Well said,


> On Aug 7, 2015, at 7:09 PM, gs <geoffsli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Chris,
> Most of us have already reached our conclusions with regard to you. you are 
> pathetically out of place on the list. We do not have a moderator but if we 
> did you would have been reduced quite a while back. If this list doesn't 
> achieve some sort of  of consistency soon, it will fall apart or cease to be 
> a viable resource for Mac users. And Chris, you will be the main reason why. 
> Stop to think about how you are destroying a valuable resource and put some 
> sort of throttle on yourself. The shoeless wonder is not the problem and 
> neither is Tyler or anyone else who occasionally expresses a little opinion. 
> Get some psychological help and stop tormenting us. I'm reaching my limit and 
> I'm hard to put off. Get the message and either go away or tone it down. If 
> there is actually a moderator behind the curtain somewhere, feel free to 
> remove me if you don't like what I say.
> On Aug 7, 2015, at 6:33 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:clgillan...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Actually, Ray, I don't know what to think of tylor.  One minute, he gripes at 
> all of us, but then in another one of his posts, he says whether we like it 
> or agree or not, NDA's NDA.  If Apple says you can't discuss it, then you 
> can't.  I just wish he'd make up his mind which way he flies, once and for 
> all.
> Chris.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: Ray Foret Jr <mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net>
>> To: Mac Visionaries List <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Friday, August 07, 2015 6:30 AM
>> Subject: Re: OS X beta.
>> Well, Chris, don't let Tylor's remark to me bother yuh.  It's just Tylor 
>> being Tylor and trying to cope with the fact that he can't or won't accept 
>> Apple's nice strict NDA.  People like that are why there's a delete key.  
>> Mine's gotten a fair amount of use recently.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
>> Sent from my Mac,
>> the only computer with full accessibility for the blind built-in
>>> On Aug 7, 2015, at 5:25 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland <clgillan...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:clgillan...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Tylor, was that really necessary?
>>> Chris.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Littlefield, Tyler" 
>>> <ty...@tysdomain.com <mailto:ty...@tysdomain.com>>
>>> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>>
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 7:06 PM
>>> Subject: Re: OS X beta.
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Did you have to check a "constantly barefooted" box on the NDA
>>> agreement as well?
>>> On 8/6/2015 6:04 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>>>> Got news for y'all.  public beta or not, it cannot be discussed.
>>>> That's Apple's policy.  Just deal with it.  IF you really want to
>>>> know, sign up for their public beta program and find out.  Y'all
>>>> are really something else.
>>>> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and Apple TV user!
>>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full accessibility for the
>>>> blind built-in
>>>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 2:09 PM, Sunshine <sunsh...@abe.midco.net 
>>>>> <mailto:sunsh...@abe.midco.net>
>>>>> <mailto:sunsh...@abe.midco.net <mailto:sunsh...@abe.midco.net>>> wrote:
>>>>> I agree with the person that  stated a public beta is a public
>>>>> beta, so that a person should be able to discuss the public beta
>>>>> of osx and the like why make it a public beta if they want nda as
>>>>> well, public beta means that public beta you should be able to
>>>>> discuss it with out havint to worry about things so public beta
>>>>> means no nda.
>>>>> On 8/6/2015 1:56 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>>>>> Diddo.
>>>>>> Chris.
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- *From:* Joe Quinn
>>>>>> <mailto:jdawg1...@gmail.com <mailto:jdawg1...@gmail.com>> *To:*
>>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>>macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 06, 2015 12:24 PM
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: OS X beta.
>>>>>> as I've said, and I remember responding to this exact
>>>>>> question, so, rather than reply again, I'll just put my
>>>>>> original reply below. It still stands. The only thing I'll say
>>>>>> different is that if ya don't like, or have questions about,e
>>>>>> Apple or their policies in reguards to beta software, contact
>>>>>> them about it. :( it may not make sense, but that's the way it
>>>>>> is. NDA, and all that. in spite of it being public, ya still
>>>>>> can't talk about it publically. now if something's released
>>>>>> about IOS 9 from apple, then it can be discussed. I            think
>>>>>> that's the same for things that're released elsewhere. for
>>>>>> instance cool blind tech did an overview of what is going to be
>>>>>> in iOS 9. maybe they shouldn't've done that, NDA again, but
>>>>>> they did.
