise people for responding to get the last word in, it seems you
> yourself should think about that criticism as well?
> On 8/2/2015 5:02 PM, Phil Halton wrote:
>> The thing is Chris, you've got a snarky, smart mouth attitude. And
>> that's what turns people off. It turns them off to you into
>> whatever it is you're trying to get across in your message. If you
>> want people to listen to you and take you seriously, then try being
>> a little more tactful instead of being out and out insulting.
>> Sent from my IPhone
>>> On Aug 2, 2015, at 11:15 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
>>>  wrote:
>>> I frankly know you haven't done anything wrong, and that's why I
>>> apologised. You took the quote, but, part totally out of context.
>>> I said what I said, and had you actually taken the time to read
>>> my message, you'd a known that. Just for the record, I said I was
>>> sorry for coming across so rudely.  I totally agree initially
>>> that I over reacted in how I presented my original question.
>>> This said however, I'm not sorry for the question itself.  That's
>>> all I meant by the but thing.  I'm sorry for how I treated you,
>>> but not for my initial question.  Is that too hard for you to
>>> grasp?
>>> Look, you created a list.  I don't agree with it, I think you're
>>> violating the NDA, I've never once seen where it says you can
>>> discuss it publicly or with other testers outside the community
>>> forums, and each time I challenge any of you to show me where it
>>> says that, you say go read the terms.  I have done so time after
>>> time after time and don't see any reference, and none of you ever
>>> take me up on my challenge, and show me word per word where it
>>> says this is ok.  The point is, you obviously don't like me, you
>>> don't appreciate me, so why do you keep writing me!  If I really
>>> am a troll as you say, then grow up, move on, leave me alone, and
>>> quit getting the last word for Christ sake!  I said initially I
>>> was sorry, but then you had to come back with your remark that I
>>> went against what I said initially, which you damn well know
>>> isn't true!
>>> If you don't want to hear my comments, then block me, as frankly,
>>> I'm tired of the bullshit!  I made one? comment, is it really
>>> worth this much list drama that you guys are producing?  Get over
>>> it!  Move on!  The fat lady sang!
>>> You all keep complaining about me, and saying just ignore me.  If
>>> you wanna be mature, then practice what you preach!
>>> Chris.
>>> OK, now, rant aside, back to Apple! related things for pete
>>> sakes!
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Aleeha Dudley"
>>>  To:
>>>  Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015
>>> 11:06 AM Subject: Re: apple beta discussion group created!
>>> You know what? I was being fairly nice to you, given your
>>> treatment of me. But, as someone mentioned earlier, your apology
>>> isn't really one, because you place the word but after it. Which
>>> means you were completely disregarding everything you just said.
>>> And I don't care to be treated like this. I've not done anything
>>> wrong, and you need to shut your mouth.
>>> Sent from my iPad
 On Aug 2, 2015, at 11:01 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
 Who's really the troll here?  I made one! Literally! One?
 comment, and you idiots blew it outta perportion!
 I'm sorry that you don't agree with my way of thinking, but I
 apologized for my little outburst this morning!  You know what
 though, as rude as you all're being in return, I wonder if my
 apology should have been made to start with!  Frankly, E T is
 right! There isn't a need, as frankly, no longer am! I sorry!
 If you all wanna list to break the Apple terms of service, go

Re: apple beta discussion group created!

2015-08-02 Thread CJ Daniel
You got that right.


> On Aug 2, 2015, at 7:43 AM, Shaf  wrote:
> Just ignore him. He's generally a dick where a lot of things are
> concerned. Don't take it personally.
> On 8/2/2015 1:02 PM, Aleeha Dudley wrote:
>> I really don't appreciate your attitude sir. It is not called for in the 
>> least and I really don't need that kind of negativity. You need to mind your 
>> own business and let others do what they are going to do. I just don't 
>> appreciate that garbage from you. Asking questions is one thing. Publicly 
>> being rude and nasty to me is something that I will not tolerate. 
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 2, 2015, at 3:17 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>>  wrote:
>>> Aleeha wrote:
>>> In order to join this group, you must be running at
 least one of the betas.
>>> And... you are going to verify that the person saying they're running the 
>>> betas isn't bullshitting you... um... how?
>>> Let's see, I'm running 8.4, but I'll tell you I'm running 9 beta just so I 
>>> can get on.  Are you gonna call the Apple police to find out if I really 
>>> am? on 9?
>>> Chris.
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Chris" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 2:56 AM
>>> Subject: Re: apple beta discussion group created!
 Hi is it ok to share this information with my Tech Zone list?
> On 02/08/2015 04:39, Aleeha Dudley wrote:
> Hello,
> I have created a Google group for the discussion of iOS and OS10
> public betas. In order to join this group, you must be running at
> least one of the betas. To join, please send an email to
> This group will be moderated by myself and Matt Dierckens.
> Please send us an email with any questions you might have. My email is
> and Matt's is
> Happy beta testing and we will see you on the group!
 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
 "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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Re: apple beta discussion group created!

