
Ditto on the arrow-keys to open a conversation & the somewhat mixed results for 
their usage, upon occasion.  Also, the problem has been around for the last 
couple of versions of OSX for me as well.  In fact, I've just decided, 
that--like it or not--VoiceOver can vary in it's response from time to time.  
But, it's still the best game in town, where built-in screen readers are 
concerned.  Oh wait, it's the only game in town where built-in screen readers 
are concerned.  *Grin*

On a more serious note, couldn't Brian delete the mail application's plist 
file, which would induce  the creation of a new one upon Mail's next start up?  
Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting this action, rather I'm suggesting 
researching this approach.  I know in the past, that I've been able to clear up 
various issues with different applications by examining the program's plist 
file &, in some cases, deleting them for regeneration.  

Just a thought,


On Mar 6, 2014, at 5:22 PM, Alex Hall <> wrote:

> I haven't had these problems either.
> I use right arrow to expand conversations, and left arrow to collapse, as I 
> find vo-backslash to be unnecessarily complicated when a single key will 
> work. The problem with the arrows sometimes not doing anything except playing 
> an error sound is not new to Mavericks. I encounter it every so often, and I 
> find if I turn off vo, hit the arrow I wanted once or twice, then turn vo 
> back on, everything works again.
> As to your gmail file, if it is on your computer and not part of your 
> account, why not back it up, do the clean install, then copy the saved mail 
> file back over and keep sorting? That way you can see if the clean install 
> will work, without needing to wait until you have the time to go through 
> those thousands of messages.
> On Mar 6, 2014, at 6:35 PM, Brian Fischler <> wrote:
>> Thanks Teresa. Agreed, and was really glad you didn't take that the wrong as 
>> you have been very helpful. Again, sorry if it came across to strong, ah the 
>> power of the word, and dealing with a lot of stuff here. Thanks again.
>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 6:26 PM, Teresa Cochran <> wrote:
>>> No offense taken, Brian. I'm simply used to associating "bug" with a 
>>> widespread problem in the operating system, and to me, a bug is something 
>>> that can be reproduced by some number of users. Perhaps I'm picking nits, 
>>> and I apologize. Let's just move on, as it is a point I don't think worth 
>>> arguing over. :) I sure hope your issues are resolved soonest.
>>> Teresa
>>> On the other hand, there are different fingers.
>>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 3:05 PM, Brian Fischler <> wrote:
>>>> Teresa,
>>>> While I can appreciate your point of view if it is something that I have 
>>>> been experiencing for several days should I just call it a royal pain in 
>>>> the ass instead of a bug? Yes, I get that computers aren't perfect, and 
>>>> this is not an issue that a lot of people are having but there are several 
>>>> issues that many people aren't having but some people are and this is not 
>>>> specific to voiceover just do a google search of mac mail, so I don't know 
>>>> why calling it a bug is wrong. I'm not attacking you personally, and I 
>>>> hope this doesn't come across like that as I know people can't hear tone 
>>>> in an email, it's just very frustrating when you constantly have to spend 
>>>> large parts of your day dealing with issues that worked completely fine 
>>>> only days ago.
>>>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 5:19 PM, Teresa Cochran <> wrote:
>>>>> I'd like to make a suggestion. before declaring something a "bug", it 
>>>>> might be a good idea to find out if other users are experiencing the same 
>>>>> problems. For example, I haven't experienced any of these, and I haven't 
>>>>> heard of it happening. Sometimes there are individual glitches that 
>>>>> happen. A few years back, my Mac kept cutting out audio on me, then I 
>>>>> realized it was cutting out disc activity as well. I thought it was my 
>>>>> torrent program, but as it turned out, it was my hard disc. I once had a 
>>>>> problem with a braille display and it turned out the drivers needed to be 
>>>>> updated. So it might be wise to check out the problem first to see if 
>>>>> there are individual idiosyncrasies before crying "bug."
>>>>> HtH, and just my $0.02,
>>>>> Teresa
>>>>> "The golden age of science fiction is twelve."--Pete graham
>>>>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 2:12 PM, Jim Gatteys <> wrote:
>>>>>> I have not had any of those problems.
>>>>>> Hope they get straightened out for you.
>>>>>> gJim
>>>>>> On Mar 6, 2014, at 3:51 PM, Brian Fischler <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hey all,
>>>>>>> Curious if anyone else is having this issue. All of the sudden you lose 
>>>>>>> all sounds in Mavericks 10.9.2 meaning when you go to the end box and 
>>>>>>> normally get your error sound like a bonk letting you know you are at 
>>>>>>> the newest message instead of the bonk you get VO just repeating the 
>>>>>>> name of the message instead of the sound. I know this is an error or 
>>>>>>> bug as if I cycle VO off and back on I get the sounds back and it will 
>>>>>>> work for awhile and then stop. Also as soon as I lose the sounds I have 
>>>>>>> also noticed that keyboard commander stops working meaning if I hit 
>>>>>>> command z the key I have set to bring up mail nothing happens, but if I 
>>>>>>> cycle VO off and on keyboard commander again starts to work and command 
>>>>>>> z will bring up my mail.
>>>>>>> I am also having a severe lag in typing but only when in mail it is 
>>>>>>> really behind what I am typing and very sluggish. Curious to know if 
>>>>>>> anyone else is experiencing any of this.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
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> Have a great day,
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