>>>>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 10:15 AM, Les Kriegler
>>>>>> <<mailto:kriegle...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:kriegle...@gmail.com>>kriegle...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:kriegle...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Well, then that really doesn't make sense to me. How can you
>>>>>>> make something available to everybody and then              swear
>>>>>>> everybody to secrecy.
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 10:22 AM, Joe Quinn
>>>>>>> <<mailto:jdawg1...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>> <mailto:jdawg1...@gmail.com>>jdawg1...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>> <mailto:jdawg1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The only thing that has changed in the betas is that you
>>>>>>>> no longer "need" to have a developer account.  Thus making
>>>>>>>> it a "public" beta. NDA still applies.
>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 8:55 AM, Les Kriegler
>>>>>>>> <<mailto:kriegle...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:kriegle...@gmail.com>>kriegle...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:kriegle...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Okay, a question here.  If this is a public beta, then
>>>>>>>>> why can’t questions be asked?  If it’s as it was before
>>>>>>>>> and it wasn’t public, then I could understand.  But if
>>>>>>>>> Apple is now going public with their betas, then I would
>>>>>>>>> think this is open for discussion.  Now, if Im confusing
>>>>>>>>> the public beta with OS 9, then I apologize for the
>>>>>>>>> question.  Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> Les
>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 9:49 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
>>>>>>>>>> <<mailto:clgillan...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:clgillan...@gmail.com>>clgillan...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:clgillan...@gmail.com>>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have to say in this particular case, I agree with
>>>>>>>>>> Sadam. It's not like he's asking for specifics.  He
>>>>>>>>>> just wanted a general yes, or no.
>>>>>>>>>> I guess the only agreement with Ray I would have is,
>>>>>>>>>> admittedly, this is kind of a grey area, as what one
>>>>>>>>>> may think is unstable, someone else may not really be
>>>>>>>>>> as concerned about.
>>>>>>>>>> Over all though, yes, Sadam, I think it's safe to
>>>>>>>>>> install, for what it's worth.
>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, there are some issues, but I don't think they're
>>>>>>>>>> to the point of being debilitating.
>>>>>>>>>> Chris.
>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- *From:* Sadam Ahmed
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com>> *To:*
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>>macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>>>>>>>>  <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, August 06, 2015 9:21 AM
>>>>>>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: OS X beta.
>>>>>>>>>>> So, where in my message am I going into specifics?
>>>>>>>>>>> Yes it’s stable at this time. Or no hold off there
>>>>>>>>>>> are a couple of issues. That would suffice.
>>>>>>>>>>> With Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Sadam Ahmed
>>>>>>>>>>> Diploma of International Business candidate
>>>>>>>>>>> RMIT University
>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>> Http://www.SadamAhmed.com <http://www.sadamahmed.com/>
>>>>>>>>>>> <http://www.sadamahmed.com/ <http://www.sadamahmed.com/>>
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent using OS X Mail
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Aug 2015, at 9:30 pm, Ray Foret Jr
>>>>>>>>>>>> <<mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net>>rforet7...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net>>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> With respect, I disagree.  You did ask for
>>>>>>>>>>>> something to specific to discuss with you either
>>>>>>>>>>>> privately or otherwise. To ask how stable a beta OS
>>>>>>>>>>>> is something that touches on a degree of specifity
>>>>>>>>>>>> which is not something I for one am willing to go
>>>>>>>>>>>> in to.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>>>>>>>>>> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+ and
>>>>>>>>>>>> Apple TV user!
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full
>>>>>>>>>>>> accessibility for the blind built-in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 4:39 AM,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com>>sadam.li...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ray,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm not asking for specifics.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only gauging the suitability of putting this on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> my Mac.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The question was quite broad.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Don't think it breaks NDA.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 6 Aug 2015, at 7:23 pm, Ray Foret Jr
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net>>rforet7...@comcast.net 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me gentally remind you that we cannot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discuss beta findings here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still a happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone 6+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and Apple TV user!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my Mac, the only computer with full
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accessibility for the blind built-in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 6, 2015, at 2:40 AM,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com>>sadam.li...@gmail.com 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <mailto:sadam.li...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like to install the current beta and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> am wondering how stable the current release
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you would like to make contact off the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> list regarding this feel free to reach out.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sadam Ahmed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
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