2015-08-02 Thread CJ Daniel

I applaud your efforts.  Every little bit helps.  As stated in another post, 
the sooner you start ignoring Christopher Mark, the better off we’ll all be.  
Sorry he’s such a bother.  By the way, pretty name.


> On Aug 2, 2015, at 5:02 AM, Aleeha Dudley  wrote:
> I really don't appreciate your attitude sir. It is not called for in the 
> least and I really don't need that kind of negativity. You need to mind your 
> own business and let others do what they are going to do. I just don't 
> appreciate that garbage from you. Asking questions is one thing. Publicly 
> being rude and nasty to me is something that I will not tolerate. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 2, 2015, at 3:17 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  
>> wrote:
>> Aleeha wrote:
>> In order to join this group, you must be running at
>>> least one of the betas.
>> And... you are going to verify that the person saying they're running the 
>> betas isn't bullshitting you... um... how?
>> Let's see, I'm running 8.4, but I'll tell you I'm running 9 beta just so I 
>> can get on.  Are you gonna call the Apple police to find out if I really am? 
>> on 9?
>> Chris.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - From: "Chris" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 2:56 AM
>> Subject: Re: apple beta discussion group created!
>>> Hi is it ok to share this information with my Tech Zone list?
 On 02/08/2015 04:39, Aleeha Dudley wrote:
 I have created a Google group for the discussion of iOS and OS10
 public betas. In order to join this group, you must be running at
 least one of the betas. To join, please send an email to
 This group will be moderated by myself and Matt Dierckens.
 Please send us an email with any questions you might have. My email is and Matt's is
 Happy beta testing and we will see you on the group!
>>> -- 
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>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
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>>> email to
>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>> Visit this group at
>>> For more options, visit
>> -- 
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>> To post to this group, send email to
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Re: apple beta discussion group created!

2015-08-02 Thread CJ Daniel

You’re right.  However, when a person decides to act outside of the bounds of 
the conventions that govern a societies behavior, he or she must & should be 
called to task for their actions.  When they refuse to modify their behavior or 
incapable of doing so, then they must be removed from that society.  It happens 
everyday.  Sometime, it can be accomplished through ignoring the individual.  
Unfortunately on the other hand, sometimes a person must be forcefully removed, 
as in being removed from a list.  A larger example of this in the world @ large 
would be imprisoning an individual whose behavior endangers fellow citizens.  
The idea that no one is ever called to task or publicly ridiculed by the hive 
is both impractical and idealistic to a fault.  But, come to think of it, it 
does seem to be the politically correct thing to do these days.  Let’s consider 
the feelings of the offender over the feelings & standards of the offended.


> On Aug 2, 2015, at 4:50 PM, Daniel Miller  wrote:
> I thought this list was for the discussion of OS X and VoiceOver, not a 
> stomping ground for ridicule and what’s turning into near constant 
> immaturity? Just saying...
>> On Aug 2, 2015, at 6:37 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Aleeha,
>> I applaud your efforts.  Every little bit helps.  As stated in another post, 
>> the sooner you start ignoring Christopher Mark, the better off we’ll all be. 
>>  Sorry he’s such a bother.  By the way, pretty name.
>> CJ
>>> On Aug 2, 2015, at 5:02 AM, Aleeha Dudley  
>>> wrote:
>>> I really don't appreciate your attitude sir. It is not called for in the 
>>> least and I really don't need that kind of negativity. You need to mind 
>>> your own business and let others do what they are going to do. I just don't 
>>> appreciate that garbage from you. Asking questions is one thing. Publicly 
>>> being rude and nasty to me is something that I will not tolerate. 
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Aug 2, 2015, at 3:17 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>>>  wrote:
>>>> Aleeha wrote:
>>>> In order to join this group, you must be running at
>>>>> least one of the betas.
>>>> And... you are going to verify that the person saying they're running the 
>>>> betas isn't bullshitting you... um... how?
>>>> Let's see, I'm running 8.4, but I'll tell you I'm running 9 beta just so I 
>>>> can get on.  Are you gonna call the Apple police to find out if I really 
>>>> am? on 9?
>>>> Chris.
>>>> Chris.
>>>> - Original Message - From: "Chris" 
>>>> To: 
>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 02, 2015 2:56 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: apple beta discussion group created!
>>>>> Hi is it ok to share this information with my Tech Zone list?
>>>>>> On 02/08/2015 04:39, Aleeha Dudley wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I have created a Google group for the discussion of iOS and OS10
>>>>>> public betas. In order to join this group, you must be running at
>>>>>> least one of the betas. To join, please send an email to
>>>>>> This group will be moderated by myself and Matt Dierckens.
>>>>>> Please send us an email with any questions you might have. My email is
>>>>>> and Matt's is
>>>>>> Happy beta testing and we will see you on the group!
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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>>>>> email to
>>>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>>>> Visit this group at
>>>>> For more options, visit
>>>> -- 
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Re: OS X beta.

2015-08-06 Thread CJ Daniel
Careful George,

You’ll set him off again…for the umteenth time.  I mean after all, when I 
posted this msg this thread was up to a count of 38.  Oh, and about a dozen of 
those were from He whom shall not be mentioned.  

Sort of ridiculous,


> On Aug 6, 2015, at 12:11 PM, george b  wrote:
> Chris are you some kind of loney person
> They ask on this list not to answer with one liners, but I gess you think one 
> words are ok to fill up peoples in boxes
> From: 
> [ 
> ] On Behalf Of Christopher-Mark 
> Gilland
> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 11:58
> To: 
> Subject: Re: OS X beta.
> Yeah...
> I kind a wondered that same thing.
> Chris.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Daniel Miller 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 1:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: OS X beta.
>> What are you talking about? They don’t allow anything that hasn’t been 
>> publicly divulged to be discussed. *sighs* here we go, again.
>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Joe Quinn >> > wrote:
>>> really, that I didn't know. That's bad then. :(
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 11:47 AM, Les Kriegler >> > wrote:
 Well, it really doesn't matter to me. I really could care less what Apple 
 does. But the fact that they will allow iOS nine to be discussed and not 
 OS X, that actually reinforces my opinion. Just my two cents worth.
 Sent from my iPhone
 On Aug 6, 2015, at 12:24 PM, Joe Quinn >>> > wrote:
> as I've said, and I remember responding to this exact question, so, 
> rather than reply again, I'll just put my original reply below. It still 
> stands. The only thing I'll say different is that if ya don't like, or 
> have questions about,e Apple or their policies in reguards to beta 
> software, contact them about it. :( 
> it may not make sense, but that's the way it is. NDA, and all that. in 
> spite of it being public, ya still can't talk about it publically. now if 
> something's released about IOS 9 from apple, then it can be discussed. I 
> think that's the same for things that're released elsewhere. for instance 
> cool blind tech did an overview of what is going to be in iOS 9. maybe 
> they shouldn't've done that, NDA again, but they did.
> On Aug 6, 2015, at 10:15 AM, Les Kriegler  > wrote:
>> Well, then that really doesn't make sense to me. How can you make 
>> something available to everybody and then swear everybody to secrecy.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 10:22 AM, Joe Quinn > > wrote:
>>> The only thing that has changed in the betas is that you no longer 
>>> "need" to have a developer account.  Thus making it a "public" beta. 
>>> NDA still applies.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Les Kriegler >> > wrote:
 Okay, a question here.  If this is a public beta, then why can’t 
 questions be asked?  If it’s as it was before and it wasn’t public, 
 then I could understand.  But if Apple is now going public with their 
 betas, then I would think this is open for discussion.  Now, if Im 
 confusing the public beta with OS 9, then I apologize for the 
 question.  Thanks. 
> On Aug 6, 2015, at 9:49 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
>>> wrote:
> I have to say in this particular case, I agree with Sadam.  It's not 
> like he's asking for specifics.  He just wanted a general yes, or no.
> I guess the only agreement with Ray I would have is, admittedly, this 
> is kind of a grey area, as what one may think is unstable, someone 
> else may not really be as concerned about.
> Over all though, yes, Sadam, I think it's safe to install, for what 
> it's worth.
> Yeah, there are some issues, but I don't think they're to the point 
> of being debilitating.
> Chris.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Sadam Ahmed 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 9:21 AM
>> Subject: Re: OS X beta.
>> So, where in m

Re: OS X beta.

2015-08-08 Thread CJ Daniel
Well said,


> On Aug 7, 2015, at 7:09 PM, gs  wrote:
> Chris,
> Most of us have already reached our conclusions with regard to you. you are 
> pathetically out of place on the list. We do not have a moderator but if we 
> did you would have been reduced quite a while back. If this list doesn't 
> achieve some sort of  of consistency soon, it will fall apart or cease to be 
> a viable resource for Mac users. And Chris, you will be the main reason why. 
> Stop to think about how you are destroying a valuable resource and put some 
> sort of throttle on yourself. The shoeless wonder is not the problem and 
> neither is Tyler or anyone else who occasionally expresses a little opinion. 
> Get some psychological help and stop tormenting us. I'm reaching my limit and 
> I'm hard to put off. Get the message and either go away or tone it down. If 
> there is actually a moderator behind the curtain somewhere, feel free to 
> remove me if you don't like what I say.
> On Aug 7, 2015, at 6:33 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  > wrote:
> Actually, Ray, I don't know what to think of tylor.  One minute, he gripes at 
> all of us, but then in another one of his posts, he says whether we like it 
> or agree or not, NDA's NDA.  If Apple says you can't discuss it, then you 
> can't.  I just wish he'd make up his mind which way he flies, once and for 
> all.
> Chris.
>> - Original Message - 
>> From: Ray Foret Jr 
>> To: Mac Visionaries List 
>> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 6:30 AM
>> Subject: Re: OS X beta.
>> Well, Chris, don't let Tylor's remark to me bother yuh.  It's just Tylor 
>> being Tylor and trying to cope with the fact that he can't or won't accept 
>> Apple's nice strict NDA.  People like that are why there's a delete key.  
>> Mine's gotten a fair amount of use recently.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
>> Sent from my Mac,
>> the only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in
>>> On Aug 7, 2015, at 5:25 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland >> > wrote:
>>> Tylor, was that really necessary?
>>> Chris.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Littlefield, Tyler" 
>>> To: >> >
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 7:06 PM
>>> Subject: Re: OS X beta.
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Did you have to check a "constantly barefooted" box on the NDA
>>> agreement as well?
>>> On 8/6/2015 6:04 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
 Got news for y'all.  public beta or not, it cannot be discussed.
 That's Apple's policy.  Just deal with it.  IF you really want to
 know, sign up for their public beta program and find out.  Y'all
 are really something else.
 Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
 Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
 Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the
 blind built-in
> On Aug 6, 2015, at 2:09 PM, Sunshine  
> >> wrote:
> I agree with the person that  stated a public beta is a public
> beta, so that a person should be able to discuss the public beta
> of osx and the like why make it a public beta if they want nda as
> well, public beta means that public beta you should be able to
> discuss it with out havint to worry about things so public beta
> means no nda.
> On 8/6/2015 1:56 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>> Diddo.
>> Chris.
>> - Original Message - *From:* Joe Quinn
>> > *To:*
>> > > 
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 06, 2015 12:24 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: OS X beta.
>> as I've said, and I remember responding to this exact
>> question, so, rather than reply again, I'll just put my
>> original reply below. It still stands. The only thing I'll say
>> different is that if ya don't like, or have questions about,e
>> Apple or their policies in reguards to beta software, contact
>> them about it. :( it may not make sense, but that's the way it
>> is. NDA, and all that. in spite of it being public, ya still
>> can't talk about it publically. now if something's released
>> about IOS 9 from apple, then it can be discussed. Ithink
>> that's the same for things that're released elsewhere. for
>> instance cool 

Call to the List Owner to Appoint a New Moderator

2015-08-26 Thread CJ Daniel
To whom it may concern,

I have been a member of this list for several years now.  I read the traffic on 
a daily basis.  I try to only post when I feel that I can competently address 
another list member’s query about the Mac & VoiceOver.  However, I will confess 
that, as of late, I have been drawn into some of the conflict with the list’s 
number one problem child.  While I’m not proud of my interactions with him, I 
do feel that some of his provocations are quite extreme & do necessitate some 
sort of response.  

Which brings me to my point, to whit.  If moderating this list has become 
burdensome to the people currently engaged in that office, shouldn’t other 
willing list members be appointed to that task?  I sense from the messages 
posted on the list that the majority of our members are kind & considerate 
people, who only want to gather information & share their knowledge about the 
use of VoiceOver on the Mac.  The majority of us do not wish to engage in 
controversy, the use of foul language, or vile attacks on others.  While 
“freedom of speech” is certainly a concept I support, I do not, for one minute, 
believe that some of the miss-conduct seen recently on this list constitute 
that noble ideal.

All of that being said, I urge each of the concerned, right-thinking, members 
of this list to join with me in requesting the owner of this list to appoint 
new & active moderators.  I do not believe in calling for action from others.  
I believe in civil society & each person participating to the fullest in that 
concept.  I offer my services as a moderator & would be glad to discuss my 
qualifications for such a post off list with any owner or current moderator of 
this list.  I urge others to do the same.  It is possible to reclaim the good 
standing of this list & move forward to continue a great tradition of the civil 
exchange of knowledge & mutual assistance.


CJ Daniel

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Re: Moderator Note - Important -was- Re: So is this list going to die or not?

2015-08-27 Thread CJ Daniel

As someone who once held his own child while she passed, I can sympathize  with 
your distress as you faceend-of-life issues  with a friend.  However, as I 
learned during a similar time of my own, life goes on.  In particular, I had to 
continue dealing with the day-to-day aspects of my job @ a busy non-profit 
organization & delegate responsibilities to others as required.  

However, all of that being said, I don’t believe that the level of frustration, 
being experienced by the majority of this list’s members, is either understood 
or being acted upon by you or any other moderator.  In addition, I don’t feel 
that a lecture on maturity or the usage of the delete key is warranted or 
appropriate.  You are in effect calling the well-behaved members of this list 
to higher standards, while asking them to ignore or overlook the poor behavior 
of the individual who has chosen to ignore polite conventions that help to 
govern the interactions of society.  Honestly, some of the posts I’ve seen by 
this individual directed a while back @ one of the ladies on this list, if 
directed @ my wife or one of my daughters, would have been cause for a swift & 
violent physical reaction.

In short, while I feel deeply for you, the situation on this list has been 
ignored for far to long & is snow-balling.  The, kind & considerate members of 
this list are, basically, pleading with you to either appoint a moderator who 
will act on these sorts of issues or—if life’s circumstances are preventing 
your full participation in this list’s activities—then relinquish ownership to 
some one who has the time & where-with-all to make a positive difference.  I 
hope you can understand that all of this is offered with compassion towards 

With great regard,

CJ Daniel

> On Aug 26, 2015, at 4:11 PM, Cara Quinn  wrote:
> Hello All,
> firstly, this list is not going to die.
> Now, to be completely frank and honest with you all. I have been in the 
> hospital for days now, visiting with a very dear one to me, who is passing 
> away.
> So honestly, I cannot address any of these matters right now.
> The fact is, you are all adults and you know enough to ignore posts or 
> posters who simply want (for whatever reason) to incite or stir the pot so to 
> speak.
> So if there is a message you do not wish to read, or do not agree with, just 
> delete it and move on. This is the adult thing to do.
> Neither a list owner or moderator are magic people who make everything 
> alright. Yes, we can ban people, etc, but in the end, this comes down to you 
> all managing yourselves in a way which you all are proud of.
> that is what makes this list worth something.
> So if you feel this list is a resource you wish to preserve and help to grow, 
> as you have been doing now for years, then just simply act in accordance with 
> those beliefs which you know to be right and the rest will follow.
> I promise you, I will address this more fully when I can. I am sure (or at 
> least would hope) that in light of these circumstances, that you would 
> understand.
> My sincerest apologies that there have been issues of late. Some of these are 
> actually being dealt with already, in the background, but the fact that this 
> topic exists says that you need more.
> I will do more as soon as I can.
> For now, please use your own good judgement and simply act as you know you 
> should, and this list will be the kind and helping place that it has been.
> Thank you all for reading this and I will be in touch again soon.
> Sincerely,
> Cara
> ---
> iOS design and development -
> ---
> View my Online Portfolio at:
> Follow me on Twitter!
> On Aug 26, 2015, at 1:57 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Just wondering after reading all the messages of whether this list should be 
> or not be, is this list going to continue or is it going to die?
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Re: To The List About The Recent Spam

2016-02-16 Thread CJ Daniel

Press VO-F8 to launch the VO Utility.  VO-Shift-DownArrow on the Category 
table.  Arrow to the Speech option.  VO-Shift-UpArrow to stop interacting & 
move right to the voice options.  Press VO-SpaceBar to select it.  Down Arrow 
to the Configure option.  Pick any other voice than Alex, Bruce, or Fred.  Wait 
for it to download & then select it.  That’ll do it.

You see there’s an ass on the list, who has figured out a string of text that, 
when inserted into the subject line of an email, causes Alex to shut down.  
It’s real cute.  I hope he reaps what he’s sown.  

Hope this helps,


> On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Marie Lyons  wrote:
> My v/o keeps shutting down.  What can I do to fix it?
> Marie Lyons. I had called disability support and they couldn’t figure it out. 
>  Help greatly appreciated
> Marie Lyons
>> On Feb 14, 2016, at 10:55 PM, M. Taylor  wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,  
>> I became aware of the offensive emails and the deliberate string to shut
>> down the Alex screen reader this morning.  
>> At that time, I looked at the email address of the sender and recognized it
>> as one that I had just banned, last night, from the V iPhone list, for
>> posting offensive language.  
>> For whatever reason, when I attempted to locate her/his address in the
>> members list of this group, I could not find it.  Yet, the posts continued
>> to come to the list.  
>> I was away from my computer for most of the day but, upon returning home
>> about an hour or so ago, I managed to locate the user and first, change
>> his/her posting privileges and then remove him from the list.
>> To be quite honest, the account I located was unlike any I've seen in any
>> groups.  So, it is possible, more messages will come through but I think I
>> located the right address.  Only time will tell.  
>> Please know that I, on behalf of Cara, am paying close attention and am
>> doing all I can to rid the list of such nuisances.
>> For the record, the malicious string shut down my speech synthesizer, as
>> well.  Very, very annoying.  Like others in this groups, I had to use my
>> Windows computer with a non-mac screen reader to discover the source of the
>> problem.
>> Please know that we are in this together and, together, we'll get through
>> it.
>> Mark
>> -- 
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>> Visionaries list.
>> If you have any questions or concerns about the running of this list, or if 
>> you feel that a member's post is inappropriate, please contact the owners or 
>> moderators directly rather than posting on the list itself.
>> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
>> Quinn - you can reach Cara at
>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara 
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Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor and your owner is Cara Quinn 
- you can reach Cara at

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Re: El Capitan Is Here

2015-09-30 Thread CJ Daniel

I read both posts & really appreciate your efforts.  In fact, they have 
reenforced my belief that it is best to wait a release or two before taking the 
plunge.  Again, thanks for your work in this area.


> On Sep 30, 2015, at 10:56 AM, Alex Hall  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a note to say that El Capitan has been released. I compiled a bug list 
> for AppleVis which I strongly recommend everyone looks at, as there are some 
> pretty major problems on there. I also wrote a blog, and did a podcast, 
> covering the new features in VoiceOver. Links:
> Bug List:
> New Features Blog:
> New Features Podcast:
> I realized, in reading this email back, that it might come off as a little 
> arrogant. I don't mean it that way, I just wanted to give people a single 
> place to get some coverage about the new OS, and those are the only 
> accessibility-centric sources I know of for now.
> --
> Have a great day,
> Alex Hall
> -- 
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Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?

2015-10-16 Thread CJ Daniel
Hey Brian,

Have a little respect.  Mike was leading the pack on using the Mac & VoiceOver 
in it’s infancy.  Further more, he had the generosity to turn his explorations 
in to audible tutorials that were available to anyone.  Actually, I seem to 
remember there were eight of them.  Many Mac users, today, owe there knowledge 
of the OS X operating system to Mike’s tutorials.  In fact, I’m one of them & 
I’d bet there’s a lot more on this list.  He was just offering his opinion, 
regarding rushing to upgrading when a new major OS X release comes out.  FYI, 
I’m not experiencing any problems with the new release…probably because I 
decided to wait @ least to revisions.

With merth,


> On Oct 16, 2015, at 12:20 AM, Brian Fischler  wrote:
> Hey guy,
> Thanks so much for pointing out this is why it is great to wait to the next 
> version of an operating system comes out. Wow, what a original novice concept 
> that has never ever been pointed out on this list. 
> Ok, now that that is out of the way. I want to thank everyone who has posted 
> about their issues with safari in El Capitan the IOS 8 for VO users on the 
> mac. Holy cow, Apple what a crap operating system. Thankfully I will be 
> rolling back this weekend. Just need to do some more backups. Seriously, I 
> love Apple, but you got to call them out when they shit the bed and El 
> Capitan is just that. Apple claimed IOS 9 and El Capitan were going to be 
> focused on Quality Control instead of fancy new things. Well, how can Apple 
> expect any VO user that they seriously test VO when safari on a lot of 
> websites is absolutely unusable. It is great that VO seems to be much 
> snappier but with it constantly crashing and turning on and off it is 
> unusable, and I am finding the same issue in chrome on the same websites so 
> it is definitely VO.
> Another issue which I have not seen posted is how VO just does not read 
> things. For example go through your contact list in contacts and you will 
> constantly have to go back up to a previous contact and then back down again 
> to get VO to read it. These two issues alone are so severe that Apple should 
> fire anyone doing Quality Control for VO or they just do not care about the 
> quality of it. Very disappointed in Apple again.
>> On Oct 15, 2015, at 10:30 PM, Mike Arrigo  wrote:
>> This is why it’s always best to wait until at least the first, and sometimes 
>> the second major update before installing a new version of the operating 
>> system, let the major bugs get worked out first.
>>> On Oct 15, 2015, at 5:42 PM, Sadam Ahmed  wrote:
>>> This is why I have Rolled back  to Yosemite. 
>>> These are some of the worst bugs I've seen since I started using the Mac 
>>> back in 2010. 
>>> Won't be updating until a  update comes out to address these problems. 
>>> Yours truly, 
>>> Sadam Ahmed 
>>> Sent from my iPhone 
>>> -- 
 On 16 Oct 2015, at 9:16 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
 Is that with the official build, or is that with the private beta?  I 
 confess I really haven't tried doing anything with Safari over there since 
 I finally got successfully updated.  How are people getting around this 
 being that surfing the web is so heavily done now adays with computers?  
 Are folks just using Crome instead?  What about Webkit?  Is it any better?
 - Original Message - From: "Daniel Miller" 
 Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 6:12 PM
 Subject: Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?
 Safari on 10.11 is pretty pathetic right now. It’s the worst experience 
 I’ve ever had while using OS X.
> On Oct 15, 2015, at 4:41 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu  wrote:
> Hello.
> Just been using Safari as I went to the online RNIB library catalogue. 
> Safari is terrible on that website and I wonder if Safari is broken?  
> Once I sign in and browse for books either in braille or for Talking 
> books, Safari won’t read the search results as it keeps saying dialogue.  
> Also I am going to try out Overdrive again in due course so I hope it’s 
> been fixed with IOS9 as I had problems with it when I tried it on the I 
> phone 6 Plus.  Now I am using the 6 Plus S wonder if it will improve.
> I wish I could get rid of the favourites bar in safari and get it back to 
> how it was when I was using it in Yosemite.  I apologise if I have 
> misspelt the name wrong again but I try to spell it wright.
> Thanks.
> Kawal.
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Re: problem with mail sounds on my Mac

2015-10-21 Thread CJ Daniel

Sorry, but that seems to be a bug with Mail in El Capitan.  In other words, 
it’s not a configurable thing.  In fact, I just saw a post from a guy on 
another list that specifically mentioned that this issue was still alive & well 
in today’s maintenance release.  So, I suppose we’ll have to wait for another 



> On Oct 21, 2015, at 9:54 AM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:
> Hi, everyone.. I’ve been using El Capitan since I got my Mac fixed yesterday. 
> I was having problems with logging in when I entered my password, but I got 
> that fixed at the Apple store yesterday. I just upgraded from Snow Leopard. I 
> really like the new operating system so far, but I have a small problem 
> that’s kind of annoying. The Mail app is very different to navigate compared 
> to when I used OS 10.6.8, but I’m getting used to it. I have to interact a 
> couple more times in different tables compared to what I’m used to. The only 
> problem I have is I’m not getting a new message alert sound when I get new 
> email. I tried checking for new messages and I don’t hear anything either. 
> When I send a message, it does the swooshing sound like before, but nothing 
> when I receive email. All the other sounds work on my Mac fine, but I’m not 
> sure why this isn’t working.
> Can you please help me fix this?
> Thanks.
> Katie
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Re: [Bulk] problem with mail sounds on my Mac

2015-10-21 Thread CJ Daniel

You’re very welcome.  And, as previously stated—contrary to some reports, it’s 
not been addressed in today’s OS X update.  However, enjoy the rest of the 
features in El Capitan.



> On Oct 21, 2015, at 2:35 PM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:
> Hi, CJ. Thanks for letting me know. I thought I had something set up wrong 
> when I was checking for new email. Glad it’s just a bug. I hope Apple fixes 
> this in the next update.
> Katie
>> On Oct 21, 2015, at 2:23 PM, CJ Daniel  wrote:
>> Katie,
>> Sorry, but that seems to be a bug with Mail in El Capitan.  In other words, 
>> it’s not a configurable thing.  In fact, I just saw a post from a guy on 
>> another list that specifically mentioned that this issue was still alive & 
>> well in today’s maintenance release.  So, I suppose we’ll have to wait for 
>> another update.
>> Cheers,
>> CJ
>>> On Oct 21, 2015, at 9:54 AM, Katie Zodrow  wrote:
>>> Hi, everyone.. I’ve been using El Capitan since I got my Mac fixed 
>>> yesterday. I was having problems with logging in when I entered my 
>>> password, but I got that fixed at the Apple store yesterday. I just 
>>> upgraded from Snow Leopard. I really like the new operating system so far, 
>>> but I have a small problem that’s kind of annoying. The Mail app is very 
>>> different to navigate compared to when I used OS 10.6.8, but I’m getting 
>>> used to it. I have to interact a couple more times in different tables 
>>> compared to what I’m used to. The only problem I have is I’m not getting a 
>>> new message alert sound when I get new email. I tried checking for new 
>>> messages and I don’t hear anything either. When I send a message, it does 
>>> the swooshing sound like before, but nothing when I receive email. All the 
>>> other sounds work on my Mac fine, but I’m not sure why this isn’t working.
>>> Can you please help me fix this?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Katie
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Re: Help! What did I do? FN, Ctrl, Option, keys not working.

2015-11-04 Thread CJ Daniel

Hate to say it, but it sounds more like a hardware problem to me, especially if 
you can’t remember doing anything to change your machine.  I could be wrong & I 
hope I am, but I think I’d be headed off to the Apple store.

Never the less, good luck,


> On Nov 4, 2015, at 1:36 PM, Melanie Clouser  wrote:
> I don’t know what I did. Tried fixing this for nearly a week now. Help!
> My function, control, and option keys only work intermittently. Sometimes 
> even the tab key won’t work. I’m still using Yosemite. Examples of my 
> problems:
> 1.  shift+VO+M won’t work.
> 2.  keystroke for going to top or bottom of list won’t work.
> 3.  VO+Space Bar won’t work to activate links.
> and probably more. Those are the major ones.
> Soft Function Keys is on. I just checked a command. VO+F2 works but VO+M 
> won’t bring up the menus. 
> Can anyone figure out what I did? Or, better yet, how to fix it?
> Melanie
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